I just love you guys. Someone pretty much snobbed me out for being 'a blogger' the other day (as opposed to a recently highly published author of peer-reviewed articles - gee I wonder why not?) and all I wish for them is to know the amazingness and power of Substack information exchange. It is so bloody refreshing and you guys are super high quality peeps.

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We love our Joan of Arc! yes we do!

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God always pulls for the underdog with a humble heart. And there are a whole lot of us here it appears. Happy to be in such good company. 🤍

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This brings to mind a rather severe (to me at least) reaction during an MRI for a shoulder issue following months after a quad bypass in 2008. Had the surgery and good results for the by-pass but had continuing pain in the left shoulder - which I had attributed to having my arms extended above my head during surgery for extended period of time.

They did a contrast MRI approximately 6- i months following the heart surgery.

During the first pass in MRI - my heart began doing lots of flip flops, etc

And back into A-fib, which my response was quickly “get me

Out of here-“ and started crawling out, which the issues quit as MRI stopped.

Five years ago diagnosed with IPF and have managed to make it past the prognosis of 3.5 - 5 yrs. Have tried several new or different meds -

And having better breathing - EDTA - Breathe Easy - NAC and slowed the downhill slide a bit but wondering about the lung fibrosis. Seems as if Gadolinium is mostly brain and kidney potential or plausibility for the IPF although I have background in biotech industry with radionucleotides, radioisotopes, biowarfare project, in 60’s, DNA sequencing (the old fashioned way) - acid washed plates- P32, acrylamide.

Don’t think this is associated but your search is interesting and may be something for future investigation.

Thanks for the work you do do and I obviously like your work as I believe my renewal just occurred so keep up the great work and constant persistence.

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It’s pertinent to mine!! I am loving reading this info. I wish I could share photos about what has come out of my body, and what I have been discovering. Waaaaayyyy too much to type here but continually blowing my mind.

#colloidalsilver #colloidalgold #colloidaltechnology were my first searches...which landed me on the patents site. And boom goes the dynamite. 🔥🤯🤍

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You the stuff baby. You got it going on :)

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The article you wrote is outstanding! Comments are obviously highly insightful people here to learn. Thank you JR 💜

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Congratulations on having your writing make a real profound difference in the world

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Thanks for submitting this analysis for us. I have had tons of MRIs both with and without contrast. From now on, I will only receive MRIs with the contrast if it seems like it’s extremely important to do so.!

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Since the toxin gadolinium contained in the MRI contrast is retained for years, and probably for life with no safe and effective antidote, I will never allow the poison to be injected into me again. Once was more than enough.

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This is also a remarkably simple, yet powerful statement, which no doubt has 100% agreement among your readership, but which needs to be transmitted to the masses of “educated Westerners” who bought the narrative, trust authority and believe the mantra, “Take it for the common good.”

“Injecting an entire species with the same thing regardless of age, health status, race, etc… is a profoundly stupid idea and if your intention is to mindlessly ‘vaccinate’ everyone without knowing squat about immunology, epidemiology, vaccinology or virology, then trust me, you’ll learn pretty fast why that’s idiotic.”

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A very enjoyable erudite and witty discourse that taught me more about Gadolinium Based Contrast Agents that I used to view as quite benign. Now I am less certain. It strikes me as a challenge to the engineers and mathematicians to develop MRI techniques to get the information on the subject without the use of contrast agents.

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As one who is poisoned by a dose of Gd (Dotarem), you are correct in your view of Gd not being benign. Developing alternatives to GBCAs would mean Pharma and the FDA admitting a problem, which may not happen for another 50 years and multi millions more poisoned.

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Thanks Jessica , when you work in a hospital that has an MRI and a radiation oncology department underground , and no grass grows above that department, watch out ... lead rooms don’t stop those beams !!! And when you come home and glow in the dark , that’s your first clue ! Remember nothing else matters ! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HyrWd_gfQNQ

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oh no!

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The glow in the dark is rather dramatic but you get my point.

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I was in water with my 6 and 7 year old daughters a few nights ago my 7 year old swiped her hand over my back while under water and commented “whoa, when I swiped my hand, it lit up purple. 😳 I am not vaxxed, and more and more I think that has been used (rightly so as they are poisons) to distract from the technology surrounding this stuff.

My husband saw a video from the early 2000s in his attempt to help me research my Morgellons diagnosis, he said people got these “white patches” on their skin with small hair like follicles. When they sent it to a forensic lab, the scientists had two observations according to my husband “it was not biological and it could not burn”.

