I'm a physician and did not get the jab or covid. I am the only one in my group. Everyone else is boosted, getting sick etc. I feel like I am living in a sick parallel universe. We are required to get the flu shot and I was in the Navy before, so have been immunized up the you-know-what. But never again. I became disillusioned with how MD's and the whole lot of people in the medical field are basically lied to, bamboozled and forced to drink the kool-aide and never ask questions. I am glad I woke up before COVID and did not get vaccinated. I never ask my patients to get the vaccine. I am OB and I am horrified people are rec to pregnant patients. Tdap isn't even a vaccine either...I could go on and on and on....
The second "vaxxed" movie does an excellent breakdown. Also, RFK jr is in the middle of a lawsuit with Merck regarding this vaccine. They are in discovery right now. I know I get info from ACOG all the time how the vaccine has reduced cervical cancer rates but I think a boosted immune system is a great way to combat the HPV virus. This virus is usually eradicated naturally from the body. Vit D optimization is the best. There are a couple of things from metagenics that are good.
I’m also a physician - family doctor in New Zealand . Haven’t had a flu vaccine for 20 years, refused the Covid vaccine, got caught in the New Zealand mandates and wasn’t allowed to see patients face to face. Fortunately I got Covid in March and after an uneventful illness got a vaccine exemption for 3 months which has meant back to clinic work for a limited time. I haven’t had flu for decades despite seeing lots of patients each year with viral illnesses and flu.
My partner had his license suspended for urging caution, insisting on informed consent and the freedom to choose particularly for pregnant women and teenagers last year at a public meeting. He is only allowed back if he signs an undertaking not to publicly or privately talk with people about Covid vaccines, and treat no one outside of public health endorsed Covid guidelines (ie no repurposed drugs). No wonder so few doctors speak out. Our nurses and midwives have shown much more backbone and often lost their jobs as a result. There’s talk of a 4th mandated jab - the madness here is unbelievable.
It is very hard to be strong when your lively hood is at risk. I know i talk a good talk but walking the walk is very hard. I feel for you in New Zealand and Australia. Who knew that these 2 beautiful places would end up being so draconian. I was lucky in that I could proclaim religious exemption. Whether that is the reason for rejecting the vaccine is a whole other story!
Treelily, where in NZ are you located? I live in Central Otago and my GP is a vax fanatic. I had the initial series (2 shots) because of the mandate. Just recovered from COVID so have a reprieve until August when I will likely lose my job...unless things change. I will not get tge booster or any future COVID inoculation.
My heart goes out to you and I'm sorry to hear that is the NZ policy. I hope things do change in NZ. But, barring that, maybe it's time to consider moving to Florida. IDK. What a terrible situation our governments have put us in. I want to vote against every incumbent now.
Administering the genetic jabs to pregnant women is a crime against humanity, full stop. Disasters from DES, Minamata (methylmercury), and thalidomide brushed away like they never happened.
Same here. Everyone laughed at me when I said I didn't want the shot. Now they are all ill with Covid(!) Or they have a new chronic illness. Kidney disease, blood clots, terrible muscle pain and headaches, heart damage, cancer and even a death.
Meanwhile I haven't been sick in over 3 years.
I have had several people saying to me now that I was right and how they aren't going for the booster. I ask why and they say "Cause everytime I get a shot I end up sick. I was sick for a week after the last one. Didn't feel right"
you are fortunate that you know people that are seeing the truth and admitting it. I think most in that situation are NOT admitting and even doubling down on the propaganda regurgitation
Some of the most educated people in our society/economy (i.e. MDs) are lied to and herded together like livestock. Individually these minds are some of the best in society, and yet most are unwilling to critically question the mainspiel. What a misuse and abuse of these highly educated minds.
Money and politics rule all. They come out of med school owing huge amounts of money, may have kids to raise, and have to choose between being fired or taking a shot. Civil liberties are dead, and if who gets to take over the world's healthcare. It's all over. Who is ruled/owned by china and bill gates(of hell)
I was kind of shocked that my OBYN was pushing the vaccine on me. (This was last year before everyone was pushing it non stop) I am not pregnant, but I told her very calmly that I had JRA, people with autoimmune conditions were not in the trial, and I was in no hurry to take it. I kind of thought she might appreciate this she was an OBGYN and pregnant women were not included in the trial either, but, no she did not appreciate it at all. She hurried out as fast as she could without her usual warmth, her good opinion of me changed by that conversation, I think. This was the first weird interaction over the vaccine I had with someone outside of my family. It was not the last.
I remember reading that doctors thought these vaccines were A-OK for patients with multiple sclerosis.
But now there's this line of thinking that the vaccines can take an autoimmune patient out of remission, or even create a new case of an autoimmune disease in someone who didn't have it. I don't know how much credence to place in this. But I'm sure doctors continue to prescribe these vaccines for all autoimmune patients everywhere all the time. I don't understand that logic.
Right. I know someone who came down with Still's disease after the shot. That's the adult version of the autoimmune condition that I already have. He didn't even have a previous history. I have also heard of people coming out of remission. It definitely is a betrayal on the part of the doctors to tell their patients it is fine when there is no data, but most of them seem not only to be doing this but also bullying their patients and treating them like they are crazy for pushing back.
No jabs for me either, not ever if it is my conscious decision. As a Marine 50 years ago I had to get a crazy number of vaccines (13?) in order to go to my duty station in Japan. I don’t remember any adverse effects. But those vaccines were produced properly, I hope. It was light years ahead of the Covid19 scam of injectable products.
I say its not by the old definition. It's mainly the pertussis portion. It is an acellular vaccine that loses effectiveness pretty quickly and the vaccinated harbor the bacteria and pass it on to the unvaccinated. My understanding is that you develop antibodies against the toxin not the bacteria itself. So you are a big asymptomatic carrier of the bacteria and spread it. I "real" vaccine should develop antibodies against the actual bacteria/virus to eradicate the virus and this help prevent spread. If I am way off base et me know
Interesting then by that definition the tetanus shot also so disqualified, as the antigen in the shot is allegedly the tetanus toxoid not an inactivated bacteria. Not arguing, just curious.
I think doctors comply for a number of reasons. A short but incomplete list would be 1-that we can't imagine that the CDC, AMA, WHO etc would not have the health and well being of entire populations in their best interest. 2- there are those physicians that are not open minded, know what is best for the patient and cant deal with being questioned. etc. I remember suggesting the HPV vaccine to patients back in the day. They would reply that they had heard about some bad SE and refused. Then I came up with a list of things to boost their immune response. Patients loved this. Then started digging deeper into the vaccine issues and this is what started my transformation 10 years ago and allowed me to not be bamboozled by COVID BS. 3-going against the grain/narrative is not how we succeeded. We are rule followers for the most part, study hard, obey the norms to get ahead and thrive on "doing the right thing". It is not the bad boy types and divas that go into medicine.
Medicine has become protocol driven and that now starts in medical school ( when I trained there was much more freedom of thought and practice). Protocols are almost universally pharmaceutical. It stifles innovation, or an individually or collaborative management plan for each person. The risks of working outside of protocols can be great. Medicine now attracts conservative conformity even more so than in the past. I was ‘dis-membered’ from a NZ GP Facebook group for raising some uncomfortable questions in relation to mandates - no discussion or divergent opinion allowed. I don’t even consider myself a radical!
My family doctor was treating Lyme successfully. Medical mafia bullied him, said to stop or he’d be in court proving he never over -billed Medicare/Medicaid until he went bankrupt or retired. (I have an integrative medicine doctor now for actual help)
Jessica, I have only received one vaccine ever, DTaP when I was 20. I was actually unaware of how against vaccination my parents and extended family were until later, and did not have any immediate or obvious side effects. What matters, though, is my life experience and observations.
I am almost never seriously ill. I have abundant energy at 50 years of age and look at least a decade younger than my biological age. I am neurotypical in a sea of human beings who are not (not more sane, mind you; simply different). My immune system is quite adaptive, and I never avoid "germs" but studiously avoid ingesting industrial chemicals.
I began studying vaccines in earnest nearly a decade ago when a family member dropped that they cannot be trusted. Back in the hoary old days of 2013, Google would actually return results that questioned the dominant narrative. In sum, I cannot, and do not, refute the findings collated at www.vaccinepapers.org.
To date I have had Covid (alpha, March 2020) and have not had any long Covid effects. I've watched the world fall to madness and the health of all (literally all) of my vaxxed friends worsen. My family is utterly fine except for a brother lost...to fentanyl.
Vaccines were never the answer to pathogens. They are even less so now.
Right on sister! BTW, I was injured by that DTaP as an adolescent. So I had a healthy narrow eye at vax & toxins most of my life. Wish I'd seen the damage happening in my animals well before I had my epiphany in 1987! I knew it for me, but blindly followed the veterinary mainstream for them. They brainwash us that there's no other way! So I've been teaching the other way for 3 decades now!
I am a previously-brainwashed-veterinarian too. I look back on some of the things that we were taught at vet school in absolute horror. I was lucky to work with a colleague who taught me to re-assess everything that I thought I knew about health.
I was sad to learn most dr had an hour or 2? of nutrition. My progress with my integrative medicine doctor has a lot to do with knowing what deficiencies I have. Insurance dictated doctors suggest antidepressants for everything if you are middle age woman. Thyroid problems are greatly under diagnosed & untreated ( or with antidepressants!)
I got some of my friends at the vfw to take sublingual B , it helps their anxiety and depression. They are Vietnam vets. A simple cheap vitamin is helping them. All those years they blamed themselves for the physical problems that adrenal exhaustion caused. No money in acknowledging & addressing vitamin deficiency until the damage done. I’m sad my primary care doctor has to fill his head with insurance codes instead of the latest studies. So glad you had an aware co worker ! Good to hear!!!
We really do have only a tiny bit of small-animal nutrition. And we didn’t learn much about deficiencies - mostly just in production animals, and mostly just clinical deficiencies. I’ve been lucky to experience a better way of approaching health!
WONDERFUL! I tried very hard to "progress" my vet. I got to the point that he marvelled at how well homeopathy worked, and asked me how to feed one of his dogs because nothing he did stopped her chronic ear infections. The switch did fix the problem...but I suspect that it mainly was vax induced. But I put the bug in his ear to take Pitcairns course, and other stuff but to no avail. :( however, he never questioned me on vax re my own animals, never gave me grief and always respected what I thought was going on with my critters. For that I have been profoundly grateful (it sucks having a vet tell you that the way you feed is going to kill your animals, after them not knowing for several years and constantly telling you they are the healthiest in their practice...and constantly asking what is the magic supplement I am giving that is making them so healthy!? Abd them as soon as I fessed up, I get "OMG, you're going to kill them!" That was my last visit to that particular vet. :( So HONEST KUDOS TO YOU, BECAUSE IT TAKES A SPECIAL KIND OF HEART AND MIND TO BE CONVINCED BY ANOTHER PERSON THAT THERE'S A DIFFERENT AND BETTER WAY THAT GOES AGAINST ALL THE BRAINWASHING!! YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL!!
Thank you!! I consider myself so lucky. Ten years ago, when I started down this path, other vets rubbished us and bad-mouthed us. I’m happy to say that they are a minority now. We get many referrals for chronic intractable cases from the mainstream vets. It became too hard for many of them to ignore the results. I hope your vet eventually builds up the courage to look a little deeper!
Sadly, I doubt he will...he's close to retiring. I will be in a pickle because there are no vets anywhere, not even "holistic" vets, who will do surgeries on unvaxed pets! So it will be the end of me having any more cats, and I'll only be able to have male dogs. 😕
I'm so sorry to hear that. This won't be much help for medical/surgical care - but you may find some support on the RFVS (Raw Feeding Veterinary Society) website (UK-based). And my old work (I retired a couple of months ago) has some good stuff on its website too (rawessentials.co.nz). I hope that you get lucky, and some progressive young vet pops up in your area!
What magic supplement wee you giving them. I have Mainecoon cats that are having some skin issues and would love to know where you get your information. I was thinking of making my own cat food but it is pretty labor intensive. The only vax I get is rabies but they are indoor cats and have been thinking of declining. We dont ever board them so probably not necessary. There was a patient that dies of rabies in my hospital so that concerned me but honestly, my cats will never get rabies!
No magic supplement. I fed them a species appropriate raw food diet. Feeding cats is easy. They are obligate carnivores. Mine get a third ground bone in chicken, ⅓ beef muscle with tripe added, and a third liver/heart mix. Sometimes I add in some ground pork or ground canned cat tuna (dark meat) just to change up the flavour. It's not rocket science. Long as your not cooking the meat, there is no need to add supplements. My old vet 40 years ago THOUGHT I was giving them a supplement...went on and on about how healthy they were. About a year later I finally caved and told him what I was doing which was feeding a raw diet and he immediately flipped out and told me I was going to kill them. That's when I dropped him as my vet. So far as vaccines I hate to tell you but that rabies job is one of the worst ones and indoor cats don't need it at all. I would suggest you revisit feeding raw.
Interesting you should mention your pets. We recently vaccinated an animal for rabies for travel reasons and much of the fur on her backside has since fallen out. she has received no other vaccines as I am much against them. She is an inside-only cat with no other known health issues. Completely out of the blue! I very much suspect the vaccine.
Not just pet vaccinations, but pet diet. I've been low-carb for 12 years and have not had a single cold that whole time, despite frequent colds previously.
Yet I unthinkingly fed my cats crap dry food. Cats are obligate carnivores. The kibbles of most dry food are formed using grains. Why do you think so many pets these days are fat and cancerous and have bad teeth?
My current cat hunts mice and gets a chicken neck or raw meat every day, and is supplemented only with canned food, never dry. She just turned 10 but looks half that. No shots for the last five years.
I correspond with a UK vet who pretty much reinforces that pet vaccinations are unnecessary (I'm in the US).
I read this fascinating book that applies to cats as well as dogs. The amount of corruption and industrial influence in veterinary science and pet food is every bit as pervasive as in human medicine.
Interesting....I was going to say "live into her 29s, long as nothing gets at her first" but I thought better of saying that because some people are very sensitive to those kinds of things. Glad to know you are not "visually" impaired with rise colored glasses. We have predatory wild life here too and I've lost many of my barn cats. But I had 2 smart sisters who survived to 23 and 27. At 24 I had to bring Macy inside the house as she needed extra care. She was with us for 3 more years. 🤗
My deepest condolences. I can't begin to tell you how many animals I know who were injured and killed by vaccines, especially the rabies vx. Some day, vaccines will no longer be used. But until then we must just say no. We have that power.
