I look forward to listening to the interview, Jessica, but in the meantime, I have been remiss in telling you I referenced two of your pieces in the following article in addition to crowning you the Princess of Scientific Rigor :-)

• “Rites of the Tear-Downers” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/rites-of-the-tear-downers)

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oh wow! thank you!!

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If I’m recalling correctly, here are the titles I’ve established thus far, so you’re in good company :-)

• King of Integrity Mike Yeadon

• Queen of Integrity Tess Lawrie

• Heavyweight Champion of Truth Pierre Kory

• Princess of Scientific Rigor Jessica Rose

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What about Stephanie Seneff, Geert, Sucharit Bhakdi, Byram Bridle, Carles Hoffe, Astrid Stuckelberger, Roger Hodkinson, Andy Wakefield, Vernon Coleman, Naomi Wolf, David Martin, Del Bigtree, Ed Dowd, Bobby K, Christiane Northrup, Peter McCullough, Suzanne Humphries, Judy Mikovits, and Sherri Tenpenny, etc.?

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I’ve got hundreds on my list for future Profiles in Courage entries, including many on your list, and have already done Sucharit:

• “Profiles in Courage: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit)

The list above just refers to people I have come up with titles for as the opportunities arise. The absence of other names does not indicate absence of respect ;-)

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How about the Joker of Darkness? A certain A Fauci? A fully black redacted page would suffice? 😕

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Haha, I have considered a Profiles in Villainy series, but this piece from over two years ago will have to suffice for now:

• “Dr. Mengelfauci: Pinocchio, Puppeteer, or Both?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dr-mengelfauci-pinocchio-puppeteer)

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I was pondering, could you do a piece on Jessica's beloved cat? He must be the best informed of all and a whizz at maths with data processing? How about 'Magical Paws of Truth' as his title? 🤞😂🐾🐾

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We'll have to come with with catchy titles for the others.

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Alright already geez,,,, is there an emoji that has an an ass with lips on it?

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It’s sad that you would interpret an open-hearted expression of gratitude that way. The reason I do my Profiles in Courage series is to celebrate the ordinary heroes in our midst, partly to counterbalance their vilification in the mainstream media and set the record straight for posterity. Truth-seeking can be a thankless task in a culture ensconced in lies. As I say in “Rites of the Tear-Downers,” I prefer to lift up than to tear down. We have enough of that happening from without.

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I chose to become a paid subscriber to show my appreciation and dedication.

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That’s great, Nancy, and I’m sure Jessica appreciates that.

I think one common source of miscommunication is people have different ways of expressing their appreciation according to their primary love language (see Gary Chapman’s “5 Love Languages,” where he lists the five languages as quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch), and this can cause misunderstandings not only online (where we are lacking the biological cues used to interpret meaning and tone) but also with in-person relationships. Understanding that can clear up a lot of confusion and help heal relationships that have been fissured by different expressions and perceptions of love.

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Just this morning on the local news here in Utah, the local Fox affiliate is messaging with a big smile that the health authorities is recommending that everyone go out and get the new covid shots as they are being made available in all pharmacies. I thought of contacting them, but I figure that they are paid actors to be cute and read the teleprompter. However, I believe the news orgs, in this case Scripps, should be held legally liable for telling people to take a biological gene therapy weapon, originating from the Department of Defense, that have killed and injured millions, and especially liable for pushing this on pregnant women and 6-month-old babies, which no other country is doing now.

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Whatever happened to truth in advertising?

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As soon as the “boosters” came out there have been several ambulances every day. The prior 4-5 months was far quieter.

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Still doing it in New Zealand. I see the beginnings change in attudes though. So painfully slowly.

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Your remarks in the teaser were not a rant, they were an elegant synopsis.

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Twas brilliant & may watch again. Caught on Rokfin some days back. A nuanced perspective bringing more to the understanding & connection in this insanity. Well done

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Covid era has brought so many fascinating people my way. Learning for a layman. However I do have a touch of education that makes me fascinated. Normies and my family which is few probably think I am insane with such devotion to hearing perspectives on science and my personal belief system . I thirst for more

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This is a good summary of the evidence that people's health was not the main concern. In this regard, it can also be noted that the use of an experimental treatment would have acompanied by a rigorous followup of its effects (phone calls, examinations, autopsies, etc), if the medical authorities actually cared about us. Instead, we have an extended cover-up.

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Your video tells the truth in a nutshell that we can all understand without getting involved with distracting details about biology and chemistry that confuses most people.

It is almost always easier to get one's message across to people by first stating your conclusions, and only then explaining how you got there for those who are sufficiently interested.

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Jess, did you hear that Peter Hotez is emerging from his spider hole next Monday, Oct. 2 to speak at Rice University in the James Baker Institute at 5pm? If you are coming you are welcome to stay at my house and meet Cato, my ringtail tuxedo cat. I hope Bobby Kennedy, Del Bigtree, and Peter McCullough are coming to confront Toadez. I hope it is not a trap or a setup like Jan. 6.

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Jessicar at her best, loud and clear destroying all about the covid narrative, just listen!

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And that’s the reason that the small handful of people who did this should be charged with manslaughter, tried, convicted and have their property confiscated and be imprisoned for the rest of their lives.

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This makes it premeditated, go directly to jail and do not pass go.

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It's wonderful how you infuse so much common sense and good humor into your points. <3

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Chuck is top notch and at this for years. Glad to see he is connecting with the movers and shakers like Jessica.

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This is a great interview, I love that it makes me feel cleverer, I also noticed that more of the placebo group were dying than the general population and wondered if they were hiding the toxicity by using empty LNP in the placebo group. You know the world has gone full blown crazy when you start asking yourself these questions.

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I hope part two is available at some point in time.

and i never thought about it before... but i've got to think that filling those bottles have got to be filled that is very precise..... i heard that one of them wanted $130 a dose...

a company is going to give away extra doses???? i don't think so.

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Listening now.

On the subject of placebo, I would strongly doubt it was mere saline.

In the AZ/ChAdOx trials, it was a meningitis vaccine. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31604-4/fulltext

I don't have a link handy, but I heard an interview of Aaron Siri in which he indicated that use of another vaccine as a "placebo" in vaccine trials is a standard practice.

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Dr Jessica Rose fantastic video thank you so much for sharing I reposted it on my Facebook account I did both the short version those in my small followers group that have a short attention deficit lol and the longer version is more about you and detailed breakdown of what’s been going on for the past 3 years in the Covid -19 fiasco thanks again you’re the best💕

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