Met someone recently, assumed to have been vaccinated originally (with which exactly I don't know). Got covid in early 2022. Blames subsequent blood clots on the infection. Taking blood thinners ever since. Got the bivalent booster. Then with the recent "wave" of new covid infections, took ANOTHER bivalent booster merely days prior and is eagerly awaiting the new booster coming out this fall. Has absolutely no clue.
3 wks ago fell onto piece of heavy equipment and ended up with 10 stitches in my leg. The emergency doc, asked if I was on "blood thinners". I thought it an odd question to ask, so I questioned why he asked it: "most people coming in the door are on blood thinners."
Reminds me of when I last donated blood. The admissions nurse asked me if I'm suffering from pain in the chest, heart palpitations, of difficulty breathing? No, I said, I wasn't vaccinated". She gave a wry smile. It was obviously so prevalent that they were screening for it.
Thanks. I will look up sales numbers for such drugs: money talks. Same way when u learned that sex-enhancing drugs went to #1spot, we knew something about T levels in so many men.
Male menopause is drop in testerone. So, old men to have sex, need sex-enhancing drugs. Biology does not want old men fathering children. Of course, estrogen mimicking pesticides have the same effect.
....or something about male psychology and wanting a bigger, harder, more massive dick..... regardless of their current size. To quote the Star War's The Last Jedi Meme: "MOARRRR. MOARRRRR. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOARRRRRRRR!!!" and men thought Viagra would get them there.
A certain number of women press the 'button' so to speak on enhancing their upper-chest endowment to out-compete other women on the sexual marketplace (or so they hope) in men's eyes. Likewise for Fashion, Cosmetics, Hair care/color/styling; all $B dollar industries.
Low dose aspirin is an over the counter means of thinning the blood. I take one every day, since I had myocardial infarction 13 years ago. Recently I asked the nurse who was taking a blood sample from my arm, could she tell the difference between people using aspirin or not. She said "Oh yes, of course, the blood flows much more easily"
Have a neighbor sitting poolside as I walk by him on the way to the laundry room, while I'm wearing my medical smock. He shouts at me and says: "Can you believe those effing idiots who won't get vaccinated, I'm from Canada and I can't wait to get my 6th shot".
I guess I won't be seeing him sitting poolside next year. He seemed too aggressive and entrenched in his own point of view, to attempt any form of civil discourse. Oh well..."hasta la Vista baby".
Clueless, indeed! Like the wokeass obese colourheads, self-aborting,sterilizing and Darwin Awarding themselves and their godless ilk out of the gene pool.
It's true. The Canadian Covid Care Alliance is talking about this now and have been engaged with Health Canada about the dangers on the mNRA in our food supply. They plan to vaccinate our meat and poultry.
I recently read that some elderly people have taken eight, total. Does anyone know if it’s true that the current approval is for boosters every two months for immune-compromised people? How cruel.
These small hospitals studies like the Cleveland Clinic that prove that the more jabs you get the more likely you will get Covid must not be resonating with the public/msm?
I believe we should wait until we see studies proving this to be true. Otherwise, we are trading rumors/conjecture and not following the science/fact/evidence. Better to verify, then shout it as loudly as you can. I always try to ONLY share verified studies that myocarditis is happening, for example, from scientific journals. pro-vaccination people tend to slink away when that happens and neutral people go "What that true?" and begin a journey down a long rabbit hole.
Jessica, I LOVE your practice of explicitly SAYING "modified" mRNA when referring to the fake vax injection. Calling a spade a spade. Hopefully, the educated cohort reading your substack grasps that simple word for what it is: acknowledging the fact that mRNA is natural with a short life and the modified version makes the mRNA persistent. Able to continue agitating your immune system . . .
Yes, it’s time we called poison a poison. Not some Weffer-based label like “vaxxine” when these jabs have nothing in common with the attenuated vaxes of old. And even those have all been subject to severe scrutiny lately, as has the scamdemic of c.1918.
