I would be selling myself short if I didn’t acknowledge that I had spent an entire day writing another version of this article. I rewrote it as an opinion piece based on some of my observations - having read all about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how to achieve them/get them back on track1 (from Wikipedia). I even added some helpful suggestions! I like it more now. Thank you to Ben Block for the advices.
On language and tone in writing
Language and tone are pretty much everything in both spoken and written form of communications. Using language and tone, we can convey dominance, weakness, power, love, conservatism - all sorts of things - simply by choosing the right words and sentence structures. It is an art form and dare I say, has likely been studied - and in fact, weaponized - for quite some time as a tool of persuasion in specific contexts - like in politics, and in ‘war’. I put ‘war’ in quotes because I believe ‘war’ is a deluded concept instigated by bored, power-hungry and narrow-minded individuals. It never has, and never will be, affiliated with anything but pointless death and suffering in an attempt to balance check books. Feel free to disagree.
When reading any written words, including mine, pay close attention to the words selected. Word choice is more often than not, very careful and precise. Make no mistake (or perhaps in my opinion), if it is a message of peace being conveyed, or a plan laid out for the future well-being of the humans, there is no need for repeated use of words like ‘peril’, ‘alarm’, ‘breaking’ or ‘rescue’. One might expect, and in fact, prefer words like ‘hope’, ‘faith’, ‘work’ and ‘sharing’.
For the purposes of this re-write, I will be referring to the engaged parties as the ‘high-level’ people. Often referred to as ‘elites’ or ‘globalists’, I prefer not to use these references as they imply a sort of, importance that I do not think that these people have earned. I know what you’re thinking: doesn’t ‘high-level’ also imply this? Well, normally it might. So allow me to define what I mean by ‘high-level’ and ‘low-level’ people using meaning derived from computer science.
High-level describe those operations that are more abstract in nature; wherein the overall goals and systemic features are typically more concerned with the wider, macro system as a whole.
Low-level describes more specific individual components of a systematic operation, focusing on the details of rudimentary micro functions rather than macro, complex processes. Low-level classification is typically more concerned with individual components within the system and how they operate.2
I actually really love the example provided in the context of writing a poem on this Wikipedia page for ‘high-level’ and ‘low-level’.
The instruction "write a creative poem on love" is a high-level instruction. The instruction "tighten the tendons in the dominant wrist to grip the pen" is a low-level description of an activity within that.
In the spirit of avoiding ad-hominems (because I don’t need to resort to that), using the above example and definitions, I would suggest that we actually need a mixture of different levels of people - ‘high’ and ‘low’ level people. We are nothing if not the sum of many parts and we all have different powers and strengths. But what I want to make absolutely clear is the inherent inversion of power held within each of the words ‘high’ and ‘low’. It does not matter that the ‘high-level’ people believe that they are more powerful (or cleaner, or better) because the reality is: they are not, in my opinion. If nothing else, they are exactly like the ‘low-level’ people just oftentimes, with more fiat currency.
We all poop, and it all stinks. Especially after eating rice cakes. It’s true. Try it.
Nonetheless, in this weird inverted universe that we live in, I will, from here on out, refer to the self-appointed saviours of the people and the planet as ‘high-level’ people: aka the Help, and the people and planet being ‘saved’ as ‘low-level’ people: aka the Lol, whereby ‘high’ refers more to abstract operators (seems appropriate), and ‘low’ refers more to practical operators.
The former talks, the latter walks. So to say.
On the Goals
The Help are trying to save the Lol but, it is very important that the Lol know that the Help believe that their plan is currently failing. They are calling all Help to fuel up their private jets and head to New York in the fall, to lay down the groundwork on how they’re going to get back on-track to save the Lol.
The 17 SDGs are the means to this end, according to the Help. These Goals are absolutely not a secret and in fact, everyone should be more than familiar with them. We need to decide to agree or disagree on which of these Goals have merit and which, if any, of these Goals need to be met in the first place. These goals are outlined here. Perhaps most importantly, is that we need to be ok with how these Goals are reached and the meaning inherent doing so.
