At the Montreal Jewish General Hospital In September of 2022 I caught the Dr and Nurse in the act of murdering my elderly Father In Law with Midazolam. I just happened to walk in the room at that moment they were doing it. When I asked what it was they told me and I then told them that they injected him with a lethal compound that stops him from breathing that is part of the so called self euthanasia "MAID" kit (Medically Assisted In Dying). They denied that Midazolam was part of that until I pulled up the information about this compound on my Iphone.
They had been pressuring him for weeks to "agreeing" to be euthanized.
Ironically he was a holocaust survivor and was a medical doctor who interned at this hospital and was highly respected all those years ago. He survived the first holocaust but not this one. Of course he was forced to take the jab twice and was in the hospital with injection induced blood clots.
RIP! I get sick thinking about it and I fully appreciate your anger Jessica.
Yes. Report to who? I demanded an autopsy. They have yet to deliver, I am sure that it will be a report that the likes of Charles Dickens could not improve. They "convinced" him that his condition was untreatable and that palliative care was the only course of action,
He knew exactly what was going on and that once he was in the hospital he was dead. He had clots in the brain for almost a year and kept passing out and injuring himself.
My mother in law died in January 2022 at the hands of the same murderers. She fell and broke her hip and was sent to the same hospital, amazingly they did perform hip replacement surgery (not sure why they bothered). My Father In Law was a brilliant diagnostician and when all the doctors several years earlier had declared she had alzheimers and was in fact demonstrating Lou Gehrigs disease he diagnosed severe B12 deficiency, When he treated her with b12 she was able to speak again and could eat without choking. Her memory was perfectly intact and she definitely did not have alzheimers.
After her surgery they put her on dextrose and then tried to feed her but she choked on the food. We explained to the Dr that she suffered b12 deficency. The Dr ordered it up and the hospital pharmacist refused to prescribe it. Quebec Gerontology guidelines have not changed since March 2020 where it is forbidden to give patients any nutraceuticals and in particular D3 and B12. They deleted the link to this but I was able to recover it on the wayback machine. The Dr got around this problem by ordering a IV nutraceutical cocktail that included b12 but it was insufficient and she starved to death after about three weeks.
She was also a medical Doctor and holocaust survivor. She was in the cruelest death camp in Poland Pomiechówek and starved there also but as a child she engineered an ingenious escape that saved both her and her mother and spent the rest of the war hidden by a friendly Pole who happened to be my wife's grandmother's lover.
She told me stories that are too horrific to write here. So she too survived the holocaust but not this one.
My wife's family considers us crazy "conspiracy theorists' as does my family whom have ostracized us so we lost not only our parents but our entire family is effectively dead to us.
Here is the recovered Quebec Guidelines on how to murder the elderly. Page 30 refers to nutraceutical denial
Sid, this is all so horrible. The Jewish hospital, no less. As a jew and a doctor, I am ashamed. But I am not surprised. We have lost our way morally. It takes great strength to resist the "go along to get along" mentality that allows peole to do morally reprehensible things beacuase everyone around them is doing it. I am reminded of the book, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland, by Christopher Browning, which describes how the police in Poland were gently coerced into shooting peole in cold blood. Only 20% did not go along, even though many initially expressed reservations or even revulsion.
Today's genocide is even worse, given that it is our trusted health professionals who are doing this. The point of the book is that we must all look into ourselves to be able to see the person that could go along with atrocity just to fit in. We will never know for certain until we are trested. Jessica has been tested. We're safe with her. Me? I'll have to see. I hope I can be as strong.
I have a similar problem with my son thinkng that I am a nut-case. Luckily, he is willing to compartmentalize that part of me, that crazy grandpa, and we still love each other. I just can't talk about this stuff to him.
My heart goes out to you for all you have suffered.
Utterly tragic and heart-breaking. Makes me think of Celan's Death Fugue.
I had been listening to Jordan Peterson discuss just what you've said, how we must all find that part in ourselves that could be a sadistic death camp guard, or the part that just joins in and normalizes as everyone else is. What he says, though, is that that part can be the core of our strength, that the monster in all of us can become the invincible ethical fighter, joined with the mythic or spiritual or religious, even the metaphorical religious. From what I have read, no one believed in the death camps either, so we are hurtled backwards to that moment, having to find a way to convince people to not get on the cattle cars.
Doc "gently coerced" I almost choked on my tea. I find the 20% figure very interesting, as that is the number of people in US who would not take the free magic potion shots
Yes, the Polish poice were not forced to shoot people. Anyone who did not want to do it was permitted to leave, without official retribution. They might wind up unpopular, though. Or maybe, they joined the resistance! There's a way forward.
Good news Dr.Doug. In the Milgram experiment where 65% of people were afraid to defy medical authority, if the people in the experiment were allowed to see even one person refusing to go along with unethical, immoral demands, over 96% were now ready to refuse. So you and Jessica are doing the good work!
To administer a lethal dose to a patient, wouldn't there be a record (in computer) of it signed by a doctor? Would the pharmacy have issued too high a dose like that without red-flagging it first? All benzos, like Midazolam, require to be co-signed by another nurse, or RPN, or Nurse Practitioner before administration. So, another health practitioner would have to be in on it.
This might shed some light on it. Dr. John Campbell commenting on midazolam. Guidelines normally used in palliative care were applied to covid cases. So people just following the rules, which reminds me of something.
Dr. Campbell, who is responsible to the vaccine propaganda himself, made only one good point ever since he was red-pilled: physicians were encouraged to use opioids and benzos freely on covid-19 positive patients. Why?
Thank you for this. This is precisely the scenario I witnessed as described in my post. I also had to retrieve the Quebec April 2020 guidelines from the Wayback machine that are a similar recipe for murder.
I only have the name of the Dr that was there, they also suddenly put a sign above his door claiming he tested "positive" for COVID. I have no idea what the fraudulent administrative procedures they have in place to paper over murder.
Keep in mind that this is not an isolated case of a rogue Dr or RN all of the health practitioners "are in on it." Standard MO for all of Canada.
Sid, thanks for sharing the story of your in-laws, as painful as it is. It is instructive, as was the Grabowski lecture you linked. But don’t bother answering “Tomas Hull”, he’s just a troll serving his masters.
You can ask for all the medical records and have someone who knows this stuff to review it. Even an RPN or RN can tell you if foul play was involved. With electronic records most health institutions using, it is next to impossible to cover this up.
The truth s crazier than fiction. My parents are in their early 80's . They were healthy. They have had their booster a couple of months ago and will not be healthy ever again. I believe your story. And the hospital to which you are referring is the best hospital in Canada. Unfortunately no one is spared. I am sad and sorry for you and your family. These events do not need to divide the family. It is possible some of you will find your way back.
I just watched J.P.Sears posting about whether modern citizens would resist the Nazis if we were living under Nazi Germany. He reported the Milgram experiment which showed that 65% of subjects would deliver supposedly lethal electric shocks to someone if ordered to do so by a medical authority. It seems that this percentage is also the amount of people unquestioningly going along with the mainstream narrative. I'm not sure if I have the courage to defy my government and get killed or imprisoned. I do feel outraged at your story, though.
How horrific and tragic 😟 And to such dignified people who helped all their lives. Goes to show they really don’t care. THE PHARMACIST WOULD NOT GIVE PRESCRIPTION?? What is that all about? Thanks for your honesty and integrity.....take care of yourself,....integrative medicine. The rest of your family will be waking up soon.....Do things that make you feel good about you. Keep your vibration up.
This has been standard for decades. It was explained to me by an orthopaedic surgeon: it is too difficult to nurse patients with hip fractures. You can't move them or even put them on bedpans because of the pain, and the surgery is pretty routine.
I nursed many elderly people with hip fractures during the 1980s. I can think of one woman who was discharged to an old peoples home, who was nursed for three months on skin traction; the others all died.
If the doctors operated, which they did on all but the very frail for the above reason, the results were rather better. The patients were mobilised by 10 days post-op at the latest, much earlier if possible. It was painful lifting them onto a bed-pan or to relieve the pressure on the sacrum every two hours, but it had to be done or they would probably die of pressure sores.
Good nutrition is the key to recovery after major surgery. Depriving a patient of necessary vitamins is negligence at the very least.
I work with this organization and can facilitate this. We meet each Monday evening 7-10 PM US Central Time so this individual can also attend the meetings via Zoom to relate their story, have a support group and look into the possibility of legal action. I can arrange all of this.
If you will go to the link I have sent you will be able to see the documented cases. I recommend that you watch a few of the videos from family members who document in detail what happened to their loved one in the hospital.