Took three of these @#$%^ shots before realizing these @#$$%^&* were lying to us. My doctor keeps trying to get me to take more. Told him ‘no way.’ Now trying to find a new doc who will take care of my health not parrot the !@#$%^ CDC/FDA drivel.
I’m sorry but at least you’ve realized now which is more than can be said for a lot of people. I held out as long as possible- I was always wary of big pharma and worried about how rushed this vax was. But then dear leader turdeau forced me or lose my job. Thankfully I only had two but I’ll never forget…
I personally know two men who were recently diagnosed with Waldenstrom lymphoma. Both jabbed and boosted. Both live in the SF Bay Area and are not related. This type of lymphoma is rare- only 5000 diagnosed per year in the US. And I know two?!
Your ongoing research and constant reviews of articles gives me hope that eventually some of the ivory towers will recognize and admit their errors. I doubt it but I hope. The next thing will be whether any of the damage done will be reversible. I know there are some giving us plans for fixes but so far I'm not sold. I've seen 3 months as time that mRNA is still present. I'm guessing much longer. I now have several vaccinated friends with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, cardiac arrhythmias, and recurrent covid. So far this is a gift that keeps on giving. It's hard not to think conspiratorially but probably just greed. To paraphrase Frank Herbert in "Dune", it's not that money corrupts but it is a magnet to the corruptible."
These were Bioweapons, and their purposeful deployment was to further the Globalist's agenda to massively reduce the world's population to around 500,000,000, through sterility and human culling depopulation. Check out the work of Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Karen Kingston, Dr. Brian Ardis, Financial & Patent Analyst David Martin. The world is run by evil people who have sold their souls to the Prince of this world (as Jesus referred to the Devil on at least three occasions).
As the Devil said when he tempted Jesus after his 40 Day Fast in the dessert:
'...To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them. If thou therefore wilt adore before me, all shall be thine.' Luke lV : 5-7
So how does this play out in reality? We don’t have SARS-COV-2 variants burning through our population no matter how breathlessly they want us to believe it. We have a pandemic of testing at most.
What we do have are billions, literally, of people who’s immune systems are primed to go haywire (not a medical term) at the first hint of a spike protein.
Presumably, bad actors could release infectious clones in select areas and cause mass casualties.
Or they could keep a constant exposure of spike going. We know Inovio produced barrels of the stuff early in the pandemic. If they did that, wouldn’t it just be a slow burn until suddenly everyone would experience immune senescence and die from any number of diseases?
At this point if there is a cull of the stupid, we’ll have to live with it and move on. The human gene pool is being altered: who is having kids? Who isn’t? Who is easily targeted by the new injectable poisons?
Its good, for now, being in the control group in the depopulation experiment.
All men die. Nobody’s getting out of here alive. So be it. Living in truth is its own reward, and we can choose to take the high road while we are here in the false material realm.
Amen brother. Went to see my doc with some minor head congestion for another reason. No other symptoms. Told previously by same doc that it’s allergies. Still got covid tested ‘because it’s protocol’. Wonder when the Covid theater will end.
Well, it is goinf to get worse, before it gets even more worse. All the ordinary Joe's can do is spread experts and doctors like Jessica Rose's information around, hoping to awake the brainwashed sleepwalking masses to a point where the jabs are stopped, and the crooked Regulators, governments and so oforth are swept away. And pray. As a Christian, I don't believe it will be long before the Day of Judgement.
My friends dad was recently diagnosed with interstitial fibrosis of his lungs. Prior to this debacle, I’d only heard of one person with this and it was genetic. His MD is blaming it on his mild C infection 🙄
My dad died as well from ILD (interstitial, lung disease) normal x-ray prior to the Covid vaccine and ILD diagnosis poor x-ray six months post vaccine. Never smoked a day in his life, exercised, was a teacher... I forget the mechanism I have learned by which the spike bypasses the immune system in the lungs. Warp speed vaccine was a poor idea and a businessman should’ve not been playing doctor, you can’t foreclose on lives.
