David Martin says the jabs will kill 750 million by 2028. Sherri Tenpenny says it will be much more than that a lot sooner. She lists 40 ways these jabs can kill. There will be a tsunami of cancers, brain disorders, heart disease, and A.D.E. in a couple of years. These people who say they got jabbed and feel fine are going to learn an important life lesson: never take medical advice from depopulation fanatics like Gates and Schwab.

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Gee, doesn't EVERYBODY call Bill Gates when they need a medical diagnosis? There's a sucker born every minute.

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I remember hearing about that Ted talk years back. I looked it up on YouTube and I don’t remember the specifics but I remember thinking it was a hoax. Now I’ve seen it multiple times and it sounds genuine. After the last two years we’ve learned that people with that much money and influence can say whatever they want with impunity.

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It wasn't a hoax. It was from ted talks on youtube. He said that with the right vaccine we will lower the population by billions. He is a sick freak.

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In 2020, before the scamdemic,, Deagel predicted a near 70% reduction in the population of the US. Their projections of world population etc have since been taken down from the internet, but they are still available on the Wayback machine: http://www.deagel.com/country/forecast.aspx

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Glad to see all the new content. I can’t imagine how exhausting this must be. I have a triple vaxxed friend (52 healthy and super fit). He only eats organic and free range, zero alcohol etc. 5 months after his booster he had an ischemic stroke. He claims it’s due to stress. He also said zero people have died from the vaccine. It’s basically NPR talking points every time. I’ve given up. Glad you’re persisting and making a record. 🤗

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Does anyone recall what Luc Montagnier predicted couple of years ago about deaths from these jabs? Did he say all the jabbed would be dead in 5 years or just half of the jabbed? I'd also like to know what Mike Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi, Stephanie Seneff, and Geert are predicting. Sucharit warned us 2 years ago if you took this jab "you will go to your doom." It looks like our leaders will try to cover up the horrendous jab deaths with a famine and World War III. Be prepared.

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They need something to justify all the upcoming death. Climate change and gardening are not cutting for most people. I’ve written off the people still pushing the death shots. Now I’m spending my time with my family while preparing for the worst. At this point it’s every community for themselves. I hate that I’m mentally at this point but what are the alternatives?

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I don't recall Luc Montagnier making a specific prediction along those lines. In one of his last interviews, when asked about variant-specific vaccines, he said in opposing them: "the future of our species is at stake" (I translate from memory).

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I would love to have a timeline. Late last year I thought people would have realized what’s happening. Now they are lining up to inject their children. Even if there was a mass die off of the vaccinated I still think my old neighbors would stick with the narrative.

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It is a religious belief with a certain type of person (in my experience, earnest suburban liberals desperate to signal that they are not among the deplorables).

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The the detriment of their children. My best friend of 15 years is this exact person. Only he’s an atheist. Highly educated and he had zero critical think skills. We don’t talk anymore. Really tragic.

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All of my family lives in Pennsylvania. Some are Dems some are Republicans. I was just their for a couple of weeks and got back last week. It is crazy the way most if not all of them live. Everything is about Covid even if they spout the real science. They test, they quarantine. You can't tell them anything. My Dad is a republican but he said if it's not on main stream media saying these shots are dangerous after 2 years then it's not true.

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Which is why when I talk to friends I tell them before you do anything else you gotta leave the MSM behind. Until you do you will remain in the matrix.

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Del Bigtree from The Highwire had Geert on a few weeks ago and they discussed this very thing. Thehighwire.com

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Thank you for the update Jessica. Your original age vs (myocarditis) incidence dose overlay histogram remains one of the most seminal data-based statements that parents need to look at when considering these injections for their kids, including young adult.

If one also considers the implications of the cardiac health PULS blood test data Dr. Steven Gundry stealthily published as a conference abstract last November in Circulation, you can't help but sense the gravity of damage being done to ALL by these injections. The data suggests that almost everyone getting these injections is having some level of subclinical heart stress.


PULS is a panel of blood tests that, taken together via an algorithm, is used to project 5-year heart attack risk. For the 566 cardiology practice patients who had existing baseline PULS data, their post double injection PULS test showed that heart attack risk had increased from an average of 11% --> 25%!!! One of the most uniformly elevated tests within the panel was Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF), which can be considered a surrogate for T-cell infusion into heart tissue.

The dots are not hard to connect honestly;


Title: HGF Guides T Cells into the Heart

"Expression of distinct homing receptors guides adaptive immune cells to antigen-rich tissue."

What possible antigen could heart tissue be expressing, and why? Gosh, this is a mystery!

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I'll bet it's a lot easier to report adverse events elsewhere. The domestic VAERS site is intentionally difficult to discourage reporting.

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And it probably only stops at 75 because it's hidden amongst other conditions.

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I just sit here crying. I think the stress of this is making my heart hurt. I don’t feel well and I’m not even jabbed and I have not been sick since 2019. What if my daughter gets the fourth?? Am I going to lose all my children?? I think I’d rather die first!!

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It's heartbreaking. We're going to lose some loved ones, most likely. My best friend double jabbed and now suddenly has esophageal cancer that has spread.

Sometimes all you can do is give good advice and hope they take it seriously, and pray.

