May 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Jessica is a world treasure 😇

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Agree 100%

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The oligarchs (the Help) are using words with two meanings. The meaning that is commonly understood sounds benign. The real meaning that they understand is nefarious. Diversity really means homogeneity. Equity really means theft. Inclusion really means exclusion. These oligarchs are evil. They must be stopped. Exposing them is the first step.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

I love the word "oligarchs", because Jessica's HELP sounds too nice.

A fellow in another comment dropped the term "Weffers", from WEF. Loving that too. Weffer Wehrmacht Wunderwaffen.

Weffer Wehrwundermachtwaffen.

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Clif High calls them the Motherweffers.

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Exactly. I think they've perfected this over decades. Like how they invaded Somalia at Christmas as the people were starving. Like sure. They think up some ostensibly humanitarian bs and pump that out through the media tentacles to cover what their actual goals are. It is always the diametric opposite of what they are promoting, total humanitarian trojan horse invariably. Now they have these almost hypnotic induction condiment words like "equity" that they pepper all their spoutings with. We need something like Google translate that exposes the actual meaning of what they are saying, although Dr. Rose and Dr. Nass particularly do a fine job of translation, thank goodness. And they imitate actual religion, like the Christian year, with their month long celebrations, though I think whomever they "celebrate" is probably on the block for sterilization or maiming or microchipping or whatever they are doing with this latest "health equity' push for vaccines. "Sustainable" seems like code for culling, always. And they are out to destroy men's and women's fertility while "celebrating" women, but never strong, experienced, mature women. It is South Asian celebration month, by which I imagine they mean targeting those genetic polymorphisms that create vulnerability while targeting them with "health equity"

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I was listening to James Lindsay’s podcast (“New Discourses”) last night. He talks about this.

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Great Santini,

Right on the money. We all need to keep repeating this to ourselves and others. This is how they are winning the Psych Ops. Not only do people believe what they want to hear, they believe what they hear. Other cultures get the lies more than North Americans ( exclude Mexico, they get it )because they have lived with it for longer. G.Soros and the spinning Libs just brought it to us and threw it in our faces big time in the last decade and a half. I think the new push started with the TV blaring a strong, confident " I did not have sex with THAT girl" with the wife snickering in the background. Just my opinion from watching the world go round closely especially in the Western Hemisphere.

Santini, please create a new Thesaurus for us so we can use it as a reference and pass it around to the normie sleepers that are going to get us all killed if we don't watch out.

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Jessica, I absolutely love your writing. I love how you pull the pants off these folks at their meetings folks who walk around like they know what’s happening to the planet while nobody else does. And I was just sitting around this morning waiting to talk to my counselor to help me work through my garbage, thinking about what makes life special. I’ve been thinking a lot about how so many of us in the west live, with cocked up ideas about crisis, about power and politics, about identity, and the list goes on and on. We’re so obsessed with our own creations, that we fail to see the beauty of who we really are, and the beauty of the world,, that we’re all called the steward, and to be a part of. I’m a Christian. Creation is beautiful. Loving Human relationships are meant to bear fruit. I really do believe that we’re meant to have a full life, and that we can live redeemed lives with one another tending for our families, in our little corner of the world. Thanks for your humor, your grace, your courage, and your stubbornness. You’re awesome!

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Brother Paul,

I want to see if non-paid members are allowed to comment, before I spend the time. Just testing:


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Yup, looks like it! Great!

What I wanted to do was write and add a substantial factor to your post. I think it's beautiful in its construct already, but would provide even more beauty, if the intent behind our creation (by God) would be highlighted. It's my understanding that God, the Creator, has, in His infinite knowledge, given forethought to the vacancy caused in heaven via Satan's rebellion and consequent displacement of one third of God's once faithful, angelic host. It was not God's "plan" for this to occur, but certainly required a remedy, ergo the "Plan of Redemption" i.e. mankind's Salvation through the Sacrifice of Christ. I believe that AFTER the Judgement and all the dust settles, that people (the saved) will become fully aware that God had originally intended for mankind to be eternal beings; that all who would come to Jesus humbly would obtain pardon if their sins had been faithfully and obediently repented of. Eternity! What a concept! And such a small price to pay to receive the notation, "Pardon" next to their name in The Lamb's Book of Life!