I have read the FLCCC's protocol. I've had Covid, don't worry too much about it. I don't feel different than I did before covid. No vaccine. 73 years old. Too busy to worry much about it. I support people a lot smarter than I am in the hopes that they will get through to the powers that be. Thanks for the response and information though.
And that is the mechanism on top of this one (for some reason people still think this inflammatory proceses happen in the heart... when you know table 1 on page 23-24 of the study #185350 you know it also happens in the brain, the bone marrow and the ovaries... along with everywhere else in your body).
These two mechanism should warrant an immediate stop of the entire LNP/mRNA platform.
Isn’t this one aspect explained by Dr Geert vanden Bossche?
I think he refers to IG4 as PNNAbs...
Dr Rob Rennebohm does a magnificent explanation of Geerts thinking in the video Respecting the Immune ecosystem on the Voice for Science and Solidarity Channel on Rumble
As usual, an excellent read. This is so obvious to me and is currently happening with the current variant that's spreading like wildfire. My family who did not take the shots just had this variant this past week and it was not bad. My husband and I both had Delta (my husband was hospitalized for almost 2 weeks) and to our knowledge have not have covid other than that one time. My 27 year old daughter tested positive for the first time and it wasn't severe at all just a flu with upper respiratory symptoms. We all did, however, experience a few symptoms (non severe) that we have never experienced with any other flu previously. It took about 5 days for symptoms to go away for us. The past few days I have been reading comments in various Facebook groups in regard to how people and their family's immune systems are handling the current variant. Without a doubt the vaxxed are having the most severe issues with this variant and it is the same across different ages from young to old. I am also noticing how those who are vaxxed are absolutely still terrified of this virus and can't wait to roll their sleeves up to get the newest shot this fall. Most are still very critical of those not masking and are without shots. I find it interesting that our first experience with covid was almost 2 years ago exactly. Is there some significance to the timing? I swear I wonder if this new variant was released to induce fear to encourage people to get this new shot that is coming out. Here is a video that popped up on my YouTube discussing the new variant on CBS News. The comments are telling.
Everyone I work with has been vaccinated because we were forced. But those who got more than the two mandatory have had way more health issues in general. One coworker in particular- he’s in his early twenties- has had ALL the shots including flu shots- he has all kinds of new issues going on. He has eye issues which his doctor originally thought was a rare form of cancer and they are always bothering him. Now he has newly developed allergies. And he got Covid worse than anyone else I know. Also one of the few people I know who regularly still wears a mask… never questions the Science… smdh
ETA: also one coworker had a stroke around when we were forced -he’s in a care home now - just awful
My God! Thats the first MSM news i`ve watched in many years. Pure propaganda but the sheep are all lined up to get more. I know a few jabbed like that and their always sick with various ailments, some dead some blind and they say if they haden`t been jabbed it would have been worse! I think the DOD is trying to kill off the stupid and it`s working. Amazing!
1) My husband and I both lost our taste and smell briefly for a day or so. Daughter did not.
2) All three of us had mild nightsweats/clamminess. I had severe nightsweats with Delta. I mean I was completely drenched like I had jumped in a pool.
3) All three of us had discomfort in our upper teeth. It was a very strange sensation. My best guess is that it was due to inflammation and/or nasal congestion (my nasal congestion was very severe for a day or so).
4) My husband and I went outside and had zero tolerance to heat (we are in GA). We both would start sweating profusely and just had this clammy feeling. Daughter did not experience this. Heartrate didn't feel out of whack or anything though.
5) Severe brain fog/difficulty concentrating for 3-4 days. My daughter said she had never experienced anything like it before. She even said she knew this had to be covid before she tested to confirm because she just felt "different like she was having an outer body experience or something". I had the same feeling.
6) Both my husband and my daughter had dizziness/vertigo off and on, but I did not.
7) My husband and I both experienced blurry vision but it was very short lived. I have histamine intolerance and have experienced this when I eat certain high histamine foods. When I had Delta mine was pretty severe and it was confirmed by my eye doc my vision had worsened/changed. However, it reversed over time.
