You are right to highlight travelling. I don't think it will be too far in the future before travel is restricted resulting in elitist wealthy users only. I keep telling my two children this who are early 20s and them along with all my family think I am crazy. No one in my sphere is switched on to what is actually happening globally, about anything really and that is hard to deal with day to day. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. One day 🙏

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Excellent Dr. Rose and thank you so much for your work.

The key messages communicate so well, and I'm glad you make distinction between Moderna and Pfizer from the get go. It is usually the first question I ask followed by how are you feeling, and are you doing anything to feel better.

I feel like all these different detailed descriptions of what's happening to people (not just here, but many other places as well) really needs to be explained with the specific product used, especially when they differ, or else people may feel like everything they read applies to them.

Is there a way to see these slides with the key messages at the top or bottom as well?

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Dr. Rose......can we see a recording of the conference?? About traveling........anyone that has done any research knows there is no war against fossil fuels. The war is against mobility. So, you are right about travel in the future. They do not want people talking with each other or moving about freely and this is why we must TALK TALK TALK to everyone all the time. You see the goal is to seal off 75% of all land to any human presence. They offer EVs as an alternative to fossil fuel cars but EVs will never be affordable and they will never be a viable option and the evil cabal knows it. Even if one can afford to buy an EV the cost to charge that car will be sky high and electricity will be rationed in the future. So if people live on rural land and in the suburbs they will have no way to survive so they will abandon their land/home and move to the city centers where they can be monitored and 24/7. They will abandon their land/homes not sell them because no one will buy them except perhaps Blackrock or some other corrupt company. Land/home ownership will be a thing of the past. Depopulation, destruction of private property ownership (that includes your body and you mind), destruction of the middle class is the real war.

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A big thank you Jessica!

Being Portuguese myself, it's so great to know you enjoyed being here in Portugal.

I'm dumbfounded right now, I wish I had known about this conference! I can't believe my country actually hosted something like this. 95% of our entire population got this criminal injection and there are still people here bringing all of these amazing scientists together. Makes my eyes water!


PS: "thank you" in Portuguese is "obrigado/a" ("obrigado" if you're a boy and "obrigada" if you're a girl). I guess it's the literal equivalent of saying in English "obliged/much obliged ("muito obrigado/a; "muito agradecido/a"). nice try though :P

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Thanks sincerely for all your time, energy, and work Dr. Jessica R. You & the colleagues that presented with you are hero's of our time. Speaking on behalf of the "World", sincere appreciation & gratitude for the ground you have layed and exposed, may God Bless you all.

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Thanks for sharing this concise, data driven, transparent presentation!

All this data is why in Ohio those of us who are aware and know about the proposed state constitutional ammendment, the medicalright2refuse.com , are networking like crazy to increase awareness and get this on the ballot to protect those who are aware, and those who are still clueless. If you're in Ohio, please check this out. If you have friends in Ohio, please let them know about it. Thanks

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Good to hear from you again, enjoying getting to travel. Did Canada 🇨🇦 drop the international travel vax mandate?

Thanks for sharing your slides 🛝.

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Thank you for shining the light on this evil!!!

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That was a really good breakdown of the terrible “Gene Therapy.”

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Great work surfer girl! Love you for using your time and talents you have been blessed with to keep this entire covid atrocity brought to us by US GOF teaming up with the CCPs Wuhan bioweapon to the and Bog Pharma racketeering fraud and murder with experimental mRNA injections they know damn well are unsafe. You are like Buffy, you use your strength to be a slayer of monsters!

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Not only are most people not switched onto what is happening globally, they are not switched on to what is happening locally. My few friends who regularly attend our local City Council and Planning Commission meetings and comment or write letters are constantly frustrated that most people don't seem to care what they are doing to our little town. But I guess why would they when any astute observations we few make seem even to matter? I fear for humanity.

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Dr. Jess—I’ve been tossing this around. If it’s not too much to ask, what’s your (quick) opinion?

One of the interesting pickles with these deaths (stretching as far back as Dec 2020) is in relation specifically to those cases those coincide with deaths attributed to Covid-19 or ‘consequences due to Covid-19’. I have several hypothetical questions that I haven’t seen addressed much, but continues to be an unscratchable itch.

I’m sure others have considered this, but I have not seen this addressed widely.

I appreciate your eyeball-time!

Background (well-covered and discussed elsewhere):

- It has been demonstrated that case counts have been inflated

- Positive test results were used to misclassify deaths, ignoring impact of false positives/negatives and high PCR cycle thresholds

- Guidance in death codes were changed, increasing numbers of Covid deaths

- An array of financial incentives were in place to encourage attribution of death to Covid

- Covid-19 symptoms are very close to many other flu-like conditions

- Covid-19 diagnosis was sometimes based solely on PCR test results


- Many of the worst effects of wild viral infection are attributed to the spike

- The jabs induce the body to produce the spike endogenously

- The primary means of testing for Covid has been PCR and antigen tests (at least partly) targeting the spike

Isn’t it altogether likely that individuals injected with the engineered mRNA produce spike in large quantities and therefore, will (or more likely) test positive for Covid-19?

If the above is true, do you think it is likely that the jabs actually induce Covid or Covid-like disease?

If the foregoing is true, how many of the deaths attributed to Covid-19 (via positive test results) are in fact attributable to disease induced by the jabs?

The above would call into question all Covid cases following jab rollout in approx mid-December 2020 (in the US, timing varies for other nations).

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Thank you for all of the valuable information and for your personal wisdom to live and enjoy life and travel while we can. I will follow your advice.

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Thank you 🙏🏻

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Missed you!

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Is it possible to watch/listen your complete presentation? I would very much like to do so.

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