Love the gentle little swell. Can mess about in them all day and still feel energised at the end of it. Your outstanding dedication to exposing the global bastardry is inspirational. After all the damage done to humanity by the corrupt cabal, one hopes DJT & Co see the necessity for, and leave no stone unturned in, imposing the most stringent consequences. Thank you, for all you’ve done, and in anticipation of that you are about to do. May the Force be with you.

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Happy new year to you Dr. Rose. Keep up the good work.😊

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The year is ending and foul wars abound

and “Diversity is Strength” is all around

Our dreary leaders strut and puff

The race to Net Zero's not going fast enough

We're all being urged to go electric

Building wind and solar is really hectic

The pensioners are freezing, the young are scared

There's a climate emergency, we must be prepared

Those bloody cows are still farting gas

It's more dangerous methane, alas, alas

Or perhaps it's the threat of monkey pox

So Bill Gates makes more money, lots and lots

The EU stumbles as Macron wobbles and Scholz is gone

While truth-telling Orban looks quite strong

Out West the Trump is taking power

But the Deep State will fight back hour by hour

He's helped by Gabbard, Musk and brave RFK

Can these heroes really save the day?

Out East the Chinese play a much longer game

The BRICS new world order won't be the same

While middle-east deserts are a smouldering wreck

where fanatics and zealots hang each other by the neck

It's a dangerous playground for three big powers

Israel marches, Turkey fights and Russia cowers

Here at home the grass still grows on the village green

Don't worry, it's collecting carbon sight unseen

Our human experiment still runs on Planet Earth

Man's sturm and drang fills the Gods with mirth

Such clever brains but unwise souls

As we scurry about like demented voles

But the great Klaus Schwab has his master plan

To cure all the follies known to man

Have all the old religions had their day?

I rather think it's too soon to say

When sweet logic bends before blind belief

It so often leads to tales of grief

But we'll battle on in this age of screens

Where fact and fiction mix like dreams

The message for you which I think best

Is that life is a “game” and not a “test”

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I'm French.

Just a word to say Macron has to fall and fast.

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Do you think he is married to a man?

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I've seen info that supports that notion. It would explain much as he really is a "chatte". Tamis could tell you if I am using that French slang correctly.

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Candace Owens had a long podcast on this topic that was very convincing.

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Thanks. I'll check that out.

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Wow! I really enjoyed this. Not the harsh reality that the words point to, but the creativity.

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Reminds me of Longfellow's "I Heard The Bells". That Christmas he had just buried his late wife and his son got an early discharge frim his Army unit because he now had a wooden prosthesis instead of a limb and had gotten home in time to visit Mom's grave. With the American Civil War raging, there seemed to be litrle hope. And then came the finality of it. In a climactic struggle between racism and tolerance, between liberty and slavery, between equal rightaubder law and privilege for the few with suffering for the many, "G-d is not dead nor doth He sleep. The wong shall fail, the right prevail, with peace on Earth, good will to men". In two short years the Pharoah of Richmond would be run out of town by an infantry regiment of ex-slaves trained by Grant as sappers, to clear the town of booby traps, while the rest of Grant's force surrounded Lee to collect his surrender. Aming frogs and alligators in a Georgia swamp, draging 14 wagonloads of loot taken from the Virginia Treasury, cavalrymen from Michigan and Wisconsin took the great slaver into custody.

How quickly do the works of evil come undine!!

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Russia cowers???

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Peace and Hope, Jessica... Oh to be young again!

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Thank you for sharing your work with humanity! I applaud your cell phone fast: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/5324-2/.

Ironically, if the global parasites demanded that all humans carry around an ID & be monitored at all times, many may rebel ...but most of us do exactly that by using these damned mobile prison-cells....happy surfing!!!

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Precisely why I don't own one. Try visiting your friends and actually conversing with them. You will feel better

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I have never owned a cell phone. They cause cancer. Like cigarettes, it may take 30 or 40 years. I don't use Wi-Fi or microwave ovens or vaccines either.

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Other then this old desk top I am definitely not of the cyber world either. Look at the sudden increase in cancers in people under 50. It seems to coincide with the advent of cell phone technology. Look at the average person with their pasty white complexion and bags under their eyes with a big gut hanging over their belt. how can they not see how sick or unhealthy they are?

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At least I can say I've never owned a "TV"!! And stopped watching the dreck in 1969....the "moon landing" was the last thing I watched...hmmmm🤔 The prison-cell phone will be let go sooner rather than later!!!! And yes, I converse with real friends & family every day! Good advice! More people should do so.

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Sadly, with no real phones in booths anymore, if you need help, you need to have the little trackers with you, because there's no one that will stop to help you.

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Maybe one of the old ones that you can actually remove the battery from? I still have a couple 😁

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There's a couple of old phones around here, but I don't think the batteries come out.

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I have Samsung Galaxy S5 and S4 batteries come out easily with both of them!

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My old phones are flip phones.

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Happy New Year! Love your surfing 🏄 photos and to be able to do this … you’re awesome at so much. Thank you so very much for all that you continue to do for us and humanity. We need strong hard core truth leaders of scientists and doctors to lead us forward before we loose this game. You guys give me a bit of hope and promise for the future of humanity. I never in my life expected this at 72 & 75 and our precious adult children and precious Grands. Such a worry again this year. There is panic in the air … I feel it. Nobody will talk about it. I’m in disbelief of these people!

Ahhh … let’s hope for the very best for all of us … keep surging, I’m going to find a better jam. You’re lovely and so brilliant! 🙋🏻‍♀️❤️

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Happy New year. Thanks for chasin evil.

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Love that you are so authentic, Dr. Jessica. Happy New Year and keep spreading the truth. You are appreciated so very much!

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Yes, much appreciated.

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Happy 2025 and may the waves be with you as you catch the big ones both on and off the ocean this year !!!!!

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Wow Im so glad you had the energy and back to health from Covid that you are back in the pink as they say 😊👍

Happy new year Dr. Jessica Rose 🌹 and I hope it’s a good one without any tears or fears

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You look amazing.

Keep up the good work !

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I greatly respect and admire you Jessica, for your relentless and unwavering quest to expose the evil deeds of darkness and to bring the truth in science to light. Being such an accomplished scholar as well as as an incredible athlete makes you my role model of an iconic Renaissance woman. :o)

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Happy new year and cuddle to the kitties!

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Precious kitties!

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You rock, Jessica. Best to you in 2025!

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Happy new year, Dr Rose. Keep up the good work.

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Looks fun for sure! Keep up the good fight

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