Thanks for your beautiful comment, Paul. A name shared by the most prolific of the followers of Christ of Paul's time.


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Hey Brother, thanks for your comment. I believe what you say is true. I believe he is nearer than we realize. Paul writes that we are living tabernacles. Literally temples of his spirit. When his life comes into us, all things are possible. It doesn’t mean that all things are easy. But it does mean that the hard stuff, the real hard stuff, like forgiveness, like repentance, like hard work, like joy, even when you’re hurting, that all of that is possible in him!

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And thanks much for yours, brother Paul! It truly helps when those in our camp remind us of things such as those you pointed to. As the Spirit of God, the H.S. "dwells with us" we become changed. But we must co-operate with Him in this thing. And it makes it so much easier when friends of the faith are led to write things for the benefit of the readers. As for myself, there are daily hurdles to clear, obstacles to overcome. But the joy you speak of transcends the darkness of disappointments inherent in the things of this world (at this time). Someday, after a terribly trying time, all of these things will be but a memory, if that. What I hope to deliver to those interested, is the Truth regarding the future. It has been sorely and intentionally bypassed or distorted for gain by the supposed "ministers of truth." There is no warning message being taught by the wolves to their congregations, even though God Himself, through His Word, has explicitly done so. How often, if at all, have you heard it said that Satan himself will impersonate Christ, as his grand illusion to fool the masses? How effective will it be when certain of the the dead saints/disciples and Mary the mother of Jesus are impersonated by demons with grand perfection, and make statements contrary to the Written Word? Whosoever will contend with them, exposing the masquerade, will be "marginalized" to say the least. It will certainly be a trying time. So we cannot not expect the Savior to make His appearance before this prophesied time. That would negate prophecy, which is our main source of faith. The BEST prophetic insight comes form E.G. White, undeniably God's Prophet, who was inspired to write all that she did (hundreds of thousands of pages) all of which is Bible/Christ centric. No straying. Her work, "The Great Controversy" is being dispersed currently and has probably many millions in circulation. If I would suggest only one book for the purpose of understanding the history of God's people and how Satan has intervened, and how the prophetic picture is drawn from down the ages past to the present, by the two main books, Daniel and The Revelation, this would be it. Her writings are so extensive, I still, to this day discover entire books which I never knew existed.


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Why may I ask?

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May 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Oh how I love that "humble" pie. Thanks for all you're doing to awaken humanity to that which the global elites would like us to be ignorant of Jessica. 👏👏💞😇😘

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May 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

One last comment, and it should have been my first. Jessica, you are an amazing writer. Not only are you schooled in medicine, but a poet scholar lives within your soul!

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for decoding their bullshit. I enjoy being a LOL since I can actually think for myself. The pinheads' who come up with this stuff are "probably" well-intentioned but lack real world experience.

They likely get driven in a 20 foot limo to an exclusive bakery to eat their croissant (with their pinky raised whilst eating as a show of elegant class). They would never be caught dead walking to pick up and bagel unless they notified the paparazzi first and then after thousands of photos, they would jump in the limo to the croissant place. I bet CNN would ask them what type of bagel they are getting to which they would reply "gluten free everything of course".

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Hey I have to be gluten free because glyphosate etc gave me a leaky gut! & I’m on disability for (purposely created by the evildoers) autoimmune issues (& mold biotoxin illness, a bonus I picked up being poor)

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Hi Rosalind, you may wish to try Kriva.co products to support you primary homeostatic system, the endocannabinoid system, present in all tissue cells in all mammals. The products contain endogenous phyto-cannabinoids, no pesticides or heavy metals or mycotoxins or neutralized cannabinoids, such as CBD or THC, and no residual solvents. Use the products daily for at least a week and send me a note to share your experience. Be well!