Anybody starting to see how little we are and how BIG this is?

In my own reckoning with my devastating health journey, caring for my 3 daughters, one of which is severely disabled, and trying to keep a marriage and life together it’s all circled back to one thing. PERFECT LOVE DRIVES AWAY FEAR.

There can only be ONE TRUTH in the end from my conclusions, and while I work to heal my body God works to heal and restore my heart and my mind.

I am telling you, 3 years of near death level sickness, and now, as the world is falling apart, and this flood of terrible information is coming out...my brain and heart are in alignment, and my body is healing.

It’s the most miraculous thing I have ever experienced. 🤍

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Were you in the ocean?

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I am a daughter and mother, who has been living in a fishbowl looking out.

I was TERRIFIED at what I saw, even with a lifelong relationship with God. I couldn’t FIX this, this was TOO BIG.

But if I just learn enough.......

I would then turn around and look at my husband and my 3 precious daughters. My oldest whom I raised for years as a single mom was given a life expectancy of 3-5years old and a diagnosis of Lissencephaly. She is still here at 19 I might add, praise Jesus.

Then came along my husband, whom CHOSE to marry me and with that also CHOSE to LOVE and CARE for my daughter. We CHOSE him back and together have two more beautiful daughters ages 6 & 7.

The war raging in my head hit a fever pitch and my body literally froze and broke. Trauma to every piece and part...both physical and emotional.

I found Jesus in a new way through this. I started listening to what HE SAID, not what THEY told me about HIM.


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No I mean when you were in the water and your daughter brushed your back and you lit up, were you in the ocean? Did it look like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTDxjOjzm9w

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I just watched the video and better understand your question. The situation in which my daughter saw the purple was while I was giving her an Epsom salt bath. I happened to be down in the water at the time and she swished her hand over my back and said “wow mama I saw purple”. I was caught off guard as I haven’t ever seen that even though I have plenty of signs of weird things happening.

Any clues on the purple?

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No idea sorry.

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Please please please do a substack....standing by...

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Thanks Excess .. I will make comments , it’s cathartic. One of these days I will out myself, blow my lid at a CHD conference.😭🤣

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I haven’t ever written on here before. In fact, today is one of the first time’s I have even commented. Just been behind the scenes trying to survive and learning LOTS.

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Hi Natalie , write what you think and feel … we learn from each other !

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I find it's rather like Facebook, but for intelligent people!

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Thank you, Jessica!

You are a beacon of scientific inquiry, shining light on the depths of the caverns of the Bio-pharmaceutical Complex, which has effectively taken over our erstwhile Health Authorities.

Civil courage rocks!

Did you ever stop to reflect that the fish which survive long enough to procreate don’t:

a) take the bait

b) swim with the current?

My favorite quote from your thoughtful and educational essay was the one about the body’s incredible capacity for self-healing. More people need to read and grasp the wisdom of that insightful and transformative observation.

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This one:

“It’s also wild how amazing the body is in and of itself and if left alone, it can heal.”

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Spelled backward: L-I-V-E reads E-V-I-L. The God who created us wants us to live, and to live amazingly WELL and ABUNDANTLY, amazingly protected in ways unknown to puny man. Like you say, given certain natural, healthful conditions, the body can heal! (I would personally add: by God!). He did not create us to destroy us as is today's one world agenda, a totally E-V-I-L one, but NOT DESTINED TO SUCCEED!

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Yes God is the ultimate healer .

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BREAKING - 1 hr. video - Pascal Najadi & Astrid Stueckelberger - THE HOUSE OF CARDS IS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE - https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

Pascal Najadi, the Swiss Investment banker who filed a criminal complaint against Pfizer, against the Swiss President and Minister of Health, has submitted a new case in the USA that has been accepted by the Supreme Court in NY against Pfizer Inc. The case is based on Pfizer’s violation of US law for selling products for profit into the Swiss market in a way that violates the Swiss National Constitution. In his dedication to justice, Pascal Najadi who was injured by the Pfizer shot, has filed the lawsuit against Pfizer in the United States in a private case. Pfizer now faces litigation on multiple fronts in multiple countries. So far no MSM outlet has reported on this bombshell. Help us get the word out! https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

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Positive step in the right direction Misha ! Thanks for the link !

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It will be a bailout of the elites .

