If they agree extra caution needs to be applied for children, then surely that also applies to every female that is of childbearing age.

Think “DES daughters”, where the mum was ok, their daughters got early & rare cancers , and those children that went on to have their own children have a significantly higher chance of their babies dying. So in reality 15 yrs is not long enough.

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I’m a DES daughter. I’m 72 years old. I had breast cancer a few years ago. No one can tell me if the DES exposure caused my breast cancer. It did cause infertility and I needed a lot of medical help to get pregnant. Pharma only looks to the immediate, “how much money can we make off of this”. I shudder to think of the harms the Covid jabs will have caused when 30 -40 years have passed.

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I'm afraid they do see into the future, but it's not a future we want.

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You may find the following 2013 paper that alludes to this possibility of interest:

Synthetic Lipid Nanoparticles Targeting Steroid Organs. November 2013

Lipidots distributed in the liver and, surprisingly, in the steroid-rich organs adrenals and ovaries, but not in the spleen. This tropism was confirmed at the microscopic level by histologic detection of 1,1′-dioctadecyl-3,3,3′,3′-tetramethylindotricarbocyanine. Nanoparticle loading with cholesterol derivatives increased accumulation in ovaries in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusion: This previously unreported distribution pattern is specific to lipidots and attributed to their nanometric size and composition, conferring on them a lipoproteinlike behavior.

After injection of triply labeled lipidots, the 3 tracers were found mainly in the liver, ovaries, and adrenals, and only low levels were observed in the brain, heart, fat, intestine, muscle, pancreas, and salivary glands

Altogether, uptake was major in gonadosteroid organs (i.e., liver, adrenals, ovaries), suggesting a specific tropism of lipidots for these organs.

In the ovaries, fluorescence was essentially observed in the corpus luteum bodies but not in other parts of the gland

The observation of a high level of lipidot uptake in the adrenal glands and ovaries was unexpected. Fluorescence microscopy of histologic tissue sections further demonstrated a specific homing of lipidots to the ovarian follicles and to the deepest layer of the adrenal cortex, 2 steroid-rich regions where synthesis of steroid hormones takes place. In the ovaries, the theca cells of the follicles synthesize androgens that are aromatized by granulosa cells to produce estrogens, primarily estradiol; after ovulation, follicles turn into corpus luteum, which is loaded with lipids and secretes massive amounts of progesterone and other steroids. In the adrenal gland, the deepest layer of the cortex corresponds in humans to the pars reticularis, where male sexual hormones such as DHEA are synthesized.

Lipidots depict an original biodistribution, not previously reported for other inorganic or organic nanoparticles, toward organs involved in steroid hormone synthesis and storage (adrenals and ovaries) and localize to precise sites in these organs, suggesting potential applications for imaging and drug delivery.

(from internet search: Can pregnancy survive without corpus luteum?

If a pregnancy occurs, then the pregnancy hormone (hCG) keeps the CL alive and its progesterone supports the pregnancy for the next 6–8 weeks until the placenta takes over and the corpus luteum disappears. That means that if the CL is not working correctly there could be problems getting pregnant or staying pregnant. Feb 26, 2021)

(the corpus luteum's job is to make your uterus a healthy place for a fetus to grow. It releases a hormone called progesterone that prepares your uterus for pregnancy.)


Japanese biodistribution Pfizer document. The m-rna product preferentially distributes to certain organs after 48 hours with most in liver, spleen, adrenal glands, ovaries, then lymph node, small intestines with even less in other organs.


Gene drives create intergenerational infertility. They control or eliminate entire species through multiple generations, depending on how they're programmed and introduced. Kevin Esvelt explains in more detail:

Kevin Esvelt (MIT) 1: Gene Drive. January 14, 2019


Kevin Esvelt (MIT) 2: Gene Drive and Local Drive. January 14, 2019


Jeffery Epstein’s Mad Science: Wanted to seed the human race with his own DNA. July 13, 2021

“[I]t was revealed in 2017 that DARPA had invested $100 million in ‘gene drive’ research, which is involves the use of genetic modification to wipe out entire populations, explaining why it is often referred to as a ‘genetic extinction’ technology.”


Although in its infancy, gene drive technology also may be able to induce sex bias or toxin sensitivity in target species through genetic modification (Strive & Sheppard 2015).


Feral cats are considered a problem species in Australia ... hmmm..... what other species is thought to be a problem for the environment?