Just as an example of the importance of looking beyond the shiny, benevolent-sounding words, what exactly does Goal #5 mean? Judging by the fact that many of the Help seem to believe that men can be women, is that whom they are talking about empowering? And if so, what happens to actual women in that case? Do we have to, once again, relinquish our power so that men can have a go with it? And why do I hear the ever-present and resonating phrase ringing in my ears that I myself penned in my recent article describing what a woman is: Is nothing ever going to be just ours? (By ours, I mean, of the woman.)
According to the Help, they are severely off-track in attaining these 17 Goals. Just an an aside, most of these goals do look benevolent, do they not? This is why I request that everyone familiarize themselves with the plan (reference 1) because it will make it clearer how attainment of the Goals is mapped out by the Help, and also why the Help believe that they are way behind schedule. There’s a meeting coming up in Nueva Yurk, in fact, to fine-tune expedition of goal attainment.
I’ll give you a hint: the reason they are behind schedule is because the Lol aren’t lining up quite as neatly as was expected.
I have to interject something here. I had an appointment yesterday in the center of town and I always walk everywhere - I don’t own a car. How very green-new-deal of me. Barf. I made my appointment, bought a bagel, and headed home. On my way home, I passed by a graveyard - beautifully maintained with equal-sized headstones and placements of each. It was quite… organized. I love, love, love graveyards for their often staggering (in my eyes) beauty. The graveyards I love the most are the ones that aren’t maintained that get over-grown by mother nature. I love how the re-integration of the body into the earth is so visually and actually: complete, when these sacred places are left alone. But this graveyard that I passed yesterday was not like that. There were no trees - except at the back - just grass and very methodically-placed graves. Neat. Aligned. Tidy. Flowers on every plot. And forgive me, but my brain shot out the following thought: ‘This is how they want the alive humans arranged.’
One of the 17 Goals addresses ‘climate change’ (#13). Watch this video with Jorgen Peder Steffensen: Curator of the Neils Bohr Institute, Department of Geophysics.
Jorgen says that it’s impossible to know if the slight warm-up of late (the 20th century) is simply what would have happened anyway due to natural ebbs and flows in planetary temperature changes, or, from human activities, because we started measuring at the coldest point we could have in the last 10,000 years. I agree with him that it’s a bad experiment.
Let me so bold so as to suggest that - as part of benevolent action to attain the goal to rescue the planet - perhaps restrictions on flying should apply to the Help as well as to the Lol. Flying around in private jets to get to ‘high-level political forums on sustainable development’ to discuss how to save the Lol seems slightly disingenuous to me. I flew coach to Brussels last week to speak to five European Parliament members so why can’t they also fly coach to their meetings? I can guarantee that this meeting in Brussels was far more important than many of theirs. I can almost hear the Help gawking at the mere thought of flying coach. I think that would be a lovely and even necessary piece of humble pie that perhaps might need to be thrown in their faces. I’m sorry, but a pie in the face is just funny.
The way in which the human relationship to nature is described in the words of the Help wherein the word ‘war’ is used, is bizarre to me. Combine this with the contradictory and hypocritical behaviours of the Help I must ask, are they intentionally ratcheting up the war on nature themselves, and blaming it on us, and cow farts? Could it be?
I suggest that the Help would be better off following the leadership (ripe with vision) of someone like Buckminster Fuller. He promoted new models to replace broken ones, yes, but new models founded on the combined creativities of all humans to actually promote true productivity. Furthermore, as a point of extreme relevance, if the words ‘equity’ and ‘equality’ are going to be used so readily by the Help, then perhaps we need to define these words again here and to help them understand what these two words actually mean.
a: justice according to natural law or right
b: specifically : freedom from bias or favoritism3
I did a little exercise - a little word play - having read their 43-page plan. It was no easy feat to do so. There were particular places in the plan that stuck out to me based on word choice. I emboldened the words in two consecutive paragraphs in the plan that stood out to me - primarily because of the words selected by the Help for use - and then I wrote down these emboldened words consecutively to see if any meaning, thoughts or feelings were stirred or invoked in me. (This really was better with quotes included.) Here’s the result.
concrete targeted actions eradicate end
war on nature vulnerable leave no one
behind expanding social protection floors
digital and green economies urgently tackling profound crisis
strengthening gender digital technologies to close divides
inclusion displaced crises tackling exclusion
marginalized persons with disabilities
It’s poetry. Very, very, very, dark poetry. By the way, as a point of interest and because I actually do look at these things, the word ‘tackling’ is used 11 times throughout the document, ‘digital’ - 36 times, ‘disability’ - 11 times, ‘shock’ - 11 times, ‘transition’ - 26 times, ‘gender’ - 19 times, and ‘crisis’ is used 35 times.
