Jul 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

It's appalling how brainwashed these doctors are. No wonder my uncle (who was a doctor in Oregon) warned me to stay away from doctors. That puzzled me in 1975 but now I see he was spot on.

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Jul 11, 2022·edited Jul 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Remember doctor's do NOT have to be intelligent, they simply have to memorize a LOT of things. I have a childhood friend who is MD AND Phd; and yet he has about as much deductive reasoning ability as I did at age 10. Not that I'm some kind of genious, I only have an approximate 135 IQ - but I AM smart enough to recognize an abundant lack of critical-thinking in most medical professionals; and a HUGE deference by them to those they identify as authority figures.

The BEST, and really the only impressive doctors, probably would have been great engineers, chemists, mathematicians ...well, honesty they would have excelled at any of the hard sciences, they just happened to choose to be Physicians. MD's are not by nature intelligent.

Doctors are just glorified flesh mechanics... though they lack the troubleshooting capabilities of good auto mechanics.

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I was breastfeeding my son during the early stages of COVID and had a gut feeling that any vaccine that I would have gotten would/could pass to him. I am so glad that I skipped the shots altogether! Thanks for uncovering all this craziness! Have you seen any data on lung fibroids as a result of the shot? My cousin (30 year old) just got diagnosed with innumerable fibroids in the lungs, and she is vaxxed. My first thought was that the gene therapy caused this. Thanks again!

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I've lost track of all the mystery deaths and illnesses in my world since rollout but one young recently married couple stands out; he had an out-of-nowhere grand mal seizure and she had a relatively late-term miscarriage. I asked Dad if they had been somewhat recently "treated" and he gave me a puzzled look - "yes, why?" My mind is blown by these people.

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I have a dear neice. Triple vaxxed. Two while pregnant. She delivered a beautiful healthy baby and breastfeeds. Paediatrician talked her into a booster at babes two month (“I have it right here. Might as well get it now”). Baby and mom seem just fine but she now deeply regrets being talked into the booster. I think she knows on some level. She’s angry and sad that she got the shot. But that’ll be it for her I’m sure.

As to the weird VAERS reports - I was on a kick of obsessively following the reports for several months. I was horrified at what I read. It has the ring of truth. Each report has the distinctive voice of whoever is submitting it. I could not find anyone who was interested in reading these reports! I wonder if whoever took down that report for the FDA was deliberately trying to make sure that people noticed this report. Just a hunch. I imagine there’s some people with consciences in that organization who cannot believe what they’re hearing I can’t get anyone to care.

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thanks, good catch. God bless whomever reported. Sounds like same person trying to report for his church. So sad we put Saint Fauxchi before God & Jesus. My formerly favorite Methodist church is brainwashed.

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Terrific work Jess. Awesome. This dove tails with the horrible Fetal outcomes that I have personally witnessed in my busy high risk ob practice and also that you and I will be publishing on soon. Albert Benavides is also going to author with us. He is an incredible VAERS sleuth and his presentation in Europe provided incredible insight into his proof that VAERS, despite revealing significant concerns has been extensively manipulated by the CDC FDA by a multitude of covert mechanisms that he has proven.

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I know 3 teens who got appendicitis in 2021.

Guess what they had in common.

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Not to worry--Bill Gates (always with the perfect timing) has helped to fund a company called BIOMILQ!! (Seriously--does it get any grosser than this?) BIOMILQ will undoubtedly provide a superior and totally biologically safe alternative to real mothers' milk, without all the messy and embarrassing drawbacks of breastfeeding. It's miracle mammary biotechnology, soon to have Advance FDA approval!! Maybe they'll even throw in some Ritalin, antidepressants and mRNA vaxx materials, to save mothers from the trouble of dosing their babies with poisons and taking them in for shots! See what the benevolent geniuses are doing for humanity? Now let's all be grateful!

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

By the way THANK YOU for your stellar posts. Thank you!

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Hi Jessica. Thanks for all you do. I have a friend whos wife was vaccinated during her pregnancy. The baby isnt due for a few months but is showing signs of polydactyly. Have you seen other reports of this in VAERs?

