Jessica, it may be interesting to ask your VAERS skin problems requesting dermatologist if he is seeing more patients. If there is a reduction in immunity for those with the jabs, later skin issues may now be happening. A dermatologist client spike could be interesting to analyze.

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Dermatologist here with a couple of observations:

1/ The vaccine-related dermatoses that we are seeing fall into the same pathologic categories being picked up by other physicians: Vascular injury eg. small vessel vasculitis, micro-thrombotic-related problems and immune-mediated issues which would include, for example, reactivation of latent viruses like HSV / VZV. 2/ I think all of these AEs are way underreported by dermatologists as we treat these conditions normally, and it is very difficult to definitively connect any one case to vaccination. And while I can't speak for other dermatologists, I have never reported anything to VAERS and would not take the time to do so unless the case were clear cut and resulted in some permanent damage. After all there is a big difference between "covid toes" or self-resolving superficial skin eruption versus covid injury to the myocardium or the production of some permanent neurologic deficit such as blindness or paralysis. It has been reported that the S2 portion of the spike protein may block tumor suppression via the P53 pathway https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7324311/ which plays an important role in some common skin cancers. It will be interesting to see whether mass vaccination has an effect on the incidence of skin cancer (and other cancers) in the future. But here also, it may be difficult to tease that signal out of the data.

What I find interesting is that the same mechanisms of injury appear to be involved across the board and kind of validate the pathophysiology involved with these injuries. Also, not to be snarky, but dermatology has always been about more than warts and allergic dermatitis.

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I've heard it reacts badly to any metal plates that you may have as well.

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Jessica, I'm new here and I thank you for the great work you are doing in this area. Since I can't see anywhere else to contact you, other than here through this comment section, I hope it's OK. I am very interested in knowing how prevalent is the injury where people suffer from uncontrolled twitching and spasms of their body following the vax. I have seen numerous videos of people suffering from it, and some are really severe, where their entire body is twitching and in spasm. I looked it up online and I think the name for the diagnosis is Myoclonus, though I think it might not be the word used when reporting it on Vaers. I think the words used would be the symptoms of twitching, spasms, convulsions and such. It also seems to be connected to paralysis of the body where the person cannot stand or walk. People put up the video and then there is no more follow up as I guess they are too ill to be advocating for themselves online and their families are too busy taking care of them. Anyway, another thing I noticed is that it seems to occur more in females, so that would be another area to look into as I know myocarditis seems to occur mostly in males. I read here that this is what happened to Celine Dion. https://thecovidblog.com/2021/11/05/hollywood-athletes-suffering-more-post-injection-trauma-as-censorship-and-propaganda-pick-up-steam/ I have even seen a video of a young boy suffering from it and also a baby born to a mother who had the vax. The videos I have seen are disturbing and yet these injuries are not getting much play other than in the odd video in the few victim sites that I have seen. Thank you again and please let us know how to contact you.

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More info: Most of what I see on a Google search is a relationship of Myoclonus to the Covid-19 infection and none about the vaccine relationship. There's a video on this site which shows an example of Myoclonus https://n.neurology.org/content/95/6/e767. This video example is mild though, compared to what I have seen on the Vaccine Victims videos where their entire body and head is jerking and twitching in a more forceful way.

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Maybe include Shingles?

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Interesting Medscape article "Skin Reactions to First COVID Vaccine Don't Justify Forgoing Second Dose" March 30,2022 - https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/971285?uac=298618HK&faf=1&sso=true&impID=4129513&src=wnl_edit_tpal

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Here's a more general comment about the data in VAERS. Not so much about specific things but what the data itself tells us: https://lwgat.blogspot.com/2022/01/vaers-truth-hiding-in-plain-sight.html

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No disrespect meant here. Seems like this story is suggesting spike protein from COVID impacts male reproductive organs. Is there a signal of this in the injections?

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