This happened throughout the US and in many places in Europe. This was what became falsely labelled as "the first wave." Tens of thousands of elderly and disabled were moved into hospitals and were killed in Spring 2020 by protocols which included, but were not limited to, midazolam, fentanyl and other respiratory inhibitors while being placed on vents. Later on remedsivir and other toxic medications entered into the picture.
It can't be stressed enough that these were not isolated cases. And all of these iatrogenic deaths were falsely labelled as "Covid."
Nurses and doctors were actively killing people. This is difficult for people to wrap their heads around and accept.
Would you consider doing a substack article highlighting the chbmp organization and the case files?
What on earth has come over our so called medical professionals?
When Iworked at a nursing home...before mandated jabs...I remember a very good nurse talking about howmuch she like administering Midazolam. I do not believe her intents wete nefarious...but what about those who educated her opinion?
I was a part of the big jab roll-out in that facility. The nursing staff were all so excited. I was sick to my stomach that day...watching these poor, innocent times being force injected.
Whatever becomes of western culture down the road...and it will most certainly be destructive...we have earned it in spades.
We are an incredibly gullible...and fast becoming a willfully evil, degenerate society.
I do not know about the hospitals in Canada, but in the US the hospitals were given bonuses for every person they 'diagnosed' with covid, put on Remdesivir and a vent. Many thousands of dollars. I wonder if the individual doctors and nurses got payments for participation. The hospital could call it hazard pay to hide it.
I’m so sorry that you lost your father from this second Shoa. I can’t comprehend how hard this is for you. To lose him not to nature but by the hands of those he trusted.
May the Lord comfort you.
What to do with your anger - use it constructively.
I would poster the hospital with your story. On their website. Across the windows. In fact, I’d sit outside with a placard and his photo.
Worst, they don’t see the patients as individuals but frail useless eaters. That way the staff don’t feel responsible. They’re just FOLLOWING ORDERS.
I 💯 agree! It might help to gather others who lost loved ones in this holocaust and protest outside that hospital. Just be aware that Quebec (montreal) police are like the SS. For example what they dud to Ezra Levant & crew from Rebel News.
I am so very sorry. It IS sickening, and I know how horrible it is to think these people would do this to the elderly.
My father was pressured too...within 10 minutes of a terminal dx (when he was still in his retirement residence) docs told him he was eligible for MAID. Then they kept coming. He signed the paperwork and was scheduled, despite not being in pain or suffering. Fortunately, he declined rapidly over three days...I literally saw him age 20 years, and he died in his sleep (alone, due to C19 protocols), one week before his scheduled MAID. I considered it a miracle. The most devastating part of this was the pushing of MAID on an elderly man, who was the type who'd felt bad for taking up a hospital bed in March 2020.
Doesn't matter if one had C19 for you to file a lawsuit or put it in the record.
We document all cases where hospital protocols killed people. Did your father die from the hospital protocols? Do you have a copy of the hospital records?
You can attend a Zoom meeting to discuss if you like. We meet each Monday evening 7-10 PM US Central Time. I can facilitate this.
This is great that you and your group are documenting this. When the day of reckoning comes these criminals need to be remembered, identified, and brought to trial and suitable, swift penalty if found guilty.
I believe this was also done to my mom, who was 96 in a SNF on Thanksgiving 2020. My daughters and I had flown in because they'd finally lifted the visiting ban but while in the air, they had 30-some 'positive' cases. My mom wasn't one of them although her roommate was. After we left, without being able to visit, they called and said she'd tested positive, which quickly progressed to pneumonia. But here's what's odd. When I asked if she was in distress for trouble breathing, they assured me she wasn't. Why not? One visiting doctor was in charge of all of the Covid patients. She died within a day and was shoved into a body bag in her nightgown, with the dress she wanted to be buried in draped on top. The funeral home said they'd never had so many deaths in such a short time. Very suspicious.
In one of my YT videos, I estimate the money saved by Medicaid through these deaths: $8000/ mo. for room and board in one of the most impoverished areas of the country. Cui Bono, Covid?:
Hi, Allen. This was in Cumberland, MD, not far from Fort Detrick in Frederick where the virus may have originated if the Wuhan war games story is true. No I didn't get the records. In honesty, after a year of watching her deteriorate on Zoom, with all meals in the room and occasional bingo in the hallway, I was relieved. The lockdowns took away her will to live. And I believe the flu shots, which I'd declined for her in the past, may have been planned to have an interaction. Just a theory. Thanks for your kind sympathy.
Now, I am not saying you should have done this, but I think it would take a team of wild horses to hold me back on walking into that situation. . . I won't say what I would do, but it would involve extreme "countermeasures".
I suspect the number of elderly severely damaged by the shots is far higher than current accounting. The outcomes are really disabilities, but not classified as such because of the advanced age of the patients. I’ve observed too many elderly go from able and capable of self-care to requiring full time attendants and assistance.
Dr. Mike Yeadon called this early - the death protocols and their undeniable intentionality - so it's good to see the data bearing this out - despite the impossibility of the subject.
Yes Michael Yeadon was and is all over this.. his and Geerts sounding the alarm were the first that I heard about this Poison Jab.. almost 3 yrs ago.. then I found Jessica and the Red Flags they were waving really made dive in... God Bless our Generals in this War.. We will Never Relent or accept Big Brother Billy Gates and his Poison agenda... in Any Way shape or form.. Nuremberg after we Stop the Poison Jab....
Not Nuremberg. We know who they are (all ten million American China-Virus-Fascists) and they will be tried, convicted and executed without the need for Nuremberg-style trials.
I see people who <65 with crutches, canes, walkers and some prefer t just go limping. Maybe it is my imagination. I get angry when I think many of those will not get to an old age.
Also the accelerated aging is everywhere. But perhaps that is mostly the psychological stress of psych-warfare, all the denial of the reality of these years. There are people who just turn 32 who look 40. And that gesture of fear in their faces all the time. This is te face of psychological trauma, I think. But it is everywhere now.
It seems very diverse, which is part of the challenge. Cancers, yes. Motor activity and neurological disability, yes. Cognitive issues too. And extremely pernicious: what looks like mitochondrial damage or dysfunction.
All these phenomenon have been attributed to the spike. It was insane, and violated every tenet of Rational Vaccine Design Theory, to use the whole spike in the vaccine. Unfortunately, the rDNA design keeps creating spikes forever, whereas there would have been a limited number of spikes with traditional vaccines.
I live in a senior community where the homes typically go on the market only when residents die or go into full-time managed care. There is currently an all-time record for the number of units on the market for sale. I've always referred to our community as "God's waiting room," and it would seem that He is scheduling more appointments of late.
We are inured to the sorrow of losing friends and neighbors, because this is our time of life to experience this. It has ever been thus, but it seems that we have little time to recover our poise and equilibrium before the next round of mourning begins.
Partly, this is a simple case of demographics, but an individualized examination of the circumstances surrounding each death or incapacitation reveals a signal that is out of pattern. it doesn't do to be alarmist and reach unsupported conclusions, but the signal is getting stronger and emerging from the background noise.
We who should have been the only cohort that required distancing from novel infections, are also a convenient population within which to obscure excess mortality data.
Rolling out vaccines by age group has left evidence hiding in the data. It’s like a Columbo gotcha moment. Have they been caught out or did they do it deliberately?
The "deciders" did it intentionally, because they knew it could be hidden under the rubric of keeping the elders safe. The "executioners" (meant in the general sense but oddly appropriate in the specific sense) did it mostly unknowingly - at first - but it must soon have become evident. And then they continued.
I think even if they confessed to it, people would not believe them. Most people are too naive. I think it is a generational phenomenon.
One fun example: I know one case of a man in his 30s who believes the police radar for speeding are there to actually reduce the speed of the vehicles to prevent accidents. He said that seriously. I lost a heart beat. He then said it is true because that is what a traffic agent told him.
Now the punch-line: This man is an active voter and proud of it and he loves ESG. I don't think he will live to see ESG socres in their full splendor, but I will have to live with the burden of his votes.
I think only people with at least two happy children and a big dog who defends the chickens should be allowed to participate in politics in any capacity.
Yes, I realize that would bias all future legislation and executive action. That is much better than the present antihuman chaos that only benefits perverts and murderers.
I think there is now a very deliberate component. After decades of closet deals and is now on full display. The masses are so completely hypnotized by the television buffoonery...(which was a calculated outcome on their part)...that they can now display what was hidden...on the front pages.
As the saying goes...the best place to hide (sometimes) is in the wide open. In other words...the bigger the lie...the more exposed it is correlates directly with it's success.
Nobody looks for big lies on the 6 o'clock news... therefore the success rate is astounding.