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Try probiotics. You might have a problem with overgrown candida albicans - when it grows too much, it makes little holes in the gut and nutrition gets directly into blood - hence alergy to food. This was a problem my sister-in-law had (it started with alergy to gluten and escalated to alergy to almost all food). She started taking Candinorm (a fungus that is stopping candida overgrowth) and Axi-Boulardi (probiotic for renewing microflora), and it helped in a few weeks. This is an Italian product (https://www.schwabe.it/prodotti/linea-pegaso/ - if you don't understand Italian, you can use DeepL translator: https://www.deepl.com/translator), maybe there are some equivalent probiotics to find in your country. Alternative healers might help you, e.g. from the field of naturopathy.

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Thanks for the info. I have biotoxin mold illness and got the leaky gut as a side effect of taking Enbrel for psoriasis. Gluten free for a long time and non gmo food helps. I’m on a probiotic & trust my integrative medicine doctor. I’ve improved a lot since I started seeing him. Can get through the day much better than with insurance dictated doctors. I had parasites and heavy metals overload. A prescription detox helped greatly. God bless you for all the info!

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(& I was in a moldy trailer.)

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Remember pukey Pelooozi & her high-falutin’ ice cream 🤢🤮

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Pay no heed to the listed goals of the High Level Overlords. They have no interest in helping us or saving us. And also they don't want to make slaves of us. They are Satanists and their goal is to kill off 90% of us. The people who boarded the trains to the concentration camps thought they were going to be quarantined, or maybe enslaved. They found out when they got there that they were to be murdered. The Davos Demons led by King Charles want to cull us down to "sustainable" levels.

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The Help. :)

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Mark this:

I sure do wish either you were incorrect, or that I was simply dreaming it all. Neither of which, I can assume are valid hopes. Satan is a liar, deceiver and master technician of many trades. He is not likely going to show his cards until forced to do so. He will produce any and all types of diversions, delusions, and anything to deceive with the intent to destroy the souls led by him into destruction. That's for ever. Gone, turned to ashes, and thankfully forgotten, or the grief of the whole affair would overwhelm the saved. I'm sure you already are aware of all of this, but thought it worth repeating.


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Should they ever succeed in their depopulation goals, they themselves would fairly soon be stuck in their bunkers...now reduced to caves...living a neolithic hunter-gatherer lifestyle that none of them would survive for long. They appear to be utterly clueless as to how their high-flying luxurious lifestyle is entirely dependent upon an unimaginably complex economy and diversely skilled population.

May they remain completely ignorant of this until we’ve removed them from society.

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Just Amazing work. Again,Thanks for laying it out in Layman’s terms.💕🙏🏻💕

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Named after the singer? Maybe?


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No I married the Chapman 😇

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May 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Your article is extreme... that is, extremely well-conceived, extremely well thought out, and extremely well-expressed. Thank you for this classic.

Having said this, please allow me to add one succinct but quite important thought:

Debate, no matter how well conducted, will matter not one iota. Our only hope for defeating them lies in the barrel of the gun. We do know who they are. They are easy to identify. We, however, are everybody and everywhere. Though Biden believes he can use nuclear bombs to defeat us, in fact, his military was unable to defeat Afghani peasants. Nor were they able to defeat Vietnamese peasants.

What we currently lack is will power. Our people prefer to slaughter harmless deer who have never harmed them, while simply Sieg Heiling those who rule. Not good.

"Power Grows Out of the Barrel of the Gun."

We need to get with it.

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Madame DeFarge - You have some valid points here. Thank you.

However, there are those of us who have had these “harmless deer” Bambi’s crash into our vehicles during rutting season to the tune of THOUSANDS of $$$ & then our insurance goes up. It was nothing short of a miracle I & my passengers were not horrendously harmed by this on the highway nor harmed other cars passing by in the same area.

