
You need a job under RFK Jr as one of his scientific advisors.

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Most definitely I agree!😊

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/75arsmNJWt

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Yeah she does!

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I friend of mine was required to get a Covid injection so he could continue to attend law school. He chose to get the J and J since it was a single shot. Many of our work colleagues had horrific reactions to the Pfizer and Moderna shots. Shortly after, his eight-year-old daughter was in the hospital with MISC, which almost killed her. My first thought was that it was likely from shedding from his vaccine.

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Yep agreed

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Another dimension, added. Keep it flowing, the dam burst is approaching.

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MISC was fully described from about 9-10 pediatric patients... many of whom did not even have any evidence of a SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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I noticed another new "diagnosis" (which I have forgotten!): symptoms of heart issue, numbness in the extremities... I thought vax injury is more like it. It had some fancy marketing name and was new as covid came in the market. It seemed like a good diagnosis to explain the multi-system set of symptoms since covid vaccines.

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Kind of like new names for polio following the roll out of that shot. One thing that is clearer all the time in the world of vaccines is that the same list of tactic keeps getting recycled.

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Great work. There are some papers out there that attempt to distinguish between Kawasaki and MIS-C. They're not especially convincing. As for why they would invent a new disease instead of just tweaking the definition of Kawasaki, I remember that in Israel, preventing MIS-C and long covid were the big selling points of the vaccines for the 5-11 yr old group (and then younger as well). Never mind that they had a treatment protocol and almost everyone recovered from it just fine. Given that kids basically don't die from COVID, they scare-mongered about this new "unprecedented" COVID complication MIS-C and sold the vaccines as a way to prevent your child from getting it. Lo and behold -- MIS-C is reported many times following COVID vaccination. Doh!

I pointed this fact out towards the end of my comments to the FDA's VRBPA committee:


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Considering "rug shampooing." You didn't actually think that that made the carpets clean, did you? If so, investigate the detritus in a carpet which has been shampooed and then removed.

The trigger phenomenon may be the chemical, or the release into aerosol of dormant spores or organisms.

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Excellent research- we continue to connect the dots! I continue to share regardless of how many see or do t see. At least I tried.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/75arsmNJWt

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Ganna Petruk et al. reviewed key research that shows ARDS involves activation of Toll-Like receptors (TLR), such as TLR4 via Endotoxin (Lipopolysaccharide, LPS) stimulation, inducing initial systemic proinflammatory phase characterized by a massive release of Cytokines, acute phase proteins, and Reactive Oxygen Species. This is followed by activation of proteolytic cascades including the Coagulation and Complement system.

Links between picogram levels of Endotoxins from E. coli and Covid19 are provided, covering diseases including Metabolic Syndrome, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBD), Kawasaki Disease and Periodontitis.


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"Well this explains the crazy high PRR value for MISC when comparing COVID to non-COVID reports: there was no MISC before!"

@Jessica. Thanks for providing the link to the FDA data mining paper @ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23794943/ I went down the rabbit hole” a bit more and found a related FDA paper https://www.fda.gov/science-research/data-mining/data-mining-fda-white-paper with an interesting paragraph (in the section discussing Disproprtionality methods):

“One important difference between the PRR and EBGM estimates is that in the case of PRR the adverse events from the product in question do NOT contribute to the number of “expected” cases, while ALL adverse events from the product contribute to the expectation when using EBGM. The statistical modifications used in the EBGM methodology diminish the effect of spuriously high PRR values, thus reducing the number of false-positive safety signals.” [Capitalization added by me].

You pointed out there were many very high signals using the PRR method, yet somehow, using EBGM method, few signals for Moderna/Phizer (curiously, Janssen did have many signals using EBGM?). It seems to me that the huge number of Covid VAERS reports (relative to other vaccines) contributed to a higher “expectation” of adverse events using the EBGM method, and thus it was less likely to meet the “safety signal” threshold than with the PRR method.

If so, pardoxically, because so many adverse events were reported for the Covid shots that made them look relatively “safe”! In effect, the EBGM method was comparing the Covid adverse events to the (Covid adverse events + the tiny historical adverse events for all other vaccines). Do you think I'm on the right track?

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Always on top of things for us, thank you.

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Kawasaki like syndrome associated with COVID was first noted way back in early 2020 and I referenced it in my blog of May 1st, and wrote a letter to the British Medical Journal on April 28th. For some reason I can’t get my IPad to copy the link, and I am writing in the middle of the night thanks to post-anaesthetic insomnia but if you are in a hurry to see this look at the Wry Observer blog on Wordpress for May 1st. I mentioned it 20 times in subsequent blogs.

Far from nobody discussing it the reports and analysis have simply been ignored, as has the existing and effective treatment. What perhaps is new is that it is increasingly believed that all the side effects and syndromes consequent upon Covid are caused by reaction to the spike protein, which means of course that the “vaccines” based on M-RNA will provoke the same phenomena. My 2020 management suggestions were ignored. My evidence to the UK Hallett Inquiry (November 2022) has been ignored. All this underpins my belief that decisions were made by non-clinicians who were blinkered, ignorant and stupid, based on advice from the wrong experts.

My BMJ letter to follow once I am up and about!

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I had Kawasaki disease when I was 5, in 1977, in London. I am told that it coincided with my father cleaning our carpets. He actually rented carpet cleaning machines. Whilst helping my dad move home in 2021, I came across some old press cuttings and articles linking Kawasaki disease with carpet cleaning. My cousin is a consultant paediatrician in the NHS. When we spoke also in 2021, he mentioned MISC and Kawasaki disease in relation to COVID. I asked him if he’d ever heard that carpet cleaning might be a cause of Kawasaki disease. He said he wasn’t aware of this. I did wonder… ‘was there an increase in MISC/Kawasaki disease because panicked parents were cleaning their carpets.

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