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I was a Christian as a child, but at the age of 13 atheism started to make more sense until I read " A Course in Miracles". Words can be very powerful. For example, when I read "I rest in God" it was like a magic potion. Over time the effect has diminished, but I still use it when emotionally stressed.

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It seems to me one can quickly get into dangerous waters by assigning meaning to what something spells backward. Take "god" for example ...

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Instead of backwards, think INVERTED.

The things that ultimately wrap us in death are the things that are promoted as life. It’s word salad, it always has been. The devil is cunning like that.

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No trouble at all, in my view, most dogs are closer to godlike than people are!

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Our bodies are amazing !!! 💜

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Don't you just love substack? It's like Facebook but for intelligent people!

It seems so easy to find informative people, although I always suspect I am missing some.


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You can look at the long list of who I subscribe to and there are still plenty of good ones I discover as I go along.

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I shall. Thank you.

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Thanks Ernie for mentioning your list of Substack’s you follow. It never occurred to me to click on anyone’s name before, but I clicked on yours and took screenshots of all the different sites. Thank you so much for the tip.!!!!!!!

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Given the state of “PEOPLE” going on currently, I am seeing with greater clarity now than ever before that people can’t be the solution. When the world TRULY SHOWS ITSELF, we can all see how inadequate we are.

But what we AREN’T is ALONE. What we need is people SEEKING EACH OTHER, NATURE, AND NATURE’S GOD!

Those of us TRULY walking that path will find each other and in my experience, will find Nature’s God as well. 🤍

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Keep on surf and there’s more and more out there!

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What if there is some interaction between Gadolinium chelates and the spike protein? That is, perhaps individuals that have recently undergone MRI diagnostics, might have a higher risk of a toxic interaction between Gadolinium and the mRNA biological.

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I'm pretty ignorant about biology, and biochemistry. I am an engineer not scientist.

So concerning my statement above, it's pure speculation :) Based on thinking about how Gd could perhaps interact with the body's biochemistry. Ferritin might be a route, see: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/na/c9na00567f - Abstract

Gadolinium deposition in the brain following administration of gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) has led to health concerns. We show that some clinical GBCAs form Gd3+–ferritin nanoparticles at (sub)nanomolar concentrations of Gd3+ under physiological conditions. We describe their structure at atomic resolution and discuss potential relevance for clinical MRI. [... text elided]

Ferritin is quite interesting from a nanotechnology POV, see https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871678414022067 - hence my interest.

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This might explain the growing # of out of control cancer diagnoses. Routine 'follow up' scan with Gadolinium initiates rapid new malignant growth in the vaccinated? Scary thought.

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and let's not forget the already toxic routine cancer 'treatments'. the treatments can contribute to continued cancer(s). its like throwing dice. kill ya or cure ya. or cure ya, just to develop cancer somewhere else. I curious about lymph cancers because of the function of lymph as the catchers of cellular debris

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My guess is THEY KNEW whatever THEY CONCOCTED would interact and cause chaos. We are on the harrowing journey of figuring out how to undo what THEY have DONE, and help others along the way. 🤍

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Since Gd is retained in the body for a lifetime (no safe and effective chelators have been discovered as of yet), why would an MRI have to be recent in order to have a higher risk of a toxic interaction?

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It is reported in the literature that, "The GBCAs are excreted from the kidney within hours after intravenous administration [11]. GBCAs are ultimately eliminated through the renal route with half-lives of 1–2 h and excreted intact in urine (more than 95% of the injected dose in 24 h). The dose of these small molecular GBCAs in clinical use is usually 100 times lower than their LD50. GBCAs used to be used as a contrast agent of MRI even for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, in 2006, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) was reported by Grobner. Many papers reported that CKD might be the main factor of NSF [12, 13]. These days, GBCAs are not used for patients with CDK." Source: https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/71099 - section 1.4.

Yet, if there is a process by which Gd atoms are deposited in the body, e.g., as Gadolinium-Ferritin then it might very well accumulate, and remain in the body, i.e., I agree that then it would not matter whether the MRI scan was recent or not.

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The term "NSF" is a misnomer. It does not begin with the kidneys, according to nephrologist Dr. Brent Wagner who is studying the effects of gadolinium. Gadolinium retention is gadolinium retention, no matter why or where it is retained. Blaming CKD for NSF is a way to limit the number of people inflicted with NSF. I had a lesion on the heel of my foot biopsied for NSF and the lab called my doctor's office to find out my kidney status. Why should a heel lesion pathology be tied to my kidney function? Five years post GBCA, I am still urinating Gd and my kidney function is good. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/fda-drug-safety-podcasts/fda-drug-safety-podcast-fda-warns-gadolinium-based-contrast-agents-gbcas-are-retained-body-requires

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wow. yeah.

