Thank you for this understandable substack. I am a retired family nurse practitioner. I know too many vaxxed friends an acquaintances who have had severe adverse events post vaxx. The events include severe swelling in large joints. She was told by an immunologist to stop taking the covid jabs. She did not follow that advice and took more and more recently suffered autoimmune hepatitis. Ten friends with turbo cancers, some reoccurring, four now dead. Strokes, Parkinson’s, serious lung issues, arrhythmias such as a fib, heart attacks, tinnitus, RSV, sepsis, jaw cancer?, vertigo, transverse myelitis undiagnosed. Surely if I am seeing so many devastating outcomes post vaxx, what on earth are gps and family docs seeing? I am grateful for your insight and research. Thank you.

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what are GPs and family doctors seeing ? - they are seeing to it that their pharmaceutical grants are kept nice and safe , prescribing vaccines galore and promoting big PHARMA to DEATH. doctors make me SICK.

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May 30, 2023
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Just 99% of you. Most of you are happy with the funeral march as long you keep your cushy jobs where you come in 3 or 4 days a week and drive expensive cars and live in McMansions. I live in a big medical area of Texas. Baylor Scott & White ( home of the vile Dr. Hotez in Houston) has their original hub in Temple Texas and it is a gargantuan Hell Hole of all this evil insanity. Large segments of the population in surrounding Bell county are employed in this system from the actual, massive, hospital complex to the outlying clinics for 30 miles around. Its one of the larger Hospital systems in the US and "serves", if you could call it that, millions of Texans all over the state. What I hear from all these scum bags here, some of them neighbors or friends of friends is............... que the crickets.......nothing. The policy there now has become, basically, don't ask don't tell when it comes to the shots. From the very beginning they actually cynically shielded the actual medical staff at their hospitals and clinics, from any liability regarding actual administrations of shots they knew were dangerous, by pushing all of it off on the the staffs at their pharmacies. Not much gets by me. I had that figured out from day one. These facilities also compliantly and shamelessly carried forth any psyoping of the public they were told to. This included all the lying about overcrowded emergency rooms, full intensive care units and, most disgustingly, the lying about the children's hospital across the way being "overwhelmed". These people went along with every bit of this lying and subterfuge to preserve their own sorry asses. I only know a handful of nurses who walked away from all this and told the truth. Not one of the thousands of Dr.s in this system, that I'm aware of, either ever said anything or walked away other than the now famous Dr. McCullough who is, of course, a damned shill. So all of you can just finally get what you deserve one way or another. Yes, God is watching all of it. Unless you have been yelling from the rooftops about all this yourself you are just as guilty. Posting under anonymity on sub stack and other platforms doesn't cut it. Sorry, but all of you make me sick.

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McCullough a shill? How so?

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His job, like so many countless others, is to have you unquestioningly convinced that the shots had mRNA in them instead of the inorganic DARPA nanotech that's actually there. Do your own digging. I'm not here to hold your hand. La Quinta Columna is one source of information that isn't part of the disinformation flatulence that has just about taken over all of this. Ray Horvath is a good source here on sub stack.

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Ridiculous libel against a rare brave man.

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The answer is above for why I said what I said. All I have to say. I don't believe any of this mRNA/spike protein crapola.

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“Posting under anonymity on sub stack and other platforms doesn't cut it. Sorry, but all of you make me sick.”


No need to apologise ‘kitty’, you may not be able to speak, but you can obviously read, and ‘type’ as well no less :-)

Still………you have to admit, ‘Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica’ is a strange (though interesting) name for a cat.

Unless of course you’re NOT actually a cat, in which case it would appear you are posting anonymously on ‘Substack’ yourself?

FYI, I did shout from the rooftops though clearly there was little point, quit nursing, and the best job i’ve had in my life. I now live in a three horse country town and work for minimum wage as a trades assistant in a farm machinery repair shop (which as it happens is surprisingly satisfying).

Perhaps dial it back just a tad, and try to be less of a self righteous ‘Pussy’.

