So much Data … and sadly , it’s still on the market. The ACOG still wants every pregnant woman jabbed . When will the madness stop ?

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ACOG has been sold out to Big Pharma, Planned Parenthood, and the lesbian mafia for years. Now they have a piece of “trans-surgery.” What makes you think they’ll stop jabbing pregnant women? 🤷

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Every medical specialty society in North America sold out. Find one that did not pay Fauci to keynote their annual meeting during pandemic years.

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It's not insanity.

Killing and/or fertility-impairing a parturient and a fetus is a two-fer to our owners, now that they have decided that a long term culling of our human populations is what they need, but without spooking us, so as to keep their factories running for them.

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Thank you Jessica. Thank you.

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You do know that the sheeple will not read the truth on the subject and even if they did would line up like sheep outside medical offices to get another jab. If these fools had a quill for every jab they took they would look like porcupines.

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What is so hard about reading many peer reviewed reports of the damage wreaked by the jab? Or doing a search on Covid19 ?

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Wow! Thank you for your continued work on this.

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Human Gene Therapy Products (GT) - GT sounds racey - EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Products - I do not like the sounds of those

You, as an individual, had to be the one to choose to be in the unvaccinated control group with the lower all cause mortality death rate.

Nothing was going to stop the US Military bioweapon countermeasure complex contracted out - fast, cheap and dirty - no liability - mass manufacturing scale up and delivery of the covid "vaccines". Nothing was then going to stop the immediate Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval, roll out and mass injection of these injectable covid EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Products. Nothing was going to stop the "safe and effective", 95% effective, government/big pharma controlled media mind control propaganda campaign.

Not the fact of the failure of all attempts to make a safe and effective vaccine against the original sars-cov(1) using numbers of conventional vaccine platforms.

Not the fact of failure of mRNA technology to ever have been able to deliver a mRNA product to market with long term demonstrated safety.

Not the facts seen in writings of bioweapon gain of function ralph baric, mr. coronavirus, describing the inherent difficulties of ever making any safe and effective vaccine against any coronavirus.

Not the fact that numbers of covid treatment protocols had been proven both safe and effective, all across Our World, by Real Doctors treating Real people sick with Real covid. Suppress these Real Doctors, sabotage all Real Treatment protocols for covid to get the EUA for the mRNA. In the process commit the Premeditated Depraved-heart Mass Murder of Millions by denying Real Treatment for covid to obtain the EUA and create the Fear! Fear! Fear! necessary to drive the forced EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Product mRNA injection campaign.

Not the fact that people would be hesitant to take multiple injections of covid EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Products. Redefine "vaccine" to now include the injectable covid EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Products. In January 2020, With "Premeditation", and by publishing this statement "This guidance does not apply to vaccines for infectious disease indication" thereby exempt EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Products from established safety requirements if these EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Products are said to be "vaccines" for covid-19 .

Not the fact that in the first covid mRNA "vaccine" trial, where the vaccine received approval, more people died, the all cause mortality was higher in the vaccinated group than in the unvaccinated control group who had lower all cause mortality deaths. For every one person "saved" from covid numbers of people died from the "vaccine".

Connive and fight every which way and through the court system to keep the facts of this mRNA "vaccine" trial from The People for 75 years. Inject Inject Inject while hiding the truth that was eventually revealed.

Nothing was going to stop the continuing covid injections

Not the fact that almost immediately after "vaccine" rollout began Doctors and Nurses began to see and report covid "vaccine" induced clotting and began to refer to the covid "vaccines" as the "clot shots".

Not the fact of the "stop the shots now" death signal seen at 2 months after the start of mass covid "vaccine" injections. Deaths after covid vaccination, reported by Doctors and Nurses to the CDC / FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), death numbers which stopped product use in the past.

Not the fact of the unprecedented high levels of covid "vaccine" severe injuries and deaths reported ongoing to VAERS.

