Can we safely say that the more inoculations of this garbage. The more it weakens the immune system.

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Yes, although Peter Hotez is still urging us to get more jabs.

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He is an evil imbecile. Also, mentally ill. He needs to be ignored and/or mocked.

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Or arrested with Bill and Faucho and charged with crimes against humanity.

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Hotez! The damn captured CDC tells pregnant women to get it and they also push for 6 wk & older infants to get shots.

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heads must roll!

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Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier did warn that everyone who got the jabs should be tested for AIDS and that a large percentage would be dead in 5 years.

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And now G. Vanden Bossche is warning of the potential highly contagious aids like variant. He admits that he may be wrong, but the possibility is scary. Humans have introduced an unnatural virus that has become endemic. The likelihood that this could get worse is much higher than already existing viruses that have already played out their evolutionary path and to which we have previously been exposed . Logic 101

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I would not believe anything that comes from these muppets.

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Millions of dollars of propaganda did not work on me.

Pureblood and proud

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That's one of the most fascinating parts about all this. Can we predict with any certainty who is not susceptible to such propaganda? I haven't been able to pin down any clear patterns amongst the people I know. Rich, poor, highly educated, left school early, blue/white collar, male/female, old/young.

Intelligent people still took the jabs and trusted the health sector had their backs and wouldn't lie. How much of that was coercion and how much naivety/trust in the propaganda is hard for me to isolate with any certainty. Maybe 50/50?

What made them blind to what many of us thought was so obvious, even when we tried to explain it to them? I fear if we don't figure that out and address it, what was once thought of as inconceivable will happen again.

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Turn off the TV...I have never owned the beast and stopped watching in 1969...learned meditation & yoga in early 70's. Namaste!

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I quit believing in the news back during the Gulf war. Then when covidsmovid rolled in, I would cut the TV on at night, it was left in whatever channel there was. And some world news came/comes on at 4am and repeats for 3 hours. I would hear the things they were saying and literally be talking back to the TV, asking it, 'Have you lost your mind?'

I had to start changing the station, as soon as I cut it on. Things got much better after I started doing that. While I wasn't sitting down in front of it, it was for background noise. If it were up to me, I would have had music cranked up.

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It's sometimes useful to keep abreast of what is being spoon fed the unsuspecting and terminally gullible, so I watch TV often, especially 'news' channels. Apart from that, I do agree with the yoga recommendation, although the version I practise most these days is kayoga. My next kayak will be named "safe and effective" :-)

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Yes. Also, this helps to avoid the echo chamber of confirmation bias. I hate that term, but it fits.

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This is great to hear.

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Sample size of one: 95 % of everyone I know not only bought the propaganda, they still subscribe to it and double down every time logic challenges them.

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95% sounds about right.

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I keep remembering what my mother said to me long ago -- if everyone else is jumping of the cliff, are you going to as well.....

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It's a phenomenon that has been going on for all of time. You can't address it for the reasons that you can't figure out who.

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I wonder if it's a learned trait or just the way some of us are hard-wired. I mean, if indoctrinati...ooops, I mean, schools, had, for the last few decades, classes on critical thinking or anything that justified or championed a healthy degree of scepticism as a civic duty would that have helped? i dunno.

John Curran, in 1790 (why do we continue to never learn enough from the cycles of the past), wrote:

"It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt."

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Abstract concept teaching introduced by Dept of Ed after GenX, pushed emphasizing the 3 R's to back burner.

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You can take a look at the flip side of this, who saw that is was propaganda, or that something was just not right, at Igor Chudov's substack. It's on top of the fold, so to speak. I think it's titled vaccine skeptics are the real [or true?] critical thinkers. It is a couple of years old but it is fascinating to see who saw thru the craziness. There were over 3,000 comments last I looked.

When they said, this was 'safe and effective' for pregnant women, that's when I knew something was up because nothing is safe for pregnant women. Others said they saw 'tells' like from poker games. Others had run from totalitarian governments and recognized the signs. Some knew science and saw things weren't adding up right. And others had dealt with abusive relationships and somehow they knew. I think some of the same tactics were used. These are the main ones I remember. I'm sure there are other ways people saw.