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The premise that we are born defective and require the injection of diseases and toxins to acquire or maintain good health is ludicrous and defies all common sense and logic. Germ theory (note the word theory) and its concommitant pharmaceutical weaponry has been used and continues to be used to camouflage the ongoing poisonous assault upon this planet and humanity.

It is the terrain, both inner and outer that matters, not viruses or bacteria. They are simply the clean up crew in a toxic environment.

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There is significant overlap of the vaccine adverse events with those of histamine intolerance for AEs that occur within days of vaccination. I hypothesize that mRNA high expression of any protein (Spike or otherwise) or adenoviral expression are sufficient to cause a surge in innate immune cells activation of granulocytes and mast cells. This includes a surge of histamine and other inflammatory molecules. This is by design, not an artifact. The level for COVID vaccines mentioned are roughly 15 times higher than any other previous high reactogenicity vaccines. Nearly all of the immediate AEs overlap with histamine intolerance AEs. Some individuals have lower threshold of histamine tolerance - this can vary by diet, drugs, foods, alcohol, menstrual cycle....

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Totes dude...

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The pieces all seem to be coming together, and that’s just how TRUTH should be as my naturopath told me. 💚

The more I pull back and look at the 30,000ft view, they have us covered. They have sprayed the skies, sprayed the ground, and made us toxic enough we are now CONDUCTORS.

Their attacks are CENTRALIZED on what makes us human. The Pineal gland (emotion/thinking), heart and lungs (breath), and reproduction (life).

THEY, which more and more I believe is tied to A. I., are literally stuffing our human cleaning system (lymphatic) with metals and “gain of function” EVERYTHING.

They didn’t leave anything out, pretty much seems like they shrunk all of the bad stuff and strung it together on a computer. Then said, let’s grow this in some eggs and SUFFOCATE AND SCARE EVERYONE TO DEATH.

We all need to humble ourselves and LOOK UP. We are on the same team. We need each other. 🤍

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The Great Linearers.

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I am only half way through this and my jaw is on the ground. You are on to something VERY BIG I believe. I was not jabbed, nor were my kids, and we are ALL experiencing signs of this toxicity. In the past couple years I have had contact with #covidswabs and #mri. And after retrieving my medical records, I found a TDAP vaccination on my list that NEVER HAPPENED willingly. I have also recently been diagnosed “officially” with #morgellons (which I believe is KEY to all of this now).

I have a heck of a story to tell between myself and my kids (including my 19 year old medically complex daughter) as I am sure many many others do.

Is there a place more of us layman folks can share our common stories? This is very scary when it happens to you and especially to your kids. I have NEVER prayed as I have during this horrific discovery going on.

The reason we all sends something BIG is going on, is bc IT IS. The layers of decimation and evil unleashed is BEYOND WHAT WE ALONE CAN FIGHT, I am convinced of that.

God bless you Jessica. You are such a warrior. 🤍

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Australian Vaccine Network website to share stories and experiences, Meryl Dorey is amazing 😍

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It’s all coming together. #EBV #longcovid #heavymetals #lymedisease #morgellons #biofilm #flouride #pinealgland #perfectloveovercomesfear

Follow the patents, then look up, because this is BIGGER than any of us. 🙏🏼

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I read the book “Bitten” where the author and her husband both got Lyme disease. She explored the topic for several years and made the connection to a scientist who did bioweapon research in Montana. He admitted on his deathbed that he helped create Lyme disease with the GOF research he did at the behest of the federal government.

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Lyme disease is caused by a tick bite that infects the victim with a debilitating spirochete, that can be combated with an antibiotic. It was prevalent on the North East some year ago, but I have no heard much about it lately.

Does anyone remember mandated arial spraying of poisonous insecticides in New York to combat West Nile virus some years ago ?

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Go look up Flouride-containing compound and contrast medium. Did they put this stuff in fluoride?? 😳

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Putting small amounts of sodium fluoride in drinking water was supposed to prevent tooth decay.

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Read the small print "Contact poison control if you ingest this" on the back of your toothpaste.

