It was brought to my attention.
What DOES happen with you mix Triton-X 100 with Lipid Nanoparticles in a physiological being?
As part of the Better Way Conference yesterday, one of the questions posed by Del Bigtree that was discussed at the end of the Opening Conversation by a lot of really qualified people was ‘Do vaccines play a role in the future of humanity?’. Or something similar to this question. There was no real consensus and I am not sure myself.
My honest answer was: “I would like to think so”. But, I think the bastardization of inoculation (that piggy-backs off of the concept of something as ingenious as a natural immune system response to a pathogen) is too strong, at this point. And I think that the trust in the ‘industry’, from the people, has been utterly smashed - unlike what the legacy media is currently ‘reporting’.
Now, in responding to this question, my readers need to know that I think of/visualize two things when I respond to a question with the word ‘vaccines’ in it:
conventional/classical attenuated vaccines tested for safety and efficacy over a period of many, many years with decades of in vivo data collection and a proven track record of minimal damages and side effects and
my own experience of vaccines which was either a) by choice for safety in travel or b) the few and far between ones given in youth. I was vaccinated against Measles, Mumps and Rubella (the individual ones) when I was young and I willingly got the TwinRix when I worked in the Level III lab and for travel, and also Yellow Fever when I traveled to Southern Europe for the first time. And some other ones, I am sure. I remember when me and my partner did our 7 month tour of Europe back in 1999 (including the Camino de Santiago de Compostella), we got a whack of vaccines all at once. I thought it sounded like a great idea based on fewer needle pokes. This is also what the doctor said. At the time, I was not aware that there could be problems with combining some of these vaccines (there really can be serious problems - I know this now) and I can tell you, the two of us fell on our asses and stayed there for a week straight following these multiple and combined doses. I didn’t think much of it but I knew, even back then, that my immune system was being ‘challenged’ in ways that did not feel ‘natural’. It did pass. But weirdly enough, I was formally diagnosed with ‘cold-induced asthma’ that ‘came out of nowhere’, soon thereafter. I never had asthma as a young person. Those asthma attacks are/were a horrifying thing to experience. This asthma is under control now (I can write a separate Substack on how I did this) but it wasn’t until after years of doctors pushing inhalers and meds on me, and finally being laughed at by a ‘pulmonologist’ for refusing a ‘for life’ steroid inhaler and an insistence on my part to bloody well cure myself that I, in fact, did cure myself. Now, having said that, I do live in a warm climate so I attribute at least part of the healing to plenty of sunshine and a lack of cold, damp and foggy days.
I think back on that now and primarily recognize how amazing it is that we learn so much as we go on in life. We can’t know ‘then’ what we now know and I think that this is a very poignant message for these times. If I was to guess, many people under the ‘mass psychosis’ are more in-line with where my mindset was back then when I was in the early 20s. (This was prior to my having received my Master’s in Immunology, etc.) I am not saying that my journey is not entirely unique, but I am saying that perhaps there is much more hope for ‘unpsychosing’ many of the masses than any of us currently believe. Back then, I might not have thought twice about getting these COVID injections, initially. What would have eventually ‘woken me up’ would have been the ‘mandates’ and the weird push to inject everyone against their will. I was, and still am, a true punk, and I do not like being told what to do. I am still in disbelief how people do not understand how messed up it is that many governments are punishing people for not getting injected with products still in the experimental phase of their life cycle - not even on the ethical level - on the vaccinology/viral dynamical level.
But I seriously digressed! Back to detergents and fats!
Everyone remembers that commercial for the dish detergent when they drop a drop of the detergent into the grease in the water in the kitchen sink, right? “Even gloppy spare-rib grease!” Well, this is a beautiful bit of science full of cheesy 80s clean.
The soap allows the oil to be ‘broken down’ into smaller bits so as to be surrounded by water molecules and, in the context of washing dishes, rinsed away down the sink! A detergent is “any of numerous synthetic water-soluble or liquid organic preparations that are able to emulsify oils, hold dirt in suspension, and act as wetting agents”. Detergents are chemically different from soaps. Both are surfactants: that is, compounds that lower the surface tension between liquids or liquids and gasses or even solids. In layman terms, they affect the surfaces of different substances in different phases and can even bring them together! Maybe humans need some more powerful surfactants, me thinks.
Surfactants are surface-active, amphiphilic compounds that are water-soluble in the micro- to millimolar range, and self-assemble to form micelles or other aggregates above a critical concentration.1
Surfactant molecules, as seen in the diagram above, reversibly assemble into polymolecular aggregates called micelles.2 When I was re-studying micelles for this article, I started thinking about the differences between viruses, exosomes, liposomes and lipid nanoparticles. They all seem the bloody same to me!
They are not though. The following comparative diagram is absolutely excellent in that it pictorially describes the subtle differences between some of these structures.3 It actually answers a lot of questions I had going into this. Exosomes and certain viruses really do seem the same to me. But viruses are different - they replicate in cells and are released en masse from ‘infected’ cells whereas exosomes do and are not.4 Just in case you were wondering, lipid nanoparticles are micellar structures and they differ from liposomes by the number of layers in the structure (lipid nanoparticles have one layer of phospholipids and contain the cationic lipid bubbles that subsequently contain the modified RNA. As I understand it).