I’d agree wholeheartedly with this. In Western Australia we have one newspaper owned by (a Billionaire) Kerry Stokes who has 82% daily market share of what people read with their Brekky each morning. The West Australian newspaper and channel 7 tv (part of Stokes 7 West Media) ensures the people of this state are pretty much drip fed ONE message. In a recent court case it was revealed (when the judge ordered the publication of their conversations) Stokes had been having regular very familiar and friendly text conversations with our fascist dictator state premier Mark McGowan. At one point Stokes said to McGowan something along the lines of no one could have carried us through the pandemic as successfully as you did. The Psych warfare has been immeasurable and hugely effective. Frighten people and their critical reasoning capabilities evaporate like fog when the sun rises.
But still, Australia? As appalled as Americans are with their government's tyrannical inclinations, we are horrified by the compliance we saw in the land of "Crocodile Dundee and Steve Irwin" :)
I’m puzzled too and quite terribly alarmed that the freedoms we hold so dear are being ripped out from under us and many of my countrymen fail to see this, or believe it is still a rabid conspiracy theory. Present company (all the Aussies and NZ’ers that participate on these stacks) excepted, and the million or so courageous freedom lovers that went to Canberra Jan 2022. I was disturbed for days after our ‘horror story’ state Premier stated we were a compliant pop/n and allowed him to do pretty much as he wished during the pandemic. Maybe the old adage of not realising something’s worth until it is gone holds true here. Australians and New Zealanders are fiercely proud and patriotic and when the majority do awaken it will be a fierce stubborn battle.
Of course it could just be this ridiculousness....gave me a laugh:-
"Non-compliant people were less educated and less open to new experiences" (LOL. No enthusiasm for the first global lockdown and destruction of economy in history?)
Yes, especially the eventually revealed absolute-data allowing comparing the deceived jabbed with the actually not-jabbed, especially for a full group and/or national population. I started to smell the relative-statistics stink in Q2 2020 for the alleged C19 pandemic, when I finally found absolute /death/ statistics per country.
This can't be an accident. Shocking fatality from prior mRNA vaccine attempts was a very clear lesson not to try them again, especially not at "warp speed". Germ Line Therapy would probably be inevitable for any genetic modifying material which may go all around the body, which was why genetic therapy used to be strictly controlled. The discovered 2018 orders for C19 tests kits revealed pre-planned intent. The hiding of the "trials" results, and in their content, showed systematic and wilful intent to hide harm. There are decades of evidence of commercial and military involvement in planning for these novel and dangerous vaccines.
We saw many instances of the shocking common and dishonest pharmaceutical practices, of use of relative statistics, no/fake/compromised control groups, including use of prior tainted "control" groups and fake controls via injection of a different (harmful) vaccines/substances rather than true placebo, and the dishonest exclusion/discarding of made-ill people from the results, to lie about safety and effectiveness. The sham vaccine "trials" clearly demonstrated all of this!
Many people with adverse effects are probably delayed deaths to come, e.g. brain, heart and other organ issues can soon become fatal, and reproductive issues can be fatal for a gene line. All of these adverse effects, their development, and resulting deaths also need tracking, so that the victims can make best use of their remaining time, and to build a progressively stronger systematic/statistical case, to take action, to stop this genocide!
If there were a target , like killing of the elderly and costly co morbid then such an approach would be effective . I would be looking for differences in batches and how certain batches went to certain
Populations . Remember the military was used to add security to distribution
You, dearest Dr Rose, are a brilliant Mensch, one of the modern-day Judges; a Deborah for the world at-large.
We know God is with us because we have individuals like you, with your sechel and skill, passionately and aimfully looking out for us. You never fail to inspire us, and we're following your lead, remaining alive and strong in the face of terrible, degenerate adversity.
But how do they make their decisions on their death panels?
Algorithmic Frailty scoring. Pre-Convid1984, this was applied to over 60’s, but Pro Euthanasia Midazalam Hancock, lowered age to over 50’s. He lowered the cut off for DNAR (or any life saving treatment like oxygen for asthma attacks) from 8 to 5.
It’s why the majority who died ‘with Covid’ were physically disabled. Because ‘needing help with heavy housework’ is equal to 5 (DNAR). After assessing physical disability, the algorithm applies an age score so 70= 3 pre-Convid and 5 after (DNAR). Then it adds up each and every underlying condition. From minor like incontinence and high BP to heart failure. Each is a 1 to add onto FRAILTY SCORE.
(My score is >10 so I’m a dead man walking if I go into ER hospital).
Repeatedly on MSM those dying were FRAIL FRAIL FRAIL FRAUD
Bacterial Pneumonia = REMDESIVAR
Viral Pneumonia = REMDESIVAR
The killing continues. Push for euthanasia is now across the west. For mental health distress too.
This is precisely what happened and what is happening.
Seems like most of "Team Reality" isn't capable or interested in facing up to what actually happened in the hospitals in Spring 2020 which illustrates conclusively that there was no unique viral pathogen and no pandemic.
People were not being impacted by germs and microbes in any way that was different from every season- they were being murdered- it was industrial slaughter of the elderly and disabled. This renders all talk of 'bioweapons", "lab leaks", "China virus", "targeted aerosolized spread" and so forth meaningless.
Most of "Team Reality" avoids this discussion only scarcely touching upon the fact that there was never a pandemic it was mass murder in hospitals. The data on this is irrefutable and copious as well as the documentation.
The manufactured perception that there was a global medical emergency, beginning in March 2020, was an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering.
Fake photos of people falling dead- fake images of coffins piling up- fake doctors claiming hospitals were overflowing- fake tests to produce a fake disease- fake scenes outside hospitals staged by PR firms- fake media parrots lying through their teeth every night- fake trials of a toxic bioweapon- fake everything.
Perpetuating the demonstrably false notion that there was a "viral pandemic" is inexcusable at this point and a slap in the face to those who were murdered and then used to create the hysteria that launched the phony Covid Operation.
Too much for people to come to terms with? Too bad- it's what happened.
And it happened primarily to the nameless, faceless poor and many who came from institutionalized settings.
"The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009. All they needed to do was create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the fraudulent PCR test to manufacture the cases/falsely attributed as “Covid deaths.”
Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency it was an Intel operation, a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.
I agree with just about everything you say, except I think it is clear a coronavirus was altered, first in the lab, then through driven evolution, to provide a basis for the fantastic PsyOp, whose immediate purpose was to drive the uncritical to the injection stations.
The "lab-leak theory" serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that "the virus" is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative. The "virus" was not man made in a lab in Wuhan. The "virus" was birthed in the corporate boardrooms of Pharma/Finance and leaked via a memo.
As far as any pandemic there was none whatsoever- the data on this is irrefutable. Those who repeat this lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie. Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" operation that is steamrolling people's lives.
Specific to “SARS-CoV2” as a lab created virus this story has so many holes in it that it is hard to comprehend that anyone with integrity and critical thinking skills would not walk this back if they had posited this sophistry at some point. That they have had to constantly reposition themselves on variations of this "theory" should be a red flag to anyone with critical thinking skills still intact.
This is not a case of changing theories based on new evidence this is a case of inventing new versions of the original preposterous theory while IGNORING volumes of evidence that prove the original theory and its offshoots to be illogical.
The biggest problem with promoting this lie is that the likes of RFK, Bigtree, Malone, Rose, etc. are not just simply wrong but their insistence on using some iteration of the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.
The "lab leak/targeted spraying" theory does not hold water and covers up what actually happened which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a "viral event" and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide. All of the “Covid deaths” are fraudulent and inventions from the Pharma/medical/media cartel. The vast majority are medical murder.
We have not been and are not facing what RFK Jr has termed “a mismanaged pandemic,” a stance supported by most “health freedom” celebrities. What we are dealing with is fraud, tyranny and mass murder.
Many of the elderly died unnecessary, senseless deaths. The people who worked hard all their lives, raising families and being a good citizens were hooked up to machines, pumped deadly drugs, denied the visit of their loved ones and died alone, in fear. The covid response was inhumane at its core. It should never happen again. Far from protecting it targeted our most vulnerable. Now it is being directed at the young, including babies and fertility. What we are seeing is an attack on humanity.
In Australia they are still rolling out these shots - the 5th now - and still ironically (or nefariously) mainly for people over 60 and those with "compromised" immune systems (as if they won't be MORE compromised after the 5th shot!). And to think I used to be engaged in a fight to legalise euthanasia for people who were suffering with a terminal illness - now I'm busy trying to avoid BEING Euthanised myself!!