It isn’t as though such people (or cats for that matter) are in short supply.


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I was talking specifically to a doctor who is well aware of what's going on and is just keeping his head down and continuing in the death system he's a part of. He deleted his comment above rather than address anything I said. Wonder if he might be at Baylor Scott &White? I think I hit a nerve that needed hitting. Drs are different than nurses. They bear many times the responsibility for this genocide than a nurse ever could. Couldn't care less about your "clever" cat jokes. That's my Tom Cat, Spot who died of Kidney Failure in Feb. The Fall was one of the last times he was feeling well. For health professionals SPECIFICALLY, which I am not, just going on any social media anonymously is never going to be enough. And no, I will never stop condemning what those people have done and continue to do. If he had a problem with what I said he could have confronted me instead of running away.

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You walk amongst the Zombies -- and survive!!!!

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He deleted his comment like the coward he is instead of replying to what I said below. Think I hit a nerve?

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My comment was meant at honouring any of the awake doctors and nurses who remain on the job surrounded by co-workers who are zombies.

It as not intended to be an insult

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The "awake" doctor had nothing to say about what I said below. I wonder why? What he likely isn't totally awake to, is his own complicity by just staying in this system and thinking making comments anonymously here is actually doing something. I was trying to help him with that. I specialize in punching holes in cognitive dissonance. No apologies.

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The New Zealand nurses union after they tripled down on their position of not supporting the return to work of unpoisoned nurses - despite a very serious lack of nurses in NZ which is leading to extreme overworking of the poisoned nurses who remain on the job.

I spoke to one of the honchos at the nurses union informing him that I brought my son to the emergency at the local small hospital after he had injured his ankle playing sport and was told it would be an eight hour wait - and was told it was due to 'lack of staff'

I asked him why the nursing union was not supporting their colleagues who had been mandated out -- given we know for a fact that the covid vaccines do zero to stop the spread of covid.

He quickly activated that high pitched soprano voice that the Pro Vaxxers adopt when they go full zombie as they are faced with logic and facts -- and have no choice but to respond.

The other nurses don't want them back!!! And there are only 6 nurses in the entire country anyway who refused the jab (I forget the exact number but the MSM reported if I recall around 1000).

Trying desperately to get a word in ... I blurted out that a nurse here told me that about 20% of the nursing staff at the hospital had quit because they refused to get the booster required to continue working --- wait for it --- because they have seen so many vax injuries that they are afraid of the boosters.

Not true! We are not seeing any injuries!!!

I then tried to mention some of the people I know who are vax injured... and he hung up the phone.

Hard to say if he actually believed his own bullshit... I suspect Mr Cognitive Dissonance has complete control of his mind... turning him into a CovIDIOT Zombie ... and that he has been programmed by the MSM repeating all the catch phrases -- Safe Effective -- saved 20M ... vax injuries are rare etc etc etc....

His brain is now functioning on the level of a parrot -- he knows to feed himself... to breath... and to repeat the catch phrases.... he no doubt keeps hopping around trying to take flight ... hopefully he'll hop out a window at some point....

The amusing thing is ... the nurses are working themselves into an early grave... throw in all those boosters and this is a recipe for disaster.

Another good reason to avoid all garbage food -- exercise daily ... and defeat stress... if anyone is feeling anxious just think - it could be worse --- one could be a nurse.

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Mary Ann Dowrick I appreciate your contribution to this post as well I’m sorry to hear so many people in your life have been affected by these injectables I have two family members that have pancreatic cancer one has passed one is still battling it , of course I can’t say conclusively that the vaccines that they got have caused the come back both were in submission , I know pancreatic cancers are very aggressive cancers there are different types as well . A coworker recently passed away from lung cancer had to get the vaccine mNRA COVID-19 booster before treatment , I know of one in another office that passed away he never woke up 51 years of age in really good shape it’s just insanity to me knowing this could be a byproduct affect of induced IgG4 Inhibiting the affects of IgG1 It’s like trying to fight the cancer with one hand tied behind your back it’s just unbelievable......There are other members in the family that are having other autoimmune problems in the past 2-3 years there’s a doctor and two nurses in my family and a nephew that want to go into nursing this all seems to be falling on deaf ears and I wanna discuss this but it’s if I’m likened to conspiracists theory or lunatic in a family or whatever label you want to put on me they will talk to me they will socialize with me they will not ostracize me although there was a point there during the pandemic when that happened with some members of the family but they just don’t wanna discuss it , the one thing they might say that the vaccines have save lives and I discuss with them that that’s not necessarily true I show with the data with the information that I get from people like Dr. Jessica Rose and other highly respected scientist immunologist virologist physicians of the world ,it’s so sad.