![[Full text] Natural product-based nanomedicine: recent advances and ... [Full text] Natural product-based nanomedicine: recent advances and ...](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Now onto Triton X-100 and the question of vaccines playing a role in our futures.
Triton X-100 is a lab-grade surfactant used for disrupting membranes and inactivating things like enveloped viruses (HIV, HBV, HCV). It’s basically the biggest enemy of bio-films. Triton X-100 is a known toxic compound. I was disturbed to find out yesterday from my friend Liz that many of the flu vaccines contain Triton X-100. It is corrosive, induces acute toxicity and such an environmental hazard that industry is actively trying to find replacements for it in the lab context.5 For all the people worried about ‘climate change’, this is an actual nightmare for our Environment and its Life. One of its degradation products acts as an estrogen mimetic. Look that up.
According to the Vaccine Excipient Summary (Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine), at least 3 Influenza vaccine products contain Triton X-100; not made using it - CONTAIN IT. In my research of inactivation of viral pathogens in human or animal cells or biological products used as part of vaccine manufacturing, I learned that this and other surfactants are often used. However, from what I understand, these surfactants would never make it to the final product - they are simply used ‘along the way’. So I was very surprised to find this out.
Here is a good thesis written on an alternative to Triton X-100 and there are many studies on this subject.6 You can also find a reference to this in Wikipedia
If you are interested, below is a chart with the full excipient list for some of these Influenza vaccines. You’ll notice that some of these contain monosodium glutamate, polysorbate 80, gentamicin, formaldehyde, neomycin, thimerosal, and some have human albumin. This should also affect all of our decisions as to whether or not we want to be injected with these compounds and substances.
Now, I have to ask, why is this surfactant in the influenza vaccines in the first place? And what will be the impact of combining this product with the COVID-19 products that comprise lipid nanoparticles as part of the technology to deliver the modified RNAs? As Heerklotz correctly points out in his paper entitled “Interactions of surfactants with lipid membranes” (2008):
Considerable progress in these scientifically, medically and economically highly important fields will depend crucially on understanding surfactant
I am going to leave this as an open question because I honestly have no idea yet. I need to read more and learn more clearly exactly how the lipid nano particles in the Pfizer and Moderna products were synthesized. I will leave the comments section without a paywall so everyone can provide their comments.
What a lead-up to nowhere, hey?
P.S. “By the way, in case anyone wants to know my personal decision about vaccination, these are my thoughts. After what I have learned over the past year, and the complete lack of faith that I now have in any currently ‘operating’ system due to what I have witnessed and indeed, presently witness, I will never opt into be injected again with anything called a vaccine. So, vaccines do not play a role in my future. I might be naive in my decision, but so be it. Naivety is not such a bad thing.”
Stay tuned.
Heerklotz, H. (2008). Interactions of surfactants with lipid membranes. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, 41(3-4), 205-264. doi:10.1017/S0033583508004721.
Watkins R, Wu L, Zhang C, Davis R, Xu B. Natural product-based nanomedicine: recent advances and issues. Int J Nanomedicine. 2015;10(1):6055-6074
Jean-Baptiste Farcet, Johanna Kindermann, Michael Karbiener, Thomas R. Kreil. Development of a Triton X-100 replacement for effective virus inactivation in biotechnology processes. Engineering Reports. 2019.
Luo, W., Hickman, D., Keykhosravani, M., Wilson, J., Fink, J., Huang, L., Chen, D., & O'Donnell, S. (2020). Identification and characterization of a Triton X-100 replacement for virus inactivation. Biotechnology progress, 36(6), e3036.
I'm a physician and did not get the jab or covid. I am the only one in my group. Everyone else is boosted, getting sick etc. I feel like I am living in a sick parallel universe. We are required to get the flu shot and I was in the Navy before, so have been immunized up the you-know-what. But never again. I became disillusioned with how MD's and the whole lot of people in the medical field are basically lied to, bamboozled and forced to drink the kool-aide and never ask questions. I am glad I woke up before COVID and did not get vaccinated. I never ask my patients to get the vaccine. I am OB and I am horrified people are rec to pregnant patients. Tdap isn't even a vaccine either...I could go on and on and on....
Jessica, I have only received one vaccine ever, DTaP when I was 20. I was actually unaware of how against vaccination my parents and extended family were until later, and did not have any immediate or obvious side effects. What matters, though, is my life experience and observations.
I am almost never seriously ill. I have abundant energy at 50 years of age and look at least a decade younger than my biological age. I am neurotypical in a sea of human beings who are not (not more sane, mind you; simply different). My immune system is quite adaptive, and I never avoid "germs" but studiously avoid ingesting industrial chemicals.
I began studying vaccines in earnest nearly a decade ago when a family member dropped that they cannot be trusted. Back in the hoary old days of 2013, Google would actually return results that questioned the dominant narrative. In sum, I cannot, and do not, refute the findings collated at
To date I have had Covid (alpha, March 2020) and have not had any long Covid effects. I've watched the world fall to madness and the health of all (literally all) of my vaxxed friends worsen. My family is utterly fine except for a brother fentanyl.
Vaccines were never the answer to pathogens. They are even less so now.