The FBI raided Scot Ritter's house 2 days ago. The FBI has become the Stasi and needs to be destroyed along with the CIA. They are both evil.

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It's all about intimidation. Scott Ritter has started a Substack. I signed up immediately. We need to support truth tellers and let them know we support their work. https://scottritter.substack.com/

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Your assessment is correct. The FBI is a threat to our democracy

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NO, The FBI and the rest of the Federal Gov are corrupted/captured and they have been for years.

AMERICA (UK, CN, AU, Ireland, NZ) DIED the minute they started censoring us. Maybe 2014 , most likely 2008. Draw your own conclusion..

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Mmmm. 1963 in my estimation. 😄

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How dare you tell the truth in this age of lies and liars...ovomit, moochelle and her garden, democraps, etc

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Aug 9Liked by Jessica Rose

I love this article about two powerful and accomplished women, both of whom also are surfers! 🇺🇲🙏🏼🕊️💟✝️

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I am very fond of these two but my best friend for 29 years also with a mind of intellectual largesse was and is also a surfer girl. Yes, it is possible to adore three real women at the same time who have the same characteristics. To gaze upon them is an opportunity to note what inner and outer beauty really is and proves God's highest creation was woman. Sigh! Wish I were a hundred years younger.

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...and I hope I made some smile out of empathy.

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Tulsi is a Zionist shill. She has also been AWOL on the Maui land grab. Please stop the hero worship.

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uh, Tulsi had a lot to say about the land grab on a Joe Rogan interview. so your opinion seems to not be all that informed. sorry

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I'm trying to think of one national level politician besides Thomas Massie who is not a Zionist shill

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You should check out the numbers on people w dual citizenship. If you have a few spare minutes.

I have known for years that Israel writes laws in the US..

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Rashida Tlaib.

Massie and “she” would/could make an honorable “ticket”.

Hence, AIPAC would never allow it.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Jessica Rose

I am all for returning to "Endless Summer" and forsaking endless politics.

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Endless Summer. Yes, you go back to the nineteen sixties when sanity was not extinct. I have the eight track. BTW, the last one of that era, Gary Puckett and the Union Gap retired a short while ago. Roy and the most beautiful song ever (Evergreen) I have mastered on piano. The Beach Boys Carl Smith vocals have many songs that are beyond the pale of excellence too.

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Aug 9Liked by Jessica Rose

If you dream it she will be there. I love that RFK jr got to surf with Slater on his birthday. Best gift ever getting to surf with someone you admire.

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If you are defining yourself, better raise that number a few thousand...

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I first heard of Tulsi in the early 1980's and was impressed with her knowledge...and she's a yogini, a surfer, a mother, a meditator. She has denied being a WEF trainee claiming they stole her identity. I would not doubt that WEF does that sort of thing.

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yes, its not unheard of. I have heard others claim this, even attempt to sue them over it. apparently its a control thing of theirs (the WEF). if you can't beat 'em, make it seem like they joined you. the WEF KNOWS that association with them is toxic in the eyes of many. its so twisted.

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And I apologize to everyone...Gabbard is NOT a mother, but for some reason I remembered her as a mother of two....and I must have read about her in the 1990's not 1980's...I am blaming that lapse on my age. ;-}

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Ahh Sandy you are a woman after me own ❤️.

Besides myself, you are the only one I have ever seen come back and apologize.


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Blessings!!! You give me hope, too!

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The dem party here in the US is becoming more nazi like every day ,(

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Just like turdo and his ASSministrative refined manure lickers and dog knob gobblers. Yes, I am a terrible man! Wait until I get onto the OIPRD...

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PLEASE quit thinking left/right. This is so far past that. You must shed this.

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It was purchased at a Walmart in Virginia.

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Aug 9Liked by Jessica Rose

ALOHA from an ex North Bay California (1963) surfer. All my kids born and raised in the mid-west. Tried to explain to them the feeling of catching the first wave after the fog lifted in the early morning. The sound of the sea on your board as your drop in. Like sliding on liquid glass. But then you know the rest. In those days I could barely afford wax for my old 10' 2" Bing LOL Keep up the great work. I'm a Loma Linda grad in med tech after my first four years in the military. Had to dust off my old texts and brain to get some of your work during COVID. Never worked as a lab tech. Ended up making the AF my career.

There's just something about the ocean though...