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Were you awake pre-covid? I know someone who is a pediatric nurse practitioner in MN and I'm afraid she'll be one who gets cancer...What article or video do you think I could give her, which might help her wake up, without paralysing her with fear? I know that before she did her PhD (:-/) she did believe people should be able to choose whether to jab their children, her eldest is jab-injured though she might not want to believe that.

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If she isn't already "paralyzed with fear" from seeing all the excess death and disability in front of her face every time she goes to work then she is willfully ignoring what she sees. At this point these people are all so implicated in what's happening they either refuse to see or they are just going along and keeping their heads down. All completely disgusting. Read my response to Brandon is not your bro above.......

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I am an FNP, and just finished a Locums position from January through May of this year, covering for a provider out on Maternity Leave.

This is a Primary Care practice at a Tech company seeing 20 something staff and their 13 and up family members.

I saw large numbers of seemingly healthy young people who couldn’t seem to shake simple colds in the normal span of days, but inexplicably stayed sicker than they or I expected.

I also saw numbers of people with new onset weird rashes, no new exposure to anything other than a Covid booster in the few weeks to months. Skin sensitivity issues seemingly out of the blue.

Seems like these patients, some vaxed multiple times, had immune overreaction or deficiency issues.

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Thank you so so so much for this heavy intellectual lifting and, what should be unremarkable, your honesty. No other news source fills the gap you do.

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Two people I know of not only have new onset cancers, but also have multiple cancer cell types at the same time. When does this happen?

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When modified mRNA that encodes 'spike protein' is injected multiple times?

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The sicker the Pro Vaxxers get.... the more they boost.

This has to be the most successful PR campaign in history.

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Their illnesses would be even more severe were it not for the life saving vaccines.

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Define “their illnesses.” Or were you making a joke?

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Total sarcasm. I was mirroring the claims made regarding the efficacy of the vaccines. "They do not prevent infection with, and transmission of the SARS virus. They however limit the severity of COVID-19 illness."

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Many people in the UK only got a mRNA booster after getting AstraZeneca for first and second doses.

I presume these people wouldn’t have the same risk of being affected because they only got a single mRNA jab.

Would you agree?

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I'm sorry to say, the truthful answer is we do not know. We do not know what will happen in any given case where this tech has been given. It will vary from individual to individual and only after time and observation will we be able to see patterns and make educated guesses. To say anything otherwise, would be lying and anyone who has taken any of these despicable shots should not be lied to.

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My recommendation to the Pro Vaxxers is to get a different brand of Rat Juice every time they boost. That way you get a full range of toxins in your body ... ensuring you have comprehensive (and effective) protection against Covid

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Clue number 537 that this was all complete insanity was the sign off on mixing and matching jabs. Science my taint.

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Hahaha... ya -- how f789ing mentally ill and retarded would you have to be to think that would be a good idea....

Oh right ... same people took the Rat Juice in exchange for a donut.

Imagine ... this https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/a-lethal-beacon-spike-protein-endothelial for a donut --- idiot gullible MORE-ONS.

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mRNA. The “m”stands for messenger, because it sends messages to your DNA to make a substance you need, for instance testosterone or insulin, the list is endless. So proteins were placed in the injection to tell your DNA to make the spike protein. But our own natural mRNA is immediately destroyed after it’s mission is complete, the injection mRNA is not. So it can continue to work, but how long has only been seen for 6 months, they did not continue long term monitoring.