Oh dear. Not good. If you can, try to find a homeopathic vet. This will need addressing because the injury is likely to go deeper over time (chronic disease). There are quite a few very good veterinary homeopaths throughout the USA and all of them will consult online so you don't have to travel. Keep detailed notes about dates and changes you see in the cat. That's important info they will need. You can find them all on the American Holistic Veterinary Association website directory. It has a great search function.
Switching to a raw meat diet might help too (do some research to make sure it's done properly). Although cats can be cranky about changes to their food.
You are so right. Sometimes you need baby steps. So switch first to canned (add a tsp of canned to the kibble & mix). After a few days, take away a tsp of kibble and add 2 tsp of canned. Continue this way until kitty likes the canned and you can remove the kibble. Do the exact same schedule with minced raw food. I tsp mince mixed in to the canned. Then follow above same steps until kitty is eating completely raw. I've had to do this a couple times. However switching kittens is easy peasy. They take to it like a fish takes to water. Do research on correct raw diet for cats. They require meats high in taurine ( red meats & organs...heart, liver, beef, chicken, but little to no fish...many cats love fish but its not a good source of taurine). Look up the Price-Pottenger studies. They will open your eyes for sure.
I believe a booster shot for work in autistic classroom wrecked my immune system. At the time dr said I was depressed. I was so ill I couldn’t argue. Had to go on disability. A few years ago I got an integrative medicine doctor. Actually helping & I have a small quality of life. I didn’t for almost 20 years, insurance dictated doctors... I made the mistake of taking Enbrel for psoriasis. Dr avoided me, changing my appointment out until I stopped trying. The biologics are fraught with side effects. Anyway, I’m here to help my heavily vaccinated elderly family members & taking weekly ivermectin for “shedding” problems .
I spent 30 years living in India and four African countries without being vaccinated or medicated and never got sick. Support optimal function, particularly immune, and leave the rest to Mother Nature.
AdrenLNJunky, I could not agree more with your final statement. I have similar testimony.
On vaccination days in my early school years, I was the only kid (besides my sisters) with a note safety-pinned to the front of my shirt saying "Absolutely no vaccinations." This was Canada in the late 60s. My dad was a doctor and did not like the safety profiles when he looked into it. My sisters and I got all the childhood diseases: mumps, measles, rubella, whooping cough, chicken pox, which we sailed through with no problems.
I had my first vaccine at 19 in the ER after getting stung by a stingray while surfing. The ER doc did not believe me when I told him I never had the original tetanus series, so they stuck me with a booster before I could object. Next vaccine was in my mid-20s... oral polio, which was mandated to attend a summer music camp in upstate New York where Itzhak Perlman had gone. He had polio, so that was their paranoid deal on that.
Next vaccines were in my 30s... Hep A for surf travel in Central America, and a few others, which I can't recall. My final vaccine was Hep B, which I was talked into as a requirement for being on the company first aid team. I had a bad reaction to the first of the three-series shots. That night, I got up to pee and started to faint in the bathroom. I lay on the floor for awhile sweating and nauseous and felt awful all the next day. I reported the AE to the clinic doctor, but he didn't seem that interested and am pretty sure he didn't report it. I never finished the series and never got another vaccine after that. I began studying vaccines with an open mind but skeptical eye. I did not like what I was finding.
Like AdrenLNJunky (I'm one too by the way), I am healthier than my vaccinated peers, am hardly ever sick, never get headaches, and have no allergies or autoimmune conditions. I can paddle circles around surfers much younger than I.
I may have had Covid in March 2020 after returning from Washington State; if I did, the symptoms were atypical, so not sure. No problems since then.
Tetanus is a disease most common when people live with animals. (Not talking about pets but sheep, cows, pigs) I doubt many live with stingrays so why on earth they gave you the Jab for it. Because that is what they do.
In fact today, even in the Third World, where they do still live with animals, Tetanus is most common in umbilical cord wounds which is hardly surprising.
We had cv in April 2020. I did not think we did. I called my homeopath as soon as we both woke up with what I thought were atypical symptoms. My homeopath is a geri nurse as well. We had splitting horrid headaches, fatigue, GI symptoms (nausea/diarrhea), body pain) but absolutely no sore throat, cough, high fever. Turns out that THOSE are not atypical. She said that more people had those type symptoms than the cough/sire throat! I was shocked because MSM never discussed that. Anyway, she told me what remedies to do, we did, he was back to normal next day with 1 dose and it took me 2 doses and 36 hours, but another 4 days or so to get over the considerable fatigue. Anyway, I think lots was not disclosed hoping ppl would not think they had cv and therefore go out and spread it more and not get early treatment so it may possibly do more harm. Bastards.
Going forward one might look at the result of food shortages and possible semi starvation for a lot of people on detoxification and long term improvement in the world's health. This may well prove to be the cure we need.
And EVERYONE pretty much should either grow their own food, even in the windowsill or balcony, or if you have no windows, learn to identify wild edible plants. There are TONS of plants to forage that you can eat. Things like dandelion (all parts), wild mustards (all parts), lambs quarters leaves, nettles (wear gloves and must be cooked), bullrush rootstock, etc etc.
It is part of my faith that ‘Organizing Intelligence’ uses everything to move us forward. The good, the bad, the ugly....all are used to bring us to a better place. This too will help us in the long run.
You are truly a GODsend Jessica because of your openness to truth and your integrity. I became an “anti-vaxxer” 17 years ago while pregnant with my first child. I began doing my research and struggled with the decision to vax or not. A little voice inside told me not to inject my baby with these toxins. Never do I regret that choice.
You truly have been a light in the dark for so many and a savior. 🙏
I became an antivaxxer after getting lupus following hospital employee “requirement” to get hepatitis B vaccine. I also refused all vaccines for my 17 year old daughter and she is so healthy. I do not regret my decision either!
Our immune system is truly ingenious, and humans interfering with it is having disastrous results becoming more visible to all.
The mandates, and force of our government behind COVID vaccines which do not prevent infection and transmission is only helping to raise awareness of the dark financial profit reason for them....
There were voices in the past which urged caution, but, as we saw with Covid, they were ignored.
Macfarlane Burnet, Nobel Prize laureate for immunology, suggested over half a century ago that genetics, nutrition, psychological and environmental factors (ecological medicine) may play a more important role in resistance to disease than the assumed benefits of artificial immunity induced by vaccination procedures (Burnet 1952 p106).
He suggested that in years to come society may have to reassess the belief scientists were placing in vaccination. He considered that genetic deterioration of the population may be a consequence of universal mass vaccination campaigns and he postulated that ‘some of our modern successes in preventative and curative medicine may on the longest view be against the best interests of the state’ (Burnet 1952 p107).
Burnet (1952) believed that genetic constitution was the most important hidden variable in disease statistics. Gilbert (2004) reinforces this theory with a new definition of environmental health that emphasises the importance of genetic potential to health outcomes from environmental hazards. This is described in chapter 2. It is possible that the genetics and health of the population are at risk if these factors are not considered in the preventative strategies that are adopted in the control of infectious diseases.
Burnet FM. 1952. The Pattern of Disease in Childhood. Australasian Annals of Medicine. 1: 2: pp93-107.
How did your family and extended family react? My daughter and her husband just got "outed" as "anti-vax" and are getting judged harshly by those that have not done any research. It is difficult as they are unwilling to even consider than the orthodoxy might not be correct. We are now moving as our state Ct. removed all exemptions.
They had concerns at first but stand your ground, present good research articles and again firmly but politely stand your ground. Now especially they are on my side more than ever before!
A suggestion: Buy Neil Miller's book "Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies" and hand it to the pro-vaxxers who haven't done any research. 400 studies summarized in an easy-to-read format. Just reading the "headlines" at the tops of the pages in this book is an education.
Thanks for the suggestion. I did put Miller's book on a bedside table for a family member that was visiting but I guess 400 studies just aren't enough. I may have to send this book to a few of the more vocal critics!
I'm glad to hear that you already know about Miller's book! Sorry it didn't "work" for your visiting family member. Sometimes I think we need to study up on de-programming methods used to rescue cult members...
The answer to the question about whether vaccination is a net benefit can be best found by asking a different question:
"Is 100% of autism caused by vaccines or just 95%?"
The US is currently producing approximately 100,000 autistic people (i.e. people with brain damage that we call autism) per year. About 1/3 are non-verbal. Most will never enjoy full lives.
There was a very good piece on the Stew Peters Network recently. DeAnna Lorraine just had a baby and she was artificially induced. Then she looked into it and found that the percentage of artificially induced births was rising alarmingly.
Turns out that the drug used to induce can cause autism and that inducing itself can cause autism. We are being attacked on every front imaginable.
Yes, I watched that. It's crazy the amount we don't know. I can't even begin to rationalize the things I have learned since even before C19 hit our shores. It's nuts!
It really is mental. Unfortunately, we have moved from Clown World into deep dystopian territory. At least with Clown World you could laugh. I'm not laughing anymore.
"Results of our human survey study showed that children in the drug-exposed condition during labor were 2.77 times more likely to exhibit an autism phenotype. While the SARRC dataset only contained labor induction information, it was observed that mothers who received Pitocin during the birthing process were 2.32 times more likely to have a child diagnosed with autism later in life."
My daughter has ADHD with impulse control. It gets so bad. She is 15 and with hormones already running rampant this adds another layer of crazy in my house. She is currently on pharmaceuticals. I have tried to find a naturpath but I can't find a legitimate person in my area. I bought 7 books on plant based medicine so I am researching.
I used to date an American girl with ADHD. She used to give me her Adderall sometimes. That stuff is insane, it's like the highest grade speed (what we call amphetamines in the UK) imaginable. I cannot imagine giving that stuff to kids!
I don't really know what to make of ADHD. I'm pretty certain my ex had borderline personality disorder so I don't really know what was ultimately wrong with her.
I had a very interesting experience at University. One of my housemates had dyslexia and I introduced him to another friend who was also dyslexic. His theory was that it was fake and was just an excuse for rich people to pretend that their children weren't sub-optimal in terms of intelligence. Not my words, that's literally what he thought.
Also, the entirirty of pyschology as an academic discipline exists mainly to create "conditions" that can then be "treated" with pharmaceutical products. They've created thousands of new "conditions" over the last three decades, most of them being just a "diagnosis" of normal human behaviour.
Not trying to offer you advice, but I can tell you, even though I was a model student at school, I look back at my time in education as a massive waste of time. I'm an autodidact and can teach myself anything, no matter how difficult or complicated if I have enough interest in it. The current education system is based on creating drones for factories, it needed radically overhauling fifty years ago.
Plus, different people have different forms of "intelligence". I'm friends with some master craftsmen. They absolutely suck at academic stuff but they are bright, interesting people who can create amazing things.
Some people just aren't suited to the current education system (I now know I am one of them, and exams are a joke - cramming info into your short term memory is hardly a useful skill in the real world).
Plus...exercise. You're a teenager, you should be going on 80 mile bike rides and wearing yourself out every day. :) I also got heavily into yoga and meditation when I was sixteen, it helped enormously.
Actually I appreciate it. I do agree on almost everything you said. I fought against putting my daughter on meds but her outburst were beyond horrible. Also, people that don't have ADHD it will have the opposite effect. So if you took it and it made you hyper that is what it should do. When my daughter takes it, it calms her down. She has no problems at school, ever. I am looking for plant based medicine to help. Also, yoga and meditation are something I think she should do but I know nothing about either. She has impulse control problems. I noticed it when she was around 7. It was probably one of the 1000 shots she had. If I would have realized what these shots were doing neither of my kids would have had them. They didn't have the covid bioweapon but that was because of the research I had been doing. Thank you for everything you said. I appreciate your input.
ADHD is a real thing. And like dyslexics, it's not a reflection of IQ. Yes, there is great danger in medicalizing everything, but being able to sort out, define a condition that can be helped can make a big difference. I finally was diagnosed with ADHD at age 50. I wish I had that Rx earlier in life, would have helped a lot. I persevered despite it, but others do not or cannot. Also, some conditions do not travel alone: ADHD usually has depression/anxiety in tow that isn't the situational kind. Where unnecessary suffering can be relieved, creativity and drive can be unleashed.
Our daughter has Asperger's with impulse control issues. We did get some relief with CBD oil, but that hit a limit, we're now using a remedy containing Zizyphus seed, Kudzu vine root, Magnolia bark and passionflower which does help, but mainly because it reduces her anxiety levels. So that may give you something to start looking at (even if it doesn't help ADHD directly)
It's funny because I don't believe what she has is ADHD. I think they need to label it. She has horrible impulse control and has OCD like behavior when she speaks. She will tell you the same thing over, and over again. It's odd, it's like maybe you won't believe her if she says it the first time so she repeats it in a different way. Literally she will talk about something for 20 minutes and she could have told the story in 3. We have to sometimes stop her because it is so "crazy" (I couldn't think of a better word.)
Read William Walsh's book "Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain." Decades of research and experience analyzing and correcting brain chemistry with great results. Most patients can get off psychiatric drugs...
No, I don't think there is anything more sinister beyond medical convenience, medical profit and ignorance and arrogance. Still, you can get plenty of sinister from all of those things - just no plan.
What is truly bizarre is that any sane human, particularly a scientist or doctor, could ever think something concocted in a laboratory could even equal mother's milk, let alone better it. How can sucking gunge out of a plastic bottle ever compare with suckling sweet breast milk from a warm female breast, close to a beating heart.
Plus the oxytocin is wonderful for both mom and baby. Women with milk supply issues can use a Lact-Aid (trademarked name of one specific device) to nurse successfully while building their milk supply.
Yep. It turns out that moms actually make the best baby food in the world. Honestly, I can’t believe that we ever thought formula was BETTER(!) than breast milk. Surely, there are situations when formula is useful, but IMO it’s always a compromise and should be viewed as such.
The best formulas are homemade using recipes on the Weston Price Fdn website. Three formulas carefully developed to mimic human breastmilk. The website has a chart comparing 30 macro and micro nutrients in breastmilk with the three formulas.
Thank you for sharing this link. My daughter is expecting and due in Dec so we're preparing for the new lil one. This is most helpful to not be a helpless victim. Sadly something that is foisted onto so many without their understanding about their own victimization by tptb.
We could easily find out what percentage of Autism/Brain Damage is triggered by vaccines. Just do a simple study looking at health in fully, partially and non-vaccinated children. One would have thought every doctor would be screaming for such an independent report, but no.
There are millions of parents who would happily limit or forego vaccines so such a study could easily be done. The Jab nazis however say it would be unethical to not vaccinate a child.
