Judges have now overruled fines that were given to GP’s who dared to go against the narrative. The ministery of health (how Orwellian can it get) now has to pay the court costs (so tax money really). These GP’s who sinned by offering HCQ, IVM and actually cured people using informed consent were fined thousands of euro’s. And were threat…
Judges have now overruled fines that were given to GP’s who dared to go against the narrative. The ministery of health (how Orwellian can it get) now has to pay the court costs (so tax money really). These GP’s who sinned by offering HCQ, IVM and actually cured people using informed consent were fined thousands of euro’s. And were threatened that their license would be withdrawn. By the most moronic health minister in history who threatened to find the unvaxxed, hunt them door to door. So the authorities were finally tapped on the wrist by an independent judge. This is the Netherlands.
Judges have now overruled fines that were given to GP’s who dared to go against the narrative. The ministery of health (how Orwellian can it get) now has to pay the court costs (so tax money really). These GP’s who sinned by offering HCQ, IVM and actually cured people using informed consent were fined thousands of euro’s. And were threatened that their license would be withdrawn. By the most moronic health minister in history who threatened to find the unvaxxed, hunt them door to door. So the authorities were finally tapped on the wrist by an independent judge. This is the Netherlands.
Some light at the end of the tunnel?