Also, being reared by an amazing Dad who was a true conservationist (NOT an “environmentalist” - thank goodness!) - he knew that many of these “harmless deer” in western NY in the forests would NOT make it thru the heavy snow-covered areas in the winter - would starve to death - a horrible way - he saw it with his own eyes numerous times. So, he would hunt with his shotgun under a permit issued by the state of NY - used only for this purpose (oh, horrors - a gun!).

We were not rich - that meat (venison) was valued by our Native Americans as fuel for their bodies & they understood the value & nutrition of the “sweet meats” organs.

I was blessed to have a Dad who understood the value of being able to hunt & shoot with a single shot a deer in the fall season (Nov) - he never did it for sport. He would physically drag it to his vehicle & take to a local meat locker to be cut up for meat for family thru out the coming winter months. It is one of the most lean & best meats you can eat (IMO).

Thankful for a wise father with a ton of common sense of survival.

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San, I agree with you in general, but not on some specifics. For instance, would it not be more humane to cull the old and sick, rather than the males with the biggest antlers? But more to the point, I'm simply arguing that far too many of our 2A advocates love all police and will be shocked when more than half of the police are willing to act as obedient agents of the state and confiscate our guns. I'm arguing that our people are singularly docile and don't actively confront the enemy (in well-planned confrontations, not in the well-intentioned idiocy of J6.) In my day (the sixties), we had little of the timidity shown by conservatives of today. In those days, youth were on the right side (fighting the genocidal wars of the elite) and "conservatives" were on the wrong side (sieg heiling the elite).

It is disgraceful for any political group to demonstrate and then get beaten up by the enemy (antifa, etc). Be organized, and fight back effectively.

Finally, believing that one person (Trump or whoever) can defeat our enemies is naive. I am personally for Trump in 2024, but I don't delude myself. We must do far more than vote in order to disarm our hideous woke, homo, DEI, climate hysteric, alien, enemies.

Thank you for your comment, and I agree with you on the specifics.

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And I agree with you again here in some respects.

Regarding the old & sick deer being culled instead of the young bucks with the most antlers - My guess would be you have never hunted deer, never pursued a buck or doe permit to hunt them, & really do not have an intrinsic or first-hand understanding of hunting for deer for venison. You must likely do not know the fair & basic rules set up by individual states for this purpose. If you have ever eaten the meat from an old deer & a younger buck - there is a vast difference in taste & toughness. My Dad was amazing - he made sure that even the deer hide would be put to good use.

Re anyone saving us - as some think Trump is the one. I do not think any politician will save us unless GOD deems it so. Our nation has gone so far down a slippery slope all I can ask God for us mercy instead of blessing. As far as your statement Re law enforcement - pray for them...they are in a rock & a hard place.

I agree with your evaluation of the difference from the ones reared in the 60’s as opposed to the docile ness now!

I think the technological war & information censoring & filtering will be a death nell to our freedoms.

Take care - appreciate your fighting spirit for all that is good & moral.

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Madam D,

With a mindset of such, how would you ever concur with what would seem to be necessary for a "revolt" to take place, wherein HUMAN life would be extinguished by "The barrel of a gun". I agree that unless the military would become our supporters in the "war" we have zero chance of overcoming the opposition through the weaponry of the people, since the military and policing agencies all have high-caliber capability, are trained, well-suited for urban warfare, with all the latest weapons and protective gear. It would take a complete "About face!" (not only by the military, but by the people) to win this overtly.

Yours in Christ,


ps. Get a grip on yourself. Deer are no less benevolent than cows. Do you eat beef, drink milk, eat cheese, etc...? Maybe you could take a step back from yourself and take note. No offense, of course, just leading the horse to the water-trough.

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Ray, my only point about the deer is that they do little harm to us compared to the harm done by our human enemies (woke, homos, DEI, climate crazies, metoo, etc.) I do eat beef, venison, fish, cheese, etc, though in my old age I have come to believe there is a moral difference between giving animals life, raising them humanely, then humanelly slaughtering them and eating their flesh, and killing wild animals as trophies. Culling wild deer and eating their flesh is fine. Hunting trophy animals, not so.