I would have thought risking a child's life and health was more unethical.
I agree with you 100% - RFK Jr was a successful environmental laywer who kept being hounded by some "anti-vaxxers". He finally went through their data and what he saw was so shocking, he couldn't let it lie.
The bombshell was that no matter how much they massaged the data, the autism signal from vaccines wouldn't go away. This was all in FDA/CDC internal emails.
My point was that it's not just the vaccines, it may well be the pre-natal drugs, the food, you name it. Whatever we are currently doing is not right and if you highlight it you are some kind of lunatic, apparently. Insane.
Absolutely there are many possible triggers and all should be forensically examined. However, the most direct genetic and chemical manipulation does come from vaccines more so than pre-natal drugs or food. Both drugs and food are partially processed through the mother's body or the gut but vaccines deliver the load of genetic/synthetic directly into the body for quick uptake by the bloodstream. Nothing, but nothing, but nothing like that happens in nature and no immune system has ever evolved to deal with it.
Be sure to access Additional File 1 and look at every graph. Glyphosate is one of the villains (look up what MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff says about glyphosate and autism.)
They actually had proof that a certain vaccine caused autism. However, because the data showed how serious it was they got rid of ALL the evidence by shredding it. This information came from communication that was discovered and I believe audio recordings.
This has been done retrospectively with Dr. Paul Thomas' data. And it showed what you would expect.
It got retracted—even after an extraordinarily rigorous review. That was they do: they force journals to retract studies to ensure the problem stays hidden.
Yes, I know. And an online study was also thrown out. What we need is an official, fully independent study and every parent and every doctor should be demanding it before a needle ever goes near a child.
I had none of these vaccines as a kid and we were all fine. My kids had one, Polio, which I regret. The shocking level of vaccination today is truly horrific. Perhaps the one good thing to come out of the Covid madness is that more people are asking questions about real vaccines.
We knew all of this in the late 90s Nothing will change until the moms wake up and after 25 years it’s not happening. I see kids obviously on the spectrum n parents are oblivious. Probably because it’s so common. The new normal. If they can’t get them with the vaccine they can always try with opiates.
Part of the problem with identifying this is the ever-changing definitions of what constitutes Autism - e.g Asperger's Syndrome is considered part of the ASD spectrum, but that is very different to regressive autism (which is what you are referring to), and looking at my wife's family history it appears that may have more of a genetic link. Having said that, this does not preclude the possiblity of genetic damage in previous generations being passed on, so although one generation may seem fine, the next generation shows more autistic traits, etc. until we get to today. So I suppose what I'm saying here is that autism rates may not be directly linkable to injections received by the individual and/or their mother during pregnancy, but that's not to say that they can't be linked to damage in previous generations (good luck proving it though).
There is certainly a genetic component but that just increases susceptibility. When two children are introduced to the same stressor, the one with the susceptibility will show the phenotype earlier or at a lower dose, etc.
Although there are many triggers for autism, they all act through a common mechanism, namely, microglial activation (that won't turn off once activated). Another term for this is neuroinflammation.
Here are the main phenotypes that have been identified thus far.
1. Intoxication: Al, Hg, Pb and other metals cause microglial activation as they travel to and settle in the brain.
2. Bacterial infections: "inflammation of intestinal mucosa, leads to the introduction of bacterial components, including neurotoxins, into the bloodstream, creating oxidative stress as well as microvascularities, especially affecting meningeal vessels, and finally neuronal damage." — Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize Winner for discovering HIV
3. Viral infections: Injecting live viruses causes some portion to settle in the brain and stomach. They excrete nagalese thereby reducing the child's native production of GcMAF and inflammation never reduces. About 15% of autistics are chronically infected with the live viruses that were injected into them (primarily MMR).
5. Mitochondrial: This is what got Hannah Poling (mitochondrial damage likely occurred from an earlier shot containing Hg). The mitochondria provide energy to our cells, and are necessary for the Kreb’s cycle, fatty acid oxidation, metabolism of amino acids, and oxidative phosphorylation.
Developmental regression and mitochondrial dysfunction in a child with autism. J Child Neurol, 2006, Poling et al
"Young children who have dysfunctional cellular energy metabolism therefore might be more prone to undergo autistic regression between 18 and 30 months of age if they also have infections or immunizations at the same time. Although patterns of regression can be genetically and prenatally determined, it is possible that underlying mitochondrial dysfunction can either exacerbate or affect the severity of regression. Abnormalities of oxidative phosphorylation can be developmental and age related and can normalize with time."
6. Autoimmune: One study found that mothers with autoimmune disorders (such as celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, or rheumatoid arthritis) are three times more likely to have autistic kids; other studies uniformly show elevated risk. Vaccinations in the children, which cause an autoimmune response, create the same problem. The likely source of the attack is molecular mimicry of the measles hemagglutinin.
Beyond the brain: A multi-system inflammatory subtype of autism spectrum disorder.
Anything that attacks/disrupts the brain and causes chronic microglial activation will produce IL-6, which Pineda et al. found was "necessary and sufficient" to cause autism. If the brain also excretes IL-1ß the brain becomes epileptic.
Maternal immune activation promotes hippocampal kindling epileptogenesis in mice.
Genova labs has a great first morning urine test called metabolomix. It gives u all kinds of information. Detox methylation mitochondria mineral, amino acid status etc.
What is also overlooked is the fact discovered just a few years ago - that the brain and immune system are physically connected via lymphatics.
This was not simply unknown when vaccines were invented it was totally unimagined. At the time the research was released it was said, textbooks would need to be rewritten - but not it seems vaccine textbooks.
If there is, and there is, a physical connection between the immune system and the brain then what you do physically to the immune system, will and must physically affect the brain. No doubt to lesser and greater degrees.
If we had good science and safe medicine then all vaccination, at least of children, would have been stopped totally at the moment the discovery was made and not restarted until the links had been forensically and independently studied.
We have never seen so many brain-damaged children in the max-vax age and it tracks a clear timeline from when vaccinations were ramped up to Frankenstein levels.
Asperger's may inhibit emotional responses but it does not make people totally dysfunctional. Real Autism does. Behavioural quirks and things like Asperger's have been tossed into the Autism pot to camoflauge the true extent of this terrible epidemic.
agree. as the parent of an 18 yr old with autism (who functions at the level of a 4 yr old), many of us find it very difficult to swallow when our kids are lumped in with the high-functioning, 'quirky' genius type. they're 'just differently abled'... gemme a break, I say, as I'm headed to the bathroom to bathe my 18 yr old.
My heart goes out to parents caring for truly Autistic kids and the re-invention of Autism as some sort of lifestyle, just a bit different, choice makes a mockery of Autistic kids and their parents who know the truth.
Excellent post. As much as we think we know everything*, what Covid has shown me is that even the best scientists have almost no clue how the immune system works. Good luck with epigenetics!
*In 100 years time, humans (if they still exist) will regard us as primitive and stupid as we do the Victorians. As a historian, my view of contemporary humanity is always tempered with the fact that we will be regarded as morons by future generations, which is why I always view us as idiots. :)
I'm also a historian, and I would agree with the assessment that humans are idiots. Although I suspect that archaeologists and historians of the future (I'm not putting a limit on either species or time here) will probably view current civilization as even more stupid and backwards than we view the Victorian era.
The main reason that I say that is that we obviously haven't learned from what has happened in the past 250 years, and Victorians had the excuse that they didn't have the knowledge of just how dangerous some of their practices were. We don't have that excuse.
(of course, this is also assuming that future generations can find out ANYTHING about our current generations seeing as so much of the documentary evidence is stored in such transitory media)
As a lover of history I concur. Perhaps it is the more knowledge we have of history the more readily we are disappointed at the stupidity of today.
There was in the Victorian age standards, professionalism, striving for quality and a great deal of common sense and ethics which has disappeared in the past half century and more. And never more so than in science-medicine.
And that is why the greatest danger by far at work in the world today is science and medicine.
It's always good to meet a fellow historian, I think we are a rare breed. 😀
"probably view current civilization as even more stupid and backwards than we view the Victorian era"
Agreed. Certainly more degenerate. It's really funny. I used to live in Dubai and have seen scenes from Victorian photography IRL. The Arabs are about 100 years behind us culturally.
"We don't have that excuse"
Look up arsenic wallpaper. It seems to me that this was the "conspiracy theory" de jour back in those times. Many of the wallpaper manufacturers also owned arsenic mines. Good to see that corruption never changes. 😀
"of course, this is also assuming that future generations can find out ANYTHING about our current generations seeing as so much of the documentary evidence is stored in such transitory media)"
100% of magnetic storage media is going to fail at some stage, so yes, you are 100% correct.
With the 'we don't have that excuse' comment I was meaning that the we have significantly greater access to information across a much broader spectrum of society than the Victorian age (I'm also a librarian), and wasn't meant to imply that the Victorians did not continue to engage in dangerous practices (arsenic wallpaper being one such example). It was more focusing on that there are so many more things in today's society where the dangers are well-known, and in some cases have been known since Victorian times, yet they are still being used frequently around the world.
And then we can add on to that the missing documentary evidence, and future generations will only come to the conclusion that we were more stupid, because the only signs they can discover are decayed and corroded electronics and mountains of degraded plastics leaching poisons into the soils
I totally hear you, and I read every word of your last post and didn't misconstrue anything.
My comments on what you just wrote are:
- We threw 100 years of epidemiological knowledge in the bin during Covid
- Only 20% of people have any critical thinking skills. We have the sum of all human knowledge (pretty much) at our fingertips and yet people are becoming more stupid (my favorite example is a very average Victorian, seven kids, mayor of his town, wrote four books, no-one has ever heard of him but he achieved things)
- The documentary evidence doesn't need to be due to the failure of magnetic media, we are erasing our history in real time due to censorship
- The plastics are leaching into the soil and the oceans. I have a batshit mental idea to GMO a bacteria that can turn plastic into natural gas, but you didn't read this am I right? 😅
William Walsh's book "Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain" - a technical book, excellent chapter on autism, discusses autism as an epigenetic disorder.
No doubt there are many triggers for Autism and no doubt there is genetic involvement. The reality is that little is still understood about genetics. For example, there is zero understanding of what causes a gene to switch off or on. A dozen people with the same genetic marker for a disease may have one or two develop the disease and the others not. What triggers the genetic switch to flip? Logic decrees something as artificial and invasive as vaccination is a possible top contender.
the study of epigenetics is being that understanding so honestly I can't say I would use the term 'little'. little is agreed upon and loads more needs to be done but in the biomedical treatment of autism world we like to say 'genes load the gun but environment pulls the trigger'.
Yes, but the critical thing is not that the genes 'load the gun' but that for most, in the same environment, the 'gun does not fire.' It is not about the genes or the same would apply to all. It is what flips the switch of the gene on or off.
After having been extremely sickened and injured by the Pfizer poison injections last spring, I will never allow any more vaccines to enter my body. In fact, I eschew the entire system of contemporary conventional western medicine. I weaned myself off of the three pharmaceutical meds I'd been taking for years a few months after I got sick from the Pfizer shots.
I did not take the jab because of brave doctors who warned us while others scorned them. I am in my 70s and have taken many vaccines through the years, but have now eschewed them. I am beginning to critically analyze every assumption I've ever made about prescriptions, shots, doctors, and hospitals. Medicine often invents both the need and the cure. Most of what we acquire with money is probably free, either in our own bodies or in our world. God is kinder and more intelligent than we could possibly imagine. It's all here. Most pharmacy is a way to get money from our pockets to theirs. I learned this so late in life -- but at least I learned it. Baby steps.
If I need medicine in the future I'll use herbs and other natural remedies. I use CBD oil for arthritis, and it's surprisingly effective. It's more effective than pharmaceutical pain meds.
It was painless and effortless to wean myself off the three pharmaceutical medicines I'd been taking. I did it carefully and methodically over a period of two or three months. I'm very glad I did.
I did the same a few years ago, was shocked one day as I portioned out the SEVEN prescriptions I was on for various troubles … I was shocked. My doctor is very free thinking in many ways but had been layering on my meds wo thinking at all … doctors are trained to prescribe not the reverse. I weaned off them all with guidance from that goof doctor of mine. It took a few months and I had trouble coming off SSRI … I wish to get my hub off blood pressure meds but we are dealing w so much life crap at the moment …
I didn't ask for advice, much less "permission," from my "principal care provider" to titrate myself off the three meds I'd been taking. I just decided to do it. I neither needed nor wanted any input from her, or from anyone, about the issue. It was my decision, and that was all there was to it.
The extreme sickness and lasting injuries from the Pfizer poison were the last straw for me. I've been seriously injured by conventional western medicine at least three times during my life. (I'm 66.) As far as I'm concerned, any doctor who works for the medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex is evil, or at least she's complicit with evil. I refuse to have anything to do with the system any longer.
I got off blood pressure meds by avoiding salt. I got off insulin by changing what I eat. Last month I decided no more statin drugs because they're probably another campaign of corporate pharmaceutical sophistry.
Anyone here wonder what would happen if we all quit Big Pharma? I’m thankful for things needed during emergencies and realize there is a time and place foe these meds. But quitting daily meds...bet we could shut the whole damn system down. Would LOVE to see this! 😁🔥
I've recently heard it stated that the business 'goal' of pharma is to have every person on the planet, on at least three Rx meds! that's why they are so threatened by self-care and the integrative & functional medicine disciplines.
a supplement containing citrus bergomot is good for cholesterol balance & management. one called Tri-chromium for HBP (I reversed BOTH in less than 6 months) with their use. (but must note that I have an extremely knowledgeable biomedical health coach and have been in the biomedical treatment world for over 10 years. supplements are not to be used willy-nilly or like playing 'whack a mole', as we like to say.)
Supplements are mostly headed for the drain. People have literally no idea what they might need and since most are synthetic and not in combination as nature provides, they do no good and some harm. Best avoided unless as you say, you have someone who actually can prescribe effectively. Even then I wonder about it a bit. Nothing beats nutrition from food except the placebo effect.
Whack-a-mole . . . Yes, I think that's what I've been doing! There's no one around to direct any of it. I'll look into those. I get rid of one condition and along comes another.
If you haven't directly treated each aspect of spikeshot injury, I urge you to do that. I wrote an overview with some helpful links. If you go to the Real COVID Research website and scroll almost to the bottom of the wide center column, you will find two things I wrote. (It's possible you've seen this material before because I posted it originally in a substack or two that both you and I read.) Also look up La Quinta Columna's video about disabling the MAC address you may have been tagged with via the spikeshot...