You’re correct, I just saw the latest recommendations from ATAGI, I couldn’t believe they’re still continuing this nonsense after stopping for a while. At least it’s still not recommended for <5 and no boosters for the younger age groups. I feel sorry for the >65 that are still being conned into it. Good summary below by the AMA with latest advice from ATAGI.
Thank you for another great article Dr. Rose. I was not trusting from the get go when I heard the elderly were first in line to be given the poison. They are more frail, physically and mentally more vulnerable. Common sense told me it was going to be catastrophic, especially given the hard push for the flu shot and the damage the flu shots have already caused. I’ve been angry about the flu shot poison for years. But these new crimes against humanity make my blood boil.
Logical. I have first hand knowledge of elderly folk dying from injections, but alas no hard evidence. How could I as an individual Joe Blow get that? It's just shrugged off as collateral damage. Hey, ho. Move along. There's big money to be made!
It all seems unbelievable...and for most people it is, and will remain so.
The bulk of more or less decent people cannot fathom that psychopaths exist in positions of power.
How strange that is with even so tiny a glimpse into the past 100 years.
As I consider my contacts I would love to send this article to, I can already see the rolling of the eyes.
One such couple...very dear friends, and extremely health conscientious, would most likely be very offended by any of these reports.
He is a Kiwi, and only recently came to understand that Ardern was not a female rendition of God Almighty. She is Polish...and as such has a healthy disdain for communism...but she now readily supports the remake of it in modern form...including crickets and Zelensky style fascism. They raise beef cattle. I have suggested swithching over to crickets.
They would have no idea about any of this as the only news sources they trust are the ones involved in the crime.
As lovely as they are...they represent the vast majority of people in Nova Scotia...and equally so....Canada.
I tried early on to disuade them from the jabs...but terror ruled their lives as they clung to the bad news on the radio.
Nothing has changed in the past two years.
It is extremely disheartening...not only because of what it does to them...but how it affects all our lives in such miserable ways. An ongoing crime scene...with no end in sight...and little chance enough people will open up their eyes to see it.
Coming very soon...the WHO takeover of soveriegn nations (already happened...just the formal recognition), Digital ID cities...more jabs...and all controlled via the CBDCs and social credit manipulation.
Buckle up. They just added a few more loops to the roller coaster ride.
Yes. Interestingly I use an APP for my taxation which is directly linked to the ATO (Australian Tax office). Just a few days ago when using it, I logged on and was prompted to set up my Digital ID. It was right there in plain sight.
This happened to me last year when trying to, as usual, pay my taxes online in the US. The IRS website all of a sudden required that I videotape myself from 3 sides in addition to linking a photograph of my drivers license (ie ID) in order to pay electronically. I have never closed a computer so fast!
WOW. Maybe off topic but I learned that those opt out forms that let you opt out of vax and health status info to be collected by states is just a trap to actually find your status. You get on their lists then. Nope. Not doing that either. I don’t respond to pollsters online or personally.
I have not heard about opt out forms (where and it what context are they used?) but I’m sure you’re right. Good reminder to be vigilant about nefarious motives!
In 2021 I downloaded some forms from Illinois. Early in the vax resistance. I never filled them out then heard a podcast warning about any of those forms that could backfire on us. None of my blue states business.
Could you refuse? Did you get an option to other methods? . Can you write a check or opt out? It looks I will have to be very careful how I deal with MY money from now on. In USA.
I didn’t proceed to upload any Digital ID, thankfully it was optional at this time so I moved onto another screen and carried out what I had intended to do. It seems it was just a prompt. I imagine at some juncture they will change that and the APP will be unusable without the Digital ID enacted. The GOVT is following the criminal cabal script one step at a time.
Thanks. Some of my survival tactics have now moved to how I avoid this part of the “plan”. Info is coming in but I’m not an economics gal. But aware is the first step. I pay most household and credit card bills with checks. I don’t have a business anymore. The hard part is getting my husband on board to protect our assets.
The Bush family and Angela Merkel have chosen Paraguay for their bolt holes, presumably because radioactive bomb fallout will be lower in the southern hemisphere.
Sometimes, when a particularly outrageous development forces itself upon my consciousness, I'll feel some momentary jealously over those who remain blissfully unaware. It's like Bob Seger said in his song Against the Wind: "Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then."
But once we know we cannot un-know. And once we know, we have a duty to speak up. It's hard to find people who will listen. And it's all-too-common to find people who will, in the end, reject you. But we must soldier on. We're still a small army. We MUST become a large army. As soon as CBDC takes root it will be over; the futures for our children and grandchildren will be toast. That's worth fighting for.
Here's a better answer: "In the context of our paper, "vaccine induced deaths" refers to (excess) mortality that would not have occurred within the study period (integration period = vaccination period) had no doses been administered.
The main and critical assumption is that the recent historic trend of (integrated) mortality prior to vaccination rollouts can reliably be used to infer (by extrapolation) what the mortality would have been in the vaccination period had there been no vaccination.
This says nothing about the clinical circumstances of the individual deaths, and it does not imply that injections were a "sole cause of death", and it does not identify which individuals are counted in the excess mortality." And Denis wants you to read the paper. :) Sorry, my answer was lame - I needed re-read the paper myself.
It is quite obvious that excess deaths whatever the cause for all age groups are significantly higher from 2020 onwards than the average for the previous five years. It is however, hard to determine if the cause is from SARS-2 itself or damage from the mRNA injections.
My first thought, too, Joel. I like Denis, but he leaves me behind when he says stuff like "Only 5 PhDs he knows are able to understand" his work. It's clear I'll never be one of the 5!
And they raised the age, checked last week and its 67 on the SSA site now, not 65. Methinks it would be 47 at this point, we have lost about 15-20 years on life expectancy. Not sure we can fix it but since I am 58, part of me is clinging to the idea I may get some of my money back, but perhaps, I think its time to stop contributing to the theft of my own income. Hmmm.
At the Montreal Jewish General Hospital In September of 2022 I caught the Dr and Nurse in the act of murdering my elderly Father In Law with Midazolam. I just happened to walk in the room at that moment they were doing it. When I asked what it was they told me and I then told them that they injected him with a lethal compound that stops him from breathing that is part of the so called self euthanasia "MAID" kit (Medically Assisted In Dying). They denied that Midazolam was part of that until I pulled up the information about this compound on my Iphone.
They had been pressuring him for weeks to "agreeing" to be euthanized.
Ironically he was a holocaust survivor and was a medical doctor who interned at this hospital and was highly respected all those years ago. He survived the first holocaust but not this one. Of course he was forced to take the jab twice and was in the hospital with injection induced blood clots.
RIP! I get sick thinking about it and I fully appreciate your anger Jessica.
You did? Did you record? Report it?
Yes. Report to who? I demanded an autopsy. They have yet to deliver, I am sure that it will be a report that the likes of Charles Dickens could not improve. They "convinced" him that his condition was untreatable and that palliative care was the only course of action,
He knew exactly what was going on and that once he was in the hospital he was dead. He had clots in the brain for almost a year and kept passing out and injuring himself.
My mother in law died in January 2022 at the hands of the same murderers. She fell and broke her hip and was sent to the same hospital, amazingly they did perform hip replacement surgery (not sure why they bothered). My Father In Law was a brilliant diagnostician and when all the doctors several years earlier had declared she had alzheimers and was in fact demonstrating Lou Gehrigs disease he diagnosed severe B12 deficiency, When he treated her with b12 she was able to speak again and could eat without choking. Her memory was perfectly intact and she definitely did not have alzheimers.
After her surgery they put her on dextrose and then tried to feed her but she choked on the food. We explained to the Dr that she suffered b12 deficency. The Dr ordered it up and the hospital pharmacist refused to prescribe it. Quebec Gerontology guidelines have not changed since March 2020 where it is forbidden to give patients any nutraceuticals and in particular D3 and B12. They deleted the link to this but I was able to recover it on the wayback machine. The Dr got around this problem by ordering a IV nutraceutical cocktail that included b12 but it was insufficient and she starved to death after about three weeks.
She was also a medical Doctor and holocaust survivor. She was in the cruelest death camp in Poland Pomiechówek and starved there also but as a child she engineered an ingenious escape that saved both her and her mother and spent the rest of the war hidden by a friendly Pole who happened to be my wife's grandmother's lover.
She told me stories that are too horrific to write here. So she too survived the holocaust but not this one.
My wife's family considers us crazy "conspiracy theorists' as does my family whom have ostracized us so we lost not only our parents but our entire family is effectively dead to us.
