It goes even further: since my dad died from stomach cancer in 1974 (I was 18 then), I wanted to understand the causes of cancer. Now this here is a bit controversial: a couple of years after my dad's passing, my mom had a dowser check her bedroom and the dowser found crossing 'water veins' (as it is commonly called in Germany) where the…
It goes even further: since my dad died from stomach cancer in 1974 (I was 18 then), I wanted to understand the causes of cancer. Now this here is a bit controversial: a couple of years after my dad's passing, my mom had a dowser check her bedroom and the dowser found crossing 'water veins' (as it is commonly called in Germany) where the bed of my father had been, right in the stomach area. That caught my attention, and I picked up dowsing myself. There is definitely something about those 'noxious earth energies', I can tell you several stories about moving bed places and recovery from headaches, falling out of bed, quitting high school and going back to school after dad (my best high school friend) moved the bed of his son, who then went back to school, was in the top of his class and continued to get his diploma in electrical engineering and has a great job with the German Bundesbahn! My nephew had a bad reaction to an MMR vaccination, his eyelids were swollen, and he got really sensitive to light, had to stay in his darkened bedroom for two months, missing school. This repeated in the following year, and it made me suspicious, so my brother had a dowser check his bed place: "Your son won't get well in this bed" was what the dowser said. He installed a shielding and my nephew recovered.
Then there is the cancer theory by the German physician and surgeon Dr. Geerd Hamer. He lost his son due to a terrible incidence. Even he as a surgeon couldn't save the life of his son who died as the consequence of a shot wound to his leg. The story behind this is just bizarre. Dr. Hamer contracted testicle cancer and wondered whether that had to do with his son's passing. He looked at patient records and questioned patients if they had a traumatic event before the onset of cancer and most, if not all, had experienced a traumatic emotional event. So he came up with his 'German New Medicine'. He concluded that we inherited special 'survival programs' from the animal kingdom: if an 'animal' is a threatening situation, for example if another animal threatens its territory, then this emotion triggers a 'brain relay', which then activates the growth of tumors in the bladder. A male animal marks its territory with its urine and the reduced bladder volume will enforce the animal to mark its territory more often.
My elder brother came down with bladder cancer and when I heard about it, I looked it up in my book about the German New Medicine. The emotional 'trigger' was listed as 'house, inheritance'. That nailed it! Two years earlier, our mom passed away. My younger brother just had moved into the upper floor of our mom's house after an extensive remodeling. My older brother lived on the same property, in an adjacent apartment. After our mom's passing, my two brothers tried to rent out the unoccupied rooms. The house was a 125-year-old villa and had been declared a historical monument, we couldn't change much in this old house, everything had to be acknowledged by the city's authorities (Germany!!!). Initially, an IT company was interested in using the available spaces and some modifications were started. Then the company retracted their interest, and the constructions were halted, after that the whole house a big mess. My elder brother avoided entering the house, since it would further depress him. I talked to him about the German New Medicine and the connection to his bladder cancer and he acknowledged, he told me that he always suffered from recurring nightmares, that burglars would try to force their entry into the house or that he saw the house in flames. He didn't want the house to be sold, he told me "I don't want to move, I will never have it as nice as I have it now!" He also stated: "this house is killing me". He was fully aware of it but couldn't get out of his emotional trap. He underwent a neo-bladder operation in 2018, but during the 11-hour long operation, his heart sat out for 7 minutes, he suffered a lung embolism and fell into a coma. After two months, he was still in the coma and I sent a magnetic pulser, the EarthPulse, to Germany, in the hope that the transcranial magnetic stimulation would wake him up. Two weeks after the hospital finally allowed the use of the device, my brother actually woke up again! He couldn't speak and was essentially quadriplegic, he could only move his head. But he regained full consciousness. He even started lifting his arms at the end our visit to Germany. But after that he was moved to another hospital and suffered another stroke and died.