I know there are many useful natural remedies, but my husband was poisoned and killed by an herbal formula recommended and sold to him by a doctor. In my opinion, natural remedies should be tested and retested for each patient using a sophisticated energy medicine method like NeuroModulation Techniques (Feinburg Method).
yes! as I stated above, just because most supplements/herbals etc are OTC, it doesn't mean any given one is appropriate for everyone (regardless of its slick marketing). you have to do your homework, consult a knowledgeable integrative practitioner, etc. there ARE interactions and contraindications for everything.
I have gone through a similar journey in regards to my feelings about vaccines, Jessica. Before 2020, I had no qualms about vaccines whatsoever—even though, in retrospect, I realized I had developed a rare lung disease (hypersensitivity pneumonitis) within 48 hours of getting my tetanus shot in 2014 and I had had a severe reaction to my measles vaccine as a child (fainted in the doctor’s office and vomited for days afterward). Thanks to the obvious toxicity/lethality of the COVID killshots, I have become more skeptical about all vaccines, and reading “Dissolving Illusions” and “The Moth in the Iron Lung” atomic-detonated all of my past assumptions about the myths we’ve been taught about vaccines from birth.
I would be *very* curious to get your thoughts on “Dissolving Illusions,” Jessica, and encourage you to put it at the top of your must-read list. It is transformative and has opened my eyes to deceptions that stretch back centuries.
James Lyons-Weiler recently introduced me to the term “vaccine risk awareness” (https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/the-pathologization-of-reason-logic), and I think all of us should embrace that framing to emphasize the foolishness of failing to even consider the risks of a warp-speed–developed injection with a safety profile worse than Vioxx, Thalidomide, DDT, cigarettes, and every other lethal product ever produced combined.
:-) "Vaccinations have never been safe. Never has there been a safe vaccine, never will there be a safe vaccine, and it is not possible to have a safe vaccine." - Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Lyons-Weiler is a hero of mine. In his earliest writings on SARS-CoV-2, he warned that any vaccine, especially any using the spike protein, would be high risk for ADE aka pathologic priming.
If you haven't read Neil Miller's book "Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies", please do. This is the best book I've seen for handing to people who think vaccines are safe and effective. Much easier to read than "Dissolving Illusions." Just flipping through the book reading the headlines at the tops of most pages gives the reader a shock and an education.
You will never guess what happened. Internet went down again. Curse those copper wire stealing MOFOs. Anyway, hope all is well. Always thinking of you (yes I know you have your own Substack, but I'm so behind this year it isn't even funny, I've not had Internet for ten weeks this year so far).
Holy guacamole! I cannot believe your Internet went down again—ten weeks w/o Internet is beyond ridiculous! I guess the universe wanted you to take a break ;-)
I know you’re behind so don’t want to pile more on, but I think you would especially appreciate this piece:
Not on topic for the key point but I developed asthma at age 40. I cured it by healing my gut and reducing my stress. The doctor and the insurance company had no interest in how I did this. They just wanted to send me to asthma workshops and get me to use their drugs.
My son at age 3 was diagnosed as pre asthmatic by a few allopathic doctors. Not one considered food allergies or mentioned it could be the cause. I took him to a homeopathic doc who didn’t even exam my boy. He listened to me list out his symptoms and told me to remove eggs and dairy from his diet. My son was confirmed to have a severe allergy to eggs and dairy after our naturopath tested him. I removed all inflammatory foods (eggs and dairy were the first to go), gave him probiotics and he only ate whole organic foods. Within two weeks his respiratory symptoms cleared. He’s 14 now and couldn’t be healthier!
yes, I agree. Dismissing and demonising those refusing the genetic treatments called a vaccine for Covid has actually created more people questioning vaccines, i.e. 'anti-vaxxers.' The more we question medical treatments the safer we are and the better science and medicine we get.
Yeah, when my doc told me I had asthma, I told him "I refuse to have asthma." To his credit, he was a good integrative doc and replied, "If you refuse to have asthma, then you will have to get yourself a top-quality vacuum with a HEPA filter. I recommend the Miele brand." I followed this good advice and haven't had another asthma attack in about 25 years. The vacuum is still working well and it's been helpful, but the essential thing was that I learned that I couldn't breathe a bunch of crud of any kind and expect my lungs to put up with it.
I'd really love to know more about this. Is it Leaky Gut? How'd you do it? Got any resources to share? I ready somewhere that autism may be related to this as well.
Look into Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride's GAPS Diet. Her book "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" explains the gut/autism etc. problems well, but if you want to do the diet, look for a website that sets out the stages of the diet very clearly. Important addition to GAPS Diet: Look at Peter D'Adamo's Blood Type Diet for foods to avoid for the patient's blood type, and eliminate those foods (ignore the rest of the BTD advice). Gut reactions to "Avoid" foods can be almost as severe as Celiac Disease reactions to gluten.
commonality in areas with highest proportions of 100+yr olds is diets high in prebiotic and probiotic foods... digestive health essential to immune health.
Vaccines are not the answer. Natural immunity IS. I have 40 years experience with breeding dogs and livestock. I chose Natural rearing in 1987. I started with raw species appropriate diets and saw huge improvements. But still saw cancers and some chronic stuff rear it's head , so dove further in 94 by stopping puppy/adult 5 way vx. Further improvements! But the odd cancers still reared up in Seniors. Grew a pair and stopped rabies. 22 years later, use not seen ANY more cancers. My cats live into their late 20s and the dogs, although with genetic predisposition to mitral valve disease and therefore CHF, still get to between 15 and 17 years of age, where the mean avg lifespan is now considered to be TEN years of age (totally unacceptable). So I am positive vaccines do FAR more harm than good. I'm not a doctor. But I do a lot of reading and research and I know what I see. The biggest cause of disease is metaphysical/stress. When we start looking more at our own ability to heal, along with feeding our body as if its a PRECIOUS TEMPLE, we will see "dis-ease" pretty much disappear. I've seen the path a long time ago, and I'm sticking to it. Homeopathy FYI, is one helluva modality to effect cure. It works because WATER has MEMORY and like cures like.
I have to add that I found using bovine colostrum to be absolutely integral to improving immune function in puppies, so if they got parvo they would breeze through it like a mild GI upset. I treated with bentonite clay and homeopathy and they usually were back to normal within between 24 and 48 hours. Often only having missed a couple of meals. And the worst cases I saw were in vaccinated puppies. Most of them would die or need hospitalisation. Sound familiar?
An early 20th century U.S. doctor said he had had 200 patients with cancer during his career and he never saw an unvaccinated person get cancer. Every one of his cancer patients had been vaccinated.
👍 Kayla, I am absolutely NOT SURPRISED!! And look at the huge number of children with cancers over the last 20 years! We have a general cancer epidemic and with these CV jabs it's increasing like wild fire. And they are very aggressive metastatic cancers!!!! 😱
My sister has had two great danes who died from CHF. Now on their third. I’m not sure that’s what your raising but sounds like it. Good on you. I will probably forgo any more vax updates on my 15yr old cat.
No. Not danes. Whippets. CHF is rampant on lots of breeds. I believe the parvo vaccine is the cause of this. It has damaged or altered their DNA. Cavalier King Charles spaniels. Doberman, Boxers and more have these cardiac issues also. It all seemed to happen in the 70's when parvo suddenly appeared. Many researchers think they know how too! Canine distemper vax was being cultured on cat kidneys. There was likely dormant panleukopenia virus in those kidney cells. Somehow they wound up in thos distemper shots which were marketed world wide. Whether they mutated or shared dna with the distemper virus no one knows but all the dogs who received that distemper vax, got panleuk symptoms and most died. Parvo vax was then mfg right away and boom, within 10 years nultiple breed suddenly are rampant with heart ailments (there are 2 parvo strains...one is GI, the other affects the heart). Now you know the story.... very sickening.
Ditto happened a few years ago in FL when race horses vaxxed with equine influenza snotted all over the tracks they shared with greyhounds....guess how that ended. New canine influenza.
Awesome! I do best on high fat/meat too but I need some veg myself too. We eat a cross between keto and paleo. I just really avoid processed/sugars/grains. Hard to get hubby to do that part. He'd eat crap if I wasn't in charge of the food! . He has to eat what I make, lol. I eat sprouts/micro greens (very easy to do), berries, and I forage wild greens (mustard, nettle, comfey) and grow my own kale, squash, onions, etc. We grow almost all our own meats (pastured/organic fed duck, chicken, & eggs from both) & get our beef from a local farm/abattoir who pastures his cattle. We try to eat as clean as possible. :)
Aww. Research raw food diet for dogs. See if you can't get him to switch. Dogs are not meant to eat carbs. There are raw food co-ops in most states. Email me and I can send you links to Web sites that can help you. lepusreg@gmail.com
Thank you...They need people to speak for them. They can't tell most people. I adore my animals. I wish I could go back 50 years so I could continue another few decades. And my life mission was to help them by helping the owners who want to know the truth, the better way, nature's way. God gave us EVERYTHING on earth that we and the animals need for optimal life. 🤗
I was wondering about this. We got a German Shepherd in 2020 (COVID puppy) and I started thinking about diet for him. I try to eat low-carb myself and was thinking, “If canines basically were born to eat meat, why do we feed them these dog foods that are mostly corn?” I ended up choosing a food that is much more meat-based. It still contains some grain, but it’s a lot lower percentage than the popular supermarket brands, from what I can tell. I’m hopeful he’ll be more healthy. Now, you’ve given me more to think about with vaccines. Should probably stop those, too.
Be aware that ALL dog foods are HIGHLY processed and dead! The vitamins are all SYNTHETIC (the body does not recognise them and they can cause serious Health issues). So you would do way more for him to put him on a raw diet. There's loads of info out there and many companies that make prepared frozen raw. However best to learn (its not rocket science) so you can make it yourself and control what you are feeding and where it comes from. Just remember that if we are not supposed to eat processed food, why on earth should our pets? We would not do that to our kids if we knew better....
yes, either mercury or aluminum. as adjuvants. a 2 month old infant will be injected (per CDC childhood vaccine schedule) with an amount of aluminum that EXCEEDS the FDA's 'safe' exposure for a 200 lb adult man.
My son was injured and hospitalized twice after MMR . I was gaslighted by the docs , in spite of every test coming back negative , they refused to consider the vaccine. ( Literally a laundry list check off of the insert listing SE. )
I was then injured by the Hep B , losing my skin inside both elbows and inner knees for months . I've been reading ever since , ( 1998)
My shadenfreude is heavy.
Finally enough doctors , nurses , scientists , etc have also suffered the life changing DIRECT effects of a commercial product with zero liability , that they are finally looking deeper into the entire PR construct around these highly profitable , harmful commercial products and the (lack of) science behind their use. The Legions of UNREPRESENTED , UNREPORTED families and children injured is an eerily familiar story unfortunately.
It is heartening , however , that standing up and speaking out doesn't feel as lonely as the last couple decades have been. I tell myself if I can save just one person from having their life stolen by these criminals , all the disdain will have been more than worth it.
Thank you so much for lending weight and sharp insight to the light we all must shine on these Predators.
Oh yes, definitely do tell! My dtap injury was lifelong asthma. I have pretty good control but mold is a huge trigger and I live in a cool damp environment. (Rural South Eastern Ontario) spring and fall are the absolute WORST.
sorry I am not a subscriber--too many substack sub's already. maybe next round. however, two things:
1) in a recent interview I loved and commented on your great statement: "if it isn't replicable, it ain't shit." thanks for making science fun, Jessica.
2) since birth I have done the "normal" vax thing (now 75). had covid and now wouldn't consider mrna vaccines. and, likely have had my last of any except for maybe tetanus. having seen what a sham the federal oversight agencies are and the history of vax, I'm done.
I'm a physician and did not get the jab or covid. I am the only one in my group. Everyone else is boosted, getting sick etc. I feel like I am living in a sick parallel universe. We are required to get the flu shot and I was in the Navy before, so have been immunized up the you-know-what. But never again. I became disillusioned with how MD's and the whole lot of people in the medical field are basically lied to, bamboozled and forced to drink the kool-aide and never ask questions. I am glad I woke up before COVID and did not get vaccinated. I never ask my patients to get the vaccine. I am OB and I am horrified people are rec to pregnant patients. Tdap isn't even a vaccine either...I could go on and on and on....
Please do! I love the testimonials and stories! I feel it's important to share.
The second "vaxxed" movie does an excellent breakdown. Also, RFK jr is in the middle of a lawsuit with Merck regarding this vaccine. They are in discovery right now. I know I get info from ACOG all the time how the vaccine has reduced cervical cancer rates but I think a boosted immune system is a great way to combat the HPV virus. This virus is usually eradicated naturally from the body. Vit D optimization is the best. There are a couple of things from metagenics that are good.
Read what Dr Alex Vasquez has to say on the matter in the BMJ. He is also on SubStack.
I’m also a physician - family doctor in New Zealand . Haven’t had a flu vaccine for 20 years, refused the Covid vaccine, got caught in the New Zealand mandates and wasn’t allowed to see patients face to face. Fortunately I got Covid in March and after an uneventful illness got a vaccine exemption for 3 months which has meant back to clinic work for a limited time. I haven’t had flu for decades despite seeing lots of patients each year with viral illnesses and flu.
My partner had his license suspended for urging caution, insisting on informed consent and the freedom to choose particularly for pregnant women and teenagers last year at a public meeting. He is only allowed back if he signs an undertaking not to publicly or privately talk with people about Covid vaccines, and treat no one outside of public health endorsed Covid guidelines (ie no repurposed drugs). No wonder so few doctors speak out. Our nurses and midwives have shown much more backbone and often lost their jobs as a result. There’s talk of a 4th mandated jab - the madness here is unbelievable.
It is very hard to be strong when your lively hood is at risk. I know i talk a good talk but walking the walk is very hard. I feel for you in New Zealand and Australia. Who knew that these 2 beautiful places would end up being so draconian. I was lucky in that I could proclaim religious exemption. Whether that is the reason for rejecting the vaccine is a whole other story!
Treelily, where in NZ are you located? I live in Central Otago and my GP is a vax fanatic. I had the initial series (2 shots) because of the mandate. Just recovered from COVID so have a reprieve until August when I will likely lose my job...unless things change. I will not get tge booster or any future COVID inoculation.
My heart goes out to you and I'm sorry to hear that is the NZ policy. I hope things do change in NZ. But, barring that, maybe it's time to consider moving to Florida. IDK. What a terrible situation our governments have put us in. I want to vote against every incumbent now.
Lol re Florida. Agree with the vote dilemma- same here. No choice amongst incumbents.
