Fascinating. Watching the video it was like bleach was poured onto one of the slides. Thank you for the play by play on that. If anyone knows this, I am curious to know, is a Hypotonic environment responsible for sickle-cell anemia? I think I see sickle type cells in the graphic.
Fascinating. Watching the video it was like bleach was poured onto one of the slides. Thank you for the play by play on that. If anyone knows this, I am curious to know, is a Hypotonic environment responsible for sickle-cell anemia? I think I see sickle type cells in the graphic.
Fascinating. Watching the video it was like bleach was poured onto one of the slides. Thank you for the play by play on that. If anyone knows this, I am curious to know, is a Hypotonic environment responsible for sickle-cell anemia? I think I see sickle type cells in the graphic.