I suspect that the place I visited in Wales may be one such place of power: the Rock of Harlech plays a significant role in legend as being on the borderline between worlds, where the companions of the giant god Bran feasted, all the sorrows of life were erased from their minds, and they could hear the magical birds of the goddess Rhiannon sing.
I suspect that the place I visited in Wales may be one such place of power: the Rock of Harlech plays a significant role in legend as being on the borderline between worlds, where the companions of the giant god Bran feasted, all the sorrows of life were erased from their minds, and they could hear the magical birds of the goddess Rhiannon sing.
I suspect that the place I visited in Wales may be one such place of power: the Rock of Harlech plays a significant role in legend as being on the borderline between worlds, where the companions of the giant god Bran feasted, all the sorrows of life were erased from their minds, and they could hear the magical birds of the goddess Rhiannon sing.