Central north island
Damn! Because I would switch my medical care to you in a heartbeat!
Administering the genetic jabs to pregnant women is a crime against humanity, full stop. Disasters from DES, Minamata (methylmercury), and thalidomide brushed away like they never happened.
Same here. Everyone laughed at me when I said I didn't want the shot. Now they are all ill with Covid(!) Or they have a new chronic illness. Kidney disease, blood clots, terrible muscle pain and headaches, heart damage, cancer and even a death.
Meanwhile I haven't been sick in over 3 years.
I have had several people saying to me now that I was right and how they aren't going for the booster. I ask why and they say "Cause everytime I get a shot I end up sick. I was sick for a week after the last one. Didn't feel right"
you are fortunate that you know people that are seeing the truth and admitting it. I think most in that situation are NOT admitting and even doubling down on the propaganda regurgitation
Some of the most educated people in our society/economy (i.e. MDs) are lied to and herded together like livestock. Individually these minds are some of the best in society, and yet most are unwilling to critically question the mainspiel. What a misuse and abuse of these highly educated minds.
Money and politics rule all. They come out of med school owing huge amounts of money, may have kids to raise, and have to choose between being fired or taking a shot. Civil liberties are dead, and if who gets to take over the world's healthcare. It's all over. Who is ruled/owned by china and bill gates(of hell)
I was kind of shocked that my OBYN was pushing the vaccine on me. (This was last year before everyone was pushing it non stop) I am not pregnant, but I told her very calmly that I had JRA, people with autoimmune conditions were not in the trial, and I was in no hurry to take it. I kind of thought she might appreciate this she was an OBGYN and pregnant women were not included in the trial either, but, no she did not appreciate it at all. She hurried out as fast as she could without her usual warmth, her good opinion of me changed by that conversation, I think. This was the first weird interaction over the vaccine I had with someone outside of my family. It was not the last.
I remember reading that doctors thought these vaccines were A-OK for patients with multiple sclerosis.
But now there's this line of thinking that the vaccines can take an autoimmune patient out of remission, or even create a new case of an autoimmune disease in someone who didn't have it. I don't know how much credence to place in this. But I'm sure doctors continue to prescribe these vaccines for all autoimmune patients everywhere all the time. I don't understand that logic.
Right. I know someone who came down with Still's disease after the shot. That's the adult version of the autoimmune condition that I already have. He didn't even have a previous history. I have also heard of people coming out of remission. It definitely is a betrayal on the part of the doctors to tell their patients it is fine when there is no data, but most of them seem not only to be doing this but also bullying their patients and treating them like they are crazy for pushing back.
No jabs for me either, not ever if it is my conscious decision. As a Marine 50 years ago I had to get a crazy number of vaccines (13?) in order to go to my duty station in Japan. I don’t remember any adverse effects. But those vaccines were produced properly, I hope. It was light years ahead of the Covid19 scam of injectable products.
Can you explain why the tdap isn’t a vaccine?
I say its not by the old definition. It's mainly the pertussis portion. It is an acellular vaccine that loses effectiveness pretty quickly and the vaccinated harbor the bacteria and pass it on to the unvaccinated. My understanding is that you develop antibodies against the toxin not the bacteria itself. So you are a big asymptomatic carrier of the bacteria and spread it. I "real" vaccine should develop antibodies against the actual bacteria/virus to eradicate the virus and this help prevent spread. If I am way off base et me know
Interesting then by that definition the tetanus shot also so disqualified, as the antigen in the shot is allegedly the tetanus toxoid not an inactivated bacteria. Not arguing, just curious.
I think doctors comply for a number of reasons. A short but incomplete list would be 1-that we can't imagine that the CDC, AMA, WHO etc would not have the health and well being of entire populations in their best interest. 2- there are those physicians that are not open minded, know what is best for the patient and cant deal with being questioned. etc. I remember suggesting the HPV vaccine to patients back in the day. They would reply that they had heard about some bad SE and refused. Then I came up with a list of things to boost their immune response. Patients loved this. Then started digging deeper into the vaccine issues and this is what started my transformation 10 years ago and allowed me to not be bamboozled by COVID BS. 3-going against the grain/narrative is not how we succeeded. We are rule followers for the most part, study hard, obey the norms to get ahead and thrive on "doing the right thing". It is not the bad boy types and divas that go into medicine.
Medicine has become protocol driven and that now starts in medical school ( when I trained there was much more freedom of thought and practice). Protocols are almost universally pharmaceutical. It stifles innovation, or an individually or collaborative management plan for each person. The risks of working outside of protocols can be great. Medicine now attracts conservative conformity even more so than in the past. I was ‘dis-membered’ from a NZ GP Facebook group for raising some uncomfortable questions in relation to mandates - no discussion or divergent opinion allowed. I don’t even consider myself a radical!
My family doctor was treating Lyme successfully. Medical mafia bullied him, said to stop or he’d be in court proving he never over -billed Medicare/Medicaid until he went bankrupt or retired. (I have an integrative medicine doctor now for actual help)
Jessica, I have only received one vaccine ever, DTaP when I was 20. I was actually unaware of how against vaccination my parents and extended family were until later, and did not have any immediate or obvious side effects. What matters, though, is my life experience and observations.
I am almost never seriously ill. I have abundant energy at 50 years of age and look at least a decade younger than my biological age. I am neurotypical in a sea of human beings who are not (not more sane, mind you; simply different). My immune system is quite adaptive, and I never avoid "germs" but studiously avoid ingesting industrial chemicals.
I began studying vaccines in earnest nearly a decade ago when a family member dropped that they cannot be trusted. Back in the hoary old days of 2013, Google would actually return results that questioned the dominant narrative. In sum, I cannot, and do not, refute the findings collated at www.vaccinepapers.org.
To date I have had Covid (alpha, March 2020) and have not had any long Covid effects. I've watched the world fall to madness and the health of all (literally all) of my vaxxed friends worsen. My family is utterly fine except for a brother lost...to fentanyl.
Vaccines were never the answer to pathogens. They are even less so now.
That is an incredible testimony! Thank you. :)
What you wrote at the end is the answer to the question. :)
Right on sister! BTW, I was injured by that DTaP as an adolescent. So I had a healthy narrow eye at vax & toxins most of my life. Wish I'd seen the damage happening in my animals well before I had my epiphany in 1987! I knew it for me, but blindly followed the veterinary mainstream for them. They brainwash us that there's no other way! So I've been teaching the other way for 3 decades now!
I am a previously-brainwashed-veterinarian too. I look back on some of the things that we were taught at vet school in absolute horror. I was lucky to work with a colleague who taught me to re-assess everything that I thought I knew about health.
I was sad to learn most dr had an hour or 2? of nutrition. My progress with my integrative medicine doctor has a lot to do with knowing what deficiencies I have. Insurance dictated doctors suggest antidepressants for everything if you are middle age woman. Thyroid problems are greatly under diagnosed & untreated ( or with antidepressants!)
I got some of my friends at the vfw to take sublingual B , it helps their anxiety and depression. They are Vietnam vets. A simple cheap vitamin is helping them. All those years they blamed themselves for the physical problems that adrenal exhaustion caused. No money in acknowledging & addressing vitamin deficiency until the damage done. I’m sad my primary care doctor has to fill his head with insurance codes instead of the latest studies. So glad you had an aware co worker ! Good to hear!!!
( it’s helping a few vets , didn’t mean to sound like anything is cured , but they feel a little better.
We really do have only a tiny bit of small-animal nutrition. And we didn’t learn much about deficiencies - mostly just in production animals, and mostly just clinical deficiencies. I’ve been lucky to experience a better way of approaching health!
WONDERFUL! I tried very hard to "progress" my vet. I got to the point that he marvelled at how well homeopathy worked, and asked me how to feed one of his dogs because nothing he did stopped her chronic ear infections. The switch did fix the problem...but I suspect that it mainly was vax induced. But I put the bug in his ear to take Pitcairns course, and other stuff but to no avail. :( however, he never questioned me on vax re my own animals, never gave me grief and always respected what I thought was going on with my critters. For that I have been profoundly grateful (it sucks having a vet tell you that the way you feed is going to kill your animals, after them not knowing for several years and constantly telling you they are the healthiest in their practice...and constantly asking what is the magic supplement I am giving that is making them so healthy!? Abd them as soon as I fessed up, I get "OMG, you're going to kill them!" That was my last visit to that particular vet. :( So HONEST KUDOS TO YOU, BECAUSE IT TAKES A SPECIAL KIND OF HEART AND MIND TO BE CONVINCED BY ANOTHER PERSON THAT THERE'S A DIFFERENT AND BETTER WAY THAT GOES AGAINST ALL THE BRAINWASHING!! YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL!!
Thank you!! I consider myself so lucky. Ten years ago, when I started down this path, other vets rubbished us and bad-mouthed us. I’m happy to say that they are a minority now. We get many referrals for chronic intractable cases from the mainstream vets. It became too hard for many of them to ignore the results. I hope your vet eventually builds up the courage to look a little deeper!
Sadly, I doubt he will...he's close to retiring. I will be in a pickle because there are no vets anywhere, not even "holistic" vets, who will do surgeries on unvaxed pets! So it will be the end of me having any more cats, and I'll only be able to have male dogs. 😕
I'm so sorry to hear that. This won't be much help for medical/surgical care - but you may find some support on the RFVS (Raw Feeding Veterinary Society) website (UK-based). And my old work (I retired a couple of months ago) has some good stuff on its website too (rawessentials.co.nz). I hope that you get lucky, and some progressive young vet pops up in your area!
What magic supplement wee you giving them. I have Mainecoon cats that are having some skin issues and would love to know where you get your information. I was thinking of making my own cat food but it is pretty labor intensive. The only vax I get is rabies but they are indoor cats and have been thinking of declining. We dont ever board them so probably not necessary. There was a patient that dies of rabies in my hospital so that concerned me but honestly, my cats will never get rabies!
No magic supplement. I fed them a species appropriate raw food diet. Feeding cats is easy. They are obligate carnivores. Mine get a third ground bone in chicken, ⅓ beef muscle with tripe added, and a third liver/heart mix. Sometimes I add in some ground pork or ground canned cat tuna (dark meat) just to change up the flavour. It's not rocket science. Long as your not cooking the meat, there is no need to add supplements. My old vet 40 years ago THOUGHT I was giving them a supplement...went on and on about how healthy they were. About a year later I finally caved and told him what I was doing which was feeding a raw diet and he immediately flipped out and told me I was going to kill them. That's when I dropped him as my vet. So far as vaccines I hate to tell you but that rabies job is one of the worst ones and indoor cats don't need it at all. I would suggest you revisit feeding raw.
Interesting you should mention your pets. We recently vaccinated an animal for rabies for travel reasons and much of the fur on her backside has since fallen out. she has received no other vaccines as I am much against them. She is an inside-only cat with no other known health issues. Completely out of the blue! I very much suspect the vaccine.
This site is set up by a woman who noticed harm done to her animals from vaccines. She has moved on to harm done to humans.
Not just pet vaccinations, but pet diet. I've been low-carb for 12 years and have not had a single cold that whole time, despite frequent colds previously.
Yet I unthinkingly fed my cats crap dry food. Cats are obligate carnivores. The kibbles of most dry food are formed using grains. Why do you think so many pets these days are fat and cancerous and have bad teeth?
My current cat hunts mice and gets a chicken neck or raw meat every day, and is supplemented only with canned food, never dry. She just turned 10 but looks half that. No shots for the last five years.
I correspond with a UK vet who pretty much reinforces that pet vaccinations are unnecessary (I'm in the US).
I read this fascinating book that applies to cats as well as dogs. The amount of corruption and industrial influence in veterinary science and pet food is every bit as pervasive as in human medicine.
YES! And it's why our pets have been the canaries in the coal mine.... and very few people paid enough attention to it.
Awesome. Your cat will likely make it into her 20s. ❤
If she can successfully evade the coyotes, mountain lions, and owls! I live in a place where cats don't ordinarily last very long.
Interesting....I was going to say "live into her 29s, long as nothing gets at her first" but I thought better of saying that because some people are very sensitive to those kinds of things. Glad to know you are not "visually" impaired with rise colored glasses. We have predatory wild life here too and I've lost many of my barn cats. But I had 2 smart sisters who survived to 23 and 27. At 24 I had to bring Macy inside the house as she needed extra care. She was with us for 3 more years. 🤗
I recently vaccinated my cat for rabies and she died 3 days later:(
Oh I am so sorry!
My deepest condolences. I can't begin to tell you how many animals I know who were injured and killed by vaccines, especially the rabies vx. Some day, vaccines will no longer be used. But until then we must just say no. We have that power.
Oh dear. Not good. If you can, try to find a homeopathic vet. This will need addressing because the injury is likely to go deeper over time (chronic disease). There are quite a few very good veterinary homeopaths throughout the USA and all of them will consult online so you don't have to travel. Keep detailed notes about dates and changes you see in the cat. That's important info they will need. You can find them all on the American Holistic Veterinary Association website directory. It has a great search function.
Switching to a raw meat diet might help too (do some research to make sure it's done properly). Although cats can be cranky about changes to their food.
You are so right. Sometimes you need baby steps. So switch first to canned (add a tsp of canned to the kibble & mix). After a few days, take away a tsp of kibble and add 2 tsp of canned. Continue this way until kitty likes the canned and you can remove the kibble. Do the exact same schedule with minced raw food. I tsp mince mixed in to the canned. Then follow above same steps until kitty is eating completely raw. I've had to do this a couple times. However switching kittens is easy peasy. They take to it like a fish takes to water. Do research on correct raw diet for cats. They require meats high in taurine ( red meats & organs...heart, liver, beef, chicken, but little to no fish...many cats love fish but its not a good source of taurine). Look up the Price-Pottenger studies. They will open your eyes for sure.
I believe a booster shot for work in autistic classroom wrecked my immune system. At the time dr said I was depressed. I was so ill I couldn’t argue. Had to go on disability. A few years ago I got an integrative medicine doctor. Actually helping & I have a small quality of life. I didn’t for almost 20 years, insurance dictated doctors... I made the mistake of taking Enbrel for psoriasis. Dr avoided me, changing my appointment out until I stopped trying. The biologics are fraught with side effects. Anyway, I’m here to help my heavily vaccinated elderly family members & taking weekly ivermectin for “shedding” problems .
I spent 30 years living in India and four African countries without being vaccinated or medicated and never got sick. Support optimal function, particularly immune, and leave the rest to Mother Nature.
Sorry to hear of your brother.