But yes, I too, have spent much time thinking on why so many did not see. We may be about to see it all again as they ramp up the bird flu.

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Esteban - so, what’s your point? To brag about how you’re smarter than others, so they can feel bad? Reread what you wrote in your comment, and put yourself in the other’s person’s shoes. Do you not realize how obnoxious you sound? No one likes a smug braggart. P.S. I also managed to remain unjabbed, but I feel no need to rub it in other peoples’ faces.

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He wasn't rubbing it into anyones face. It's thus indignation from ppl like you that irritates the hell out of me.

He stated millions spent on propaganda. (probably billions, @Estaban)

Is that a rub or an observation?

It's attitudes such as yours, Ma'am, that need to cease & desist.

I wonder, did you stand up, speak out from the get-go? Or did you sit back and keep mum on not getting a shot, letting the few who stood up and spoke out from the beginning, stand out front?

How does that read to you? That would be a rub.

Ppl decided whether they would get a shot, that should have been IT, THE END, FINITE. However, TPM who tell the Fed Gov what to do, implemented plans that had already been written. I'm not sure what your level of awareness is with regard to the puppet masters, so you may not know what that means.

anyone can appear put together, strong mentally and physically, emotionally stable, etc in good times. It's when we aren't in good times that a person's true character and strength truly show.

I have a huge amount of compassion ruled by my empathy, however, I learned some time ago, to not let that rule my common sense.

It's an important concept.

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What you interpret as obnoxious I read as proud and vindicated. To each their own.

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Pride is not something to be proud of

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Call it whatever you like. Esteban withstood the challenges that many failed or failed to see. A very well done to them, and to us all who, despite pressures from so many different angles, didn't cave or eventually woke up to the astounding manipulation. If you consider that level of self-respect and self-recognition a negative thing or arrogance or automatically undesirably prideful, that's your call.

Again, to each their own.

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I suggest that you take your own advice about others shows.

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Quite impressive work you have done there!😳👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

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i do try

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Your wit interlaced throughout is added bonus, Dr. Jessica.


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You are awesome!

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Thank you for writing this! I know more about this topic than I’ve ever wanted to, and I’m not even in the medical field (I’m an engineer)… what I’ve found is so upsetting and concerning. I’m worried about the long-term fallout from all these exploratory injections. I’m also worried that we’ll never really know what was done to people, for all these “products” had EUA approval, and that approval allows the manufacturers to vary the formulation on the fly (with little to no oversight). There are major concerns that the real reason people got batch numbers is because different batches truly did have different formulations, and “they” were watching to see the effects/results (like it was all one big experiment, which I think it was).

One amazing resource I’ve found is howbadismybatch.com I don’t know who put that together (but thank you to who did) as it’s a massive repository of information. VAERS is notorious for underreporting because of its cumbersome and restrictive entry format. I have a feeling true numbers are much higher. It’s all such an epic tragedy.

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Everything you mentioned begs to be elaborated. I agree with all that you have said and would like to know more. Have you considered writing down your ideas?

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Uhh… I’m just someone who got caught in the crosshairs of all this Covid stuff, and I have written about it, but only in legal documents that I used to defend myself. I work for a world-known product company, and corporate went dystopian with a creepy Covid mandate (which they’re currently being sued over; multiple lawsuits… I’m not a part of those suits (because I got the company to back off me), but I know all the players). I’m still employed there, but now corporate knows that I know what they did (and it’s bad!), so I kind of have a creepy spotlight on me at the moment.

As you can probably tell, I do feel compelled to share… I have compiled so much tangible information from so many sources over the past many years. I’ve learned about HEK-293, cytokine storms, how these injections are actually cellular genetic treatments, how the big pharma names were just leased to the products, but the substances themselves were really made by DARPA in government facilities (which is why quality is so bad and they are contaminated), I know the nano-lipids used are only for lab use, and not clinical use (as they are known to be massive inflammatories), and I also know that early on in Covid many doctors had figured out that Covid was man-made and had written white papers on the topic and none could get their work published in any medical journals nor publications (like Nature) because all publishers were under orders to route any and all newly submitted papers through the W.H.O. for review (aka, censorship), and any papers exposing Covid for what it really was we’re blocked.