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

My interpretation of the HIV claim from the interviewee: I think they’re just making the observation that the vaccines could be causing immunosuppression and AIDS-like symptoms, similar to how HIV does. I don’t think they’re tying this to HIV in particular. Just that perhaps the manufacturers may have known immunosuppression and other adverse effects would result, but that the manufacturer can also sell medicines to treat the side effects and thus further profit from the conditions their product caused in the first place. That’s my interpretation of the interviewee’s statement.

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Jul 11, 2022·edited Jul 11, 2022

I keep writing, then erasing. A horrible movie I can't and shouldn't turn off; the final acts of a hateful centuries old regime? To know that what came from your breast has killed your child. Tell me what could be worse than this manmade hell? No simple death is appropriate for the cabal.

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Regarding newborns and "innovation" jabs...

I would like to present a comparison and ask you, Jessica Rose, and your readers to comment.

I've had 3 grandbabies born in 2022. This is their health story as complete as I know it.

Baby "Anne" was born mid January. Her mother (23 y.o.) was voluntarily double vexxed while pregnant but not boosted. Anne's father is vexx-free. Anne was full-term and over 9 lbs. at birth. Both parents are short and slender. She is a firstborn and there are not siblings to compare her early developments.

Baby "Billy" was born 2 days after Anne. His parents (31 y.o.) are vexx-free. He was full-term and almost 11 lbs., presented breach at the last minute and taken by cesearan. He is the sixth child in the family and his early development markers are very much like his siblings.

Baby "Charlie" was born at the end of May. His mother (36 y.o.) was double-vexxed while pregnant in order to keep her job, father vexx-free. He was full-term and 6 lbs and 21 inches. He, also, has no siblings.

so for their development...

1) Anne's mother began with breastfeeding. In my opinion, mom didn't have a "great feeding style" but as a 23 y.o. with a Masters in Early Child Development she was incapable of letting her ignorant M-in-L (me) or her vastly experienced S-in-L give her any practical advise so... Regardless, she produced a HUGE amount of breastmilk (no lie, she brought over easily 4 dozen little bags of milk to store in my freezer because here freezer was full, but I digress although my point was the amount of milk). Anne screamed, and still screams although less, as if she were is pain and it was ear shattering loud. Anne was not gaining weight and it was striking. After Easter I learned that she was 12 lbs. According to the growth charts Anne should have been closer to 16 or 17 lbs. I am not sure of her weight now but she so skinny for an infant. I personally thought she needed to be fed more and that could truly be all it is, but... There is something else.

While Anne wasn't gaining weight and screamed and screamed a lot, her limbs seem different than other babies. They were and are still "floppy" at the shoulder and her legs were and are "intense". She has been "climbing" from the start like a person who "needs" something, like desperately climbing. I've never seen any baby like it. I have dozens of nieces and nephews. Sometimes her little hand just quivers.

She is very attentive and has been reaching for things "early".

2) Billy is thriving and about 20 lbs. They call him "Man Cub". He is exclusively breastfed by a pureblood.

3) Charley has been having feeding problems. At first he latched on but within a week it was clear that he was a "disinterested eater". He had lost nearly a pound and his momma was getting anxious that he wasn't eating anything. She pumped and tried bottle feeding and still, no interest. He was always asleep and they could barely rouse him. They switched to formula 3 weeks ago and he has begun eating better and gaining weight.

Charley also seems to have especially floppy arms at the shoulders. Is this a new thing?

If anyone else has new babies in their life that have qualities that stand out as different I would be interested in knowing what you think.

Thank you Jessica Rose.

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

The mRNA vaccine DOES go into breast milk. Recent study shows that.


Simply horrific that this was pushed onto pregnant and bf'ing women.

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Back around March, there was a news circulating about the death of 12 newborns of the Inuit community in Nunavik (North of Quebec).

The links to the news posts are still easy to find, here are some about this story:





The cause of the newborn deaths was thought to be due to: heavy smoking habits, crowded living spaces and parents sleeping close to the newborn. etc...

Never any mention of the injection as a potential cause... I assume that these communities still have some sort of semi-traditional way of life and breastfeeding is probably something obvious that the mother of any newborn resorts to when the baby is born.

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