The world is not on track for being saved according to the Help and in some ways, even regressing! The 17 Goals also include making human settlements inclusive and peaceful (#11). You will be peaceful. Settlements? That doesn’t sound like your white picket house dream, does it? Sounds more like those quarantine camps they already built. And why do they refer to ‘terrestrial ecosystems’ in Goal #15? As opposed to what now? Are we going to be living in subterranean dwellings? Or on another planet? I like Earth, thanks.
At one point, there is mention of stockpiling genes/genomes (and from where I sit, this is in addition to seed stockpiling that is surely being done) for some coming ‘transfer of humans’ - perhaps to the underground or perhaps to another planet. I have been wondering if there isn’t also an ongoing mass collection and stockpiling of our individual codes too. This would be required for personalized medicine, which again, I think is an absolutely brilliant concept in theory, but I DO NOT support these tasks or projects being carried out by corrupt individuals or corporations free from ethics, guiding principles and liability. That’s just a hot genetic mess waiting to happen.
I wouldn’t let an economist perform vascular surgery on me, and I won’t let a bureaucrat or a banker dictate what is good for MY health. Who the Help in their right mind would?
It all comes down to one simple thing: if the Help are sincere about attaining their 17 Goals - and don’t get me wrong, the Goals do appear benevolent - they need to do one thing: distribute their wealth. Period. Just as a start. Cap the max. By default, thinkers and leaders (real ones) would then have the financial means to achieve every one of the 17 Goals - not the Goals as depicted in the minds of the Help - but as the Lol believe they are outlined and should be outlined: with an aim for real betterment FOR ALL. EQUITY. EQUALITY.
Stop with the forever chemicals. Stop with the glyphosate. Stop with the factory farming and intoxication of all living things. Stop with the bloody chem trails and weather modification. Stop with the high fructose corn syrup.
Start with ACTUAL transparent investigations into real potential harms of novel technologies and non-ionizing radiation. Promote HEALTH. Promote BALANCE. Promote VITAMIN D. We lived perfectly well without all of these bloody nightmare chemicals and the electrosmog before - we can learn to do it again, and dare I say, be far better for it. Goal achievement! Check!
And as I write this, I actually hear the echoing of some of the Help invitees to the Neuva York meeting agreeing emphatically with some of these sentiments, but alas, the good intentions will be paving the way to hell because their envisioned end-point is not utopia for all: it is a slave system. Make no mistake.
Slavery is the ownership of a person as property, especially in regards to their labor.5
It is incredible, simply incredible, to me how foolish the Help must think the Lol to be, not to see such blatant hypocrisy. They are certainly not shy about it. I also find it incredible how easily you actually can convince an individual with a weak mind that they are more important than others. Seduction using empathy. Mind tricks are mind tricks for a reason. To go into Star Wars land, mind tricks of Sith Lords are inSidious. Pardon the pun. “I want to be a force for change. I want to rule.” The desire to rule is the beginning of the path to the dark side. Watch the following. Bad adults always come from places lacking love.
This little segment could be the guidebook for the mind twisting - the conversion of a Lol to a Help. Movies, are never just movies.
I actually do want equity and equality for all. I also want justice for all. I also want my inalienable rights to be honored. I also want the forever ability to say and think things and to feel without being spied on. This is why the Help are failing: they underestimated the actual humans - the Lol, and what we want. And no, we are not hackable animals. Speak for yourself and if YOU want to be hacked, בבקשה.
On the subject matter of data, monitoring and accountability, the concern raised by the Help is that there isn’t enough money for data handling. Really? Ok. I have an idea then, and it falls in-line with equity requirements as outlined by SD Goals 5, 8, 9 and 10. The idea to solve this financial problem is to request that one of the many ‘philanthropists’ or ‘effective altruists’ trade in one private jet to subsidize a data management project. Philanthropize! Satisfy the Goals. I would commit to head the project up. A used private jet can fetch ~1 million dollars, and considering most jets of the Help ‘philanthropists’ are custom-built, I imagine we could get far more than 1 million dollars for one. I would be able to do something spectacular with that amount of funding. Norman, Martin, Clare, Joel, Scott, Shahar, Danny, Jonathan, Josh, Retsef and Mus musculus - you would all be hired.