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Search the patents for the above hashtags. 😳

My daughter has had a lifelong diagnosis of Lissencephaly, and YOU JUST BLEW MY MIND, and potentially connected some CRITICAL dots for me. 🙌🏻🙏🏼🤍

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Dear Jessica,

as always thought provoking. For what its worth, I have been doing tissue mineral analyses routinely for over 3 years ( before Covid) and frequently find high gadolinium in people who deny MRI/PET etc.

thanks again

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Really? I want to hear more about that! Can we talk soon?

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Where else are we exposed to gadolinium? Cheetos, Twinkees, and Pepsi? Hope it's not in organic peanut butter or chocolate!

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They are testing and finding Gd in our waterways. Check out Gd in San Francisco Bay or any other waterway where it is being tested. Wastewater treatment plants do not remove Gd, so all of the GBCAs being passed out of the body through urination and feces is being recycled into our drinking water since 1988. A study in Germany found it in the Covid shots, along with many other heavy metals. Who knows what other drugs are spiked with Gd that people are unaware. In fact, many patients are not told and are unaware of Gd in the MRI contrast because "it may scare them", according to the FDA. So Gd does not just come from MRI contrast.

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yes I live in the SF area and have a fair amount in my body, same levels as barium and aluminum. Haven't been injected nor had an MRI - and eat organic and filter my water reverse osmosis.

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This raises the question, are they spraying the skies with it, along with the Barium and AL+++?

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yes that's what I wonder too - especially since the amounts were right about the same!

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I had one dose of Gd (Dotarem, 12ml) five years ago and am still urinating it out according to a 24 hour unprovoked urine test. It did me in immediately. After numerous specialists visits to find out why I was having numerous symptoms the day after the MRI (edema in my foot pad, jaw contractures, etc.), it wasn't until I read the article about Chuck Norris's wife, Gena, suing the contrast manufacturers that I put two and two together and tested for it. Most people do not correlate their newfound symptoms/diseases with the contrast because they are told at the time that it is safe and is excreted from the body within 24-48 hours, both are lies. Then when they become ill, the contrast is never given a thought as to the reason for their illnesses.

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yes sorry that you experienced that, my sister, who has had numerous contrast dye MRIs just shrugged off my concerns saying the doctor said it is all urinated out in 24 hours.

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Regrettably, I took 2 Pfizer jabs in early 2021. After the 2nd and continuing for several months afterwards, I experienced the prickly/crawling sensation you described, under my skin in my chest. I went to a cardiologist and after a full work up I was deemed OK. I suspect the routine work up does not detect subclinical issues. I also took a D Dimer test and results were in the normal range. After several more months the sensation went away. I’ve had more than my share MRI’s with contrast over the past 10 years. Could this be a result of Gadolinium contamination and the jab?

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Very interesting! I really can't say but have you ever had any Gd testing done?

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God has blessed you with an angelic mind Jessica, Praise be to God. Keep asking questions

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I had a brain tumor removed in 2017. Needles to say, I have had multiple MRIs with contrast performed both before and after. That contrast stuff when injected induces an immediate sensation throughout the body. Does it bother me? Do I wonder what that crap is doing to my body? Sure. But what’s my choice? Risk/Reward calculation. Being able to look inside my skull before they saw it open seemed reasonable enough. Thinking about it now, on a tangential thought, I’m reminded about why I stopped partaking in the ingestion of certain recreational substances during my Metallica listening days years ago. I stopped taking sone of that stuff because I was struck by how such a minute quantity of something could have such a profound affect. It seemed like it would be best to stop before something really tragic occurred.

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Indeed. Music is the best drug.

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Playing my Taylor 810 dreadnaught guitar has kept from getting sick since 2009, and I never get jabbed for anything.

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agree wholeheartedly. I LIVE for music but since discovering podcasts on Spotify, I find that I spend a lot more time listening to learn stuff. need to get back into being immersed in music. both have their place in our psyches. thanks for reinforcing that.

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Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Tractography is used without contrast.

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Never heard of it. Is it hard to find a place that offers that?

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There are not many facilities which offer it. It is odd that Loyola Medicine used to have it on their website, but now it says "Page Not Found". It is also used for other areas of the body, but includes head tumors.

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I guess I am spoiled. I have my choice of 3T scanners and DTI capability here.

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If I were to ever have another MRI (no GBCAs ever again), I would choose a 1T over a 3T. Yes, the 3T is more powerful, but is more powerful safer? We have been lied to about the safety of GBCAs, so why trust the claim of MRI scanner safety?