I believe mast cell release caused some of these issues. My husband and my daughter both had really bad headaches off and on but I did not. Nor did I have bad body aches but they did. We all had bad chills but ran low grade fevers, never having it go over 100.7. We all had fatigue the first few days but never lost our appetites. It was very much concentrated to the upper respiratory system and reminded me of when I used to have really bad seasonal allergies. If I think of anything, else I'll let you know.
I was never vaxxed either, for anything my entire life, except smallpox. I am immune to the common cold. I suffered a bout of influenza when I was 17 in 1957 that left me a little weak, but I recovered using exercise although my stamina was reduced. I think I had suffered some heart damage.
In December of 2020 I lost consciousness for no apparent reason and woke up 12 hours later suffering from hypothermia. I was hospitalized for two weeks suffering from enteritis.
Initially I had checked into the emergency room in Mt Kisco, NY, because I was experiencing severe chest pain. Three MRI scans were done, but nothing untoward was detected and I was discharged that afternoon. I experienced some difficulty in steering my car on my way home five miles away. Initially I thought that I had been over medicated or poisoned (Gadolinium ?) Later that evening was when I lost consciousness and an ambulance took me back to the hospital. One of the hospital staff kept insisting that I should be vaccinated, but I always refused. I tested negative for Covid
Then an administrator came to my bedside and said "Here sign this" It was a 15 page document that I was unable to read, since I had left my reading glasses at home. The hospital then called my son in Boston and told them that I was being a bad patient for refusing to sign. He advised them to send the 15 pages to my lawyer in California. The hospital then stopped bothering me.,
Dr. Rose there seems to be some hope to get rid of those IGg4. This was mentioned by Dr Raszek in one of his videos. If you have seen it, could you please comment?? Link below.
So how to rebalance? Would taking glutathione help? Although it’s my understanding that taking glutathione orally is not easily absorbed? How about through nutrition…eating foods high in amino acids containing sulfur? Jessica, would love to hear your thoughts on how to rebalance using Treg power. Thank you
With every article I read, thankfully due to your exhaustive research and knowledge, I am very happy to not ever have been injected with these covid jabs (can’t refer to it as a vaccine).
Covid is running rampant again here in NZ. I have family members who are boosted who have been infected twice in a year. The only reason the government isn't raising alarm bells is because very few are reporting their infections.
The INVESTORS will never stop this madness. There are so many souls out there that have no idea what they're injecting - nor do they want to discuss the myriad of health problems they are having. The system is rigged against the sheep.
Met someone recently, assumed to have been vaccinated originally (with which exactly I don't know). Got covid in early 2022. Blames subsequent blood clots on the infection. Taking blood thinners ever since. Got the bivalent booster. Then with the recent "wave" of new covid infections, took ANOTHER bivalent booster merely days prior and is eagerly awaiting the new booster coming out this fall. Has absolutely no clue.
anecdote here:
3 wks ago fell onto piece of heavy equipment and ended up with 10 stitches in my leg. The emergency doc, asked if I was on "blood thinners". I thought it an odd question to ask, so I questioned why he asked it: "most people coming in the door are on blood thinners."
Holy crapp.
Reminds me of when I last donated blood. The admissions nurse asked me if I'm suffering from pain in the chest, heart palpitations, of difficulty breathing? No, I said, I wasn't vaccinated". She gave a wry smile. It was obviously so prevalent that they were screening for it.
When I went to a new dentist they asked if I was v'd. I ask why, they said some patients coming in with gum issues? WTBleep?
wow, that's a new one on me.
Thanks. I will look up sales numbers for such drugs: money talks. Same way when u learned that sex-enhancing drugs went to #1spot, we knew something about T levels in so many men.
Male menopause is drop in testerone. So, old men to have sex, need sex-enhancing drugs. Biology does not want old men fathering children. Of course, estrogen mimicking pesticides have the same effect.
....or something about male psychology and wanting a bigger, harder, more massive dick..... regardless of their current size. To quote the Star War's The Last Jedi Meme: "MOARRRR. MOARRRRR. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOARRRRRRRR!!!" and men thought Viagra would get them there.
