Great interview with Chuck Ochelli
We talk about all sorts of things - past, present and future - lots of good rants
Subscribe to Unacceptable Jessica
By Jessica Rose · Launched 3 years ago
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I look forward to listening to the interview, Jessica, but in the meantime, I have been remiss in telling you I referenced two of your pieces in the following article in addition to crowning you the Princess of Scientific Rigor :-)
• “Rites of the Tear-Downers” (
Just this morning on the local news here in Utah, the local Fox affiliate is messaging with a big smile that the health authorities is recommending that everyone go out and get the new covid shots as they are being made available in all pharmacies. I thought of contacting them, but I figure that they are paid actors to be cute and read the teleprompter. However, I believe the news orgs, in this case Scripps, should be held legally liable for telling people to take a biological gene therapy weapon, originating from the Department of Defense, that have killed and injured millions, and especially liable for pushing this on pregnant women and 6-month-old babies, which no other country is doing now.