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Unfortunately your last paragraph has been true for MANY years! Whenever big harma infiltrated medical colleges! So many times...here take/do this...oh it didn't work...I don't know what to tell you or who else to send you to! It got to where something would happen outside of just needing antibiotics and my husband would say...go to the doctor and my response was always...why they'll just push a drug on me I can't take (mainly due to preservatives) and when it doesn't work we've spent how much to hear...don't know what to tell you! I have no desire to die just yet, but I know where I'm going when I do and it will be a cold day in hell before I do chemo or radiation! Cancer crooks won't see ONE dime of our money! Reading about your mom makes my blood boil! I know in the end God is our vindicator and His will be far worse than ours, but God forgive me because I want to see some justice before I die! My oldest son is 37 and when he was 17 he overheard a friend and I talking about cancer. He came bebopping through to the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks..."Y'all are talking about cancer?" I stated we were. He said, "Mom you know they have a cure for cancer right?!" I was thinking oh my goodness I hadn't heard the news that day how awesome! He then went on to say, "Cancer is a multi-billion dollar operation...look at DONATIONS for cancer research ALONE...you think they are going to give that up?! There's no money in cures!" I'll never forget that even if I get dementia! It's burned into my brain and after scamdemic I believed that more than ever...if I didn't already! I used to donate to St Judes until I found out they were pushing the vaccines! So you'll possibly cure a child for then their parents to possibly die?! I often wonder if they ever started pushing them on kids too? I honestly don't want to know. 🥺

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My daughter, age 30, was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in October (2023). Three x jabbed. On top of that the genetic test she took said she has Li-Fraumeni Syndrome-the deadliest. Basically something changes your TP53 gene, which makes a P53 protein tumor suppressor. Could that have happened with her injections? I wonder often.

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I'm so sorry Suzanne! My father-in-law picture of health died within 6 months of 2nd set of jabs with all allocated boosters in between. Supposedly stage 4 Mesothelioma. Even the anesthesiologist told us...it doesn't work like that! Asbestos is an irritant and it's a slow going disease. You don't just have symptoms and die 6 months later! In his case it was actually less than 6 months. He had no symptoms prior to diagnosis. Initially he had a lung fill up with no reason. No respiratory issues. They drained it tested the liquid...nothing. Actually said NO CANCER! Filled again so they put a drain tube in. Took out filled again and decided to do surgery to get a biopsy. Biopsy came back inconclusive! 3 weeks later put in Comfort Care (VA's hospice) and died 2 days later. Oh and because we wouldn't relent they all the sudden said...oh and we sent biopsy off to another company and they said it was stage 4 Mesothelioma (cancer) and they didn't recommend any treatment. 🙄 In my opinion...every person even somewhat hesitate about these vaccines that administers them anyway because 'hey it's my job' or 'they have the right to make their choice'...is a murderer!

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It’s so sad to hear these stories, and there are so many. My heart goes out to you for your loss. 😭 My daughter is still with us and her cancer is not growing at this point. She’s fighting with a radical change in diet and immunotherapy treatment. We just pray and hope for complete retreat of the tumors. 🙏🏼

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Have you read about the use of Fen Ben?!

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Suzanne my heart goes out to you. It’s so convenient that no diagnostic test exists for them. They don’t want proof. Grrr.

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