Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

The more we know, the worse it gets at every level of toxicity. Disturbing and frightening to say the least. Great harm is being pushed and livelihoods are being destroyed all in the name of ‘science.’

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

But...the big question you have to answer is, the first set of 3x Jabbed (May, 2021) are still walking around "feeling fine" thus still blue pilled.

So why is this "dirty, tained" blood not harming them ?

There is a series of blood tests to confirm in REAL-TIME if they all are really the walking dead.



C-Reactive Protein


CD8 & CD4. (Compromised and deterioration of their immune systems).

The issue of shedding can also be confirmed.

WHY is this simple blood database not being done ?

Societal Panic !!

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The storefront says, "Vaccines. We Love you. We want to heal you!"

In the back: "Bioweapon development. We have contempt for you. We wish to kill you."


And to keep the storefront up and running, the United States MIIC, which never met a war it didn't like needed more than enemies to justify Raytheon and shoveling that money of the military budget in money laundering operation after money laundering operation.

Nope. More was needed. Thus the "war on germs".

And they create the problem while plucky naive little scientists at Scripps and UNC and Penn and biolabs all over the world probably tell themselves they are doing the world a solid.

And all they are doing is creating new nukes.

To kill and maim people.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for this work. I get the drift but lack the biological background to really appreciate what your saying. I just skipped the injection. Human immune system is amazing and we (wife and I) take primo care of our health via diet (mental emotional and physical) and exercise (walking, yoga, sleeping on the floor) via gardening which also provides the bulk of our veges.

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Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Next time get Keith Richards to play a guitar lick. He turned 79 yesterday. Has he promoted the jabs like Mick, Paul McCartney, Dolly Parton, Neal Young, Arnold, and Michael Caine? Or has Keith been red pilled like Eric Clapton and Van Morrison? Has Ringo said anything yet? Let's get Keith to play "Street Fighting Man" at our next anti-mandate rally.

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Would it do any good to print pamphlets and leave them with doctors, go around the medical system and corrupt government and government controlled media. There has to be something the population can do to change the minds of those who don't do research on their own and follow what they are told by the medical system because they trust the system. I'm sure there are those who because they believe themselves to be protected from prosecution, won't want to interrupt their pay schedule but their must be uniformed moral doctors out there, no? If the moral doctors were aware they could pretend to follow scripted instruction and save rather than kill. there was a nurse who injected saline into 8600 people instead of the poison jab. The medical system lies all the time to kill what's wrong with lying to save lives? Just trying to save a few more people. How many of you personally know a moral doctor or two who is still practicing?

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Hello Dr. Rose,

I am writing to you about the LNP shells as I study them for the same reason that you do, to save lives.

My work has been forged out of the sheer desire to prevent one more child from dying after my son became permanently disabled and suffered not only a large PE, blood clotting, and thrombocytopenia but APS (Antiphospholipid Syndrome) linked to the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine. He was age 21 when he was hospitalized and turned 22 in the hospital. His story, his doctor's bravery, and my work is becoming well known. I believe this should have never taken place, but now that it has, we were tasked to save the lives of others. My son's information is linked below as it is relevant. Again, his mRNA injury is linked to the mRNA "vaccine" and the LNP.

In this work, I came to know the brave and dedicated Dr. Tess Lawrie, who was kind enough to look over my research and then publish it in October of this year. It has been published elsewhere, including by the Children's Health Defense Network. I am also now close to the world's leading drug safety advocate Kim Witczak. We have all been busy bringing this work forward.

We are all working here to get information heard before the grand jury hearings take place in Florida (where I live). It is all hands on deck! This is why I have come to you in this format. I feel like we have a small window and not much time to waste. Also, children's lives may be saved with each connection that advocates, doctors, activists, and researchers make.

I find the following information important to bring to the attention of physicians now, especially OBGYNs. As I have continued in this work, I have been reaching out to physicians on the issue of APS and miscarriages. I have included a study and a web page that may help in the understanding of the potential connection that I am seeing, and I would like to ask you to give this information to the OBGYNs and OBGYN groups that you work with. I have just given this information to Dr. Thorp as I have met him through a Canadian children's advocacy group that I cooperate with and bring research and information to on the "vaccines."

The following research is provided for information; it is simply to bring awareness and may lead to a greater understanding of what has been seen in medical literature thus far. If there is a question as to whether the potential raised aPLs after mRNA “vaccination” can lead to miscarriage, this information should be known in considering and deciding whether a pregnant woman should be recommended an mRNA Covid-19 "vaccine" or not. I have included explanations as I am unsure of the overall audience that will read this. There is an LNP link to aPLs seen in mRNA "Vaccines" (I know this well as my son nearly died from the LNPs, and his aPLs were so high that the test could no longer measure them.)