But deer-in-the-headlights Wallensky has earned the right to execution (after trial and convictionl, of course) whereas trophy deer have not.

As for Biden and his nuclear threat against us, it's total nonsense. At least 80% of our enemies live in the twenty largest American cities. Using NYC as an example, they would crumble within a month if Hunt's Point food markets were effectively blockaded, and if the aquaducts bringing water into the City were disrupted. Biden's military would be no more effective than they were in Afghanistan.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

I hope you still have your guillotine, Madame DeFarge.

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The Help consider themselves to be a superior class of beings. Unfortunately, they think they do the Lol a favour by thinking on their behalf. Rumour has it the Libs intend to bring vaxx mandates and passports back for the next election. They intend to eliminate the control group. Scary thing is they must have already done statistical research on this...they feel it is a winning strategy. We need to raise a stink with our politicians like never before.

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Do you think the help group is vaxxed? The vax is just for the Lol. We are special.

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Great essay. The globalist plan is predicated on Fake Climate Change and control over everything and every global citizen.

The mass invasion (e.g., migration) has nothing to do with Climate Change and everything to do with imposing slavery on every country on planet Earth. The point is destabilization of the US, Canada, and the EU. The means is filling the boat (e.g., nation) with so many immigrants that it results in a societal collapse. Same the Electric Vehicles which make to damn sense. The point is to make them disposable (new battery 15 to 35 thousand dollars) and unaffordable which then make the public dependent on mass transit and autonomous vehicles which they will not own.

If you actually printed out my latest essay it is about 46 pages long. So don't do that. Instead take a few hours, or days, to fully assimillate the essay, the videos and the links to related articles. If you do I am confident you will reach the following conclusions I have.

* There is no Anthropogenic Climate Change (man made) and spending 50 Trillion to reduce CO2, Nitrogen etc. will do absolutely nothing.

* Electric Cars, Trucks, Ovens, etc. will also do nothing for the environments since they rely on fossil fuels to provide the electricity. Neither will Windmills and Solar Panels. What all of this will do is advantage China, who will eventually invade our country. After all all of these technologies, minerals, patents are controlled by China.

* The "Green Agenda" is not really about controlling the Climate. It is about controlling you. You are actually the Carbon they want to reduce.

Climate Change, the Mass Invasion of our Southern Border, the Plandemic etc. have all been perpetrated by Globalist Oligarchs in order to enslave every human on planet Earth. I am not smart enough to solve all these problems but that is not going to stop me from trying. Because if we don't rise up now we will all be nothing but slaves on a Global Plantation. Perhaps the most insidious part of the Globalist's plan is a Digital Currency, which is in fact the Mark of the Beast made real: a mark you must have to buy or sell.

The Globalist Oligarchs are powerful but small in numbers. The good people of planet Earth are many. We must unite where we can and end their rule before they turn all of us into slaves. All of us is all we need. Rise up.

To Globalist Traitors -- Biden, Dingell, Whitmer and Granholm: Stop EV Production in the US Now!

Village Idiot Biden and his Merry Band of Climate Change Retards


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Hi Jessica I have not yet read all

the way through this very long article, but embrace your message about tone and word choice. The full spectrum of motivations from love to pulling a fast one employs this art unless the writers are straight out of “Saturday Night Fever.”

There is a bottom line to everything. Cutting to the chase, your comment on rice cakes hits it.

First of all babies who are breast-fed have a gut full of bifidobacteria, and their poop does not stink. This from an expert diaper changer many decades back. This can continue into adulthood with the right diet, that maintains healthy gut flora.

My Dad ate a lot of steak and you needed to wait an hour at least before going in there after him. We’re talking 65 years ago. My wife and I, persnickety as we are, almost no meat, no rice cakes, do not operate the equivalent of Penn Station at home. You really can’t tell. Quite a brag.