AdrenLNJunky, I could not agree more with your final statement. I have similar testimony.
On vaccination days in my early school years, I was the only kid (besides my sisters) with a note safety-pinned to the front of my shirt saying "Absolutely no vaccinations." This was Canada in the late 60s. My dad was a doctor and did not like the safety profiles when he looked into it. My sisters and I got all the childhood diseases: mumps, measles, rubella, whooping cough, chicken pox, which we sailed through with no problems.
I had my first vaccine at 19 in the ER after getting stung by a stingray while surfing. The ER doc did not believe me when I told him I never had the original tetanus series, so they stuck me with a booster before I could object. Next vaccine was in my mid-20s... oral polio, which was mandated to attend a summer music camp in upstate New York where Itzhak Perlman had gone. He had polio, so that was their paranoid deal on that.
Next vaccines were in my 30s... Hep A for surf travel in Central America, and a few others, which I can't recall. My final vaccine was Hep B, which I was talked into as a requirement for being on the company first aid team. I had a bad reaction to the first of the three-series shots. That night, I got up to pee and started to faint in the bathroom. I lay on the floor for awhile sweating and nauseous and felt awful all the next day. I reported the AE to the clinic doctor, but he didn't seem that interested and am pretty sure he didn't report it. I never finished the series and never got another vaccine after that. I began studying vaccines with an open mind but skeptical eye. I did not like what I was finding.
Like AdrenLNJunky (I'm one too by the way), I am healthier than my vaccinated peers, am hardly ever sick, never get headaches, and have no allergies or autoimmune conditions. I can paddle circles around surfers much younger than I.
I may have had Covid in March 2020 after returning from Washington State; if I did, the symptoms were atypical, so not sure. No problems since then.
Tetanus is a disease most common when people live with animals. (Not talking about pets but sheep, cows, pigs) I doubt many live with stingrays so why on earth they gave you the Jab for it. Because that is what they do.
In fact today, even in the Third World, where they do still live with animals, Tetanus is most common in umbilical cord wounds which is hardly surprising.
Right? And that was in the early 80s so they’ve been doing it for a long time. Idiots.
We had cv in April 2020. I did not think we did. I called my homeopath as soon as we both woke up with what I thought were atypical symptoms. My homeopath is a geri nurse as well. We had splitting horrid headaches, fatigue, GI symptoms (nausea/diarrhea), body pain) but absolutely no sore throat, cough, high fever. Turns out that THOSE are not atypical. She said that more people had those type symptoms than the cough/sire throat! I was shocked because MSM never discussed that. Anyway, she told me what remedies to do, we did, he was back to normal next day with 1 dose and it took me 2 doses and 36 hours, but another 4 days or so to get over the considerable fatigue. Anyway, I think lots was not disclosed hoping ppl would not think they had cv and therefore go out and spread it more and not get early treatment so it may possibly do more harm. Bastards.
Going forward one might look at the result of food shortages and possible semi starvation for a lot of people on detoxification and long term improvement in the world's health. This may well prove to be the cure we need.
And EVERYONE pretty much should either grow their own food, even in the windowsill or balcony, or if you have no windows, learn to identify wild edible plants. There are TONS of plants to forage that you can eat. Things like dandelion (all parts), wild mustards (all parts), lambs quarters leaves, nettles (wear gloves and must be cooked), bullrush rootstock, etc etc.
It is part of my faith that ‘Organizing Intelligence’ uses everything to move us forward. The good, the bad, the ugly....all are used to bring us to a better place. This too will help us in the long run.
You are truly a GODsend Jessica because of your openness to truth and your integrity. I became an “anti-vaxxer” 17 years ago while pregnant with my first child. I began doing my research and struggled with the decision to vax or not. A little voice inside told me not to inject my baby with these toxins. Never do I regret that choice.
You truly have been a light in the dark for so many and a savior. 🙏
Not a savior. A rebel at best. :)
A rebel savior. Even better.
I became an antivaxxer after getting lupus following hospital employee “requirement” to get hepatitis B vaccine. I also refused all vaccines for my 17 year old daughter and she is so healthy. I do not regret my decision either!
Our immune system is truly ingenious, and humans interfering with it is having disastrous results becoming more visible to all.
The mandates, and force of our government behind COVID vaccines which do not prevent infection and transmission is only helping to raise awareness of the dark financial profit reason for them....
There were voices in the past which urged caution, but, as we saw with Covid, they were ignored.
Macfarlane Burnet, Nobel Prize laureate for immunology, suggested over half a century ago that genetics, nutrition, psychological and environmental factors (ecological medicine) may play a more important role in resistance to disease than the assumed benefits of artificial immunity induced by vaccination procedures (Burnet 1952 p106).
He suggested that in years to come society may have to reassess the belief scientists were placing in vaccination. He considered that genetic deterioration of the population may be a consequence of universal mass vaccination campaigns and he postulated that ‘some of our modern successes in preventative and curative medicine may on the longest view be against the best interests of the state’ (Burnet 1952 p107).
Burnet (1952) believed that genetic constitution was the most important hidden variable in disease statistics. Gilbert (2004) reinforces this theory with a new definition of environmental health that emphasises the importance of genetic potential to health outcomes from environmental hazards. This is described in chapter 2. It is possible that the genetics and health of the population are at risk if these factors are not considered in the preventative strategies that are adopted in the control of infectious diseases.
Burnet FM. 1952. The Pattern of Disease in Childhood. Australasian Annals of Medicine. 1: 2: pp93-107.
How did your family and extended family react? My daughter and her husband just got "outed" as "anti-vax" and are getting judged harshly by those that have not done any research. It is difficult as they are unwilling to even consider than the orthodoxy might not be correct. We are now moving as our state Ct. removed all exemptions.
They had concerns at first but stand your ground, present good research articles and again firmly but politely stand your ground. Now especially they are on my side more than ever before!
A suggestion: Buy Neil Miller's book "Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies" and hand it to the pro-vaxxers who haven't done any research. 400 studies summarized in an easy-to-read format. Just reading the "headlines" at the tops of the pages in this book is an education.
Thanks for the suggestion. I did put Miller's book on a bedside table for a family member that was visiting but I guess 400 studies just aren't enough. I may have to send this book to a few of the more vocal critics!
I'm glad to hear that you already know about Miller's book! Sorry it didn't "work" for your visiting family member. Sometimes I think we need to study up on de-programming methods used to rescue cult members...
The answer to the question about whether vaccination is a net benefit can be best found by asking a different question:
"Is 100% of autism caused by vaccines or just 95%?"
The US is currently producing approximately 100,000 autistic people (i.e. people with brain damage that we call autism) per year. About 1/3 are non-verbal. Most will never enjoy full lives.
There was a very good piece on the Stew Peters Network recently. DeAnna Lorraine just had a baby and she was artificially induced. Then she looked into it and found that the percentage of artificially induced births was rising alarmingly.
Turns out that the drug used to induce can cause autism and that inducing itself can cause autism. We are being attacked on every front imaginable.
Yes, I watched that. It's crazy the amount we don't know. I can't even begin to rationalize the things I have learned since even before C19 hit our shores. It's nuts!
It really is mental. Unfortunately, we have moved from Clown World into deep dystopian territory. At least with Clown World you could laugh. I'm not laughing anymore.
I pray a lot. Many people are worried. I find myself asking God for guidance. That helps for me to not be overwhelmed.
OMG! One more cog in the wheel of annihilation of normal.
Oh wow.
"Results of our human survey study showed that children in the drug-exposed condition during labor were 2.77 times more likely to exhibit an autism phenotype. While the SARRC dataset only contained labor induction information, it was observed that mothers who received Pitocin during the birthing process were 2.32 times more likely to have a child diagnosed with autism later in life."
My daughter has ADHD with impulse control. It gets so bad. She is 15 and with hormones already running rampant this adds another layer of crazy in my house. She is currently on pharmaceuticals. I have tried to find a naturpath but I can't find a legitimate person in my area. I bought 7 books on plant based medicine so I am researching.
I used to date an American girl with ADHD. She used to give me her Adderall sometimes. That stuff is insane, it's like the highest grade speed (what we call amphetamines in the UK) imaginable. I cannot imagine giving that stuff to kids!
I don't really know what to make of ADHD. I'm pretty certain my ex had borderline personality disorder so I don't really know what was ultimately wrong with her.
I had a very interesting experience at University. One of my housemates had dyslexia and I introduced him to another friend who was also dyslexic. His theory was that it was fake and was just an excuse for rich people to pretend that their children weren't sub-optimal in terms of intelligence. Not my words, that's literally what he thought.
Also, the entirirty of pyschology as an academic discipline exists mainly to create "conditions" that can then be "treated" with pharmaceutical products. They've created thousands of new "conditions" over the last three decades, most of them being just a "diagnosis" of normal human behaviour.
Not trying to offer you advice, but I can tell you, even though I was a model student at school, I look back at my time in education as a massive waste of time. I'm an autodidact and can teach myself anything, no matter how difficult or complicated if I have enough interest in it. The current education system is based on creating drones for factories, it needed radically overhauling fifty years ago.
Plus, different people have different forms of "intelligence". I'm friends with some master craftsmen. They absolutely suck at academic stuff but they are bright, interesting people who can create amazing things.
Some people just aren't suited to the current education system (I now know I am one of them, and exams are a joke - cramming info into your short term memory is hardly a useful skill in the real world).
Plus...exercise. You're a teenager, you should be going on 80 mile bike rides and wearing yourself out every day. :) I also got heavily into yoga and meditation when I was sixteen, it helped enormously.
Sorry for the essay. ;)
Actually I appreciate it. I do agree on almost everything you said. I fought against putting my daughter on meds but her outburst were beyond horrible. Also, people that don't have ADHD it will have the opposite effect. So if you took it and it made you hyper that is what it should do. When my daughter takes it, it calms her down. She has no problems at school, ever. I am looking for plant based medicine to help. Also, yoga and meditation are something I think she should do but I know nothing about either. She has impulse control problems. I noticed it when she was around 7. It was probably one of the 1000 shots she had. If I would have realized what these shots were doing neither of my kids would have had them. They didn't have the covid bioweapon but that was because of the research I had been doing. Thank you for everything you said. I appreciate your input.
ADHD is a real thing. And like dyslexics, it's not a reflection of IQ. Yes, there is great danger in medicalizing everything, but being able to sort out, define a condition that can be helped can make a big difference. I finally was diagnosed with ADHD at age 50. I wish I had that Rx earlier in life, would have helped a lot. I persevered despite it, but others do not or cannot. Also, some conditions do not travel alone: ADHD usually has depression/anxiety in tow that isn't the situational kind. Where unnecessary suffering can be relieved, creativity and drive can be unleashed.
Interesting perspective! Thanks for your post. 😀
There are practitioners that will work with you over the phone. Plant based can be high copper. Look into pyrrole disorder.
Our daughter has Asperger's with impulse control issues. We did get some relief with CBD oil, but that hit a limit, we're now using a remedy containing Zizyphus seed, Kudzu vine root, Magnolia bark and passionflower which does help, but mainly because it reduces her anxiety levels. So that may give you something to start looking at (even if it doesn't help ADHD directly)
It's funny because I don't believe what she has is ADHD. I think they need to label it. She has horrible impulse control and has OCD like behavior when she speaks. She will tell you the same thing over, and over again. It's odd, it's like maybe you won't believe her if she says it the first time so she repeats it in a different way. Literally she will talk about something for 20 minutes and she could have told the story in 3. We have to sometimes stop her because it is so "crazy" (I couldn't think of a better word.)
Have you looked into niacin? Dr abram Hoeffrr and Dr Andrew Saul have a lot of info.
Read William Walsh's book "Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain." Decades of research and experience analyzing and correcting brain chemistry with great results. Most patients can get off psychiatric drugs...
I just purchased thank you
I will look into that.
I had Pitocin for one of my births but thankfully no complications that I know of.
Glad to hear it.
Induction is used for the convenience of doctors. It is unhealthy for mother and baby.
Or there could be something more sinister going on. We've seen enough examples from the Covid sh*tshow.
No, I don't think there is anything more sinister beyond medical convenience, medical profit and ignorance and arrogance. Still, you can get plenty of sinister from all of those things - just no plan.
Spot on, that's what she said.
Congratulations. Semper fi!
Some are more robust than others. Your son is fortunate.
I just read something yesterday that talked about how some formula also causes it. The baby formula made by manufacturers doesn't even come close to a mother's milk. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/good-morning-chd/KZWH_6NRcx
What is truly bizarre is that any sane human, particularly a scientist or doctor, could ever think something concocted in a laboratory could even equal mother's milk, let alone better it. How can sucking gunge out of a plastic bottle ever compare with suckling sweet breast milk from a warm female breast, close to a beating heart.
Plus the oxytocin is wonderful for both mom and baby. Women with milk supply issues can use a Lact-Aid (trademarked name of one specific device) to nurse successfully while building their milk supply.
Could be the aluminum in the formula. Processed foods contain a lot of aluminum.
So do childhood vaccines. They use it as an adjuvant (I believe that is what it is called.)
Yep. It turns out that moms actually make the best baby food in the world. Honestly, I can’t believe that we ever thought formula was BETTER(!) than breast milk. Surely, there are situations when formula is useful, but IMO it’s always a compromise and should be viewed as such.
The best formulas are homemade using recipes on the Weston Price Fdn website. Three formulas carefully developed to mimic human breastmilk. The website has a chart comparing 30 macro and micro nutrients in breastmilk with the three formulas.
Thank you for sharing this link. My daughter is expecting and due in Dec so we're preparing for the new lil one. This is most helpful to not be a helpless victim. Sadly something that is foisted onto so many without their understanding about their own victimization by tptb.
Look for healthy homemade formula recipes on the Weston Price Fdn website. Three formulas developed to mimic breastmilk as closely as possible.
I shared that with some people. I watched it Friday on CHDtv
We could easily find out what percentage of Autism/Brain Damage is triggered by vaccines. Just do a simple study looking at health in fully, partially and non-vaccinated children. One would have thought every doctor would be screaming for such an independent report, but no.
There are millions of parents who would happily limit or forego vaccines so such a study could easily be done. The Jab nazis however say it would be unethical to not vaccinate a child.
I would have thought risking a child's life and health was more unethical.
I agree with you 100% - RFK Jr was a successful environmental laywer who kept being hounded by some "anti-vaxxers". He finally went through their data and what he saw was so shocking, he couldn't let it lie.
The bombshell was that no matter how much they massaged the data, the autism signal from vaccines wouldn't go away. This was all in FDA/CDC internal emails.