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Aug 9Liked by Jessica Rose

“Yewwww!” as us surfers say in Australia, love to truth tellers.

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Come surf north county San Diego.. many like minded there .😁

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I was very honored to have met Tulsi Gabbard during my time in Hawaii. She stood beside me at a press conference to blow the whistle on the lies and COVID corruption at the Hawaii Department of Health in 2020. She is a strong, confident, brave, intelligent woman, not to mention a true patriot. We need more like her.

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There are plenty of patriots about.

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I see you ride goofy foot too :-)

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TG is WEF. She was in one of their " Graduating Classes " just like eye patch man Congressman. Lots of pics. It is well known. You must not know about her history. They are playing the double agent card to the public. You are falling for it.

Because of surfing?

Please stay in your Lane Jessica. You do good work in Science.

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She still WEF. Just dig a little deeper.

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The question is whether TG is STILL WEF. I think not. People do change.

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Look into her church and her father’s relationship.

This is obvious people. Do if a Nazi was a Nazi he should be exonerated ? She is a bad news double agent in HI promoting “vax” to kids ( like Maloney did a couple years ago ).

Now they r scared they are getting caught so they pretend good.

Just like the Democrats are pretending they are “ conservative” now 🙄

Hi Tulsi, how are those kids and parents doing in Lahaina ? Are their beneficiaries of their inheritance building back up their homes?

How did the hundreds of people get killed Tulsi ? Even the ones that took off in their boats.

She is right there. Maybe she could go take a look?

There are really dumb, dangerously naive people on this site!!

Look up her own videos that out her. Do your homework before you make fools of yourselves. This is OLD news.

DEWs on Maui uncensored sites.

Does anybody care the families were incinerated in their homes in the middle of the night? The kids from the school that got in a bus, where did they go ? Tulsi can you ask some one? You seem pretty well connected.

Word is flown out for sex trade, but I don’t have proof. The proof is they are gone. Just disappeared.

This will continue.

Yea, surfing is nice also. Which is vastly more important to sort out ?

TG and JR?

You all could put your smart minds and connections together and find out if you wanted to. I did.

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People can change their viewpoints. Do you want us to go through your life, examine past beliefs and statements and call you a hypocrite? I was in a lot of graduating classes. It didn't mean that I agreed with everything that was taught to me, and the information gained from being an insider in invaluable.

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While I like some of what Tulsi says, she unfortunately, like all statists, believes the government should exist. This is where she has already gone wrong.

People who believe coercive governments can do anything good need to hurry up and grow out of it.

(Important note: any "good" one claims any government has done would have been done better and faster by the free market.)

My apologies if I have ruined your day. I come in peace. Peace.

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Surely you recall the words of a good man, Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The cheat, bully and malefactor we meet everywhere is government."

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Yes, this is brilliant.

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With you 100%, Jinc.

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Thanks She. It's not a hard concept once you come close to grasping it.

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I think you should start listening to Pete Quiñones.

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Thanks for the advice? Who's that and why?

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It's a political commentator, formerly of libertarian persuasion. Because libertarianism is a defunct ideology.


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Aug 9Liked by Jessica Rose

Love you Jessica for keeping the BALANCE!

Now, if I could convince you to swap out the surfboard for a bike ride with me…..😎

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Or Cityscape Photography, Milwaukee

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Get in line...

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Jessica Rose

Got up extra early it’s 2:00 am here so I have time to see your latest post Dr Jessica Rose 🌹 before work Tulsi Gabbard is an amazing women and I’m humbled at her and your amazing courage thanks for bringing her to my attention. , the disturbing part is the quad S surveillance tag on peoples air tickets it’s disturbing to read I’m not surprised though because to use the term from the Celtic singer Loreena McKennitt they have Ways yes they do they have Ways

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Yes it would be great for the two of you to surf together that would be a great video 😊👍. Both of you Rock !!!

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Aug 9Liked by Jessica Rose

Got a crash course in body surfing in 68 in VietNam during typhoon season — and I think more highly of Tulsi than any other politician on the national level.

Nice post.

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Might I suggest bikinis?

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That of course is up to them. Further perhaps you might prefer to strut your stuff in a Speedo? Go to it Marty, it might be just your thing.

Woman was and is the most beautiful and precious creation of God. They can in process create life, bare and birth that life, nurture it. and care for it tenderly. They would die for their children.