The point is that EVERYTHING is microbiome or about the microbiome. WE are microbiome. You. Me. We are just bags of bugs ... Oogie Boogies.

The entire Pharma and medical industries dance around this basic principal out of ignorance, willful or unwitting. The COVID vaccine and all the rest are garbage because they damage the gut fora, in common with most Pharma products.

Elon’s new CEO is a pusher of COVID shots. The gut-brain interaction may be responsible for her idiocy. She, in common with most doctors and agencies, are dumb-as-dogpile ignorant about the most basic pillar of health.

Thank goodness for Dr. Hazan. Andrew Wakefield was on the cutting edge of this topic all those years ago ... a topic that has come home to roost. It is the first executive bullet on a slide entitled “What’s wrong with the shots?”

It explains repeat COVID infections by immune suppression. It explains the millennial’s apocalypse in Q3 2021 when 61,000 adults with group life policies, over-vaccinated as children, were ambushed by the mandates. Unprepared as they were, immune suppression teamed up with spike proteins to proliferate bloodclots. They died in DROVES. Ya think Elon knows any of this? I doubt it.

Nobel Prize for Andrew Wakefield, IMO.

I’ll get Substack to read me the whole article on my walk.

Thank you!

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May 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

It took two cigars to get thru that. We've gone past the tipping point! Things shall get much worse before they get better. And they were big cigars.

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Now THAT's classic! VERY funny. "Two cigars!"

That aside, I agree with you.

God bless,


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May 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Any document that lists "sustainable economic growth" as a goal is either a product of arrogant stupidity or a heap of stinking bovine manure.

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"Any document" is a uselessly broad term. What you've asserted is only some people's motives. There actually are people who do engage in or promote development methods that are not harmful. It's a good description when it applies, though ;) .

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If I may; Personally, I'd have used "steaming" rather than "stinking" for a couple reasons:

Steaming, indicates its freshness, in that these are not really outdated old proposals. ("old" in the context of mankind's history) And additionally, BS is not all that stinky. Only in the way it is viewed when the term is applied to "lies." Just a technicality. Many of the readers will definitely call all of this "B.S" though. Can I use 'LOL' now?

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

The HELP see themselves as the benevolent guardians of the Earth. They define good as a cleaner Earth, freed of eight billion surplus stinky peasants that trample all over it. Their good is depopulation, followed by neofeudalism for the survivors.

The LOL define good as life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Some of the LOL have been brainwashed to lose their conservation and reproduction instincts, and to help the HELP in achieving their goals.

The online world and computers keeping track of all access open possibilities for control undreamt of before. This is why the LOL have difficulty organizing themselves into effective political bodies. Potential leadership is decapitated or subverted as soon as it emerges locally. Eventually the social contract is broken and the LOL start sabotaging the system, from the inside and the outside, in any way they can.

Watch the movie Snowpiercer (2013) to find out how this ends.

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Thanks, J.W. but no thanks. I'll gravitate to the Word of God for "how it all ends." (Thank you very much!) These movies by the HELP, proceed out of their own paradigms, and can only be regarded as wishful thinking on their part. How many times has their proposed plan failed to come up to expectations? But, I must admit here, that they've (the HELP) succeeded in dumbing down the masses with their propaganda campaigns, causing the degrading of health through multiple vectors, and even getting paid well in the wake! The "unwilling to admit" crowd will probably become statistical digits, swept under the rug, claimed to be products of genetic dysfunction (by the needle? cough cough) and forgotten of. WE must remember that this is a "spiritual battle" and that Satan does not show his cards, nor play the game fairly. It's all going down just as the Word of God has foretold it would through His prophets. This can NOT be a stroke of luck to have done so, so accurately. WE need to wake up to this, because we will NOT wake up from this nightmare of a reality we now find ourselves in!

God be with you,


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May 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

inre: the Help think there is not enough money for data handling, what they are telling you is they need new tax streams to build out what they envision. This will, of course, not tax the Help, only the Lol.


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