Not the fact of the never seen before dramatic rise in insurance claims for disabilities and deaths directly corresponding with the covid mass vaccination program.

Not the fact of the dramatic rise in non-covid All Cause Mortality Deaths, in the highly covid "vaccinated" countries, that occurred directly corresponding with the mass "vaccination" for covid, and which is still ongoing.

Covid "vaccine" induced sudden adult death syndrome SADS, and sudden arrhythmic death syndrome SADS, people dropping dead, athletes dropping dead, children dying in their sleep, stage 4 hyper progressive cancer / turbo cancer, micro clotting, massive white fibrous clots filling up blood vessels, first ever seen with a few after the start of covid then seen in high percentages with the covid "vaccine" rollout and ongoing at high numbers since, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, prion mediated amyloid diseases and progression to alzheimer's disease ...,

Yes, "vaccine" induced AIDS.. a type of vaccine induced acquired immune deficiency syndrome with deficiencies attributable to 1) HIV genetic sequences in the sars-cov2 spike protein - the source of the "vaccine" spike antigen code producing Trillions of "vaccine" spike antigens in the human body 2) multiple immune system "vaccine" altered responses such as excess IgG4 antibody immune system response, the IgG4 "tolerate this" antibody that attaches to a formerly controlled or newly emerging cancer and marks it telling the body's immune system not to attack, leave it alone. The "vaccines" trained the immune system not to overreact to such as the milder omicron variant. Is the "vaccinated" immune system now so programmed that it will totally fail to put in check a new highly virulent immune escape sars-cov2 or 3 or ? should it arise?.

Still nothing yet has stopped the failed mRNA injections. Save for those who, individually, choose to be in the unvaccinated control group with the lower all cause mortality death rate.

People are waking up. "Moderna's Q4 Loss Wider Than Expected It posted a net loss of $1.1 billion, compared to net income of $217 million in the prior year quarter.The company reported a loss of $2.91 per share, missing expectations and a sharp contrast to its earnings of $0.55 per share in Q4 2023."

Jennifer Brown

Excellent excellent post my friend.

James Kringlee

Thank You Jennifer Brown. Your post https://docbrown77.substack.com/p/the-fda-knew-in-2020-that-gene-editing "noises abroad" and links https://www.fda.gov/media/113768/download to important documentation

After I clicked on your link to "Long Term Follow-Up After Administration of Human Gene Therapy Products" dated "January 2020" and began to read through it - The Door Opened - The post was there ready to be written.

I noticed this at the bottom of the page numbered "2" - " 3 This guidance does not apply to vaccines for infectious disease indications" - the January 2020 publication date of the document shows advanced planning "premeditation" to subvert known safety concerns. They knew what they were doing.

This publication provides a good footnote "mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy? The Safety Regulatory Issues" https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10342157/

From the abstract "The mode of action of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines should classify them as gene therapy products (GTPs), but they have been excluded by regulatory agencies."


COVID-19 vaccines were developed and approved rapidly in response to the urgency created by the pandemic. No specific regulations existed at the time they were marketed. The regulatory agencies therefore adapted them as a matter of urgency. Now that the pandemic emergency has passed, it is time to consider the safety issues associated with this rapid approval. The mode of action of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines should classify them as gene therapy products (GTPs), but they have been excluded by regulatory agencies. Some of the tests they have undergone as vaccines have produced non-compliant results in terms of purity, quality and batch homogeneity. The wide and persistent biodistribution of mRNAs and their protein products, incompletely studied due to their classification as vaccines, raises safety issues. Post-marketing studies have shown that mRNA passes into breast milk and could have adverse effects on breast-fed babies. Long-term expression, integration into the genome, transmission to the germline, passage into sperm, embryo/fetal and perinatal toxicity, genotoxicity and tumorigenicity should be studied in light of the adverse events reported in pharmacovigilance databases. The potential horizontal transmission (i.e., shedding) should also have been assessed. In-depth vaccinovigilance should be carried out. We would expect these controls to be required for future mRNA vaccines developed outside the context of a pandemic."