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mRNA actually instructs the RNA in the cytoplasm to make the spike protein. However, it is a known fact that reverse transcriptase can facilitate the entry of mRNA into the nucleus where it can become part of the cell's DNA. Not good.

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I can better that... one guy I know has pancreatic cancer... and during chemo had a heart attack.. the docs told him the heart attack was caused by the chemo (I searched that and chemo can cause heart damage but not heart attacks)...

He is very Pro Vax... so I am guessing he was told to take another booster to strengthen his immune system as chemo was started. Probably his 5th shot as I know his kids who are in their 20's have had 4....

BTW he was previously very fit - zero health problems ... good diet....and active daily.

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I ran across the makers of the "Died Suddenly" film on Twitter, and almost proposed that they should do another film called "Always Sick," which would effectively describe some of my co-workers.

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Is there a way anyone can track an increase in sepsis? I was very familiar with it as I almost lost my daughter to that five years ago or so, but within a recent six month period three acquaintances (one a good friend, one a co-worker, and one a co-worker's daughter) all were close to death with sepsis for various reasons.

I didn't even put two and two together...

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Met someone recently whose 60-something SO died within several days of getting their flu/shingles jab. Uncontrollable infection. Didn’t ask if they’d gotten boosted too ... I’ve lost count of the deaths surrounding people I’ve encountered the past couple years. SMH

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I know this: many older neighbors got shingles right after their boosters.

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A friend of mine got the shingles quaxxes and promptly got shingles.

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Ain't that wut itz fer?

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Join a Telegram channel like Covid BC Vax Reactions that keeps track of vaccinated-injured. They often brag of their vaccination status on social media, and also tell of their weird injuries. The word "sepsis" comes up quite a lot. You can search for the term on the Telegram channel and see what happens. But you probably mean a real way -- like hospital records and the like. Can't help you there. Cheers

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Thank you. I think I saw sepsis in a comment here, and not actually in Jessica's post, so I may have jumped the gun. Still-- I've seen way too much sepsis in the past few months in my circle of friends...

Does my experience reflect a larger reality? Surely doctors or nurses would be talking about it...

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At least a couple celebrities in the last few months have died of overwhelming septic shock, one a 32 year old lovely woman. Cannot recall their names.

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I have noticed in recent years that doctors are somewhat reluctant to write a prescription for antibiotics until a blood test comes back positive for bacteria.

I will give you and example: after inguinal hernia surgery five years ago I was unable to urinate, that subsequently required five trips to the emergency room to have a catheter inserted to drain out urine. Each time I had to make an appointment to visit a urologist recommended by the hospital to remove the catheter, who kept urging me to have a prostatectomy, but since three of my friends had died from this surgical procedure followed by radiation treatment and chemo "therapy" I refused. I then paid a visit to my brother in law, who checked my urine at 300 magnification under his microscope, where it was obvious that I had a bacterial infection blocking my urethra. It took about a month of heavy duty antibiotics to cure the infection. But what is really disturbing is that the urologist never once prescribed antibiotics.

I guess you can figure out why.

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I am surprised they didn't prescribe Remdesivir. With a side of Midazolam.

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There is more profit in prostate surgery. My oil delivery guy told me it cost him $80,000 There is also a 1% chance of mortality for my age group.

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just heard yesterday from a client that her 71 yr old husband was hospitalized with pneumonia AND sepsis. isn't (wasn't?) sepsis something that used to occur in people who were sick/sickly for a long time, with multiple issues and general poor health? like it isn't a common, typical thing? oh and the man recently has began showing symptoms of dementia. triple jabbed, of course.

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All the autopsies you might have thought were being done WEREN'T being done. All the normal stuff you can only imagine they MUST have done they DIDN'T. It was a massive crime. People's motivations can be found from all sorts of angles as to why they went along with it but they did. They're guilty as sin now and are stuck hoping maybe we all just didn't notice.

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Someone in Australia was looking at it. Not much to it, perhaps.