A certain number of women press the 'button' so to speak on enhancing their upper-chest endowment to out-compete other women on the sexual marketplace (or so they hope) in men's eyes. Likewise for Fashion, Cosmetics, Hair care/color/styling; all $B dollar industries.
Low dose aspirin is an over the counter means of thinning the blood. I take one every day, since I had myocardial infarction 13 years ago. Recently I asked the nurse who was taking a blood sample from my arm, could she tell the difference between people using aspirin or not. She said "Oh yes, of course, the blood flows much more easily"
so, you take the 80 mg(not the 325mg) aspirin, right?
Actually I snap a 325 mg aspirin in half, because it is cheaper to do it that way.
rather telling !
Have a neighbor sitting poolside as I walk by him on the way to the laundry room, while I'm wearing my medical smock. He shouts at me and says: "Can you believe those effing idiots who won't get vaccinated, I'm from Canada and I can't wait to get my 6th shot".
I guess I won't be seeing him sitting poolside next year. He seemed too aggressive and entrenched in his own point of view, to attempt any form of civil discourse. Oh well..."hasta la Vista baby".
Clueless, indeed! Like the wokeass obese colourheads, self-aborting,sterilizing and Darwin Awarding themselves and their godless ilk out of the gene pool.
It's true. The Canadian Covid Care Alliance is talking about this now and have been engaged with Health Canada about the dangers on the mNRA in our food supply. They plan to vaccinate our meat and poultry.
-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....
Yes, they post this on EVERY substack covid side.
and No Loss
I recently read that some elderly people have taken eight, total. Does anyone know if it’s true that the current approval is for boosters every two months for immune-compromised people? How cruel.
These small hospitals studies like the Cleveland Clinic that prove that the more jabs you get the more likely you will get Covid must not be resonating with the public/msm?
can't get more mainstream than the Cleveland Clinic but the cognitive dissonance is clearly deafening.
This is the genius of the Ministry of Truth.
They have convinced the Vaxxers that the Rat Juice is 100% Safe and Effective.
And they have been telling them that if they experience any side effects, that they are caused by Long Covid.
Rather than put them off taking more Rat Juice -- they actually clamour for more because they fear Covid more than ever.
And no it does not matter that they know the Rat Juice does not prevent transmission. This is where stupidity comes into play.
... and - most likely - the blood thinners don't even work, because these are not normal blood clots...
I believe we should wait until we see studies proving this to be true. Otherwise, we are trading rumors/conjecture and not following the science/fact/evidence. Better to verify, then shout it as loudly as you can. I always try to ONLY share verified studies that myocarditis is happening, for example, from scientific journals. pro-vaccination people tend to slink away when that happens and neutral people go "What that true?" and begin a journey down a long rabbit hole.
You mean wait until there are more deaths from mRNA injections ?
too bad the science journals are captured
He's just following, THE SCIENCE & your stupid?
At this point we have to wonder if the vax damages the part of the brain that manages decision making?
Dear Jessica, as usual, you drive the key points home. Thanks for your relentless effort to open up the minds of those that are open to be enlighted.
I second that
Jessica, I LOVE your practice of explicitly SAYING "modified" mRNA when referring to the fake vax injection. Calling a spade a spade. Hopefully, the educated cohort reading your substack grasps that simple word for what it is: acknowledging the fact that mRNA is natural with a short life and the modified version makes the mRNA persistent. Able to continue agitating your immune system . . .
You are a gem.
And I love that you noticed. I am very intentional with my words.
the sign of a REAL scientist.(or engineer)!
Yes, it’s time we called poison a poison. Not some Weffer-based label like “vaxxine” when these jabs have nothing in common with the attenuated vaxes of old. And even those have all been subject to severe scrutiny lately, as has the scamdemic of c.1918.
Took three of these @#$%^ shots before realizing these @#$$%^&* were lying to us. My doctor keeps trying to get me to take more. Told him ‘no way.’ Now trying to find a new doc who will take care of my health not parrot the !@#$%^ CDC/FDA drivel.