Then be prepared to pick up the pieces--there will many other heartbroken survivors, some of them children.

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I wrote to my daughter today and begged her not to take the 4th dose.

Her reply

Don’t write me about this stuff. Please and thank you.

Been crying all day😢

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I'm so sorry your daughter appears to be ignoring your good advice. It sounds as if you are in a lot of pain.

I'm so sorry, Deb.

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I am. I really am. Not just for her but for all of humanity. 😢😢😢

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You're in my prayers, as is all of humanity, Deb. We're in trouble.

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Sad that more than half of the world population don’t even realize it. Thanks to main stream media most are completely unaware of what is happening. Doctors. Journalists public leaders. All going along with this!! How? Why??

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Perplexity and Terri Lover of Hills have gifted you with keys to survive and hopefully thrive in the troubles ahead.

Everyone needs to love and be loved. We're 'wired' for that - to have and be a friend, help, and refuge. It goes for parents who lose children, as well as children who lose parents. It goes for strangers.

If your heart hurts, wind down for a while, live at a safe pace and follow Terri's advice.

Get out and active in whatever ways help you pace, balance and fulfill your life, but know that you can't accomplish every goal or avoid every setback.

Pain and loneliness feed off of each other. Keep them far enough apart or they will crush you. Don't let your pain and burdens take you from your children, friends and other loved ones, including those you may not have even met yet.

Protect your wiring!

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Jul 13, 2022Edited
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Thank you for your reply. I feel so alone in this nightmare. I think it’s time to turn off. Maybe I just can’t listen or read anymore. I have to do something different. Nothing has worked. Literally everyone I know and love is taking these shots and is oblivious to what Is happening around the world. If only I could make a difference. I will try your approach. Maybe someone’s eyes will be opened. My kids are lost to the brainwashing of this system. 😢

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I would like to know why, if a condition of the EUA was that VAERS reports must be submitted, then why do we always hear about docs who ‘didn’t know’ or hospitals that were ‘too busy’ to report? That, plus this apparently fraudulent domestic data set, plus pfraud, plus 3-letter patent kickbacks … lawyer up?

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Are manufacturers dumping sub-par product offshore? Or are US officials better paid for their suppression?

Wonder what we might learn if the foreign data was parsed by manufacturer, formula, shipper and the quality and amount of regulatory effort by each country.

I include shipper for adherence to quality maintenance procedures en route. Also, if eugenitwits were to strike, this would be a good place to do it.

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So I share this stuff on my tiny FB account. I believe it is mostly ignored, even FB doesn't say anything, lack of keywords in my posts, I guess. I'd say upwards of 80-90% of friends and family are vax friendly and may have put me on ignore by now but at least I try and all know what I think...and still get the shots. I show them good science but...I think everyone's lives are just too busy to question the defacto authorities on the subject. I have spent many hundreds of hours reading and watching since early 2020 and I would guess those 80-90% have done little to none, relying on the msm authorities for guidance due to their extremely busy lives just trying to maintain homes and families , succeed and improving their lives. The only thing like this in the past was govt guidance through hurricanes, tornadoes wildfires, etc. They could trust msm then but won't believe they can't trust them now. I had some exposure to FDA capture before and was well advised on pharma by a pop who used to work for a pharma company, selling of course, like probably 90% on the pharma employees do. All we can do is what we can do. In particular when therapies for the injured become more common, just keep sharing, no room for "I told you so" here.

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The next major front in the battle will be against the new "trivalent" shots coming in the Fall. These new shots, which will have spike from old and new strains mixed, will not work at all due to the immune imprinting that has already taken place in the vax'ed, and it will only create more dangerous conditions in the evolutionary GOF landscape that all of these "synonomized" (Bret Weinstein's term) immune systems across the population represent. I think the best way to approach this with those in the mass formation is to explain that we ALL need to have early treatments at the ready in case a new, vax-eluding variant comes to bear. Promoting early treatment is not as much a frontal assault on vax beliefs as trying to tell someone not to take any more shots.

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I don’t understand the numbers. But I do understand the consequences…

1. Some of the Covid shots are like cyanide: They can kill you FAST.

2. Some of the Covid shots are like arsenic: The more you take, the worse you feel. End result can be the same as the cyanide version, just slower and more painful.

3. Which poison shot effect happens to whom? I don’t know. Seems like we’re playing Russian Roulette with human life.

4. NYET!!!!!

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Check out the latest UK government vaccine data. Pretty much all of the dying is in the vaccinated.


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OMG. You are a star, Jessica. Many thanks.

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I suspect the VAERS will be taken down for maintenance soon and some data will just disappear. Poof! You're still downloading and saving each VAERS update, right?

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Bad batch differential? distribution of bad batches to foreign sites in greater proportion to saline or less dangerous batches?

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I wonder if because the cat is out of the bag on myocarditis do the foreign Dr's or primaries tend to report because they know that is what it is from and the Domestic Dr's are still deciding not to report due to something the CDC is recommending per some kind of memo? Maybe the hospitals don't want them to report so they Walinski can still say it's rare? It just seems like we should have a lot more reports of this based on the overall AE's reported to VAERS domestically. Even considering the URF the numbers seem low for the D data.

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