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easily , just ask when they were vacinated... youl track the problem right down to a T

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I know someone who seriously struggled with sepsis post-vax too.

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DEATH CLAIMS ARE 42% UP in some insurance companies......

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Remember the NPR headline in summer 2021? “People are sicker than ever, and ER’s are FUL. And it’s NOT Covid. What is going in?” Gee, I wonder NPR. A real head scratcher there

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At The End Of 12,000 Innings

It’s The Vaccinated: 0

And The Unvaccinated: ... Too Many Points To Tally.


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Perhaps there is a chance your "withdrawn" paper with Dr.McCullough will actually be published soon?

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If someone has a broken conscience they are left with con science

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Bravo to you for speaking when you did, even though it cost you a lot professionally. Bravo for the authors for speaking the truth now: better late than never. Bravo to whoever had the guts to publish this, despite the flak it might engender. Shame on everyone else who were too cowardly to act with integrity and courage. And double shame on those who oppressed the truth and its courageous defenders. Will apologies be made? Doubtfully. Should class-act investigations and litigation proceed against the censors, regulatory bodies, and medical industry shills who push unsafe vaccine solutions? Absolutely!

In the meantime, there are millions of affected people who will need our compassionate care.

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Once you die, the choice is cremation or burial. Funeral Homes are doing a roaring business these days at $15,000 a pop.

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I work on the cemetery side. I quit my school job in CA because I refused to test and mask. I am making more money working in the cemetery business on the Gulf Coast than I ever have before.

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Good for you :-)

I have informed by children that I prefer to be cremated rather than buried in a cemetery when I die. I don't like the idea of worms eating my body, besides it is cheaper. My daughter tells me that she will donate her body to medical science. When my wife died in 2020 I received a call asking me to let them have her eyes. I could not bear the thought of having her mutilated and therefore I refused.

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The thing is...

If you asked them to inject your cadaver with say... 6 shots of the Rat Juice.... you'd be mummified... bugs are not stupid -- they won't consume flesh infused with Rat Juice

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People bury cremains in fancy sealed containers and then put bronze memorials on the grave or the put them in niches (little crypts). It kinda takes the burden off of the family that might worry about what would happen to your remains when they pass.

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They can use my ashes as fertilizer for all I care :-)

I once read of a grieving wife, who flushed her late husband's ashes down the toilet.

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It sounds like she wasn't grieving his death. LOL

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It’s important to remember that death caused by the jabs is mild and self limiting. Rochelle told me so.

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Jessica what (if any) might be the common denominator for those who pass from too much spike? Blood type? something else? on another note: I've shown this type of paper/writeup/posts/youtube videos and beyond to a certain person and his "go to" response is always: "Yet, The worlds best scientists and Doctors are still recommending it." As he is on his 4th and wife prob 6th now. I've had two jabs, almost been 2 yrs now and some nights it still keeps me up in fear. Getting them was a horrible idea (for me) I knew better in my gut. But the pressures from ALL areas of life, at the time, were horrific at best from even within my own household. I finally caved when I was faced with the very real situation of NOT being able to accompany my mother in the hospital if she needed it.

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I know it can't be easy but please try not to cause yourself more stress by worrying about what the jab MIGHT be doing to you. stress is a big factor in poor health outcomes. just concentrate on as healthy a lifestyle as you can manage and move on from there.

I personally am so grateful that I was not in a position to be pressured to get the jab since I'm self-employed and my family are well aware of my steadfast attitudes towards allopathic medicine since being red-pilled by my son's autism dx over 17 yrs ago. thankfully no one in my immediate family has suffered any obvious ill effects from jab (parents are 91 & 85 and have no intention of more jabs past the initial 2.) however a cousin got a sudden breast cancer dx and her college-aged son has been constantly ill with every bug around since getting jabbed.

hummmm, funny how people are convinced that the 'world's best' bla, bla, bla are still recommending the jab. ask them to define 'world's best'. I would say 'world's best' at ignoring fast amounts of data and evidence because their paychecks depend on that myopic view. the blind are not seeing how easy it is to claim consensus when anyone/everyone who has a different opinion is literally SHUT OUT of the conversation.