My point was that it's not just the vaccines, it may well be the pre-natal drugs, the food, you name it. Whatever we are currently doing is not right and if you highlight it you are some kind of lunatic, apparently. Insane.
Absolutely there are many possible triggers and all should be forensically examined. However, the most direct genetic and chemical manipulation does come from vaccines more so than pre-natal drugs or food. Both drugs and food are partially processed through the mother's body or the gut but vaccines deliver the load of genetic/synthetic directly into the body for quick uptake by the bloodstream. Nothing, but nothing, but nothing like that happens in nature and no immune system has ever evolved to deal with it.
C.D. Nevison, "Comparison of Temporal Trends in United States Autism Prevalence to Trends in Suspected Environmental Factors"
Be sure to access Additional File 1 and look at every graph. Glyphosate is one of the villains (look up what MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff says about glyphosate and autism.)
They actually had proof that a certain vaccine caused autism. However, because the data showed how serious it was they got rid of ALL the evidence by shredding it. This information came from communication that was discovered and I believe audio recordings.
This has been done retrospectively with Dr. Paul Thomas' data. And it showed what you would expect.
It got retracted—even after an extraordinarily rigorous review. That was they do: they force journals to retract studies to ensure the problem stays hidden.
Yes, I know. And an online study was also thrown out. What we need is an official, fully independent study and every parent and every doctor should be demanding it before a needle ever goes near a child.
I had none of these vaccines as a kid and we were all fine. My kids had one, Polio, which I regret. The shocking level of vaccination today is truly horrific. Perhaps the one good thing to come out of the Covid madness is that more people are asking questions about real vaccines.
We knew all of this in the late 90s Nothing will change until the moms wake up and after 25 years it’s not happening. I see kids obviously on the spectrum n parents are oblivious. Probably because it’s so common. The new normal. If they can’t get them with the vaccine they can always try with opiates.
Read the Nevison study in my comment just above.
And their parents will be financially, physically and mentally exhausted.
THIS parent (singular) sure is!
Part of the problem with identifying this is the ever-changing definitions of what constitutes Autism - e.g Asperger's Syndrome is considered part of the ASD spectrum, but that is very different to regressive autism (which is what you are referring to), and looking at my wife's family history it appears that may have more of a genetic link. Having said that, this does not preclude the possiblity of genetic damage in previous generations being passed on, so although one generation may seem fine, the next generation shows more autistic traits, etc. until we get to today. So I suppose what I'm saying here is that autism rates may not be directly linkable to injections received by the individual and/or their mother during pregnancy, but that's not to say that they can't be linked to damage in previous generations (good luck proving it though).
There is certainly a genetic component but that just increases susceptibility. When two children are introduced to the same stressor, the one with the susceptibility will show the phenotype earlier or at a lower dose, etc.
Although there are many triggers for autism, they all act through a common mechanism, namely, microglial activation (that won't turn off once activated). Another term for this is neuroinflammation.
Here are the main phenotypes that have been identified thus far.
1. Intoxication: Al, Hg, Pb and other metals cause microglial activation as they travel to and settle in the brain.
2. Bacterial infections: "inflammation of intestinal mucosa, leads to the introduction of bacterial components, including neurotoxins, into the bloodstream, creating oxidative stress as well as microvascularities, especially affecting meningeal vessels, and finally neuronal damage." — Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize Winner for discovering HIV
3. Viral infections: Injecting live viruses causes some portion to settle in the brain and stomach. They excrete nagalese thereby reducing the child's native production of GcMAF and inflammation never reduces. About 15% of autistics are chronically infected with the live viruses that were injected into them (primarily MMR).
For both viral and bacterial infections, see:
4. Allergic: Al that isn't being fully excreted causes IL-33 and IgE production; helminth therapy helps with this phenotype.
5. Mitochondrial: This is what got Hannah Poling (mitochondrial damage likely occurred from an earlier shot containing Hg). The mitochondria provide energy to our cells, and are necessary for the Kreb’s cycle, fatty acid oxidation, metabolism of amino acids, and oxidative phosphorylation.
Developmental regression and mitochondrial dysfunction in a child with autism. J Child Neurol, 2006, Poling et al
"Young children who have dysfunctional cellular energy metabolism therefore might be more prone to undergo autistic regression between 18 and 30 months of age if they also have infections or immunizations at the same time. Although patterns of regression can be genetically and prenatally determined, it is possible that underlying mitochondrial dysfunction can either exacerbate or affect the severity of regression. Abnormalities of oxidative phosphorylation can be developmental and age related and can normalize with time."
6. Autoimmune: One study found that mothers with autoimmune disorders (such as celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, or rheumatoid arthritis) are three times more likely to have autistic kids; other studies uniformly show elevated risk. Vaccinations in the children, which cause an autoimmune response, create the same problem. The likely source of the attack is molecular mimicry of the measles hemagglutinin.
Beyond the brain: A multi-system inflammatory subtype of autism spectrum disorder.
Anything that attacks/disrupts the brain and causes chronic microglial activation will produce IL-6, which Pineda et al. found was "necessary and sufficient" to cause autism. If the brain also excretes IL-1ß the brain becomes epileptic.
Maternal immune activation promotes hippocampal kindling epileptogenesis in mice.
Wow, I'm saving this. Thank you.
Posts like this are why Substack is so amazing.
Genova labs has a great first morning urine test called metabolomix. It gives u all kinds of information. Detox methylation mitochondria mineral, amino acid status etc.
What is also overlooked is the fact discovered just a few years ago - that the brain and immune system are physically connected via lymphatics.
This was not simply unknown when vaccines were invented it was totally unimagined. At the time the research was released it was said, textbooks would need to be rewritten - but not it seems vaccine textbooks.
If there is, and there is, a physical connection between the immune system and the brain then what you do physically to the immune system, will and must physically affect the brain. No doubt to lesser and greater degrees.
If we had good science and safe medicine then all vaccination, at least of children, would have been stopped totally at the moment the discovery was made and not restarted until the links had been forensically and independently studied.
We have never seen so many brain-damaged children in the max-vax age and it tracks a clear timeline from when vaccinations were ramped up to Frankenstein levels.
Asperger's may inhibit emotional responses but it does not make people totally dysfunctional. Real Autism does. Behavioural quirks and things like Asperger's have been tossed into the Autism pot to camoflauge the true extent of this terrible epidemic.
agree. as the parent of an 18 yr old with autism (who functions at the level of a 4 yr old), many of us find it very difficult to swallow when our kids are lumped in with the high-functioning, 'quirky' genius type. they're 'just differently abled'... gemme a break, I say, as I'm headed to the bathroom to bathe my 18 yr old.
My heart goes out to parents caring for truly Autistic kids and the re-invention of Autism as some sort of lifestyle, just a bit different, choice makes a mockery of Autistic kids and their parents who know the truth.
I agree. The vaccine-autism link is dramatic and undeniable when you consider regressive autism excluding PDD-NOS and Asperger's.
Excellent post. As much as we think we know everything*, what Covid has shown me is that even the best scientists have almost no clue how the immune system works. Good luck with epigenetics!
*In 100 years time, humans (if they still exist) will regard us as primitive and stupid as we do the Victorians. As a historian, my view of contemporary humanity is always tempered with the fact that we will be regarded as morons by future generations, which is why I always view us as idiots. :)
I'm also a historian, and I would agree with the assessment that humans are idiots. Although I suspect that archaeologists and historians of the future (I'm not putting a limit on either species or time here) will probably view current civilization as even more stupid and backwards than we view the Victorian era.
The main reason that I say that is that we obviously haven't learned from what has happened in the past 250 years, and Victorians had the excuse that they didn't have the knowledge of just how dangerous some of their practices were. We don't have that excuse.
(of course, this is also assuming that future generations can find out ANYTHING about our current generations seeing as so much of the documentary evidence is stored in such transitory media)
As a lover of history I concur. Perhaps it is the more knowledge we have of history the more readily we are disappointed at the stupidity of today.
There was in the Victorian age standards, professionalism, striving for quality and a great deal of common sense and ethics which has disappeared in the past half century and more. And never more so than in science-medicine.
And that is why the greatest danger by far at work in the world today is science and medicine.
It's always good to meet a fellow historian, I think we are a rare breed. 😀
"probably view current civilization as even more stupid and backwards than we view the Victorian era"
Agreed. Certainly more degenerate. It's really funny. I used to live in Dubai and have seen scenes from Victorian photography IRL. The Arabs are about 100 years behind us culturally.
"We don't have that excuse"
Look up arsenic wallpaper. It seems to me that this was the "conspiracy theory" de jour back in those times. Many of the wallpaper manufacturers also owned arsenic mines. Good to see that corruption never changes. 😀
"of course, this is also assuming that future generations can find out ANYTHING about our current generations seeing as so much of the documentary evidence is stored in such transitory media)"
100% of magnetic storage media is going to fail at some stage, so yes, you are 100% correct.
With the 'we don't have that excuse' comment I was meaning that the we have significantly greater access to information across a much broader spectrum of society than the Victorian age (I'm also a librarian), and wasn't meant to imply that the Victorians did not continue to engage in dangerous practices (arsenic wallpaper being one such example). It was more focusing on that there are so many more things in today's society where the dangers are well-known, and in some cases have been known since Victorian times, yet they are still being used frequently around the world.
And then we can add on to that the missing documentary evidence, and future generations will only come to the conclusion that we were more stupid, because the only signs they can discover are decayed and corroded electronics and mountains of degraded plastics leaching poisons into the soils
I totally hear you, and I read every word of your last post and didn't misconstrue anything.
My comments on what you just wrote are:
- We threw 100 years of epidemiological knowledge in the bin during Covid
- Only 20% of people have any critical thinking skills. We have the sum of all human knowledge (pretty much) at our fingertips and yet people are becoming more stupid (my favorite example is a very average Victorian, seven kids, mayor of his town, wrote four books, no-one has ever heard of him but he achieved things)
- The documentary evidence doesn't need to be due to the failure of magnetic media, we are erasing our history in real time due to censorship
- The plastics are leaching into the soil and the oceans. I have a batshit mental idea to GMO a bacteria that can turn plastic into natural gas, but you didn't read this am I right? 😅
William Walsh's book "Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain" - a technical book, excellent chapter on autism, discusses autism as an epigenetic disorder.
No doubt there are many triggers for Autism and no doubt there is genetic involvement. The reality is that little is still understood about genetics. For example, there is zero understanding of what causes a gene to switch off or on. A dozen people with the same genetic marker for a disease may have one or two develop the disease and the others not. What triggers the genetic switch to flip? Logic decrees something as artificial and invasive as vaccination is a possible top contender.
the study of epigenetics is being that understanding so honestly I can't say I would use the term 'little'. little is agreed upon and loads more needs to be done but in the biomedical treatment of autism world we like to say 'genes load the gun but environment pulls the trigger'.
Yes, but the critical thing is not that the genes 'load the gun' but that for most, in the same environment, the 'gun does not fire.' It is not about the genes or the same would apply to all. It is what flips the switch of the gene on or off.
After having been extremely sickened and injured by the Pfizer poison injections last spring, I will never allow any more vaccines to enter my body. In fact, I eschew the entire system of contemporary conventional western medicine. I weaned myself off of the three pharmaceutical meds I'd been taking for years a few months after I got sick from the Pfizer shots.
Well done!
I did not take the jab because of brave doctors who warned us while others scorned them. I am in my 70s and have taken many vaccines through the years, but have now eschewed them. I am beginning to critically analyze every assumption I've ever made about prescriptions, shots, doctors, and hospitals. Medicine often invents both the need and the cure. Most of what we acquire with money is probably free, either in our own bodies or in our world. God is kinder and more intelligent than we could possibly imagine. It's all here. Most pharmacy is a way to get money from our pockets to theirs. I learned this so late in life -- but at least I learned it. Baby steps.
Same!!! I’m sickend by all the vaccines I ignorantly accepted for myself and my kid (an adult now).
If I need medicine in the future I'll use herbs and other natural remedies. I use CBD oil for arthritis, and it's surprisingly effective. It's more effective than pharmaceutical pain meds.
It was painless and effortless to wean myself off the three pharmaceutical medicines I'd been taking. I did it carefully and methodically over a period of two or three months. I'm very glad I did.
I did the same a few years ago, was shocked one day as I portioned out the SEVEN prescriptions I was on for various troubles … I was shocked. My doctor is very free thinking in many ways but had been layering on my meds wo thinking at all … doctors are trained to prescribe not the reverse. I weaned off them all with guidance from that goof doctor of mine. It took a few months and I had trouble coming off SSRI … I wish to get my hub off blood pressure meds but we are dealing w so much life crap at the moment …
I didn't ask for advice, much less "permission," from my "principal care provider" to titrate myself off the three meds I'd been taking. I just decided to do it. I neither needed nor wanted any input from her, or from anyone, about the issue. It was my decision, and that was all there was to it.
The extreme sickness and lasting injuries from the Pfizer poison were the last straw for me. I've been seriously injured by conventional western medicine at least three times during my life. (I'm 66.) As far as I'm concerned, any doctor who works for the medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex is evil, or at least she's complicit with evil. I refuse to have anything to do with the system any longer.
Not evil me thinks just deadened from their training. Walking zombies.
I got off blood pressure meds by avoiding salt. I got off insulin by changing what I eat. Last month I decided no more statin drugs because they're probably another campaign of corporate pharmaceutical sophistry.
Anyone here wonder what would happen if we all quit Big Pharma? I’m thankful for things needed during emergencies and realize there is a time and place foe these meds. But quitting daily meds...bet we could shut the whole damn system down. Would LOVE to see this! 😁🔥
Awesome idea. I've got two more of my prescriptions circling the drain. Yes, I think I'll go for 100 percent! Thanks for the inspiration.
I've recently heard it stated that the business 'goal' of pharma is to have every person on the planet, on at least three Rx meds! that's why they are so threatened by self-care and the integrative & functional medicine disciplines.
a supplement containing citrus bergomot is good for cholesterol balance & management. one called Tri-chromium for HBP (I reversed BOTH in less than 6 months) with their use. (but must note that I have an extremely knowledgeable biomedical health coach and have been in the biomedical treatment world for over 10 years. supplements are not to be used willy-nilly or like playing 'whack a mole', as we like to say.)
Supplements are mostly headed for the drain. People have literally no idea what they might need and since most are synthetic and not in combination as nature provides, they do no good and some harm. Best avoided unless as you say, you have someone who actually can prescribe effectively. Even then I wonder about it a bit. Nothing beats nutrition from food except the placebo effect.