I’m sorry but at least you’ve realized now which is more than can be said for a lot of people. I held out as long as possible- I was always wary of big pharma and worried about how rushed this vax was. But then dear leader turdeau forced me or lose my job. Thankfully I only had two but I’ll never forget…
check out Dr McCulloch's detox protocol - 3 ingredients including Nanokanese
Nattokinase. 😊
By now you are much better educated than he will ever be (or care to be)
I fired two doctors for this recommendation. Find a naturopath.
I personally know two men who were recently diagnosed with Waldenstrom lymphoma. Both jabbed and boosted. Both live in the SF Bay Area and are not related. This type of lymphoma is rare- only 5000 diagnosed per year in the US. And I know two?!
Your ongoing research and constant reviews of articles gives me hope that eventually some of the ivory towers will recognize and admit their errors. I doubt it but I hope. The next thing will be whether any of the damage done will be reversible. I know there are some giving us plans for fixes but so far I'm not sold. I've seen 3 months as time that mRNA is still present. I'm guessing much longer. I now have several vaccinated friends with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, cardiac arrhythmias, and recurrent covid. So far this is a gift that keeps on giving. It's hard not to think conspiratorially but probably just greed. To paraphrase Frank Herbert in "Dune", it's not that money corrupts but it is a magnet to the corruptible."
These were Bioweapons, and their purposeful deployment was to further the Globalist's agenda to massively reduce the world's population to around 500,000,000, through sterility and human culling depopulation. Check out the work of Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Karen Kingston, Dr. Brian Ardis, Financial & Patent Analyst David Martin. The world is run by evil people who have sold their souls to the Prince of this world (as Jesus referred to the Devil on at least three occasions).
As the Devil said when he tempted Jesus after his 40 Day Fast in the dessert:
'...To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them. If thou therefore wilt adore before me, all shall be thine.' Luke lV : 5-7
So how does this play out in reality? We don’t have SARS-COV-2 variants burning through our population no matter how breathlessly they want us to believe it. We have a pandemic of testing at most.
What we do have are billions, literally, of people who’s immune systems are primed to go haywire (not a medical term) at the first hint of a spike protein.
Presumably, bad actors could release infectious clones in select areas and cause mass casualties.
Or they could keep a constant exposure of spike going. We know Inovio produced barrels of the stuff early in the pandemic. If they did that, wouldn’t it just be a slow burn until suddenly everyone would experience immune senescence and die from any number of diseases?
At this point if there is a cull of the stupid, we’ll have to live with it and move on. The human gene pool is being altered: who is having kids? Who isn’t? Who is easily targeted by the new injectable poisons?
Its good, for now, being in the control group in the depopulation experiment.
All men die. Nobody’s getting out of here alive. So be it. Living in truth is its own reward, and we can choose to take the high road while we are here in the false material realm.
I could not have written it better !
Amen brother. Went to see my doc with some minor head congestion for another reason. No other symptoms. Told previously by same doc that it’s allergies. Still got covid tested ‘because it’s protocol’. Wonder when the Covid theater will end.
Should have asked your doctor if he was aware of how unreliable the 'tests' were.
Well, it is goinf to get worse, before it gets even more worse. All the ordinary Joe's can do is spread experts and doctors like Jessica Rose's information around, hoping to awake the brainwashed sleepwalking masses to a point where the jabs are stopped, and the crooked Regulators, governments and so oforth are swept away. And pray. As a Christian, I don't believe it will be long before the Day of Judgement.
My friends dad was recently diagnosed with interstitial fibrosis of his lungs. Prior to this debacle, I’d only heard of one person with this and it was genetic. His MD is blaming it on his mild C infection 🙄
My dad died as well from ILD (interstitial, lung disease) normal x-ray prior to the Covid vaccine and ILD diagnosis poor x-ray six months post vaccine. Never smoked a day in his life, exercised, was a teacher... I forget the mechanism I have learned by which the spike bypasses the immune system in the lungs. Warp speed vaccine was a poor idea and a businessman should’ve not been playing doctor, you can’t foreclose on lives.