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Excellent piece Jess👍🤗

I think they technically can say that evaluations were actually done on C19 shots. "These evaluations may be conducted independently..". Pfizer and Co, spent a small fortune paying independent evaluators😉🤨

Additionally, if someone were to say look for a patent around 2019 and 2005 with DoD and NIH, on genetic manipulation, I'm sure there would be at least 1 LTFU study associated. These were tested before. The results were literally bankable.😐🤔🤨

My suggestion is the reason they are "updating" their definitions and regulationary documentation, is because with the "inexplainable" explosion of cancers globally, particularly in the younger cohorts, like 5-45.😐😑 They want to make sure they are allowed to utilise the mRNA cancer therapeutics that every pharma company has been rushing to bring to market, coincidentally, within the last 4 years. 🤔🤨😐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

#wearemany #mistakeswereNOTmade #wewillnotforgive #getlocalised

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There is definitely something going on. “They” started to pump out the propaganda even before the shots landed in Canada. It was a well constructed project. Indoctrinating people’s thinking to negatively view the people who refused the shot as anti vaxxers, anti science and conspiracy theorists. Get the people to direct their anger towards the anti vaxxers because they were causing the virus to continue. It was their fault. Then came all the vaccine injuries, which were silenced, gaslit and accused of being anti vaxxers. Diminishing the numbers to the very rare status when in fact only passive data collection was being done. The smearing of doctor’s reputations who spoke out against the narrative. Yesterday, another doctor has been hauled up by the CPSO for expressing his opinions. The concerted energy spent on the propaganda dousing any connection to a lab leak. Smearing those who have analyzed and come to the conclusion that the virus DID NOT have natural origins.

There has been too many clues that point to the skulduggery going on behind the scenes. Can it continue because they’re too powerful, too wealthy and too influential? Not one government has told us the truth.

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"I mean, just think of all of those poor investors who would go under if their program went under."

I completely agree and I have been saying for a long time, there are two main reasons why they will admit no mistakes or problems and cling to the "safe and effective " mantra.

First, they are scared of responsibility and accountability unless they shove this down the memory hole ASAP and get those responsible out of the way and into safe, lucrative positions in the private sector (often rewards). They are even more concerned that if the plebas get it into their little heads that their immune systems have been systematically destroyed whilst being systematically lied to, they might get more than a little pissed off and come after them.

Second, they plan mod-mRNA and Nanoparticle delivery for a whole range of replacement "vaccines" and other drugs. There are Trillions in profits on the line because, once the manufacturing technology is in place, these things cost virtually nothing to manufacture (especially if you can cut corners on purification!). And again, if the plebs get it into their tiny minds that mRNA = toxic, all bets are off.

So "safe and effective " it is while the flow of information on deaths and SAE's is censored or controlled by MSM.

For any scam as large and audacious as the Covid Operation, irrespective of the specifics above, this is the SOP for "managing" a psyop after the event. You just stop talking about it and help it to disappear, accusing those who continue to question it as "conspiracy theorists" or "Far Right Anti-Vaxxers" or "Hard Right Domestic terrorists" or whatever. Sound familiar?

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Well-said. 👏

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I appreciate the practical suggestions at the end of this article because I often feel at a loss on what I can do to help raise awareness about these dangers. “Keep your books,” okay, I can do that. Old school chiropractors whose parents were in medical school in the 1920’s-1940’s said all the old herbal books with herbal remedies were pulled off the shelves. They literally watched medical school libraries being taken over by pharmaceutical companies. In the 1960’s during a surge in natural health, publishing companies commissioned writers to write herbal books.

What else can I do to help raise awareness in addition to saving books?

I would love a brochure with talking points (about the things brought to light by Jessica above- and other scientists,) like something I can keep in my pocket. I would reprint and leave these everywhere possible such as gas stations and farmers markets.

I would go to local libraries and offer talks, or post on social media but it doesn’t seem effective: I don’t know what to say. When I forward Jessica’s articles to family and friends, I get no response. People want to move on and are comforted thinking these issues are in the past-i.e. “don’t get a flu or covid shot and I’ll be fine.”

It looks and sounds as if Covid injections were the tip

of the iceberg, and I feel that in my gut.