Some that I have talked to are unaware of this possible link between mRNA “vaccines” and APS syndrome and/or the potential for significantly raised aPLs after mRNA vaccination. Many OBGYNs may be looking directly at aPLs but with limited information shared during the pandemic, I have not come across one as of yet. I hope there are many as this information needs to be brought forward and considered. APS is rare, and most do not know about it or its mechanism unless they have encountered it or work In the fields that come in contact with it, such as rheumatologists and hematologists. Many who read this may not know that my son nearly died of APS linked to the mRNA “vaccine.” He had no history of APS or autoimmune disease. His case is well documented and is a case study that points to the LNP shell. I did extensive research on this matter with his doctor, and our work is becoming well known.

Very simply, APS (Antiphospholipid Syndrome) includes the hallmark presentation of miscarriages in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy as a known and common occurrence. Continuously raised aPLs (Antiphospholipid Antibodies) are the antibodies that are known to exist in APS syndrome. APS syndrome is a blood clotting disorder that can also induce low platelets and bleeding at the same time. It is a precarious and life-threatening syndrome that is managed with blood thinners and immune-modulating drugs.

In reading the study by Dr. Rossella Tolatta et. al, you will see that transient raised and significantly raised transient aPLs are seen after mRNA Covid-19 "vaccines." The study addresses blood clotting and other mechanisms that have been seen and proposed as a result of these aPLs after parental vaccine and after mRNA lipid shell "vaccine."

The world has been encouraged to receive these vaccines as well as it is my understanding that this is one of the first "vaccines" that has been nearly universally recommended to pregnant women. It would stand to reason that if a significant number of pregnant women were exposed to significantly raised aPLs, it could potentially induce unwanted effects such as miscarriage in their pregnancy and even produce the same results as the significantly raised aPLs do in APS syndrome, even though with mRNA “vaccination” that the aPLs may be transient, the unwanted mechanisms may still occur as seen in the attached study "Antiphospholipid antibodies and risk of post-COVID-19 vaccination thrombophilia: The straw that breaks the camel's back?" By Dr. Rossella Tolatta et. al. We have seen more evidence of blood clotting, and myocarditis since the study was written, and it is now an understood adverse event in Covid-19 vaccines, but the APS and aPL information in Dr. Talotta’s study is relevant and can help as a foundation or as information to start from, in looking at these issues of miscarriage and aPLs. “aPLs are notoriously associated with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), an immune-mediated thrombophilia with a predisposition to recurrent episodes of arterial and venous thrombosis, fetal loss, as well as other obstetric complications [9] “ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359610121000423

Next is the web page APS Support ORG UK – Pregnancy which gives an understanding of APS and miscarriage. “ The antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) cause early miscarriages because they prevent the pregnancy from embedding properly in the womb and inhibit the growth of the early fetal cells. Some women who have very early recurrent miscarriages can sometimes be labeled as infertile.” https://aps-support.org.uk/about-aps/what-are-the-symptoms/pregnancy

Please forgive any typos or missed punctuation. I have written this quickly as it has occurred to me that I need to get it to the world just as I had with my concerns over PEGylated lipids and the LNPs after my son’s near-death experience after his mRNA Covid-19 “vaccination.” https://amothersanthem.substack.com/p/the-shot-heard-around-the-world

I work closely with my son’s physician, and we have briefly presented this information here at 39:02 in the video found on Trial Sites News with the brave Sonia Elijah. https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/the-advocate-the-mother-and-the-doctor-raise-concerns-regarding-the-mrna-shots-video-229e1714

Of course, this work needs to be investigated, and that is the point of bringing it to the attention of others. I am not a doctor, I am a researcher, and the point is to bring information that could potentially help others to save lives and to bring it to the professionals with the expertise, staff, lab facilities, and resources that can look into this work further.

Thank you for your time,

Heather Hudson

A Mother’s Anthem Medical Research Substack

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

What are your thought Jessica on graphene oxide? Ryan Cole said he saw no evidence, but lots of other concerning junk. Then critics say he didn’t use the right kind of microscope. Over my pay grade. But curious as to your opinion.

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I am constantly astounded by the sheer number of uses of PEG... C'est partout. From heat exchange fluid, lipid nanotech, vape... Food. But it's an industrial fat, yes? Nourriture industrielle...

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I think the dissolved LNP's have residual effects


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Marc Giradot came to a similar conclusion. You don't need the spike to kill. The LNP will.

There was an evil man named Fauci,

When questioned he's alway grouchy,

We thought spike was the king,

But LNP's the killing thing,

And now the World has a big ouchy!

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Do you ever sleep?

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Jessica, have you noticed how fast everybody seems to be aging? Especially some TV personalities?

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Fascinating. Watching the video it was like bleach was poured onto one of the slides. Thank you for the play by play on that. If anyone knows this, I am curious to know, is a Hypotonic environment responsible for sickle-cell anemia? I think I see sickle type cells in the graphic.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Does metallic substance cause G4 formations in the DNA? would excessive prions produced by excessive G4 formations be a result of LNP’s.

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This is why I’d never want a transfusion of Covid-vaxxed blood.

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