Maternal exposure during breastfeeding reports to VAERS
This article is primarily about strangeness...
For those of you who may not be aware, there is a column in the VAERS database files called “SYMPTOM_TEXT” and in this field, additional details concerning the incident of adverse events can be filled in. I did a query to find out how many mothers had exposed their infants to breast milk following injection with COVID-19 products. There are 3004 entries (without URF) and of these, there are 13 deaths reported (0.4%) and 255 hospitalizations/ER visits reported (8.5%). Here’s what the data looks like in a nutshell according reports by age and dose. N.B. There is missing age data and dose data hence the difference in the Total Ns and the Ns with complete age and dose data.

I also created a simple bar plot to show the distribution by age to reveal how many babies are being reported versus how many mothers.

In my query, I noticed something very unusual. Which is usual for VAERS. There were 4 reports of the 13 deaths had very similar SYMPTOM_TEXT reports. They all started with the words “have had 5 of my wife's friends who had miscarriages; This is a spontaneous report received from a contactable reporter(s) (Consumer or other non HCP) from medical information team”. From this point on, these 4 distinct VAERS IDs (this is following vetting), the SYMPTOM_TEXT entries diverge. Normally I wouldn’t pay too much attention to this kind of anomaly, but after reading them, I got really disturbed because the words seemed to be pleas from desperate people. They weren’t factual; they were emotional. And I wonder if these do not represent 4/5 ‘friends’ who had miscarried (the other report might be being processed) and that this is someone’s way of filing these reports that NEED to be filed considering the context.
The following are the 4 SYMPTOM_TEXT reports. Pay attention to the bold and italicized text.
VAERS ID: 2273170
“have had 5 of my wife's friends who had miscarriages; This is a spontaneous report received from a contactable reporter(s) (Consumer or other non HCP) from medical information team, Program ID: (159558). A patient (no qualifiers provided) received BNT162b2 (BNT162B2), as dose number unknown, single (Batch/Lot number: unknown) for covid-19 immunisation. The patient's relevant medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The following information was reported: ABORTION SPONTANEOUS (death, medically significant), outcome "fatal", described as "have had 5 of my wife's friends who had miscarriages". The patient date of death was unknown. Reported cause of death: "Death". It was not reported if an autopsy was performed. Clinical course includes, As per call with reporter: Reporter thinks the real world data right now, rather than just the data from Pfizer and early on, I mean, there its-its awful, is just awful, what they saw. Reporter started referring to a document that was regarding breast feeding and pregnant women. Reporter spoke for a while and then summarized and asked about information regarding breastfeeding and pregnancy with the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine. He mentioned both he and his wife are not vaccinated. Early on, Reporter had 5 of his wife friends who had miscarriages. They had the COVID vaccine. All of their friends who had no COVID vaccine had a normal, healthy baby. So 5 out of 5 that were vaccinated had miscarriages in their third trimester and then-well one had a still born birth so he guessed that's 4 out of 5. No doctor linked any of that to the COVID vaccine and all those doctors-all those women were told, cause we actually- there obviously were very mentally upset-but all their doctors, OBGYN, all of them recommended that they get the COVID vaccine because they were told that 'your baby is gonna get COVID or you could get COVID during it and your baby would die reporter meant, they didn't give any data and that scared those women into getting the shot. They didn't provide anything. So any questions that were asked, they said 'no you have to, you need to get it. The information on the batch/lot number for BNT162b2 has been requested and will be submitted if and when received.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-202200677408 mother/baby case; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Death”
VAERS ID: 2275397
“have had 5 of my wife's friends who had miscarriages; This is a spontaneous report received from a contactable reporter(s) (Consumer or other non HCP) from medical information team. A patient (no qualifiers provided) received BNT162b2 (BNT162B2), as dose number unknown, single (Batch/Lot number: unknown) for covid-19 immunisation. The patient's relevant medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The following information was reported: ABORTION SPONTANEOUS (medically significant), outcome "unknown", described as "have had 5 of my wife's friends who had miscarriages". Clinical course includes, As per call with reporter: Reporter thinks the real world data right now, rather than just the data from Pfizer and early on, I mean, there its-its awful, is just awful Murry, what they saw. Reporter started referring to a document that was regarding breast feeding and pregnant women. Reporter spoke for a while and then summarized and asked about information regarding breastfeeding and pregnancy with the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine. He mentioned both he and his wife are not vaccinated. Early on, Reporter had 5 of his wife friends who had miscarriages. They had the COVID vaccine. All of their friends who had no COVID vaccine had a normal, healthy baby. So 5 out of 5 that were vaccinated had miscarriages in their third trimester and then-well one had a still born birth so he guessed that's 4 out of 5. No doctor linked any of that to the COVID vaccine and all those doctors-all those women were told, cause we actually we're in the same church and they- there obviously were very mentally upset-but all their doctors, OBGYN, all of them recommended that they get the COVID vaccine because they were told that 'your baby is gonna get COVID or you could get COVID during it and your baby would die reporter meant, they didn't give any data and that scared those women into getting the shot. They didn't provide anything. So any questions that were asked, they said 'no you have to, you need to get it. The information on the batch/lot number for BNT162b2 has been requested and will be submitted if and when received.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-202200677408 mother/baby case”
These first two VAERS IDs may represent the same person. The only real difference is the mention of someone’s name in the text. But, this could also be the same person filing reports for different women which may explain why the text entries are so similar. If the former, the duplicate entry is likely the second one and it needs to be removed. It’s annoying that we have to guess. Here’s the third report.