The Goals are actually in reverse, according to the Help. But, there is hope! It is still possible for the Help to turn things around to ensure that the Lol are happy and own nothing. How will this turn-around be achieved, you ask? Through a set of high-impact initiatives, of course! What does that mean, you ask? I have no idea! But, I guess whatever it means, it will have high impact. Other than that, I honestly can’t figure it out. One of the initiatives involves something called multiplier effects. I had to look up what a multiplier effect is:
The multiplier effect is an economic term, referring to the proportional amount of increase, or decrease, in final income that results from an injection, or withdrawal, of capital.6
So technically, the Help could be talking about prioritizing policies that result in a proportional decrease in income from withdrawal of money from the system and thus, from the Lol. By the Help. Just saying.
Thirty-nine countries are presenting voluntary national reviews (VNRs) at this coming meeting in Neuva York. Australia, Israel, the U.S. nor New Zealand are listed among these countries. And no, I don’t know what a voluntary review is. Is that voluntary as in, your-family-will-remain-safe-if-you-do-it type voluntary?
There’s more mention about data harvesting and use, but here’s the thing: I don’t want the Help anywhere near the controls of data harvesting. Securing data, embracing new data sources, protecting data - all of these things are good things in theory, but they need to be done by non-corrupt and non-conflicted parties who don’t literally own everything. Including us.
There’s also a lot of repetition of the word crisis and crises. Crisis here and crisis there. It seems to me that the real crises are the only things not being mentioned at all. Obesity due to HFCS-poisoned food supplies. Dirty water due to greed and ignorance. Dirty air from weather modification. Attacks on farmers and agriculture, in general. America has enormous sums of money invested in ‘health care’ as compared to other countries, and yet U.S. citizens remain the sickest, as a population. Why is that?
At one point in the plan, there is a reference to ‘slum population’ (language?) and the fact that this slum population is growing. Gross, dirty slum population. Eww. Maybe the Help should talk to Octapharma plasma about the abuse of the Lol? It might help if they actually want to address making people’s lives not only better, but not worse. By the way, it’s us poor women, disabled people and natives that are suffering the most, according to them. If this is true, then I wonder if that has anything to do with intentional marginalization and the creeping monster that seems to despise all three of the latter? Just an observation.
What the hell is shock-responsive protection?
On the subject of women and girls, they want to invest in us; well, except (from my perception) if we want to procreate. Just to be clear, a population does not have individual reproductive goals - it has individuals. Those individuals may have different ideas about whether or not they want to reproduce, sure. But it’s none of anyone else’s business, is it? Yes, a woman should always have access to health services of all kinds: isn’t that a no-brainer? I suggest supporting and investing in women by actually giving them access to free health care. Could be a good start, non? And maybe it’s just me, but I believe that individuals contribute better and more to society when they are free from torment, and relaxed.
It’s a little hard to be relaxed when you’re being told to shut up and relax constantly.
The Help just love private partnerships and sectors. They often encourage incentivization of digital partnerships with the private sector while making no assessment of the potential dangers associated with private enterprises and back-door policies. Well, potential dangers to the Lol.
They care so much about our kids. We’re seeing their ‘concern’ everywhere: from libraries to schools. I hear that children are getting tired of their ‘concern’, and are speaking eloquently and clearly to the strange type of ‘grown-ups’ sitting in chairs across from them like unholy tribunals of deluded confusion, on their growing concerns about what is being ‘taught’ in schools these days.
Kids want to learn about the universe, not how to satisfy a trick from a pole. They want to learn to add, not about how entirely confused they are about whether they are a boy or a girl. They want to learn about history, not about how carbon dioxide is the devil and how levels are tragically high assuring their proximal demise. For your information, CO2 comprises 0.04% of the atmosphere. The kids are all right. Leave them alone.
There is also mention of humans in terms of ‘earning capacity’ based on age and disability status.
We are more than what we can earn for you.