My children are dating other young people who blindly follow medical advice. They similarly seem to be at a loss for words to express the depth of injustice, misinformation and ignorance. Even if/when I have spoken up, like telling someone what they think is long-covid is actually a vaccine injury, I don’t remember the science (in the heat of the moment) to support my claim. I read the articles here and I’m so thankful and impressed by these articles- but I don’t understand enough of the science to know what to say to others. I’d appreciate it if anyone can point me to practical talking points, or other calls for action such as saving books and articles. There’s gotta be more I can do.

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Is there anywhere in the relevant documents a statement like:

“We feel justified and authorized to make deliberate changes to the human genome and to the functioning of a living human being because:

a) we have known and fully understood all relevant aspects in depth and we are certain that our knowledge is complete, full, not subject to any further scientific studies and new findings, and is faultless as it is right now, as at March 17th, 2024,

b) we are certain that what we have learned is not subject to any further modifications by Nature - therefore we can take it over from where we are now,

c) we know it as a fact and we guarantee that our knowledge is 100% right in this respect that our modifications to the human living beings will only bring out more beneficial developments, with zero negative effects, in short-time perspective and in the horizon of all coming generations.

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BTW, I have emailed my MP three times, no response, I wrote a letter to the Canadian Medical Association, no response. I wrote a letter to Halton regional health department, I received a response telling me to get my next vaccine, I wrote to our mayor, no response. I’ve written letters to the editor that don’t get accepted. In the past I often had my letters to the editor in the Toronto star published. Interestingly one in 2014 was about the control of big pharma, they published that. I stopped my subscription to the Star and changed to the National Post, they too won’t publish my letters. The Hamilton Spectator published a letter to the editor in 2021 about my vaccine injury.

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keep writing. bombard them like they are bombarding us.

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Hi Vivien, you’re speaking and experiencing the reactions I’m afraid of which cause me not to speak out; to put efforts into writing and talking, then be ignored, not even acknowledged. People seem to have moved on and don’t want to hear about vaccine injuries, harmful medical protocols…it’s hard to know how to help expand public awareness. It seems like people around me (even those who didn’t get the jab) want to forget.

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I have written letters starting in 2021. I understand regular folks who have heard zip in the media and government. They think I’m a one off nothing to worry about. Some, not all of my friends know I’ve been through a jab injury. When I wrote the letter to the editor in 2021, other people called the Spectator to get in touch with me. The spec would only let one as it’s not their policy. Nothing from the government isn’t surprising I guess. I would tell everybody and anybody when I was out. Some have no interest but others have interest. I don’t plan on shutting up. I see the ENT this Friday for a years checkup to see if I’ve lost anymore hearing from a year ago. He told me last year that he’s had a sizeable increase in patients with hearing loss and tinnitus and he believes it’s neurological. I’m taking some papers in to give him this time too. I don’t know, I’m just driven to do so. Whether it will make a difference I don’t know. But, I feel so impotent doing nothing. I’m angry at those bastards.

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LNP contains PEG ( polyethylene glycol )

And if you go to : https://www.fetalrisk.com/en/detail/6668

You will see that :









And you can also go to : https://www.science.org/content/article/suspicions-grow-nanoparticles-pfizer-s-covid-19-vaccine-trigger-rare-allergic-reactions


Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions

Life-threatening responses seen in at least eight people could be linked to polyethylene glycol, known to trigger reactions to some drugs


And from now on why not use the following hyperlink to do your own research ?


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A health worker I know has a life threatening allergy to PG. When the New Zealand government, in it's infinite wisdom, mandated Pfizer's Comirnaty they made almost no exceptions. This health worker of course thought a life threatening allergy would qualify for an exemption. The answer from the then health minister was declining the exemption application. And the health system's answer to this potential loss of an essential worker was to offer the injection at a hospital over an hour away but it's all fine because they'd have a crash cart on standby for when she inevitably needed resus. This person (rightfully) chose to quit.

In what world is it OK to FORCE a medication on someone knowing that it will kill them but they'll just risk resus to bring them back to life. If health workers are so essential in this country (and there's still a massive shortage, even after mandates have been removed) why risk killing one??? Nevermind how incredibly unethical that is.

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Dera AlsoMe.

We live ina world wher themajority acrs in a way as if their death sentence would besmoother while complying to their torturers.

It is not new in human history that people comply and bow to those who are walking them into complete submission before terminating them in a slaughterhouse.

For TPTB, the value of life is nothing except for those being part of the ELITES.

Such a word should be used with the utmost precaution as, like many others, it is representing the exact opposite of its intrinsic and etymologic meaning.