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It really depends on your situation. And on what organs are being scanned.

3T is superior for detail in brain.

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Shouldn't be. It defines the white matter tracts, and is usually done after a head injury.

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Interesting article, I enjoyed reading. Lately I have been trying to educated myself on plant poisons like Oxalic acid and how it bioaccumulates within our bodies. It also has this thing with calcium. Seems some people have more of an issue than others with this accumulation. It’s primary target are the kidneys but can affect anywhere in the body. It seems PEG turns on our bodies ability to create more Oxalate. Oxalic acid (Oxalates) can cause weird stuff like the vibration, tingling etc as well.

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oxalic acid metabolism requires magnesium and B6, both of which are typically deficient in my cases..

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Yes definitely, these plant toxins steal minerals in general. Calcium is a big one involved with Oxalates as well. B vitamins as well including, B1 and Biotin. The Facebook group TLO has tons of data that can be read as well as Sally K Norton and Elliot Overton. Probably others as well.

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Not heard that connection before. Interesting.

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Hedley Rees substack manufacturing of end stage MRP product by a pharmacy, nurse etc huge potential for contamination for starters.

Use of Planetary Metals in Homeopathy Henning M Schramm will tickle your grey cells 🥰

Checked my Radionic Homeopathic Remedy Rate Book - 15 entries for Gd in all its forms, 17 for Lanthanides.

A friend's hubby under investigation for postV heart issues, LHS ventricle and vessels, injected with dye, heart stopped when it got there, shocked to restart, 2 stents inserted. Hmm?

Once an allergic response is activated in the body, the whole system goes crazy for many other things too, challenging to calm everything down -asthma, hay fever, excema etc.

So enjoy your posts! Thank you! Keep surfing the etheric waves babe!

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wow. what's with these mainstream medical people insisting to patients that all this 'injecting' of substances is benign and will pass out of your body. no problem. no questions. I just don't get it. it doesn't belong in there and assuming it will 'go away' is kinda unscientific, is it not?

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Even a five year old knows not to put poison such as gadolinium in your body because it is bad.

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When CT scans and MRIs were invented, they were actually a great leap forward in terms of medical diagnosis, compared with exploratory surgery. Given the choice, which one would you choose ? The use of radioactive iodine introduced into the blood stream of someone undergoing stent placement in a cardiac artery is so that the heart surgeon can see on a TV monitor how to navigate the catheter to the right place. The use of Gadolinium as an image intensifier during CT scans and MRIs is to more accurately diagnose the cause of the patient's disease, not to poison him.

Obviously there are adverse side effects due to the use of this technology, but hopefully they save more lives than cause deliberate harm. The problem is that after you leave the hospital, they is no follow up and both the hospital and the patient have no idea why they feel sick, or as in my case I collapsed unconscious. I suspected that I had either been over medicated or poisoned and I did in fact consult a lawyer, whose only interest was in my money. However, once these side effects are known, the patient should be advised of the risk before he signs the consent form.

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Yes, Frank, Gd is (over) used as an MRI contrasting agent, but were you aware that the use of most GBCAs are unnecessary utilizing a little extra time reading the MRI and an experienced radiologist? Contrast is ordered like candy. Follow the money.

The FDA recommends radiologists do not warn the patient of the use of contrast because "it may not be in the patient's best interest". "In general, hospital inpatients are not required to receive a Medication Guide unless the patient or caregiver requests it. A health care professional who determines that it is not in a patient’s best interest to receive a Medication Guide because of significant concerns about its effects may direct that it not be provided to that patient; however, the Medication Guide should be provided to any patient who requests the information.†" https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-drug-safety-communication-fda-warns-gadolinium-based-contrast-agents-gbcas-are-retained-body

Who are these doctors who are told by the government to determine my best interest, and carry out those recommendations without my consent?

There are millions of us who are left with this toxin forever in our bodies causing disease, both soon after injection and long term. Those who are harmed immediately or shortly afterwards realize it was the contrast. Unfortunately for those who develop disease long term, do not put two and two together as to the cause because they are lied to at the time of the MRI that the contrast is safe and excreted within 24-48 hours. So they do not correlate the retained contrast to the disease.

It has been five years since my one 12ml dose and I am still urinating Gd (per 24-hour unprovoked urine testing). Unfortunately, there is currently no safe and effective chelator to remove it, but as long as it remains in my body, it is creating havoc. I am sicker today than prior to the MRI, but am still searching for a cure.

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