A businessman empowered by government and exempted from liability, even worse.
I’m sorry 😢
@Michael ~ Have you seen the FLCCC's post-vaxx protocol? There are lots of resources available for those who are concerned about adverse events:
I have read the FLCCC's protocol. I've had Covid, don't worry too much about it. I don't feel different than I did before covid. No vaccine. 73 years old. Too busy to worry much about it. I support people a lot smarter than I am in the hopes that they will get through to the powers that be. Thanks for the response and information though.
Fabulous! Glad to know you are unvaxxed and going strong.
Thanks for letting us know. :-)
Your support of those who are speaking out is invaluable ~ and much appreciated!
This is intentional genocide until proven otherwise.
And that is the mechanism on top of this one (for some reason people still think this inflammatory proceses happen in the heart... when you know table 1 on page 23-24 of the study #185350 you know it also happens in the brain, the bone marrow and the ovaries... along with everywhere else in your body).
These two mechanism should warrant an immediate stop of the entire LNP/mRNA platform.
Thank you Jessica..
Isn’t this one aspect explained by Dr Geert vanden Bossche?
I think he refers to IG4 as PNNAbs...
Dr Rob Rennebohm does a magnificent explanation of Geerts thinking in the video Respecting the Immune ecosystem on the Voice for Science and Solidarity Channel on Rumble
As usual, an excellent read. This is so obvious to me and is currently happening with the current variant that's spreading like wildfire. My family who did not take the shots just had this variant this past week and it was not bad. My husband and I both had Delta (my husband was hospitalized for almost 2 weeks) and to our knowledge have not have covid other than that one time. My 27 year old daughter tested positive for the first time and it wasn't severe at all just a flu with upper respiratory symptoms. We all did, however, experience a few symptoms (non severe) that we have never experienced with any other flu previously. It took about 5 days for symptoms to go away for us. The past few days I have been reading comments in various Facebook groups in regard to how people and their family's immune systems are handling the current variant. Without a doubt the vaxxed are having the most severe issues with this variant and it is the same across different ages from young to old. I am also noticing how those who are vaxxed are absolutely still terrified of this virus and can't wait to roll their sleeves up to get the newest shot this fall. Most are still very critical of those not masking and are without shots. I find it interesting that our first experience with covid was almost 2 years ago exactly. Is there some significance to the timing? I swear I wonder if this new variant was released to induce fear to encourage people to get this new shot that is coming out. Here is a video that popped up on my YouTube discussing the new variant on CBS News. The comments are telling.
Everyone I work with has been vaccinated because we were forced. But those who got more than the two mandatory have had way more health issues in general. One coworker in particular- he’s in his early twenties- has had ALL the shots including flu shots- he has all kinds of new issues going on. He has eye issues which his doctor originally thought was a rare form of cancer and they are always bothering him. Now he has newly developed allergies. And he got Covid worse than anyone else I know. Also one of the few people I know who regularly still wears a mask… never questions the Science… smdh
ETA: also one coworker had a stroke around when we were forced -he’s in a care home now - just awful
My God! Thats the first MSM news i`ve watched in many years. Pure propaganda but the sheep are all lined up to get more. I know a few jabbed like that and their always sick with various ailments, some dead some blind and they say if they haden`t been jabbed it would have been worse! I think the DOD is trying to kill off the stupid and it`s working. Amazing!
What is really interesting is I do not follow any MSM. This just "conveniently" popped up on my YouTube home page.
Just curious, what was your 'different than flu symptomology' with this round of sars cov 2 if you don't mind sharing? No worries if not : )
thanks! my thoughts exactly, RIGHT away.
1) My husband and I both lost our taste and smell briefly for a day or so. Daughter did not.
2) All three of us had mild nightsweats/clamminess. I had severe nightsweats with Delta. I mean I was completely drenched like I had jumped in a pool.
3) All three of us had discomfort in our upper teeth. It was a very strange sensation. My best guess is that it was due to inflammation and/or nasal congestion (my nasal congestion was very severe for a day or so).
