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I'm so sorry Suzanne! My father-in-law picture of health died within 6 months of 2nd set of jabs with all allocated boosters in between. Supposedly stage 4 Mesothelioma. Even the anesthesiologist told us...it doesn't work like that! Asbestos is an irritant and it's a slow going disease. You don't just have symptoms and die 6 months later! In his case it was actually less than 6 months. He had no symptoms prior to diagnosis. Initially he had a lung fill up with no reason. No respiratory issues. They drained it tested the liquid...nothing. Actually said NO CANCER! Filled again so they put a drain tube in. Took out filled again and decided to do surgery to get a biopsy. Biopsy came back inconclusive! 3 weeks later put in Comfort Care (VA's hospice) and died 2 days later. Oh and because we wouldn't relent they all the sudden said...oh and we sent biopsy off to another company and they said it was stage 4 Mesothelioma (cancer) and they didn't recommend any treatment. ๐Ÿ™„ In my opinion...every person even somewhat hesitate about these vaccines that administers them anyway because 'hey it's my job' or 'they have the right to make their choice'...is a murderer!

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Itโ€™s so sad to hear these stories, and there are so many. My heart goes out to you for your loss. ๐Ÿ˜ญ My daughter is still with us and her cancer is not growing at this point. Sheโ€™s fighting with a radical change in diet and immunotherapy treatment. We just pray and hope for complete retreat of the tumors. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

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Have you read about the use of Fen Ben?!

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