VAERS ID: 2277527
“have had 5 of my wife's friends who had miscarriages; This is a spontaneous report received from a contactable reporter(s) (Consumer or other non HCP) from medical information team. A female patient received BNT162b2 (BNT162B2, Solution for injection), as dose number unknown, single (Batch/Lot number: unknown) for covid-19 immunisation. The patient's relevant medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The following information was reported: ABORTION SPONTANEOUS (medically significant), outcome "unknown", described as "have had 5 of my wife's friends who had miscarriages". Clinical course: Caller started referring to a document that was regarding breast feeding and pregnant women. Caller spoke for a while and then summarize by asking about information regarding breastfeeding and pregnancy with the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine. He mentioned both he and his wife were not vaccinated. The reporter had 5 of his friends' wife who had miscarriages.They had the COVID vaccine. All of our friends who had no COVID vaccine had a normal, healthy baby. So 5 out of 5 that were vaccinated had miscarriages in their third trimester and then one had a still born birth so he guessed that was 4 out of 5. No doctor linked any of that to the COVID vaccine and all those doctors- all those women were told, cause we actually they were in the same church and they were obviously were very mentally upset, but all their doctors, OBGYN, all of them recommended that they get the COVID vaccine because they said their baby was gonna get COVID or they could get COVID during it and their baby would die. They didn't give any data and that scared those women into getting the shot. They didn't provide anything. The information on the batch/lot number for BNT162b2 has been requested and will be submitted if and when received.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-202200677408 mother/baby case”
The only difference here is that the word Reporter was changed to Caller and the word ‘female’ is included to describe the patient. Again, this could be a report filed for a third woman/case or it could be another duplicate. There’s no real way to know.
And here’s the fourth entry. It’s a lot longer. Let’s check it out.
VAERS ID: 2318432
“have had 5 of my wife's friends who had miscarriages; This is a spontaneous report received from a contactable reporter(s) (Consumer or other non HCP) from medical information team. A patient (no qualifiers provided) received BNT162b2 (COMIRNATY), as dose number unknown, single (Batch/Lot number: unknown) for covid-19 immunisation. The patient's relevant medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The following information was reported: ABORTION SPONTANEOUS (medically significant), outcome "unknown", described as "have had 5 of my wife's friends who had miscarriages". Question: pregnancy and lactation, As per call with caller: "I think the real world data right now, rather than just the data from Pfizer and early on, I mean, there it was awful, it was just awful, what they were seeing" Caller started referring to a document that was regarding breast feeding and pregnant women. Caller spoke for a while and then summarize by asking about information regarding breastfeeding and pregnancy with the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine. He mentioned both he and his wife are not vaccinated. "Early on, I have had 5 of my wife's friends who had miscarriages. They had the COVID vaccine. All of our friends who had no COVID vaccine had a normal, healthy baby. So 5 out of 5 that were vaccinated had misarranges in their third trimester and then well one had a still born birth so I guess that's 4 out of 5. No doctor linked any of that to the COVID vaccine and all those doctors all those women were told, cause we actually we're in the same church and they are obviously were very mentally upset but all their doctors, all of them recommended that they get the COVID vaccine because they said 'your baby is gonna get COVID or you could get COVID during it and your baby would die'. I mean, they didn't give any data and that scared those women into getting the shot. They didn't provide anything. So any questions that were asked, they said 'no you have to, you need to get it. Caller continued by reading some exerts of a document regarding a "12% efficacy". He states that in a clinical trial there had been "1223 individuals that had died and over 10 000 that are unknown and another 10 000 that had not recovered. So out of the 40 000 that were given in this trial specifically, it shows only 20 000 recovered out of 40 000, that is really scary. That's half of the other people that have major disability and then 10 000 that look like they died. I'm just reading it from here. I mean, the blood and lymphatic system disorders, lymphadenopathy almost 2000 people out of 42 000 people got it. That's unbelievable! (laugh) What in the world are we giving people here? ". Question : Caller goes on to ask if the goal of this vaccine or "gene therapy" is to suppress the immune system to cause an HIV type immune system so the people have to get pills to survive the rest of their lives? "It sounds a little eerie to the AIDS pandemic that happened. I mean, with the ATZ being