Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Jessica Rose

Wonderful, but we must get to a next level, where we understand that the thinking behind vaccinations is utterly dysfunctional and the whole concept is counterproductive. Protocol-7 is one case in point, and the famous African study On DTP (Guinée-Bissau) is another, showing clearly how you may depress the balloon over here, and it will pop out over there. Over there could be temporal as well, as Protocol-7 argues, that mumps is worse when you catch it later, so a faulty vaccine which postpones mumps, actually increases deaths.

The whole trick of "proving" vaccine efficiency, is a very ordinary magic trick. First convince the audience to look over here and nowhere else, here's where the action is, don't you see, and we produce a narrow aperture observation of the problem and the solution, and therefore exclude anything outside of that narrow aperture from observation. Limiting the length of the observation is merely another way of restricting the aperture.

You are better off studying a textbook on magic tricks than to obtain a degree in "vaccinology," or "immunology." It is a circus trick.

Thank goodness that due to this Covid fiasco, all the good science is coming out and at least some people are beginning to open their eyes.

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Well said. Of course vaccines are very efficient - at creating vast profits and sick customers.


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Such apt analogy!

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Yep. Target fixation. Even, for the sake of argument, if a vaccine saves 1 in 100,000 lives and 1 in 10,000 disabilities from the disease, how does that work out if they kill 1 in 10,000 and cause serious disability in 1 in 20 and possibly slight disability in everyone who gets them?

Not to mention those that are strictly hazardous, such as the polio vaccine for a poisoning condition that is not even infectious?

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Jul 19Liked by Jessica Rose

Well also with the collective responsibility there was no evidence that the vaccines prevented transmission, so you weren't helping anyone except yourself.

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yes, help yourself in to the grave.

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Yep. That angle was pure guilt-tripping type of gaslighting. 🔥

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Vaccines will probably cause trans mission, i.e. create trans people on a mission to drive the world insane!

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Jul 19Liked by Jessica Rose

Superb job. In line with or as a corollary to the first two points, could also add: CONFIRMATION. Confirm the truth by doing your own research -- don't blindly succumb to expert opinion (appeal to authority), especially if the experts in question have clear conflicts of interest or are not even trained to offer opinions or perspectives relevant to the situation at hand.

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These need to be adopted in a very widespread manner to resist the hubris associated with the nonsense of 'vaccine hesitancy'. VH is spoken of by the public health idiots (yes, I hold an MPH) as if the public are children refusing to eat their spinach and we will all suffer from 'vaccine-deficiency' in a similar manner to some nutrient deficiency. Thank you (again) Jessica for speaking into the issue so well.

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If I decline to drink from a puddle of dirty water, I am not 'water hesitant'.....

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Another good one is calling diseases "vaccine preventable". Bollocks! There was never a vaccine that could fully prevent a disease, except by killing the host. I say "vaccinable", meaning there's a vaccine intended for it.

I say "intended for it" because some, such as the polio vaccine, aim at the wrong target, the evidence clearly indicating the main cause of poliomyelitis to be poisoning, rather than infection, its mid 20th century US peak and decline having been concurrent with peak use and phasing out of certain agricultural pesticides such as lead arsenate (lovely), benzene hexachloride (BHC, lindane), and DDT (which was sprayed on beaches, concurrent with summertime peak incidence). https://www.harvoa.org/polio/overview.htm

In fact, there is currently an epidemic of poliomyelitis in India, affecting tens of thousands annually, except the very same condition is now known as "acute flaccid paralysis". The incidence of this is directly proportional to doses of oral polio vaccine received, so evidently poisoning BY the vaccine is a contributing factor, in a tragic medical irony. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22591873/

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Well said. I note 'vaccine preventable disease' will anagram to:

NB satanical deceivers peeve

beep satanical nerve devices

PS be satanical veneer device

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I am not vaccine hesitant.

I am vaccine resistant when given choice, militantly opposed when not given a choice.

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I especially like the third one of convenience I know so many people in my family and friends that did it for that exact reasons so they can go out and dance how fucked up is that that’s how stupid some people are …….

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Indeed most people got terrorised that they couldn't go to concerts with out a vaccine pass easily faked 😁

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It is called convenience because it is a public convenience, toilets where there is a lot of crap and people give the piss. Speaking of toilets and stupidity...


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Jul 19Liked by Jessica Rose


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I love the term "vaccine hesitancy".

It's as though the unvaxxed and therefore unwashed population is merely "hesitant".

It's as though we're just merely teetering on the edge of actually having the poison.

Don't they get it yet? Will they ever get it?

We will never submit to something which we believe - and with very good biomolecular/GMO reasoning that to take the dam thing may actually kill or maim us. We believe that we would be more or less a ticking time bomb - as per the sad billions, apparently, who were sold it.

I hope the persuaders etc. in all this rot in Hell forever.

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another autism mom I know had a t-shirt made that said: I'm not 'hesitant', I'm HELL NO.

another one was sporting one that said: control group

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If they live, they will be existing in a Hell of their own creation. Perfect justice.

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I call it playing Russian roulette. One might get an adrenaline kick but so does bungee jumping I understand which is generally 'safe & effective', unlike all vaccines.

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Jul 19Liked by Jessica Rose

I think they forgot informed consent.

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And saying 'Would like to be poisoned? It's cheap at the price!'

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Confidence: 31% of all new drugs since early 90s have been pulled or black boxed warned. This is not only new, it’s an entire new platform.

Calculation: my risk of harm from Covid, so close to zero it’s difficult to define.

Convenience: rarely does something convenient have positive benefit for an individual or society. Probably never.

Complacency: I spend energy enhancing my body’s resilience. It’s crazy, but it’s actually built in to living things. Who knew?!?!

Collective Responsibility: no vaccine offers any protection against transmission through a population. Artificial vs natural immunity.

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Jul 19Liked by Jessica Rose


"As if desiring to avoid something on the basis of rational considerations is a kind of small-minded timorousness."

Eric Peters (Autos)

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Nothing says "up yours!" like whacking a fool in their own format.

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Jul 19Liked by Jessica Rose

Alternatively, it could be rebutted using the more universal 1Q model:

Question all treatments sold as “preventative medicine”; not blindly, but thoughtfully, skeptically, doggedly, courageously and forcefully.

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Jul 19Liked by Jessica Rose

Awesome response Dr. Rose. We are all SICK of hearing the paid malfeasant doctors like Hotez and Offit.

You Dr. Rose are a blessing and truth warrior. Thank you.

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thank you :)

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Jul 19Liked by Jessica Rose

Definitely like your model better.

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