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Thank you Dr Rose, I was looking for this. My mum overnight has a stage III cancer. Her neighbour is a stage IV. My friend got Myocarditis after the shot, as did her son. These experimental medicinal products are lethal. If they put the Flu vaccine on the mRNA platform, it's going to be similarly lethal isn't it?

Is there any indication that Ig4 can/will repair itself?

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The transfection inducing gene the-rapy induces high antibody titers for a short period, a few weeks, then maintains low antibody levels for an unnatural sustained period, through the continued presence of SP, which in turn causes ADE


Viral-Induced Enhanced Disease Illness


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV)

'It was also shown in the same study that ADE response was dependent on antibody titers, as sera with high antibodies concentration neutralized the virus, while diluted sera significantly enhanced the infection and induced more apoptosis (Wang et al., 2014).'

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Russell , the bottom line in all of this is that VACINNES ARE SIMPLY NOT GOOD FOR YOU .

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NO medical treatment, especially vaccines, is safe despite the criminal advertising leveled against us.

" Predicting post-vaccination autoimmunity: who might be at risk?

PMID: 25277820 DOI: 10.1016/j.phrs.2014.08.002


Vaccinations have been used as an essential tool in the fight against infectious diseases, and succeeded in improving public health. However, adverse effects, including autoimmune conditions may occur following vaccinations (autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants--ASIA syndrome). It has been postulated that autoimmunity could be triggered or enhanced by the vaccine immunogen contents, as well as by adjuvants, which are used to increase the immune reaction to the immunogen. "


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Every day on American television ads for pharmaceutical products lists horrendous potential effects many including cancer and death. Reading the fine print on these ads , there’s basically no benefit above placebo. However the actors and actresses in these advertisements appear ecstatically healthy and happy.

So your discovery of potential harm from the jabs is a drop in the pharmaceutical business. Mandating these jabs on anyone is the most horrendous crime.

Where was D.O.A and Jello Biafra when the governments demanded we accept them ?


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Amazing how every drug on the market has 15,000 side effects, except the miracle jabs eh? If only someone could invent Woketardasil, to open the eyes of these loons.

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In the last 2 years at least 5 of my jabbed friends have died from cancer and 2 more have had their cancer come out of remission. There could be more as I know 18 who have died but the obits don't always say why they died.

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Mistakes were not made. Caution was thrown to the wind with purpose and abandon. The weaponization of the masses against those who reflected and considered even common sense problems with the new technology was purposeful.

Don’t give them excuses...like fear was strong and a desire to help got the better of them. Instead, we need to demand answers with the evidence they claimed they had the whole time--which clearly was not only lacking but often ran contrary to their manufactured and sustained lies.

Mistakes were not made.

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In the beginning it did appear like there were mistakes because there was a 'novel virus' and they were discovering how to fight it but as you note it became quite clear (to those inquisitive enough) that this was most definitely NOT the case (some discovered it earlier, some later based on their curiosity, access to information and luck). There were far too many instances where the data or actual scientific evidence ran (and still runs) contrary to the PHE pronouncements.

It's so blatantly obvious at this point that these actions never qualified as 'mistakes'. Unfortunately, that doesn't answer the question of why. It just leads people down an uncertain and dark road, why is why this is so uncomfortable and why people are eager to avoid thinking about it.

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I believe that people simply can’t confront the reality that the world is literally run by Bond villains. It’s too painful. Especially when those villains are “the good people” voted in by “the smart ones”

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How to convince those who think this is just profit-seeking pharma/govt corruption? (e.g. Dr John Campbell or Naomi Wolf seem stuck there?) It's so obvious there's a greater evil at work, given lack of inaction (or worse, doubling-down) for so long after they've been made aware?

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Naomi Wolf has come to the point that something of true evil is happening from the supernatural world. She writes about it on her substack. Like me, she came to that conclusion that nothing else makes any sense. She is reading from an 1500’s Bible translation that puts maybe a truer light on scripture and God.