Human beings are connected to each other and to all living things on this little blue planet. In fact, the planet itself is a giant/tiny living organism. If one part suffers; all parts suffer. So yes, we must take care each other. It is not for anyone to self-appoint themselves to a position whereby the many must bow to the few. This is not how harmony is achieved. Nature, the ecosystem, the inhabitants, the air itself, is in balance. If you want to achieve your Goals, I suggest the cessation of dumping and intentional seeding of metric tons of heavy metals and contaminants into our air and water and soil. It’s not the Lol doing this: it’s the Help - billionaires - corporate-funded and assisted planetary destruction. Corruption is rife.
We all know what corrupt files can do to a computer. The same corruption has infected all of our systems and we need to pull out our finest white hat programmers to dull the threat - no matter where they may come from. Goals #8, 9 and 10: satisfied.
Phasing out coal is a part of Goals #7, 11 and 13, but don’t the Help know that their electric cars are charged using electricity produced using coal-fired/fossil fuel plants? So are their private jets.
Listen, I’ll make a deal with you, the Help. If you subscribe to your own crack-downs and rules, distribute your vulgar amount of wealth equally (EQUITY and EQUALITY), and also subscribe to true EQUALITY and EQUITY requirements as defined here in all realms - not just involving asset distribution, then I will consider subscribing to your Goals and even promoting them. I will want one of your private planes, however, to convert into a private dwelling somewhere in the middle of nowhere once the Goals have been achieved. Thank you.
I hope that everyone does read the plan and that you pay special attention to the language. Don’t judge the 17 Goals by their appearance. Learn what they are, and how the Help envision their deployment and attainment, and then imagine better ways where we don’t end up as slaves. Do not hesitate to engage your imagination.
One final note. The fact that they are not on track is absolutely a positive sign, in my opinion. Their trajectory to save the Lol is off-course, and it’s off-course for one reason: the people see you and they aren’t happy with what they see and if you think you can force a human being to be happy, you are sorely mistaken.
We have inalienable rights - to be happy, is one. We do not need permission from you.
Happiness is something that radiates from other feelings like relaxation - both mentally and physically - the feeling of simply ‘being’, the feeling of creating, the feeling of moving freely, the feeling of communicating without threat of punishment, the feeling of being loved and loving back. It is complex: as complex as we are, and we are intertwined with all of the other living beings and life forces held together by other forces. How miraculous. Anyone who tries to control this will fail. And likely destroy quite a bit in the process.
To the Help: You cannot possibly believe that life itself is something that you could, or have any right to try to control, do you? You are ignorant and arrogant to believe so if yes, because Mother Nature will always wash away the ignorant and arrogant.
One thing that, in essence, I can agree with the Help on, is that our world has been invaded by human-made new species of electrosmog, plastination and toxicity. But we need to approach this invasion from a place of non-delusion, clarity, reality and truth. On one hand, we are doing this to ourselves by our daily choices, but on the other hand, there is so much control inherent in the systems that so many billions of people are engaged in that it is almost impossible to escape from it.
Exceedingly important to understand is that the problems we face are created as part of a system fed by the greed of corporations - not by the people. People are sovereign; corporations are not. Somewhere along the line the people handed over their power. But the thing is, the power still lies with the people. Non-deluded people are plentiful, and they comprise the nodes of knowledge passed down from generation to generation. The farmers, the perma-culturalists, the land-owners, the bee-keepers, the teachers, the builders, the masters of all trades - these are the people who are offering the brilliant and functional solutions to get us all out of this technocratic, pretty much AI-controlled nightmare we find ourselves in.
If the Help care at all about reaching the 17 Goals in any real way (one that is effective to elevate ALL people), they would be smart to appeal to all of our tradesmen and beg them for help to find viable solutions. This would also be in lieu of forcefully buying up farmland, of course. And another of course, we all know that finances are not an obstacle. In any case, money means nothing, in the context of an actual crisis. Unless you need it build an arc. But you still can’t eat money.
So to conclude, if any of the members of the 17-Goaler crew want to know how they can actually succeed to help the people and the planet, may I suggest that you speak with some of the Lol. You might actually be surprised by their level of insight and intelligence. Do not be surprised if you never succeed in graduating them up to Help status. Some Jedi are just that strong.
Jessica is a world treasure 😇
The oligarchs (the Help) are using words with two meanings. The meaning that is commonly understood sounds benign. The real meaning that they understand is nefarious. Diversity really means homogeneity. Equity really means theft. Inclusion really means exclusion. These oligarchs are evil. They must be stopped. Exposing them is the first step.