I also know about corporate-government collusion, E.S.G., C.E.I. scoring, financial corruption, and how that and Covid all tie together.

I have enough pieces to know what the bigger picture is… and it’s terrifying. It’s massive. It is being dismantled and crushed, but it’s not really safe to speak openly about the bigger picture yet. Maybe just about bits and pieces, but I’ll get stomped if I put all the pieces together publicly.

I’ll close with just a heads up that there’s more craziness to come in the next few months. I think things will get kind of scary. I hope and pray everyone stays safe and healthy.

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Stay safe and healthy as well

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First off..... your work over the past two years has been regularly reading. Thank you for your efforts and not wavering in your ethics.

One question comes to mind. This study states that 85% of the American population has received at least one injection from these shots, most Pfizer and Moderna. It seems fairly safe to say at this point that the more shots one has received, the more likely a negative outcome will occur at some point in the future. That leaves around 15% of the population that has not been given these injections.

Would it be fair to say that the most likely end result, given time spanning a generation, would be a severe reduction in overall population? The suggestions that have been given by many that this would be profit driven don't hold water. The idea that this sounds like the desired outcome to slowly lower numbers makes more sense. At the end of the day we can safely say that this has been nothing short of a global health catastrophe done with intent. Be it profit or the motive of culling, the end result is the same.

Your thoughts are appreciated.

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it will lead to more systemic health problems...

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Fair enough and understood. Thank you.

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They will change words and present a 'new shot' and many will fall off the dock back into the water. It's why I always encourage ppl to do a free fall dive into learning as much as they can about everything.

*The More You Know*

It helps critical thinking and then those ppl are are not as likely to fall off that dock, hopefully they will not be standing on it.

Everyone has been saying for a year, maybe a year and a half how they see the light. But all it took was

One Luigi and some drones and Bam, they back in the water.

Practice makes perfect.

I'm an OG old conspiracy theorist.

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Oh this is known. It's always been a little shocking how quickly people can get sucked right back into adhering to false dichotomy. Something about 80% of your everyday people being willing to accept information at face value from perceived authority figures without a second thought. It's quite isolating for the remainder that get to watch people that they'd normally consider intelligent fall into obvious mental and emotional traps.

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Agree ,let’s not forget the other mechanisms involved for people who dropped dead after 1-2 jabs . 🤬

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Dr. Mike Yeadon, who was once a VP of Pfizer, concluded that these jabs were clearly designed to kill people and also to make them infertile. The billionaire philanthropath who was pushing these jabs does not need more money. His aim is depopulation.

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As an almost 74 year old, it looks like I would be at the top of the curve for break through infections if I had taken any of those jabs. But, nearing the average life expectancy and not in the breeding pool generations any longer, it looks like the fatalities and severe disabling adverse events would be far more significant to the young who could still have children. So the culling via deaths and severe disability would certainly lower the population, but it would likely also leave genetically modified survivors that it would be hard to predict how functional, intelligent, or able to reproduce healthy offspring they would be.

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This is the key unknown.

We all have a cyborg grandchild between the ages of 1-3.

I have one. Way behind in every level of development.

Constantly getting respiratory & ear infections every month with very high fevers.

Both parents 4x vaxxed before conception.

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I'm sorry to hear that.

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That is also a concern. We've no idea what sort of maladies and potential malformities could arise in the next few generations. This is the type of event that could take generations to undue, but with so many having taken the shots, far outweighed those that haven't in the breeding pool, it looks like there's a real chance that the genetic pool of the entire species may have been warped.

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Friendly note: it is ‘undo’ and not ‘undue’. :)

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Whoops. Appreciated.

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Why not use edit button to fix?

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Yes. Now with the self replicating or self amplifying "vaccines" we may only need to be in the proximity of the vaccinated to become vaccinated ourselves.

Law of unintended consequences? or intended consequences? Could devastate the world population - human and animal. "Koyaanisqatsi" a world out of balance.

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Thought you might find this interesting.