given after the diagnosis to cause terrible side effects. I mean, I did not know, could you help me with that?" I asked the caller to clarify if he was asking about the mechanism of the vaccine and he said "we could start there". Question: Caller spoke about the efficacy declining for a bit and then said "let's switch gears here". Caller started referring to the document that the agent was referring to. Caller is wondering why this list of AEs was not given early on in the data to people and the doctors to let them know this is what they could experience?" And now you see over 100 000 different side effects. I get that, you know, this data is going to show cause that might only be one person that has that auto immune kidney acute disorder or whatever I'm looking at. Maybe not." Caller states that this vaccine has caused massive issues for millions of people globally. Question: "I have friends and family members who work in hospitals, their cancer the cancer in hospitals is outrageous right now. Could these cancers that are spiking, I mean lymphatic cancer, brain cancer metastasizing like crazy, stage 4 cancers. Can Pfizer - could you link that to the Pfizer vaccine? when you look at data from year to year and you see cancers as they progress and then they decline and remission and then you look at the 2021 and 2022 data there is -that is outrageous. I was looking at it, from the chart. Wow, the amount of cancer that has been diagnosed in the past year and a half to two years, that's only from when the vaccine was out either, process of elimination, that's what doctors do. "When prompted for a DSU warm transfer caller said: "I could like, I have probably 90-100 people in my life that I know vaccinated and everyone of them has had issues currently going on. Question: "Will Pfizer ever come forward and say: enough is enough, or the FDA say: enough death is enough? You look at the VAERS reporting system, they're going to say 'well we can't vet that properly because it's 29 000 deaths' but you know what? You did on the H1N1 vaccine were under 20 people died and they pulled it off the shelves. We're almost at 30 000 deaths, and that's only most likely, which I'm sure you've heard of the Lazarus report only 1% recorded. when will you pull the COVID vaccine from marketing and distribution?". Question: Caller is wondering if with the data we have available, and the short and long term adverse events, is there enough evidence to confirm that we will be seeing more adverse events long term?. Question: Are there current clinical trials happening on the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine?. Question: It seems that HIV has made a comeback and I'm just, I already know what it is but what does the data show if there's any linking between the Pfizer COVID vaccine and emerging new variants of HIV?. Yeah, that's something I was listening to many doctors talk about with you know testing the blood of the vaccinated, their immune system, killer T cells, it's just all kinds of stuff that, I mean they can't even stop the damage from just one issue, were seeing multiple with this shot it's crazy. "I'm sad to see many of my friends and family have passed from this shot, and they didn't die from COVID, I can tell you that, cause they made it a whole year and a half and then they died within weeks of taking the vaccine. Caller refused warm transfer to RA regarding miscarriages he mentioned, also regarding statistics he gives from unknown studies where AE are mentioned, also the mention of ATZ causing AEs. E-submitting AE. Caller advised that this is maybe a conversation to have with those HCPs that he was referencing. Caller advised I could provide him with information regarding his questions and he could take that information and discuss his concerns with the HCP. Question: Caller goes on to ask if the goal of this vaccine or "gene therapy" is to suppress the immune system to cause an HIV type immune system so the people have to get pills to survive the rest of their lives? "It sounds a little eerie to the AIDS pandemic that happened. I mean, with the ATZ being given after the diagnosis to cause terrible side effects. I mean, I don't know, could you help me with that?" I asked the caller to clarify if he was asking about the mechanism of the vaccine and he said "we could start there". Question: Caller spoke about the efficacy declining for a bit and then said "let's switch gears here". Caller started referring to the document that the agent was referring to: " CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS". Caller is wondering why this list of AEs was not given early on in the data to people and the doctors to let them know this is what they could experience?. Question: "It seems that HIV has made a comeback and I'm just. I already know what it is but what does the data show if there's any linking between the Pfizer COVID vaccine and emerging new variants of HIV?". Question: "I have friends and family members who work in hospitals, their cancer the cancer in hospitals is outrageous right now. Could these cancers that are spiking, I mean lymphatic cancer, brain cancer metastasizing like crazy, stage 4 cancers. Can Pfizer could you link that to the Pfizer vaccine?". Question: "When will you pull the COVID vaccine from