As for me, the only way of reversing the tide is a complete, yet peaceful strike.

Not going to work and provides goods and/or services ( but medical and firefighters ), not going to protest on public squares, nor parading the streets.

Simply staying at home and discuss with neighboors, and, doing so, bring the economy to a grinding halt.

TPTB owns; Finance, governments, politicians ( almost all of them ), medias, police and armed forces.

We have the ultimate weapon which is to keep our hands in our pockets.

Everything that is related to the big C-19 lies is nothing more than a global coup d'état.

If we, the ordinary persons do not stop them, waiting for an improbable exterior savior, we will finish in the common mass grave already dug out by TPTB.

Hold fast.

Stand the line.

I leave you here with the words of deepp thinkers who have demonstrated a lot more talent than mine at using words.

“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”

― Howard Zinn

"And, under all the names it may use, fascism, democracy or dictatorship of the proletariat, the capital enemy remains the administrative, police and military apparatus; not the one on the other side, which is our enemy only insofar as it is our brothers' enemy, but the one which claims to defend us and makes us its slaves. In any circumstances, the worst possible betrayal is always to accept subordination to this apparatus and to trample underfoot, in order to serve it, in oneself and in others, all human values".

Simone Weil

“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”

― Howard Zinn

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A heartfelt thank you, Jessica. For not giving up, and for arguing your case, the real science of the matter, so well. That the programme, whatever it is, will be protected and continued at all costs, however great he pile of dead and crippled grows, is clearly the heart of the matter.

I fear, however, that those of us who raise these issues with friends and family may risk losing those we still retain. No one wants to know, even the injured: it's too frightening to face, and too humiliating to have been so deceived.

But what are we to do with the mass of the medical profession, and researchers in academia, who are still ignorant/deceived/compliant, lying? So many of them still getting injected, even without mandates, and recommending them to their 'vulnerable' and elderly patients, at the least, or at the worst to children the pregnant, students, etc. All per government orders.

I can confirm, for instance, that senior doctors (people of considerable professional integrity) at a major, internationally-renowned teaching hospital in the UK are still in the dark, some consultants having had 7 injections to date, and still urging 'vaccination'. Self-harming, as well, as endangering their patients and families.

In the face of this we can just continue to plug away, trying to save one life or family at a time.

By the way, the latest Yellowcard SAE data from the UK now shows that deaths are occurring in large numbers among those who only had the two AZ shots in early 2021, and none of the boosters - most ominous!

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Are you familiar with Kathrine Watt’s Bailiwicknews substack? I concerns the legal underpinnings of the Covid Project that have been written into law over the last few decades. EUA’s it seems are now bioweapons controlled by DoD and HHS. But more to the point, these bioweapons do not allow for informed consent. They are weapons deployed in some mystery war. Untoward consequences like turbo cancers and excess mortality are collateral damage, nothing more. Katherine is trying to get legislators to reverse the enabling legislation for the biowar project.

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Thank you Jessica for deciphering this sad document... Big Brother is way downstream with the Psyop now. Scrambling a little to give plausible cover for continued dispersement of the Slow Kill Bio Weapon formulation.. Got to hit those Global population reduction targets.. Expose' ran a FOIAed article by a now deceased CIA analyst tracking the death data [not VARES] and it stated the Psyop was right on track to reduce Global population by about 30% by 2030... the body count varied in the G20 of course depending on Death Vax uptake..

The Weapon of the Century for the Crime of the Century..

Thank you for all you have done to help your army understand this Big Brother Plandemic Horror Show..

You are a Divine Blessing! Keep ripping it open.. We Love our Joan of Arc!

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The idiocy of this updated guidelines from the. FDA it’s something that should’ve been put out and well documented and discussed Way before cOVID-19. , now isn’t it true that Moderno and Pfizer were fighting for such a vaccine and apply for a patent possibly years before the

cOVID-19 pandemic that wasn’t here yet , that’s interesting so this vaccine wasn’t developed in 12 months as they promoted it “Warp speed “ bullshit ! . It’s been developing for a long time it never worked in previous studies but they decide to use the pandemic for a massive experimental testing throughout the world, you don’t need certain cohorts to do a study on, there’re people out there that have been injected with this gene therapy injectable