DR SABINE STEBEL (Biologist, Protein engineer) shedding study being done all over Germany and Austria. She gets ill when amongst the gene therapy injected and her titer rises high.


Just put the links in google translate.


Study: Project Scan 2000

IgG as an indicator of spikeopathy and shedding symptoms


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Perhaps there'll be a dating app for verifiably unjabbed people?

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My question with the self replicating shots and all the genetic abnormalities sure to pop up after this: How do those who wish for depopulation exist in this polluted world and stay healthy?

Surely they will also be affected by all the chemical spraying and their own offspring will have to somehow find mates with fertile genetic backgrounds.

With the sudden drop in viable partners due to all the newly formed disabilities, won't this be hard to do?

Or do they think to farm out those least affected genetic lines for themselves?

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Both. Profit AND murder.

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Of course it's profit driven. WHO and UN and WEF and GAVI driven. Technocracy, Bank, and Corporate driven. Some, like Bill Gates think we need to depopulate. Yeadon was right, they intended this crime, but tried to deny it. Well they got one thing right, the propaganda worked and they fooled and manipulated billions. It remains to be seen whether the culprits will be held accountable. If not, they'll keep culling and telling themselves it's OK. I can't see that happening though, because of the side effect of societal collapse, along with an awakening to the truth, previously hidden.

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Well said. A possible scenario as described by Ed Dowd, that adverse events could be viewed over time as a funnel, with death at the centre and people with varying degrees of illness radiating out to the edge. As time passes, people move toward the centre, to an early death. Morbid. I hope that this possibility is wrong.

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Humanity is being culled by the Transnationals.

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"BT" means "Bacillus thuringiensis" in my world.


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Thanks for this superb analysis, Jessica.

On observation alone, I noticed the repeat breakthrough infections in family and friends, usually in the 3+ Injection cohort. Not a scientific approach of course, but very telling.

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You are a great scientist with a heart of gold! Thank you for your devotion to truth!

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More great information from my most trusted source. Thank you.

You may be interested in this YouTube channel. He has been breaking down the igG4 issue in relation to cancer.


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And.. all of this is being swept under the rug by the powers that be. Everything is fine, and all is well.

All this information should be in all media.

Thank you so much for all your efforts to shed light on this crime against humanity.

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Its not over as there are many fronts we have to deal with. The Satanic Blood lust

is always hungry. The Unvaccinated will be the front line troops now.

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Thanks Jessica ,interesting and informative paper. The depletion of the immune system in those individuals receiving the jab will result in an increase in more dangerous and metastatic complications. How do you feel about the hypothesis that as the boosters unleash billions of spike protein in the body ,the resulting antibody enhancement wears down and prematurely ages the immune system leaving the body open to a plethora of diseases and auto immune illness?

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Please attach a PDF of this 'preview' paper so we can save it! Thank you!!!!!

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Keeping up with the research is beyond admirable at this point. Reading this article, I kept saying to myself, "If only people stopped taking boosters. If only people would acknowledge the failed experiment on humanity back in 2021, 2022, 2023? If only. Then we could stop this madness and proclaim these shots are ZERO benefit and all risk!!! " Back in 2021 it was well known that shots caused reactivation of herpes, shingles, cytomegalovirus as well as Bell's palsy, as well as causing immunosuppression

and immunocompromise. It was in the mainstream media!!! So....how on Earth could anyone, knowing this, expect the shot to protect against any viral attack from any source!!! The cognitive dissonance is as insane as saying , "Not voting for Kamala means that you are against women's best interests."

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Interesting. But couldn't this be interpreted as the latter doses are generating fewer AE’s and not necessarily related to more Breakthroughs per dose. Perhaps due to lower amounts of DNA contamination over time. As such, breakthrough reports, which may remain constant represent a higher percentage of VAERS reports.

To assess whether Breakthroughs are increasing if you can get data on number of 1.2,3,4 doses delivered in US you can calculate VAERS reports per dose and compare dose 4 with the lower doses. Far fewer people got dose 4 than dose 2

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yes. i will keep trying but this data is very hard to access. the CDC even stopped releasing general counts last year.

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