Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

At the Montreal Jewish General Hospital In September of 2022 I caught the Dr and Nurse in the act of murdering my elderly Father In Law with Midazolam. I just happened to walk in the room at that moment they were doing it. When I asked what it was they told me and I then told them that they injected him with a lethal compound that stops him from breathing that is part of the so called self euthanasia "MAID" kit (Medically Assisted In Dying). They denied that Midazolam was part of that until I pulled up the information about this compound on my Iphone.

They had been pressuring him for weeks to "agreeing" to be euthanized.

Ironically he was a holocaust survivor and was a medical doctor who interned at this hospital and was highly respected all those years ago. He survived the first holocaust but not this one. Of course he was forced to take the jab twice and was in the hospital with injection induced blood clots.

RIP! I get sick thinking about it and I fully appreciate your anger Jessica.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I am angry as well.

I suspect the number of elderly severely damaged by the shots is far higher than current accounting. The outcomes are really disabilities, but not classified as such because of the advanced age of the patients. I’ve observed too many elderly go from able and capable of self-care to requiring full time attendants and assistance.

It’s heartbreaking.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Rolling out vaccines by age group has left evidence hiding in the data. It’s like a Columbo gotcha moment. Have they been caught out or did they do it deliberately?

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You, dearest Dr Rose, are a brilliant Mensch, one of the modern-day Judges; a Deborah for the world at-large.

We know God is with us because we have individuals like you, with your sechel and skill, passionately and aimfully looking out for us. You never fail to inspire us, and we're following your lead, remaining alive and strong in the face of terrible, degenerate adversity.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

But how do they make their decisions on their death panels?

Algorithmic Frailty scoring. Pre-Convid1984, this was applied to over 60’s, but Pro Euthanasia Midazalam Hancock, lowered age to over 50’s. He lowered the cut off for DNAR (or any life saving treatment like oxygen for asthma attacks) from 8 to 5.

It’s why the majority who died ‘with Covid’ were physically disabled. Because ‘needing help with heavy housework’ is equal to 5 (DNAR). After assessing physical disability, the algorithm applies an age score so 70= 3 pre-Convid and 5 after (DNAR). Then it adds up each and every underlying condition. From minor like incontinence and high BP to heart failure. Each is a 1 to add onto FRAILTY SCORE.

(My score is >10 so I’m a dead man walking if I go into ER hospital).

Repeatedly on MSM those dying were FRAIL FRAIL FRAIL FRAUD






Bacterial Pneumonia = REMDESIVAR

Viral Pneumonia = REMDESIVAR

The killing continues. Push for euthanasia is now across the west. For mental health distress too.

For the greater good…..

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Many of the elderly died unnecessary, senseless deaths. The people who worked hard all their lives, raising families and being a good citizens were hooked up to machines, pumped deadly drugs, denied the visit of their loved ones and died alone, in fear. The covid response was inhumane at its core. It should never happen again. Far from protecting it targeted our most vulnerable. Now it is being directed at the young, including babies and fertility. What we are seeing is an attack on humanity.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

In Australia they are still rolling out these shots - the 5th now - and still ironically (or nefariously) mainly for people over 60 and those with "compromised" immune systems (as if they won't be MORE compromised after the 5th shot!). And to think I used to be engaged in a fight to legalise euthanasia for people who were suffering with a terminal illness - now I'm busy trying to avoid BEING Euthanised myself!!

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

"Boy, am I angry. "

See if we care...



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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for another great article Dr. Rose. I was not trusting from the get go when I heard the elderly were first in line to be given the poison. They are more frail, physically and mentally more vulnerable. Common sense told me it was going to be catastrophic, especially given the hard push for the flu shot and the damage the flu shots have already caused. I’ve been angry about the flu shot poison for years. But these new crimes against humanity make my blood boil.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Logical. I have first hand knowledge of elderly folk dying from injections, but alas no hard evidence. How could I as an individual Joe Blow get that? It's just shrugged off as collateral damage. Hey, ho. Move along. There's big money to be made!

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It all seems unbelievable...and for most people it is, and will remain so.

The bulk of more or less decent people cannot fathom that psychopaths exist in positions of power.

How strange that is with even so tiny a glimpse into the past 100 years.

As I consider my contacts I would love to send this article to, I can already see the rolling of the eyes.

One such couple...very dear friends, and extremely health conscientious, would most likely be very offended by any of these reports.

He is a Kiwi, and only recently came to understand that Ardern was not a female rendition of God Almighty. She is Polish...and as such has a healthy disdain for communism...but she now readily supports the remake of it in modern form...including crickets and Zelensky style fascism. They raise beef cattle. I have suggested swithching over to crickets.

They would have no idea about any of this as the only news sources they trust are the ones involved in the crime.

As lovely as they are...they represent the vast majority of people in Nova Scotia...and equally so....Canada.

I tried early on to disuade them from the jabs...but terror ruled their lives as they clung to the bad news on the radio.

Nothing has changed in the past two years.

It is extremely disheartening...not only because of what it does to them...but how it affects all our lives in such miserable ways. An ongoing crime scene...with no end in sight...and little chance enough people will open up their eyes to see it.

Coming very soon...the WHO takeover of soveriegn nations (already happened...just the formal recognition), Digital ID requirement....smart cities...more jabs...and all controlled via the CBDCs and social credit manipulation.

Buckle up. They just added a few more loops to the roller coaster ride.

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I believe that intent was to eliminate “worthless eaters” in the first place!

Soon they rolled out the plan to weaken our military and potential soldier class.

Next..... fertility!

It was NEVER a coincidence!

Genocide from the beginning!!!

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Look...UFOs over Lake Huron...

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Forgive me for not reading the paper but doesn't this rely on the prior assumption that all ACM excess is due to the "vaccine"?

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Kill off the elderly. Great way to attempt to make Social Security solvent.

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Hotmail is repeatedly sending your emails to my junk folder (along with Robert Malone & Mercola), despite me marking them as not junk.

Time to switch to protonmail.

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