So: I think that Dr. Hamer is correct. But in order for the central nervous system to generate a cancer growth, it has to first shut down the pancreatic production of the chymotrypsin. So, one can interfere with this by supplementing this enzyme. I don't know if my brother took it. I recommended it to him; he may have started taking it, but I don't remember. A doctor friend of mine knows about Dr. Hamer's theory, we both independently read Jack Dryfus' book 'A remarkable medicine has been overlooked', where Dryfus wrote about his sudden onset of depression and from his own research found that Dilantin, an epilepsy drug, at a lower dosage would 'switch off' his depression. My friend reasoned that since Dilantin raises the threshold of the firing of neurons in the brain, that in cancer patients the emotional trigger could be 'reset' allowing the patient to go into the 'healing phase' (which can also pose problems and the practicing physician has to be aware of this). Very interesting! I don't know about his success rate with cancer patients.
Our mom was hospitalized after losing blood from internal bleeding. She received a blood transfusion followed by two massive strokes and passed away. I believe that my brother suffered a stroke during the long operation and probably also because of a blood transfusion (11-hour operation!!). This has to do with the blood's Zeta Potential, I have the book by Thomas M. Riddick about the Zeta Potential and colloidal stability and a special chapter on cardiovascular disease. I am taking Zeta Aid, formulated by Dr. T.C. McDaniel, who suffered from severe premature ventricular contractions. He stumbled upon Riddick's book, modified Riddick's original electrolyte formula (now Zeta Aid) and lived to almost 103 years of age!
Prof. Stephanie Seneff in one of her interviews pointed out that the mRNA uses these nano lipids that are cathodic and would affect the blood's Zeta Potential (slide 8):
If there are positive earth energies - last year I came back from a stay in the Welsh mountains almost rejuvenated in a deep way that went beyond what could be expected from a mere holiday, and that energy is still with me - there will also be negative ones.
Yes, there seem to be ‘places of power’ that can charge you up. And just to go out into Nature, away from the city is rejuvenating. Another benefit is grounding or walking barefoot. I am sleeping with a grounded metal screen under my mattress since 1976. Later, after meeting with Clint Ober (author of Earthing) and Dr. James Oschman, I added a conductive, grounded half sheet to my bed.
I suspect that the place I visited in Wales may be one such place of power: the Rock of Harlech plays a significant role in legend as being on the borderline between worlds, where the companions of the giant god Bran feasted, all the sorrows of life were erased from their minds, and they could hear the magical birds of the goddess Rhiannon sing.
It goes even further: since my dad died from stomach cancer in 1974 (I was 18 then), I wanted to understand the causes of cancer. Now this here is a bit controversial: a couple of years after my dad's passing, my mom had a dowser check her bedroom and the dowser found crossing 'water veins' (as it is commonly called in Germany) where the bed of my father had been, right in the stomach area. That caught my attention, and I picked up dowsing myself. There is definitely something about those 'noxious earth energies', I can tell you several stories about moving bed places and recovery from headaches, falling out of bed, quitting high school and going back to school after dad (my best high school friend) moved the bed of his son, who then went back to school, was in the top of his class and continued to get his diploma in electrical engineering and has a great job with the German Bundesbahn! My nephew had a bad reaction to an MMR vaccination, his eyelids were swollen, and he got really sensitive to light, had to stay in his darkened bedroom for two months, missing school. This repeated in the following year, and it made me suspicious, so my brother had a dowser check his bed place: "Your son won't get well in this bed" was what the dowser said. He installed a shielding and my nephew recovered.
Then there is the cancer theory by the German physician and surgeon Dr. Geerd Hamer. He lost his son due to a terrible incidence. Even he as a surgeon couldn't save the life of his son who died as the consequence of a shot wound to his leg. The story behind this is just bizarre. Dr. Hamer contracted testicle cancer and wondered whether that had to do with his son's passing. He looked at patient records and questioned patients if they had a traumatic event before the onset of cancer and most, if not all, had experienced a traumatic emotional event. So he came up with his 'German New Medicine'. He concluded that we inherited special 'survival programs' from the animal kingdom: if an 'animal' is a threatening situation, for example if another animal threatens its territory, then this emotion triggers a 'brain relay', which then activates the growth of tumors in the bladder. A male animal marks its territory with its urine and the reduced bladder volume will enforce the animal to mark its territory more often.