Here is the recovered Quebec Guidelines on how to murder the elderly. Page 30 refers to nutraceutical denial
Sid, this is all so horrible. The Jewish hospital, no less. As a jew and a doctor, I am ashamed. But I am not surprised. We have lost our way morally. It takes great strength to resist the "go along to get along" mentality that allows peole to do morally reprehensible things beacuase everyone around them is doing it. I am reminded of the book, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland, by Christopher Browning, which describes how the police in Poland were gently coerced into shooting peole in cold blood. Only 20% did not go along, even though many initially expressed reservations or even revulsion.
Today's genocide is even worse, given that it is our trusted health professionals who are doing this. The point of the book is that we must all look into ourselves to be able to see the person that could go along with atrocity just to fit in. We will never know for certain until we are trested. Jessica has been tested. We're safe with her. Me? I'll have to see. I hope I can be as strong.
I have a similar problem with my son thinkng that I am a nut-case. Luckily, he is willing to compartmentalize that part of me, that crazy grandpa, and we still love each other. I just can't talk about this stuff to him.
My heart goes out to you for all you have suffered.
Utterly tragic and heart-breaking. Makes me think of Celan's Death Fugue.
I had been listening to Jordan Peterson discuss just what you've said, how we must all find that part in ourselves that could be a sadistic death camp guard, or the part that just joins in and normalizes as everyone else is. What he says, though, is that that part can be the core of our strength, that the monster in all of us can become the invincible ethical fighter, joined with the mythic or spiritual or religious, even the metaphorical religious. From what I have read, no one believed in the death camps either, so we are hurtled backwards to that moment, having to find a way to convince people to not get on the cattle cars.
I should not have claimed originality. I have been listening to JBP for a long time, and his ideas have moved me deeply and stuck with me.
Doc "gently coerced" I almost choked on my tea. I find the 20% figure very interesting, as that is the number of people in US who would not take the free magic potion shots
Yes, the Polish poice were not forced to shoot people. Anyone who did not want to do it was permitted to leave, without official retribution. They might wind up unpopular, though. Or maybe, they joined the resistance! There's a way forward.
It was 1942 and Poland was under Nazi occupation during the "Final Solution". The only "Polish Police" left was the underground....
The author must have been there since he got such a round 20% number...
Many members of my family who witnessed a lot of the genocide can't remember most of details because they don't want to...
Good news Dr.Doug. In the Milgram experiment where 65% of people were afraid to defy medical authority, if the people in the experiment were allowed to see even one person refusing to go along with unethical, immoral demands, over 96% were now ready to refuse. So you and Jessica are doing the good work!
I'm a bit confused. Maybe you can help me.
To administer a lethal dose to a patient, wouldn't there be a record (in computer) of it signed by a doctor? Would the pharmacy have issued too high a dose like that without red-flagging it first? All benzos, like Midazolam, require to be co-signed by another nurse, or RPN, or Nurse Practitioner before administration. So, another health practitioner would have to be in on it.
Can you explain it?
This might shed some light on it. Dr. John Campbell commenting on midazolam. Guidelines normally used in palliative care were applied to covid cases. So people just following the rules, which reminds me of something.
Dr. Campbell, who is responsible to the vaccine propaganda himself, made only one good point ever since he was red-pilled: physicians were encouraged to use opioids and benzos freely on covid-19 positive patients. Why?
The Devil exists is my simple answer....
It is true but if there are no doses recommended it is like taking Tylenol extra strength: 1-2 is fine 11-21 or more may or may not kill you...
Thank you for this. This is precisely the scenario I witnessed as described in my post. I also had to retrieve the Quebec April 2020 guidelines from the Wayback machine that are a similar recipe for murder.
I only have the name of the Dr that was there, they also suddenly put a sign above his door claiming he tested "positive" for COVID. I have no idea what the fraudulent administrative procedures they have in place to paper over murder.
Keep in mind that this is not an isolated case of a rogue Dr or RN all of the health practitioners "are in on it." Standard MO for all of Canada.
Sid, thanks for sharing the story of your in-laws, as painful as it is. It is instructive, as was the Grabowski lecture you linked. But don’t bother answering “Tomas Hull”, he’s just a troll serving his masters.
You can ask for all the medical records and have someone who knows this stuff to review it. Even an RPN or RN can tell you if foul play was involved. With electronic records most health institutions using, it is next to impossible to cover this up.
The truth s crazier than fiction. My parents are in their early 80's . They were healthy. They have had their booster a couple of months ago and will not be healthy ever again. I believe your story. And the hospital to which you are referring is the best hospital in Canada. Unfortunately no one is spared. I am sad and sorry for you and your family. These events do not need to divide the family. It is possible some of you will find your way back.
I just watched J.P.Sears posting about whether modern citizens would resist the Nazis if we were living under Nazi Germany. He reported the Milgram experiment which showed that 65% of subjects would deliver supposedly lethal electric shocks to someone if ordered to do so by a medical authority. It seems that this percentage is also the amount of people unquestioningly going along with the mainstream narrative. I'm not sure if I have the courage to defy my government and get killed or imprisoned. I do feel outraged at your story, though.
Yes. And the subjects had nothing to lose by refusing. All they had to do was say no. No medical licence or reputation lost.
How horrific and tragic 😟 And to such dignified people who helped all their lives. Goes to show they really don’t care. THE PHARMACIST WOULD NOT GIVE PRESCRIPTION?? What is that all about? Thanks for your honesty and integrity.....take care of yourself,....integrative medicine. The rest of your family will be waking up soon.....Do things that make you feel good about you. Keep your vibration up.
Presumably the hospital were paid by her medical insurance policy for the hip replacement.
This has been standard for decades. It was explained to me by an orthopaedic surgeon: it is too difficult to nurse patients with hip fractures. You can't move them or even put them on bedpans because of the pain, and the surgery is pretty routine.
I nursed many elderly people with hip fractures during the 1980s. I can think of one woman who was discharged to an old peoples home, who was nursed for three months on skin traction; the others all died.
If the doctors operated, which they did on all but the very frail for the above reason, the results were rather better. The patients were mobilised by 10 days post-op at the latest, much earlier if possible. It was painful lifting them onto a bed-pan or to relieve the pressure on the sacrum every two hours, but it had to be done or they would probably die of pressure sores.
Good nutrition is the key to recovery after major surgery. Depriving a patient of necessary vitamins is negligence at the very least.
Hi Jessica,
This individual can report this here:
I work with this organization and can facilitate this. We meet each Monday evening 7-10 PM US Central Time so this individual can also attend the meetings via Zoom to relate their story, have a support group and look into the possibility of legal action. I can arrange all of this.
If you will go to the link I have sent you will be able to see the documented cases. I recommend that you watch a few of the videos from family members who document in detail what happened to their loved one in the hospital.
This happened throughout the US and in many places in Europe. This was what became falsely labelled as "the first wave." Tens of thousands of elderly and disabled were moved into hospitals and were killed in Spring 2020 by protocols which included, but were not limited to, midazolam, fentanyl and other respiratory inhibitors while being placed on vents. Later on remedsivir and other toxic medications entered into the picture.
It can't be stressed enough that these were not isolated cases. And all of these iatrogenic deaths were falsely labelled as "Covid."
Nurses and doctors were actively killing people. This is difficult for people to wrap their heads around and accept.
Would you consider doing a substack article highlighting the chbmp organization and the case files?
YOU are one of the angels.
Thanks for being a Mensch to humans in need.
It is so disturbing to hear truths like this coming out, truths I never wanted to quite be sure existed, but. . . DO.
What on earth has come over our so called medical professionals?
When Iworked at a nursing home...before mandated jabs...I remember a very good nurse talking about howmuch she like administering Midazolam. I do not believe her intents wete nefarious...but what about those who educated her opinion?
I was a part of the big jab roll-out in that facility. The nursing staff were all so excited. I was sick to my stomach that day...watching these poor, innocent times being force injected.
Whatever becomes of western culture down the road...and it will most certainly be destructive...we have earned it in spades.
We are an incredibly gullible...and fast becoming a willfully evil, degenerate society.
I do not know about the hospitals in Canada, but in the US the hospitals were given bonuses for every person they 'diagnosed' with covid, put on Remdesivir and a vent. Many thousands of dollars. I wonder if the individual doctors and nurses got payments for participation. The hospital could call it hazard pay to hide it.
What a horrible experience you had. So sad to hear this! My deepest sympathy!
I’m so sorry that you lost your father from this second Shoa. I can’t comprehend how hard this is for you. To lose him not to nature but by the hands of those he trusted.
May the Lord comfort you.
What to do with your anger - use it constructively.
I would poster the hospital with your story. On their website. Across the windows. In fact, I’d sit outside with a placard and his photo.
Worst, they don’t see the patients as individuals but frail useless eaters. That way the staff don’t feel responsible. They’re just FOLLOWING ORDERS.