4) My husband and I went outside and had zero tolerance to heat (we are in GA). We both would start sweating profusely and just had this clammy feeling. Daughter did not experience this. Heartrate didn't feel out of whack or anything though.
5) Severe brain fog/difficulty concentrating for 3-4 days. My daughter said she had never experienced anything like it before. She even said she knew this had to be covid before she tested to confirm because she just felt "different like she was having an outer body experience or something". I had the same feeling.
6) Both my husband and my daughter had dizziness/vertigo off and on, but I did not.
7) My husband and I both experienced blurry vision but it was very short lived. I have histamine intolerance and have experienced this when I eat certain high histamine foods. When I had Delta mine was pretty severe and it was confirmed by my eye doc my vision had worsened/changed. However, it reversed over time.
I believe mast cell release caused some of these issues. My husband and my daughter both had really bad headaches off and on but I did not. Nor did I have bad body aches but they did. We all had bad chills but ran low grade fevers, never having it go over 100.7. We all had fatigue the first few days but never lost our appetites. It was very much concentrated to the upper respiratory system and reminded me of when I used to have really bad seasonal allergies. If I think of anything, else I'll let you know.
thanks so much for the detailed response.
Symptoms are likely a much better tell than results from the "test".
Sincerely thank you.
Were you vaxxed or not ? You do not make that clear to the reader.
None of us were vaxxed
OK thanks.
I was never vaxxed either, for anything my entire life, except smallpox. I am immune to the common cold. I suffered a bout of influenza when I was 17 in 1957 that left me a little weak, but I recovered using exercise although my stamina was reduced. I think I had suffered some heart damage.
In December of 2020 I lost consciousness for no apparent reason and woke up 12 hours later suffering from hypothermia. I was hospitalized for two weeks suffering from enteritis.
Initially I had checked into the emergency room in Mt Kisco, NY, because I was experiencing severe chest pain. Three MRI scans were done, but nothing untoward was detected and I was discharged that afternoon. I experienced some difficulty in steering my car on my way home five miles away. Initially I thought that I had been over medicated or poisoned (Gadolinium ?) Later that evening was when I lost consciousness and an ambulance took me back to the hospital. One of the hospital staff kept insisting that I should be vaccinated, but I always refused. I tested negative for Covid
Then an administrator came to my bedside and said "Here sign this" It was a 15 page document that I was unable to read, since I had left my reading glasses at home. The hospital then called my son in Boston and told them that I was being a bad patient for refusing to sign. He advised them to send the 15 pages to my lawyer in California. The hospital then stopped bothering me.,
Thanks Jessica. I've written about igG4 before, and CD4+ T cell depletion is another big, cumulative problem.
Megathread #33: SARS-CoV-2 infectivity of CD4+ & CD26+/DPP4 T-lymphocyte cells, Tat-like motifs, CCR5, integrin binding and related pathologies
Most excellent reporting!
Dr. Rose there seems to be some hope to get rid of those IGg4. This was mentioned by Dr Raszek in one of his videos. If you have seen it, could you please comment?? Link below.
Get rid of them? You don't want to do that. The key here is to rebalance the system using Treg power.
So how to rebalance? Would taking glutathione help? Although it’s my understanding that taking glutathione orally is not easily absorbed? How about through nutrition…eating foods high in amino acids containing sulfur? Jessica, would love to hear your thoughts on how to rebalance using Treg power. Thank you
Can you tell us more about that - I’ve had two shots and I’m concerned…
With every article I read, thankfully due to your exhaustive research and knowledge, I am very happy to not ever have been injected with these covid jabs (can’t refer to it as a vaccine).
Covid is running rampant again here in NZ. I have family members who are boosted who have been infected twice in a year. The only reason the government isn't raising alarm bells is because very few are reporting their infections.
Thanks for sharing Jessica lots to read this evening
The INVESTORS will never stop this madness. There are so many souls out there that have no idea what they're injecting - nor do they want to discuss the myriad of health problems they are having. The system is rigged against the sheep.