My elder brother came down with bladder cancer and when I heard about it, I looked it up in my book about the German New Medicine. The emotional 'trigger' was listed as 'house, inheritance'. That nailed it! Two years earlier, our mom passed away. My younger brother just had moved into the upper floor of our mom's house after an extensive remodeling. My older brother lived on the same property, in an adjacent apartment. After our mom's passing, my two brothers tried to rent out the unoccupied rooms. The house was a 125-year-old villa and had been declared a historical monument, we couldn't change much in this old house, everything had to be acknowledged by the city's authorities (Germany!!!). Initially, an IT company was interested in using the available spaces and some modifications were started. Then the company retracted their interest, and the constructions were halted, after that the whole house a big mess. My elder brother avoided entering the house, since it would further depress him. I talked to him about the German New Medicine and the connection to his bladder cancer and he acknowledged, he told me that he always suffered from recurring nightmares, that burglars would try to force their entry into the house or that he saw the house in flames. He didn't want the house to be sold, he told me "I don't want to move, I will never have it as nice as I have it now!" He also stated: "this house is killing me". He was fully aware of it but couldn't get out of his emotional trap. He underwent a neo-bladder operation in 2018, but during the 11-hour long operation, his heart sat out for 7 minutes, he suffered a lung embolism and fell into a coma. After two months, he was still in the coma and I sent a magnetic pulser, the EarthPulse, to Germany, in the hope that the transcranial magnetic stimulation would wake him up. Two weeks after the hospital finally allowed the use of the device, my brother actually woke up again! He couldn't speak and was essentially quadriplegic, he could only move his head. But he regained full consciousness. He even started lifting his arms at the end our visit to Germany. But after that he was moved to another hospital and suffered another stroke and died.
So: I think that Dr. Hamer is correct. But in order for the central nervous system to generate a cancer growth, it has to first shut down the pancreatic production of the chymotrypsin. So, one can interfere with this by supplementing this enzyme. I don't know if my brother took it. I recommended it to him; he may have started taking it, but I don't remember. A doctor friend of mine knows about Dr. Hamer's theory, we both independently read Jack Dryfus' book 'A remarkable medicine has been overlooked', where Dryfus wrote about his sudden onset of depression and from his own research found that Dilantin, an epilepsy drug, at a lower dosage would 'switch off' his depression. My friend reasoned that since Dilantin raises the threshold of the firing of neurons in the brain, that in cancer patients the emotional trigger could be 'reset' allowing the patient to go into the 'healing phase' (which can also pose problems and the practicing physician has to be aware of this). Very interesting! I don't know about his success rate with cancer patients.
Our mom was hospitalized after losing blood from internal bleeding. She received a blood transfusion followed by two massive strokes and passed away. I believe that my brother suffered a stroke during the long operation and probably also because of a blood transfusion (11-hour operation!!). This has to do with the blood's Zeta Potential, I have the book by Thomas M. Riddick about the Zeta Potential and colloidal stability and a special chapter on cardiovascular disease. I am taking Zeta Aid, formulated by Dr. T.C. McDaniel, who suffered from severe premature ventricular contractions. He stumbled upon Riddick's book, modified Riddick's original electrolyte formula (now Zeta Aid) and lived to almost 103 years of age!
Prof. Stephanie Seneff in one of her interviews pointed out that the mRNA uses these nano lipids that are cathodic and would affect the blood's Zeta Potential (slide 8):
About Riddick's book:
I’ve read dr hamer’s story. And a midwestern doctor writes often about the zeta potential.
When you think about how separated we are from nature by the modern lifestyle, it makes sense that people no longer understand the connection
There is nothing far-fetched in this.
If there are positive earth energies - last year I came back from a stay in the Welsh mountains almost rejuvenated in a deep way that went beyond what could be expected from a mere holiday, and that energy is still with me - there will also be negative ones.
Just like the spirits around us.
Yes, there seem to be ‘places of power’ that can charge you up. And just to go out into Nature, away from the city is rejuvenating. Another benefit is grounding or walking barefoot. I am sleeping with a grounded metal screen under my mattress since 1976. Later, after meeting with Clint Ober (author of Earthing) and Dr. James Oschman, I added a conductive, grounded half sheet to my bed.
I suspect that the place I visited in Wales may be one such place of power: the Rock of Harlech plays a significant role in legend as being on the borderline between worlds, where the companions of the giant god Bran feasted, all the sorrows of life were erased from their minds, and they could hear the magical birds of the goddess Rhiannon sing.