I 💯 agree! It might help to gather others who lost loved ones in this holocaust and protest outside that hospital. Just be aware that Quebec (montreal) police are like the SS. For example what they dud to Ezra Levant & crew from Rebel News.
This is so horrific. I am so sorry.
I am so very sorry. It IS sickening, and I know how horrible it is to think these people would do this to the elderly.
My father was pressured too...within 10 minutes of a terminal dx (when he was still in his retirement residence) docs told him he was eligible for MAID. Then they kept coming. He signed the paperwork and was scheduled, despite not being in pain or suffering. Fortunately, he declined rapidly over three days...I literally saw him age 20 years, and he died in his sleep (alone, due to C19 protocols), one week before his scheduled MAID. I considered it a miracle. The most devastating part of this was the pushing of MAID on an elderly man, who was the type who'd felt bad for taking up a hospital bed in March 2020.
I am so sorry for his loss this way, incredible how Wicked our Medical System has become.. Peace, Peace...
You can document this report here and look to file legal case. I can facilitate this:
My dad didn't have C19. He just happened to be dx as terminal March 14th, when all of the lockdowns and protocols were brought in.
Thank you for the info, though.
Doesn't matter if one had C19 for you to file a lawsuit or put it in the record.
We document all cases where hospital protocols killed people. Did your father die from the hospital protocols? Do you have a copy of the hospital records?
You can attend a Zoom meeting to discuss if you like. We meet each Monday evening 7-10 PM US Central Time. I can facilitate this.
This is great that you and your group are documenting this. When the day of reckoning comes these criminals need to be remembered, identified, and brought to trial and suitable, swift penalty if found guilty.
I believe this was also done to my mom, who was 96 in a SNF on Thanksgiving 2020. My daughters and I had flown in because they'd finally lifted the visiting ban but while in the air, they had 30-some 'positive' cases. My mom wasn't one of them although her roommate was. After we left, without being able to visit, they called and said she'd tested positive, which quickly progressed to pneumonia. But here's what's odd. When I asked if she was in distress for trouble breathing, they assured me she wasn't. Why not? One visiting doctor was in charge of all of the Covid patients. She died within a day and was shoved into a body bag in her nightgown, with the dress she wanted to be buried in draped on top. The funeral home said they'd never had so many deaths in such a short time. Very suspicious.
In one of my YT videos, I estimate the money saved by Medicaid through these deaths: $8000/ mo. for room and board in one of the most impoverished areas of the country. Cui Bono, Covid?:
Where was the location? Was this in the US? If so what state?
Did you get the medical records?
Sorry to hear of this. One brutal story after the next.
Hi, Allen. This was in Cumberland, MD, not far from Fort Detrick in Frederick where the virus may have originated if the Wuhan war games story is true. No I didn't get the records. In honesty, after a year of watching her deteriorate on Zoom, with all meals in the room and occasional bingo in the hallway, I was relieved. The lockdowns took away her will to live. And I believe the flu shots, which I'd declined for her in the past, may have been planned to have an interaction. Just a theory. Thanks for your kind sympathy.
I’m so sorry for you and your mother, Tereza.
My Deepest Condolences... God Bless you... Peace...
OMG, Sid. May his memory be for a blessing.
I'm sorry to hear this. This is a bizarre story
Now, I am not saying you should have done this, but I think it would take a team of wild horses to hold me back on walking into that situation. . . I won't say what I would do, but it would involve extreme "countermeasures".
What a horror.
I am angry as well.
I suspect the number of elderly severely damaged by the shots is far higher than current accounting. The outcomes are really disabilities, but not classified as such because of the advanced age of the patients. I’ve observed too many elderly go from able and capable of self-care to requiring full time attendants and assistance.
It’s heartbreaking.
If you're not angry....
Dr. Mike Yeadon called this early - the death protocols and their undeniable intentionality - so it's good to see the data bearing this out - despite the impossibility of the subject.
At least only few are still 'boosting'.
Yes Michael Yeadon was and is all over this.. his and Geerts sounding the alarm were the first that I heard about this Poison Jab.. almost 3 yrs ago.. then I found Jessica and the Red Flags they were waving really made dive in... God Bless our Generals in this War.. We will Never Relent or accept Big Brother Billy Gates and his Poison agenda... in Any Way shape or form.. Nuremberg after we Stop the Poison Jab....
Not Nuremberg. We know who they are (all ten million American China-Virus-Fascists) and they will be tried, convicted and executed without the need for Nuremberg-style trials.
yes Maam!
Correct! Nuremberg is a terrible example. It was a whitewash. A handful paid a price for what tens of thousands (at least) perpetrated.
. . . Nuremberg?
. . . maybe more like the French Revolution and the Queen of Hearts: "Off with their Heads!"
I’ve noticed so many are dying of cancers. Shortly after. Despite my warnings and sending papers on link, they went for bivalent!
Sister has lost 3 plus 1 immed after and 1 suicide
In my village - of 300 people, 4 cancers, 2 unexplained. 3 chronic illness.
They knew what the results would be.
‘Evil’ does not describe the evil they perpetuated on the Global Population
I see people who <65 with crutches, canes, walkers and some prefer t just go limping. Maybe it is my imagination. I get angry when I think many of those will not get to an old age.
Also the accelerated aging is everywhere. But perhaps that is mostly the psychological stress of psych-warfare, all the denial of the reality of these years. There are people who just turn 32 who look 40. And that gesture of fear in their faces all the time. This is te face of psychological trauma, I think. But it is everywhere now.
Kinda depressing.
Time to play some Bach:
This is one of those magical double stop violin pieces. Believe it or not, there is only one player and one instrument.
The genetic injections also cause accelerated, or Warp Speed, aging.
Thank you for the much needed violin respite...
Reminds me a bit of Symphony No 3, Henryk Gorecki with Dawn Upshaw singing.
On the Polish Holocaust. Quite moving, haunting.
It seems very diverse, which is part of the challenge. Cancers, yes. Motor activity and neurological disability, yes. Cognitive issues too. And extremely pernicious: what looks like mitochondrial damage or dysfunction.
All these phenomenon have been attributed to the spike. It was insane, and violated every tenet of Rational Vaccine Design Theory, to use the whole spike in the vaccine. Unfortunately, the rDNA design keeps creating spikes forever, whereas there would have been a limited number of spikes with traditional vaccines.
Never Forget!
Never Forgive!
Never Again!
I live in a senior community where the homes typically go on the market only when residents die or go into full-time managed care. There is currently an all-time record for the number of units on the market for sale. I've always referred to our community as "God's waiting room," and it would seem that He is scheduling more appointments of late.
We are inured to the sorrow of losing friends and neighbors, because this is our time of life to experience this. It has ever been thus, but it seems that we have little time to recover our poise and equilibrium before the next round of mourning begins.
Partly, this is a simple case of demographics, but an individualized examination of the circumstances surrounding each death or incapacitation reveals a signal that is out of pattern. it doesn't do to be alarmist and reach unsupported conclusions, but the signal is getting stronger and emerging from the background noise.
We who should have been the only cohort that required distancing from novel infections, are also a convenient population within which to obscure excess mortality data.
Stage 1 - Kill as many as they can with Midazolam to inflate the numbers and provoke panic (DONE)
Stage2 - Kill and maim as many as they can with genetic bioweapon (DONE)
Stage3 - MAID disabled and maimed as "useless eaters" (***WE ARE HERE***)
Rolling out vaccines by age group has left evidence hiding in the data. It’s like a Columbo gotcha moment. Have they been caught out or did they do it deliberately?
Very good question, my friend. Who the frig knows?
I'll bet the DOD does
The "deciders" did it intentionally, because they knew it could be hidden under the rubric of keeping the elders safe. The "executioners" (meant in the general sense but oddly appropriate in the specific sense) did it mostly unknowingly - at first - but it must soon have become evident. And then they continued.
I think even if they confessed to it, people would not believe them. Most people are too naive. I think it is a generational phenomenon.
One fun example: I know one case of a man in his 30s who believes the police radar for speeding are there to actually reduce the speed of the vehicles to prevent accidents. He said that seriously. I lost a heart beat. He then said it is true because that is what a traffic agent told him.
Now the punch-line: This man is an active voter and proud of it and he loves ESG. I don't think he will live to see ESG socres in their full splendor, but I will have to live with the burden of his votes.
Isn't that funny?
Respectfully disagree. The booster uptake or lack thereof suggests something else below the surface.
AAAaaaah, thank you.
More reasoned logic to back my strongly held belief NO one under 30 should be allowed a vote!
I am likely safe here to say that. I doubt many here are below 40 even!