Whack-a-mole . . . Yes, I think that's what I've been doing! There's no one around to direct any of it. I'll look into those. I get rid of one condition and along comes another.
If you haven't directly treated each aspect of spikeshot injury, I urge you to do that. I wrote an overview with some helpful links. If you go to the Real COVID Research website and scroll almost to the bottom of the wide center column, you will find two things I wrote. (It's possible you've seen this material before because I posted it originally in a substack or two that both you and I read.) Also look up La Quinta Columna's video about disabling the MAC address you may have been tagged with via the spikeshot...
I know there are many useful natural remedies, but my husband was poisoned and killed by an herbal formula recommended and sold to him by a doctor. In my opinion, natural remedies should be tested and retested for each patient using a sophisticated energy medicine method like NeuroModulation Techniques (Feinburg Method).
yes! as I stated above, just because most supplements/herbals etc are OTC, it doesn't mean any given one is appropriate for everyone (regardless of its slick marketing). you have to do your homework, consult a knowledgeable integrative practitioner, etc. there ARE interactions and contraindications for everything.
We only learn when we are not afraid to ask questions!
I have gone through a similar journey in regards to my feelings about vaccines, Jessica. Before 2020, I had no qualms about vaccines whatsoever—even though, in retrospect, I realized I had developed a rare lung disease (hypersensitivity pneumonitis) within 48 hours of getting my tetanus shot in 2014 and I had had a severe reaction to my measles vaccine as a child (fainted in the doctor’s office and vomited for days afterward). Thanks to the obvious toxicity/lethality of the COVID killshots, I have become more skeptical about all vaccines, and reading “Dissolving Illusions” and “The Moth in the Iron Lung” atomic-detonated all of my past assumptions about the myths we’ve been taught about vaccines from birth.
I would be *very* curious to get your thoughts on “Dissolving Illusions,” Jessica, and encourage you to put it at the top of your must-read list. It is transformative and has opened my eyes to deceptions that stretch back centuries.
James Lyons-Weiler recently introduced me to the term “vaccine risk awareness” (https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/the-pathologization-of-reason-logic), and I think all of us should embrace that framing to emphasize the foolishness of failing to even consider the risks of a warp-speed–developed injection with a safety profile worse than Vioxx, Thalidomide, DDT, cigarettes, and every other lethal product ever produced combined.
:-) "Vaccinations have never been safe. Never has there been a safe vaccine, never will there be a safe vaccine, and it is not possible to have a safe vaccine." - Dr. Suzanne Humphries
The tragedy of vaccines is not only have they never been safe they have never been necessary or effective.
declared by the Supreme Court (for what its worth,) as 'unavoidably unsafe'.
Lyons-Weiler is a hero of mine. In his earliest writings on SARS-CoV-2, he warned that any vaccine, especially any using the spike protein, would be high risk for ADE aka pathologic priming.
If you haven't read Neil Miller's book "Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies", please do. This is the best book I've seen for handing to people who think vaccines are safe and effective. Much easier to read than "Dissolving Illusions." Just flipping through the book reading the headlines at the tops of most pages gives the reader a shock and an education.
Wow, sounds great, Kayla! Thanks for the rec.
You will never guess what happened. Internet went down again. Curse those copper wire stealing MOFOs. Anyway, hope all is well. Always thinking of you (yes I know you have your own Substack, but I'm so behind this year it isn't even funny, I've not had Internet for ten weeks this year so far).
baboon!! I’ve missed you 🤗
Holy guacamole! I cannot believe your Internet went down again—ten weeks w/o Internet is beyond ridiculous! I guess the universe wanted you to take a break ;-)
I know you’re behind so don’t want to pile more on, but I think you would especially appreciate this piece:
• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)
Not on topic for the key point but I developed asthma at age 40. I cured it by healing my gut and reducing my stress. The doctor and the insurance company had no interest in how I did this. They just wanted to send me to asthma workshops and get me to use their drugs.
Amazing! I will definitely write this story up.
My son at age 3 was diagnosed as pre asthmatic by a few allopathic doctors. Not one considered food allergies or mentioned it could be the cause. I took him to a homeopathic doc who didn’t even exam my boy. He listened to me list out his symptoms and told me to remove eggs and dairy from his diet. My son was confirmed to have a severe allergy to eggs and dairy after our naturopath tested him. I removed all inflammatory foods (eggs and dairy were the first to go), gave him probiotics and he only ate whole organic foods. Within two weeks his respiratory symptoms cleared. He’s 14 now and couldn’t be healthier!
pre-asthmatic, peri-menopause, all invented diseases to push the drugs.
There have been some silver linings because of COVID. An Awakening of how to take our power back and learn how to heal ourselves. AMEN!
yes, I agree. Dismissing and demonising those refusing the genetic treatments called a vaccine for Covid has actually created more people questioning vaccines, i.e. 'anti-vaxxers.' The more we question medical treatments the safer we are and the better science and medicine we get.
Beautiful story! Thanks for sharing it!
Yeah, when my doc told me I had asthma, I told him "I refuse to have asthma." To his credit, he was a good integrative doc and replied, "If you refuse to have asthma, then you will have to get yourself a top-quality vacuum with a HEPA filter. I recommend the Miele brand." I followed this good advice and haven't had another asthma attack in about 25 years. The vacuum is still working well and it's been helpful, but the essential thing was that I learned that I couldn't breathe a bunch of crud of any kind and expect my lungs to put up with it.
I'd really love to know more about this. Is it Leaky Gut? How'd you do it? Got any resources to share? I ready somewhere that autism may be related to this as well.
Look into Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride's GAPS Diet. Her book "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" explains the gut/autism etc. problems well, but if you want to do the diet, look for a website that sets out the stages of the diet very clearly. Important addition to GAPS Diet: Look at Peter D'Adamo's Blood Type Diet for foods to avoid for the patient's blood type, and eliminate those foods (ignore the rest of the BTD advice). Gut reactions to "Avoid" foods can be almost as severe as Celiac Disease reactions to gluten.
not 'maybe', honey. DEFINITELY. (autism symptomology related to it)
commonality in areas with highest proportions of 100+yr olds is diets high in prebiotic and probiotic foods... digestive health essential to immune health.
Great post! Just want to add here: I’ll NEVER get injected with a vaccine again. NEVER NEVER NEVER
Vaccines are not the answer. Natural immunity IS. I have 40 years experience with breeding dogs and livestock. I chose Natural rearing in 1987. I started with raw species appropriate diets and saw huge improvements. But still saw cancers and some chronic stuff rear it's head , so dove further in 94 by stopping puppy/adult 5 way vx. Further improvements! But the odd cancers still reared up in Seniors. Grew a pair and stopped rabies. 22 years later, use not seen ANY more cancers. My cats live into their late 20s and the dogs, although with genetic predisposition to mitral valve disease and therefore CHF, still get to between 15 and 17 years of age, where the mean avg lifespan is now considered to be TEN years of age (totally unacceptable). So I am positive vaccines do FAR more harm than good. I'm not a doctor. But I do a lot of reading and research and I know what I see. The biggest cause of disease is metaphysical/stress. When we start looking more at our own ability to heal, along with feeding our body as if its a PRECIOUS TEMPLE, we will see "dis-ease" pretty much disappear. I've seen the path a long time ago, and I'm sticking to it. Homeopathy FYI, is one helluva modality to effect cure. It works because WATER has MEMORY and like cures like.
I have to add that I found using bovine colostrum to be absolutely integral to improving immune function in puppies, so if they got parvo they would breeze through it like a mild GI upset. I treated with bentonite clay and homeopathy and they usually were back to normal within between 24 and 48 hours. Often only having missed a couple of meals. And the worst cases I saw were in vaccinated puppies. Most of them would die or need hospitalisation. Sound familiar?
An early 20th century U.S. doctor said he had had 200 patients with cancer during his career and he never saw an unvaccinated person get cancer. Every one of his cancer patients had been vaccinated.
👍 Kayla, I am absolutely NOT SURPRISED!! And look at the huge number of children with cancers over the last 20 years! We have a general cancer epidemic and with these CV jabs it's increasing like wild fire. And they are very aggressive metastatic cancers!!!! 😱
My sister has had two great danes who died from CHF. Now on their third. I’m not sure that’s what your raising but sounds like it. Good on you. I will probably forgo any more vax updates on my 15yr old cat.
No. Not danes. Whippets. CHF is rampant on lots of breeds. I believe the parvo vaccine is the cause of this. It has damaged or altered their DNA. Cavalier King Charles spaniels. Doberman, Boxers and more have these cardiac issues also. It all seemed to happen in the 70's when parvo suddenly appeared. Many researchers think they know how too! Canine distemper vax was being cultured on cat kidneys. There was likely dormant panleukopenia virus in those kidney cells. Somehow they wound up in thos distemper shots which were marketed world wide. Whether they mutated or shared dna with the distemper virus no one knows but all the dogs who received that distemper vax, got panleuk symptoms and most died. Parvo vax was then mfg right away and boom, within 10 years nultiple breed suddenly are rampant with heart ailments (there are 2 parvo strains...one is GI, the other affects the heart). Now you know the story.... very sickening.
Ditto happened a few years ago in FL when race horses vaxxed with equine influenza snotted all over the tracks they shared with greyhounds....guess how that ended. New canine influenza.
I and my husband, 75 years old, have both been totally carnivore for 2 years. Boy are we doing well!
Awesome! I do best on high fat/meat too but I need some veg myself too. We eat a cross between keto and paleo. I just really avoid processed/sugars/grains. Hard to get hubby to do that part. He'd eat crap if I wasn't in charge of the food! . He has to eat what I make, lol. I eat sprouts/micro greens (very easy to do), berries, and I forage wild greens (mustard, nettle, comfey) and grow my own kale, squash, onions, etc. We grow almost all our own meats (pastured/organic fed duck, chicken, & eggs from both) & get our beef from a local farm/abattoir who pastures his cattle. We try to eat as clean as possible. :)
Oh my 🥺 I’m learning far more than I ever expected here in the stacks! My dad has a King Charles! Poor thing is probably 20lb overweight.
Aww. Research raw food diet for dogs. See if you can't get him to switch. Dogs are not meant to eat carbs. There are raw food co-ops in most states. Email me and I can send you links to Web sites that can help you. lepusreg@gmail.com
I love people like you. You really care about animals. Thank you.
Thank you...They need people to speak for them. They can't tell most people. I adore my animals. I wish I could go back 50 years so I could continue another few decades. And my life mission was to help them by helping the owners who want to know the truth, the better way, nature's way. God gave us EVERYTHING on earth that we and the animals need for optimal life. 🤗
I was wondering about this. We got a German Shepherd in 2020 (COVID puppy) and I started thinking about diet for him. I try to eat low-carb myself and was thinking, “If canines basically were born to eat meat, why do we feed them these dog foods that are mostly corn?” I ended up choosing a food that is much more meat-based. It still contains some grain, but it’s a lot lower percentage than the popular supermarket brands, from what I can tell. I’m hopeful he’ll be more healthy. Now, you’ve given me more to think about with vaccines. Should probably stop those, too.
Be aware that ALL dog foods are HIGHLY processed and dead! The vitamins are all SYNTHETIC (the body does not recognise them and they can cause serious Health issues). So you would do way more for him to put him on a raw diet. There's loads of info out there and many companies that make prepared frozen raw. However best to learn (its not rocket science) so you can make it yourself and control what you are feeding and where it comes from. Just remember that if we are not supposed to eat processed food, why on earth should our pets? We would not do that to our kids if we knew better....
Ha! I wish. Dad is 83 and can barely function himself. Poor dog is along for the ride.
😢 sorry to hear that.
I was aghast to see that four out of seven of the listed flu vaxes contain thimerosol, which is 50% methylmercury!
I was surprised too.
Yes and this is the flu vax docs give to children yearly starting at 6 months old.
yes, either mercury or aluminum. as adjuvants. a 2 month old infant will be injected (per CDC childhood vaccine schedule) with an amount of aluminum that EXCEEDS the FDA's 'safe' exposure for a 200 lb adult man.
i just said the same thing about never taking a jab again on 'coffee and covid'
and i have a similar experience with asthma, cured it myself after 30 years of inhalers, 6 years since i even owned one now
My son was injured and hospitalized twice after MMR . I was gaslighted by the docs , in spite of every test coming back negative , they refused to consider the vaccine. ( Literally a laundry list check off of the insert listing SE. )
I was then injured by the Hep B , losing my skin inside both elbows and inner knees for months . I've been reading ever since , ( 1998)
My shadenfreude is heavy.
Finally enough doctors , nurses , scientists , etc have also suffered the life changing DIRECT effects of a commercial product with zero liability , that they are finally looking deeper into the entire PR construct around these highly profitable , harmful commercial products and the (lack of) science behind their use. The Legions of UNREPRESENTED , UNREPORTED families and children injured is an eerily familiar story unfortunately.
It is heartening , however , that standing up and speaking out doesn't feel as lonely as the last couple decades have been. I tell myself if I can save just one person from having their life stolen by these criminals , all the disdain will have been more than worth it.
Thank you so much for lending weight and sharp insight to the light we all must shine on these Predators.
Please write on your asthma solution.
I will. Not tonight though. I am waiting for Twitter to ban me.
Oh yes, definitely do tell! My dtap injury was lifelong asthma. I have pretty good control but mold is a huge trigger and I live in a cool damp environment. (Rural South Eastern Ontario) spring and fall are the absolute WORST.
< new to twitter i thought i'd look you up to see why you are expecting a ban but cant find you?
sorry I am not a subscriber--too many substack sub's already. maybe next round. however, two things:
1) in a recent interview I loved and commented on your great statement: "if it isn't replicable, it ain't shit." thanks for making science fun, Jessica.
2) since birth I have done the "normal" vax thing (now 75). had covid and now wouldn't consider mrna vaccines. and, likely have had my last of any except for maybe tetanus. having seen what a sham the federal oversight agencies are and the history of vax, I'm done.
Thank you for your hard work and good spirit.
I finally get to say how much I love and appreciate your work
No I will avoid hacksxxxxxines, vacxxxines, and other iatrogenic evils
I just learned that word.
Shame about this depopulation Hacksxxxxxine. X for each booster.
I keep trying to tell my friend not to get no more these evil things.
But folks have always told me that I am the weirdo...
But hay. There is hope .
Even Jankowicz resigned.
Who's next.
Big Harmaceuticals trying to ram their evil undermine of sovereignty national and bodlily.
Will the cartel, the WHOrgaNAZiation succeed?
The veterinarian is still at large and winning
Thank you :)