marketing and distribution?": Regulatory authorities around the world, such as the FDA, have authorized the vaccine and expert medical committees have recommended it. With a vast number of people vaccinated to date, the safety profile for the vaccine for all authorized groups continue to be favorable. Based on the data to date, Comirnaty or the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is well-tolerated.1 Please speak to your healthcare provider with any concerns you may have regarding the vaccine. Caller reminded that I cannot make any treatment or personal recommendations. Caller reminded that I am here to give information regarding questions about the product. Caller referred to HCP for personal recommendations. Question: Caller states that it looks like, on paper, that Pfizer has rushed this vaccine out to cause massive injuries to then make it back the money on products that Pfizer owns, given by the doctors that gave the shot. Caller also states that Pfizer pretty much owns the FDA. Caller is wondering why this list of AEs was not given early on in the data to people and the doctors to let them know this is what they could experience?. At the end of the call he says: "they were trying to kill us." The information on the batch/lot number for BNT162b2 has been requested and will be submitted if and when received. Follow-up (13Jun2022): Follow-up attempts are completed. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-202200677408 mother/baby case;”
I seriously have no idea what to make of this. There’s repeated text, which isn’t uncommon. There are some hard questions asked and good question about the effect of these shots on the evolution of HIV. That’s something I haven’t thought about. I am not sure if this person is referring to HIV ‘variants’ or the progression of the disease itself in those carrying it and injected with COVID-19 shots which appear from the literature to be immunosuppressive/modulatory.
All in all, I found many reports of associated harms in the context of breast feeding in temporal proximity to getting injected: “One week after I was vaccinated, my partially breast fed infant daughter (DOB 10/02/2020) died in her sleep on 11/28/2020. The cause of death is not known. I am reporting her death here because of the relative proximity of my vaccination and her death.” VAERS ID: 945282. I thought that this repetition of the above-mentioned reports was worth noting.
If anyone has ideas or insights into what or who you think these entries are or represent, please do write them in the comments.
One more entry for the road. Show your doctor. Show your friends. This is happening. There would be NO incentive to reveal this information if your goal was to get this product into all the arms of all the people.
VAERS ID: 1532154
“On July 17, my baby passed away. I had been breastfeeding my 6 week old baby at the time that I received the first Pfizer vaccine on June 4, 2021. He became very sick with a high fever about 2 weeks after I got the first Pfizer vaccine on June 21. He was treated for 2 weeks with IV antibiotics for a supposed bacterial infection. However, they never found any specific bacteria, and called his diagnosis culture-negative sepsis. (Does this sound familiar?)

At the end of his hospital stay he tested positive for rhinovirus. After the 14 day course of antibiotics, he was home for one week, but exhibited strange symptoms (e.g. swollen eyelid, strange rashes, vomiting). I took him back to the hospital on July 15, where he presented with what they called an atypical Kawasaki disease. He passed away shortly thereafter from clots in his severely inflamed arteries. I am curious if the spike protein could have gone through the breast milk and caused an inflammatory response in my child. They say Kawasaki disease presents very similarly to the Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in children that they are seeing in post Covid infections. (My baby also had unusual birth circumstances, as he was born at 37 weeks, triggered by a maternal appendicitis.) However, if they know that antibodies go through the breastmilk as a good thing, then why wouldn't the spike protein also go through the breastmilk and potentially cause problems.”
Great question.
It's appalling how brainwashed these doctors are. No wonder my uncle (who was a doctor in Oregon) warned me to stay away from doctors. That puzzled me in 1975 but now I see he was spot on.
Remember doctor's do NOT have to be intelligent, they simply have to memorize a LOT of things. I have a childhood friend who is MD AND Phd; and yet he has about as much deductive reasoning ability as I did at age 10. Not that I'm some kind of genious, I only have an approximate 135 IQ - but I AM smart enough to recognize an abundant lack of critical-thinking in most medical professionals; and a HUGE deference by them to those they identify as authority figures.
The BEST, and really the only impressive doctors, probably would have been great engineers, chemists, mathematicians ...well, honesty they would have excelled at any of the hard sciences, they just happened to choose to be Physicians. MD's are not by nature intelligent.
Doctors are just glorified flesh mechanics... though they lack the troubleshooting capabilities of good auto mechanics.