I think only people with at least two happy children and a big dog who defends the chickens should be allowed to participate in politics in any capacity.
Yes, I realize that would bias all future legislation and executive action. That is much better than the present antihuman chaos that only benefits perverts and murderers.
Ask Sasha and Katherine that question.
Or better yet Mike Yeadon
You are starting to realize there was no viral pandemic in Spring 2020 right?
I think there is now a very deliberate component. After decades of closet deals and is now on full display. The masses are so completely hypnotized by the television buffoonery...(which was a calculated outcome on their part)...that they can now display what was hidden...on the front pages.
As the saying goes...the best place to hide (sometimes) is in the wide open. In other words...the bigger the lie...the more exposed it is correlates directly with it's success.
Nobody looks for big lies on the 6 o'clock news... therefore the success rate is astounding.
I’d agree wholeheartedly with this. In Western Australia we have one newspaper owned by (a Billionaire) Kerry Stokes who has 82% daily market share of what people read with their Brekky each morning. The West Australian newspaper and channel 7 tv (part of Stokes 7 West Media) ensures the people of this state are pretty much drip fed ONE message. In a recent court case it was revealed (when the judge ordered the publication of their conversations) Stokes had been having regular very familiar and friendly text conversations with our fascist dictator state premier Mark McGowan. At one point Stokes said to McGowan something along the lines of no one could have carried us through the pandemic as successfully as you did. The Psych warfare has been immeasurable and hugely effective. Frighten people and their critical reasoning capabilities evaporate like fog when the sun rises.
But still, Australia? As appalled as Americans are with their government's tyrannical inclinations, we are horrified by the compliance we saw in the land of "Crocodile Dundee and Steve Irwin" :)
I’m puzzled too and quite terribly alarmed that the freedoms we hold so dear are being ripped out from under us and many of my countrymen fail to see this, or believe it is still a rabid conspiracy theory. Present company (all the Aussies and NZ’ers that participate on these stacks) excepted, and the million or so courageous freedom lovers that went to Canberra Jan 2022. I was disturbed for days after our ‘horror story’ state Premier stated we were a compliant pop/n and allowed him to do pretty much as he wished during the pandemic. Maybe the old adage of not realising something’s worth until it is gone holds true here. Australians and New Zealanders are fiercely proud and patriotic and when the majority do awaken it will be a fierce stubborn battle.
Of course it could just be this ridiculousness....gave me a laugh:-
"Non-compliant people were less educated and less open to new experiences" (LOL. No enthusiasm for the first global lockdown and destruction of economy in history?)
Yes, especially the eventually revealed absolute-data allowing comparing the deceived jabbed with the actually not-jabbed, especially for a full group and/or national population. I started to smell the relative-statistics stink in Q2 2020 for the alleged C19 pandemic, when I finally found absolute /death/ statistics per country.
This can't be an accident. Shocking fatality from prior mRNA vaccine attempts was a very clear lesson not to try them again, especially not at "warp speed". Germ Line Therapy would probably be inevitable for any genetic modifying material which may go all around the body, which was why genetic therapy used to be strictly controlled. The discovered 2018 orders for C19 tests kits revealed pre-planned intent. The hiding of the "trials" results, and in their content, showed systematic and wilful intent to hide harm. There are decades of evidence of commercial and military involvement in planning for these novel and dangerous vaccines.
We saw many instances of the shocking common and dishonest pharmaceutical practices, of use of relative statistics, no/fake/compromised control groups, including use of prior tainted "control" groups and fake controls via injection of a different (harmful) vaccines/substances rather than true placebo, and the dishonest exclusion/discarding of made-ill people from the results, to lie about safety and effectiveness. The sham vaccine "trials" clearly demonstrated all of this!
Many people with adverse effects are probably delayed deaths to come, e.g. brain, heart and other organ issues can soon become fatal, and reproductive issues can be fatal for a gene line. All of these adverse effects, their development, and resulting deaths also need tracking, so that the victims can make best use of their remaining time, and to build a progressively stronger systematic/statistical case, to take action, to stop this genocide!
Agree 💯 %
If there were a target , like killing of the elderly and costly co morbid then such an approach would be effective . I would be looking for differences in batches and how certain batches went to certain
Populations . Remember the military was used to add security to distribution
Look at Team Enigma's work: Https:// The graphs are crystal clear.
You, dearest Dr Rose, are a brilliant Mensch, one of the modern-day Judges; a Deborah for the world at-large.
We know God is with us because we have individuals like you, with your sechel and skill, passionately and aimfully looking out for us. You never fail to inspire us, and we're following your lead, remaining alive and strong in the face of terrible, degenerate adversity.
Wow. Thank you.
Who is genuine, who is real? it's asked. The ones who have earned, who rightly deserve all the admiration they receive, it's answered.
But how do they make their decisions on their death panels?
Algorithmic Frailty scoring. Pre-Convid1984, this was applied to over 60’s, but Pro Euthanasia Midazalam Hancock, lowered age to over 50’s. He lowered the cut off for DNAR (or any life saving treatment like oxygen for asthma attacks) from 8 to 5.
It’s why the majority who died ‘with Covid’ were physically disabled. Because ‘needing help with heavy housework’ is equal to 5 (DNAR). After assessing physical disability, the algorithm applies an age score so 70= 3 pre-Convid and 5 after (DNAR). Then it adds up each and every underlying condition. From minor like incontinence and high BP to heart failure. Each is a 1 to add onto FRAILTY SCORE.
(My score is >10 so I’m a dead man walking if I go into ER hospital).
Repeatedly on MSM those dying were FRAIL FRAIL FRAIL FRAUD
Bacterial Pneumonia = REMDESIVAR
Viral Pneumonia = REMDESIVAR
The killing continues. Push for euthanasia is now across the west. For mental health distress too.
For the greater good…..
This is precisely what happened and what is happening.
Seems like most of "Team Reality" isn't capable or interested in facing up to what actually happened in the hospitals in Spring 2020 which illustrates conclusively that there was no unique viral pathogen and no pandemic.
People were not being impacted by germs and microbes in any way that was different from every season- they were being murdered- it was industrial slaughter of the elderly and disabled. This renders all talk of 'bioweapons", "lab leaks", "China virus", "targeted aerosolized spread" and so forth meaningless.
Most of "Team Reality" avoids this discussion only scarcely touching upon the fact that there was never a pandemic it was mass murder in hospitals. The data on this is irrefutable and copious as well as the documentation.
The manufactured perception that there was a global medical emergency, beginning in March 2020, was an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering.
Fake photos of people falling dead- fake images of coffins piling up- fake doctors claiming hospitals were overflowing- fake tests to produce a fake disease- fake scenes outside hospitals staged by PR firms- fake media parrots lying through their teeth every night- fake trials of a toxic bioweapon- fake everything.
Perpetuating the demonstrably false notion that there was a "viral pandemic" is inexcusable at this point and a slap in the face to those who were murdered and then used to create the hysteria that launched the phony Covid Operation.
Too much for people to come to terms with? Too bad- it's what happened.
And it happened primarily to the nameless, faceless poor and many who came from institutionalized settings.
"The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009. All they needed to do was create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the fraudulent PCR test to manufacture the cases/falsely attributed as “Covid deaths.”
Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency it was an Intel operation, a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.
I agree with just about everything you say, except I think it is clear a coronavirus was altered, first in the lab, then through driven evolution, to provide a basis for the fantastic PsyOp, whose immediate purpose was to drive the uncritical to the injection stations.
It is not only not clear it is superfluous.
The "lab-leak theory" serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that "the virus" is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative. The "virus" was not man made in a lab in Wuhan. The "virus" was birthed in the corporate boardrooms of Pharma/Finance and leaked via a memo.
As far as any pandemic there was none whatsoever- the data on this is irrefutable. Those who repeat this lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie. Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" operation that is steamrolling people's lives.
Specific to “SARS-CoV2” as a lab created virus this story has so many holes in it that it is hard to comprehend that anyone with integrity and critical thinking skills would not walk this back if they had posited this sophistry at some point. That they have had to constantly reposition themselves on variations of this "theory" should be a red flag to anyone with critical thinking skills still intact.
This is not a case of changing theories based on new evidence this is a case of inventing new versions of the original preposterous theory while IGNORING volumes of evidence that prove the original theory and its offshoots to be illogical.
The biggest problem with promoting this lie is that the likes of RFK, Bigtree, Malone, Rose, etc. are not just simply wrong but their insistence on using some iteration of the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.
The "lab leak/targeted spraying" theory does not hold water and covers up what actually happened which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a "viral event" and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide. All of the “Covid deaths” are fraudulent and inventions from the Pharma/medical/media cartel. The vast majority are medical murder.