Now it’s like leaving the barn door open horse gets out and then you go out there and you wanna close the door , this must be so infuriating for the Physicians scientist immunologist out there that were pounding the table for caution!!! you’re reading this and saying WTF you understood this early on , like Dr. Jessica Rose , Dr Peter McCullough Dr. Korey just to name a few , to you people I can’t imagine the distain for these organizations, it must be like duh why are you telling me something that I told you 4 years ago ,

I used repost that we are in the mist of living in a Orwellian world or heading that way Hell we’re right in the middle of it yes they know expression SV40 Promoter is there , is there a rise in cancer throughout the world rare cancers turbo cancers I would have to think this was no mistake of course I can’t prove it but every corner you turn to to look around criminality criminality pops up I know in the FDA CDC they are inept institutions but they’re not this stupid to think that this was not a possibility before the rollout of the COVID-19 jackals

I talked and repost the great research from Dr Jessica Rose and others information probably every day and in between cat pictures and dog pictures and beautiful landscapes on my camping trips but I’m telling you it’s falling on Deaf ears I try and try and talk about this there’s no thirst for this knowledge or anything except for who’s gonna be the pick on the bachelor or bachelorette show they have successfully dumbed down the masses it’s amazing you gotta give him credit for how well they do it a lot of people I talk to are intelligent people supposedly intelligent people the more degrees than I do I have no degrees I’m just Layman researcher wanted to know what’s going on I’ll keep on putting this information out there until it clicks with someone if it helps one person then it was worth my energy but the real energy

are you guys Dr. Jessica Rose and others you are the champions of truth I try to facilitate your message through my world thanks again💕💕

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They just don't want to know: and for the educated - especially those who think of themselves as scientists, medical or not - it's almost impossible to admit having been fooled, and likely poisoned.

I passed a warning to one of the top people at DeepMind, citing excellent sources and authority - a researcher rather famous in their field - and they didn't accept its validity, didn't warn their elderly parents, pregnant younger generation, etc. Astonishing!

I don't think they are afraid of Covid any more, but afraid to face the evidence of their own mental weaknesses and foolishness.

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Eric, I so agree with good information falling on deaf ears..I really struggle understand this behavior. On a good note I do hear more people say I am done with COVID jabs, although most people leave the discussion there. I have not heard any words of regret.

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Janice , that’s exactly my experience no one’s getting a booster the conversation is falling off the radar and I do understand why , they were so vehemently pushing the government’s agenda of the need to get this injectable that if I was them and vilified and shamed people like us I guess I would be a little hesitant to say let’s talk about the facts and the science of what we just went through, they must be ashamed and no one likes to admit that they’ve been duped and I find very few people like to admit they were wrong but yes the lack of booster uptake shots are down and in Ron Johnson hearings that I heard yesterday from the Canary only 15% are taking the boosters in Canada and only 3.4 % in United States but I do fear that there will be another attempt to push people in believing this again down the road that’s why the need for discussion what happened the past 3-4 years about what happened is so important so not to repeat it again……

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Makes me think of the line in Gladiator…“Are you not Entertained?”

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Judges have now overruled fines that were given to GP’s who dared to go against the narrative. The ministery of health (how Orwellian can it get) now has to pay the court costs (so tax money really). These GP’s who sinned by offering HCQ, IVM and actually cured people using informed consent were fined thousands of euro’s. And were threatened that their license would be withdrawn. By the most moronic health minister in history who threatened to find the unvaxxed, hunt them door to door. So the authorities were finally tapped on the wrist by an independent judge. This is the Netherlands.

Some light at the end of the tunnel?

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Still akin to giving children sharpies and letting them loose in an art museum. They should never have tried playing God.

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I’m so thankful that you mentioned Canada. Indeed, “people are being treated, and tried, like criminals for simply talking.”

At this very moment, a Canadian doctor faces financial ruin due to a $300,000 fine, and a deadline of March 25 to pay it. This is just days away. Dr. Kulvinder Kaur’s main sin in the eyes of the Canadian legal, governmental and medical establishments was her anti-lockdown and anti-mandate advocacy. In court, they cited Twitter posts on the Great Barrington Declaration as one of the reasons for her persecution. Please donate to her legal fund if you can, https://givesendgo.com/kulvinder

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I just watched a Netflix documentary about Dr. Paulo Macchiarini called bad surgeon. It’s unbelievable. It gives you one sliver about what goes on behind the scenes. Why this guy isn’t in prison is beyond me.

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I watched it too this Winter! Scary!!

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