I have already waxed long on the most beautiful sight under God's heaven. While the majesty of the mountains and the simple colors of the field wildflower display colorful scenes, the scenic curves of a woman's physical are indeed prettier than any other entity here below. They are masterpieces of creation beyond any doubt and any that would deface or taint that merits execution.

There can be and are modest bikinis and immodest ones. Modest dresses and revealing ones. There can be no denial in the real world that children and husbands revolve around around their mother and wife.

I would reveal the most beautiful sight/woman I ever seen. I was stunned. Yes, it was a surfer girl. Five foot ten of raw beauty, long brown auburn hair down to her little behind, a neat package combination of upper and lower balanced assets, misty brown eyes and an angel face without blemish. Her voice in its femininity gently caressed my ears and throughout and over me she created a "peaceful, easy, feeling."

She created no wild nor improper desires within me, but a feeling of awe and wonderment that such beauty could ever exist. There was nothing erotic present, just a song title in my mind, "The Wonder of You." (Elvis Presley)

In all my years in every application I define her as the perfect woman, mentally, physically, and in the combinative reality of her possession of both inner and outer beauty. She has a picture of herself she will not allow me to use for an artist's hire to create a studio painting of her to hang on my wall. I kid you not. She takes my breath away.

Every woman has her own distinct trademark of indescribable candor and beauty that defines her as who and what she is. But for a woman to be truly beautiful, that has to start within her, flow through and out of her, and possess not only her body but her mind, soul and spirit as well.

I note what others would not consider pretty, specific women who are so, even though not all would agree. I end this pontification with the reality that women are under attack. Pimping, sex trafficking, mental and physical and emotional abuse require the death penalty. A woman can be slain on the inside and hurt to where she is a shadow of her former self and more so little girls as well subjected to abuse.

I wonder when the time will come that heralds a complete and total CYSTem of protection for His most sublime creation? Death to rapists, death to women murderers, death to pimps and sex traffickers, and add to that same to drug dealers.

Once again I say, "the devil gets his dues old Claxton said, for those still living soon will be the dead."

Women wish to be loved and cherished and protected solely because they are who they singularly are. They can be sure of that happening with few at least, but it needs to be established in the minds of males today who are not men and never will be.

That is a mark against a society that has lost its way or was it really ever aware of what women really are? And merit. And deserve. Respect, understanding and security.

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No, You may not [suggest bikinis]

These are brilliant, cultivated and accomplished women, and will decide on their own what's appropriate presentation. Jess doesn't flaunt her looks, nor does she push looks in her admiration of Tulsi.

Looks are not on the menu.


Your reply - lapsed into stale reaching and puffery.

Skipped it.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

Now you insult them. Do you dare insinuate that there are not women of worth who wear bikinis as brilliant, cultivated and accomplished means? And do you dare insinuate that that these three are not good looking? And do you dare to impose your will on these who are able to make their own decisions? I dared to suggest bikinis. It was a suggestion. But it appears you in your self idolized manner of a controlling waif that your will supercedes theirs. You remind me of a control freak. So is it wrong to gaze upon beauty and brains in a synergistic combinative process?

You overstep your bounds. I dare say these are beautiful women inside and out as well. But that is not all. You reveal and base your position on what your mind considers. You expose yourself as one who makes his projections based on his own perceptions thus you judge all men as guilty of having impure thoughts, the same as you would looking at women in bikinis.

Nice one Marty but where do you go from here?

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Last item in your reply first:

After this, I'm stepping aside.

Going to let others correct your careening.

"Now you insult them." No-cognitive error-

"Do you dare insinuate".. No-cognitive error

..."do you dare insinuate that that these three" 2 cognitive errors - 2nd is quantity

..."And do you dare to impose your will" - cognitive or skimming error - Reread 2nd sentence, slowly..

..."appears you in your self idolized... a control freak." cognitive error +transference.

"So is it wrong to gaze upon beauty and brains... No, I do it too, but still appreciate people who don't have both.

"You overstep....women in bikinis" This last paragraph has multiple cognitive errors tangled in transferences. Not gonna bother.

As stated at the beginning:

Going to let others correct your careening

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Dum dee dum dum.

Marty is a bum?

Has he no class?

Is he just crass?

The details give proof

He is a goof

A projective grandstander

But also an outlander.

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Zero integrity with respect to Palestine.

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