We have not been and are not facing what RFK Jr has termed “a mismanaged pandemic,” a stance supported by most “health freedom” celebrities. What we are dealing with is fraud, tyranny and mass murder.
Many of the elderly died unnecessary, senseless deaths. The people who worked hard all their lives, raising families and being a good citizens were hooked up to machines, pumped deadly drugs, denied the visit of their loved ones and died alone, in fear. The covid response was inhumane at its core. It should never happen again. Far from protecting it targeted our most vulnerable. Now it is being directed at the young, including babies and fertility. What we are seeing is an attack on humanity.
In Australia they are still rolling out these shots - the 5th now - and still ironically (or nefariously) mainly for people over 60 and those with "compromised" immune systems (as if they won't be MORE compromised after the 5th shot!). And to think I used to be engaged in a fight to legalise euthanasia for people who were suffering with a terminal illness - now I'm busy trying to avoid BEING Euthanised myself!!
You’re correct, I just saw the latest recommendations from ATAGI, I couldn’t believe they’re still continuing this nonsense after stopping for a while. At least it’s still not recommended for <5 and no boosters for the younger age groups. I feel sorry for the >65 that are still being conned into it. Good summary below by the AMA with latest advice from ATAGI.
Compare the actual advise to Reuters possibly misleading report which suggests boosters for all over 18.
now that IS the epitomy of ironic!
"Boy, am I angry. "
See if we care...
Certainly lowers the pressure on Social Security and Medicare. They steal from it & then murder the people who paid into it.
Thank you for another great article Dr. Rose. I was not trusting from the get go when I heard the elderly were first in line to be given the poison. They are more frail, physically and mentally more vulnerable. Common sense told me it was going to be catastrophic, especially given the hard push for the flu shot and the damage the flu shots have already caused. I’ve been angry about the flu shot poison for years. But these new crimes against humanity make my blood boil.
Logical. I have first hand knowledge of elderly folk dying from injections, but alas no hard evidence. How could I as an individual Joe Blow get that? It's just shrugged off as collateral damage. Hey, ho. Move along. There's big money to be made!
It all seems unbelievable...and for most people it is, and will remain so.
The bulk of more or less decent people cannot fathom that psychopaths exist in positions of power.
How strange that is with even so tiny a glimpse into the past 100 years.
As I consider my contacts I would love to send this article to, I can already see the rolling of the eyes.
One such couple...very dear friends, and extremely health conscientious, would most likely be very offended by any of these reports.
He is a Kiwi, and only recently came to understand that Ardern was not a female rendition of God Almighty. She is Polish...and as such has a healthy disdain for communism...but she now readily supports the remake of it in modern form...including crickets and Zelensky style fascism. They raise beef cattle. I have suggested swithching over to crickets.
They would have no idea about any of this as the only news sources they trust are the ones involved in the crime.
As lovely as they are...they represent the vast majority of people in Nova Scotia...and equally so....Canada.
I tried early on to disuade them from the jabs...but terror ruled their lives as they clung to the bad news on the radio.
Nothing has changed in the past two years.
It is extremely disheartening...not only because of what it does to them...but how it affects all our lives in such miserable ways. An ongoing crime scene...with no end in sight...and little chance enough people will open up their eyes to see it.
Coming very soon...the WHO takeover of soveriegn nations (already happened...just the formal recognition), Digital ID cities...more jabs...and all controlled via the CBDCs and social credit manipulation.
Buckle up. They just added a few more loops to the roller coaster ride.
Yes. Interestingly I use an APP for my taxation which is directly linked to the ATO (Australian Tax office). Just a few days ago when using it, I logged on and was prompted to set up my Digital ID. It was right there in plain sight.
This happened to me last year when trying to, as usual, pay my taxes online in the US. The IRS website all of a sudden required that I videotape myself from 3 sides in addition to linking a photograph of my drivers license (ie ID) in order to pay electronically. I have never closed a computer so fast!
WOW. Maybe off topic but I learned that those opt out forms that let you opt out of vax and health status info to be collected by states is just a trap to actually find your status. You get on their lists then. Nope. Not doing that either. I don’t respond to pollsters online or personally.
I have not heard about opt out forms (where and it what context are they used?) but I’m sure you’re right. Good reminder to be vigilant about nefarious motives!
In 2021 I downloaded some forms from Illinois. Early in the vax resistance. I never filled them out then heard a podcast warning about any of those forms that could backfire on us. None of my blue states business.
Some folks are even questioning the organ donor sign up considering what we have heard is going on in some hospitals.
Ha ha, that struck me as funny, (though there is nothing funny about it!) - I'd be closing my computer even faster.
Chilling! Just reading that sends a shiver down my spine.
Could you refuse? Did you get an option to other methods? . Can you write a check or opt out? It looks I will have to be very careful how I deal with MY money from now on. In USA.
I didn’t proceed to upload any Digital ID, thankfully it was optional at this time so I moved onto another screen and carried out what I had intended to do. It seems it was just a prompt. I imagine at some juncture they will change that and the APP will be unusable without the Digital ID enacted. The GOVT is following the criminal cabal script one step at a time.
Thanks. Some of my survival tactics have now moved to how I avoid this part of the “plan”. Info is coming in but I’m not an economics gal. But aware is the first step. I pay most household and credit card bills with checks. I don’t have a business anymore. The hard part is getting my husband on board to protect our assets.
I’m hearing we should all pay with cash or check whenever we can avoid using a credit card. I just need to remind myself!
Maybe mail a check to pay your taxes next time? Or better yet- mail your payment using rolls of pennies!
Consider leaving the country. You are under attack and it might be easier to “fight”from afar. Although, there is tyranny seemingly everywhere
Where on this blessed planet can anyone escape to?!
It’s definitely crossed my mind. My bolt hole was always NZ ..... until Jabcinda ‘happened’. Like you said the tyranny is everywhere.
The Bush family and Angela Merkel have chosen Paraguay for their bolt holes, presumably because radioactive bomb fallout will be lower in the southern hemisphere.
Sometimes, when a particularly outrageous development forces itself upon my consciousness, I'll feel some momentary jealously over those who remain blissfully unaware. It's like Bob Seger said in his song Against the Wind: "Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then."
But once we know we cannot un-know. And once we know, we have a duty to speak up. It's hard to find people who will listen. And it's all-too-common to find people who will, in the end, reject you. But we must soldier on. We're still a small army. We MUST become a large army. As soon as CBDC takes root it will be over; the futures for our children and grandchildren will be toast. That's worth fighting for.
I believe that intent was to eliminate “worthless eaters” in the first place!
Soon they rolled out the plan to weaken our military and potential soldier class.
Next..... fertility!
It was NEVER a coincidence!
Genocide from the beginning!!!
They already did that to the military
Look...UFOs over Lake Huron...
Forgive me for not reading the paper but doesn't this rely on the prior assumption that all ACM excess is due to the "vaccine"?
Here's a better answer: "In the context of our paper, "vaccine induced deaths" refers to (excess) mortality that would not have occurred within the study period (integration period = vaccination period) had no doses been administered.
The main and critical assumption is that the recent historic trend of (integrated) mortality prior to vaccination rollouts can reliably be used to infer (by extrapolation) what the mortality would have been in the vaccination period had there been no vaccination.
This says nothing about the clinical circumstances of the individual deaths, and it does not imply that injections were a "sole cause of death", and it does not identify which individuals are counted in the excess mortality." And Denis wants you to read the paper. :) Sorry, my answer was lame - I needed re-read the paper myself.
I'll read the paper!
It is quite obvious that excess deaths whatever the cause for all age groups are significantly higher from 2020 onwards than the average for the previous five years. It is however, hard to determine if the cause is from SARS-2 itself or damage from the mRNA injections.
My first thought, too, Joel. I like Denis, but he leaves me behind when he says stuff like "Only 5 PhDs he knows are able to understand" his work. It's clear I'll never be one of the 5!
Kill off the elderly. Great way to attempt to make Social Security solvent.
And they raised the age, checked last week and its 67 on the SSA site now, not 65. Methinks it would be 47 at this point, we have lost about 15-20 years on life expectancy. Not sure we can fix it but since I am 58, part of me is clinging to the idea I may get some of my money back, but perhaps, I think its time to stop contributing to the theft of my own income. Hmmm.
Hotmail is repeatedly sending your emails to my junk folder (along with Robert Malone & Mercola), despite me marking them as not junk.
Time to switch to protonmail.
Junk! Well I never. LOL
I did exactly that. It is very painful changing email. . . So many interactions and websites connected and ALL have to be changed.
Gmail to Proton. Yep, but painful.