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Oh, thank you! She totally has, I wasn't wording this very clearly. She's stuck thinking about it as an attack from outside, which I believe is not the same level of evil as the DoD/CDC/DHS/FDA being complicit in a much deeper sense than foreign infiltration (my words not hers that I remember) or profit-related, conflict-of-interest-related corruption.

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No biggie but I believe the true author of this is Satan from the beginning. Manipulation of these institutions and other humans to the point of possession is happening. I’m sure the DOD and the rest of this cabal have been utterly corrupt from the beginning of our country. We’re seeing an end times here as these evil organizations can wipe us out completely. Without anyone the wiser right now. That’s not money and power that’s base destruction of humanity and our planet. Satan hates humans. Anything God makes is hated and we live in the sin system now. The child sacrifice culture is on steroids. My grandkid teen is now transitioning. A horror I never thought I would see and this child is in grave danger. The entire system is going after children. This could be what brings Jesus back.

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It's actually not an evil plan... nor is this motivated by $$$$...

The folks executing this plan (basically every leader in every country... CNNBBC... the medical boards ministries of health etc... DOD... and on and on and on)... are doing this ... because they believe it is the better of two very bad options

Details here https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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My sister has just been diagnosed with progressive bulbar palsy, a rare neurological condition. Because this disease is very difficult to diagnose, cases are unlikely to show up in VAERS. Stephanie Seneff of MIT has warned us that the jab may lead to neurological problems. We know that the spike protein can cross the blood brain barrier.

Although Hoover was still the US president when I was born, I have not been inoculated. I take 25 grams of 72% cacao dark chocolate and 1 gram of l-ascorbic acid twice a day. This routine allows for the short half-life of the quercetin from the cacao. Quercetin and L-ascorbic acid are known to act synergetically. My prophylaxis did not prevent infection from ancestral SARS-CoV-2 or the Delta variant, but the disease manifestations were trivial.

Everyone needs to recognize that what works for one individual may not work for others.

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Sorry about your sister. I agree with you....you will not necessarily see the diagnosis like bulbar palsy in VAERS. My mother had an adverse reaction as well that was neurological in nature. Due to her age, the docs thought stroke, but the reality was that which McCullough and Seneff described in their research paper about how the spike proteins go to the spleen and travel by exosomes up to the neural junction causing things like difficulty speaking and swallowing, etc.

I diagnosed my mom after she had been in the hospital for over a week with the doctors both neglecting her progressing symptoms and basically starving and dehydrating her. I visited her once (limited visits due to COVID) and knew immediately that things were not as they seemed. I told them to get a neurologist in to see her because I felt she had Mysathenia Gravis. The neurologist agreed and said if not MG, it might be bulbar palsy. Unfortunately, due to the poor treatment and neglect she received in the hospital over her 10 day stay, she never received treatment. She died when she went into cardiac arrest from dehydration when they tried to vent her. My diagnosis was confirmed after the fact. Makes me angry beyond words. Part of the reason they did not diagnose her from the outset is they do not even have on radar that these damn shots are causing this kind of reaction. When a lay person like myself can diagnose her because I had researched previously the problems with the vaccine....well, that speaks volumes. But hey, I'm just a conspiracy theorist with a dead mother. What do I know?

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I too believe that the clot shot killed my father. It was the booster shot. He went from being a completely able bodied person on no medications as he had nothing wrong with him, to freaking out and hiding in a closet!

Then, as for you, the hospital tried to kill him. I spoke to a nurse from his assisted living facility and she told me,” they’ll kill him in that hospital, get him out of there. Wrap him in a blanket and get a wheelchair and get him out. We can return the wheelchair later or whatever needs to be done, just get him out if there.”

I never did find out why he essentially went crazy. He calmed down within a short time and ate and drank normally when he got back to the assisted living place. But he never got completely better and died about a month after he left the hospital.

Unfortunately, he was extremely old, 92, and at that age, or actually anyone over 65-70 ‘nobody’ questions the death.

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