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I agree with your comment and have some concern with Dr. Lyons-Weiler's review.

So, "the urgency created by the pandemic..." The urgency was deliberate political creation, not justified by increased all cause mortality but created by the fraudulent use of high cT PCR.

Early in 2020, and previously known after MERS and SARS, early effective treatment and Vit. D protective levels were published, and disparaged.

Dr. Lyons-Weiler's suggestion that "better" vaccines be sought is wrongthink at a surprising level.

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Duly noted.

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One might wonder if the resistance to measles is reduced in the COVID "vaccinated".


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You wrote "The urgency was deliberate political creation, not justified by increased all cause mortality but created by the fraudulent use of high cT PCR."

Based on what I watched on tv going on at the start in Wuhan, first person accounts via Dr Robert Malone of what the chinese ccp/pla was "feeding" to US officials as to the nature of the pandemic and a first person account from the Wuhan airport as Wuhan was locked down, via a neighbor, of the obvious preplanned, pre book deparure to their favorite luxury spots around the world by the ccp/pla elite

the ccp/pla initially created "the urgency" in the west.

... imo - All Total, fact + fact + fact, shows a ccp/pla 2 front , stealth, "Unrestricted Warfare", "economic war", bioweapon attack on the west. Front #1) sars-cov-2 + "developed" immune escape variants, front #2) ccp/pla tradecraft + fear-inducing showmanship inducing the west to use ccp/pla slow kill bioweapon spike for its countermeasure mRNA and viral vector produced vaccine antigen. Induced with terrible deaths for the most vulnerable elderly and co-morbid, people filmed dropping dead, staged?, on China streets. Where else in the world did we see this happening before "vaccines"? Apartment doors welded shut, massive spraying and fogging of the streets and public spaces and the phenomenal construction of hospitals in weeks which were shortly to be closed down with the rapid containment of sars-cov-2 in China...

Quite the show. Quite the FEAR FEAR FEAR producing show inducing the west to use "their" long planned "countermeasure" Mrna to now generate the ccp/pla bio-engineered toxic "slow kill" "spike" for its "vaccine" antigen. Infection, injection, infection, injection, infection, injection death and debilitation in the west, China largely protected with widespread prior immunity until delta with actual lock downs and conventional vaccines. "chinese" Go players vs complicit "western" checkers players.

this bit of pcr trivia may be of interest - this is a small exchange I had with backtofacts on early pcr failures

reason for cdc pcr early test failure - the primer sent out as part of the test kit caused a "hairpin"

And what is a hairpin?

You can see a diagram of a "hairpin" in Wikipeda just search stem-loop

There is a diagram of a RNA stem-loop   "the structure is also known as a hairpin or hairpin loop".  Also there is a short explanation, which contains more context, which you can access searching  (duckduckgo)   "Why the CDC botched its coronavirus testing

 MIT"  It is in MIT Technology Review written by Neel V Patel  March 5, 2020.click off the ads and click on "read the 911 words" if you want to read the article.  One quote in the article is  " primer design is still somewhat of an art, and not fully predictable"  which

is of course why tests must be run before shipping test kits.  I witnessed events outlined there in real time watching our Minnesota Health Dept daily briefings.     Sars cov-2 is a single strand RNA virus.  To do the PCR test for this virus the right "primer" chemicals must be chosen. A number of computer programs are available. The code of the virus is entered and the program determines, hopefully, the right "primers" to use.  If a primer is not right it can cause the single strand RNA to fold back over itself 180 degrees

and form the hairpin shape and ... the test fails. And so tests must be run to confirm the primers are right.  This is week one of PCR testing 101.   I originally got this information while on a "deep dive" going link to link for more than a few hours in the realm of

molecular virology.  To my best recollection this was in answer to thequestion  "what went wrong with the CDC testing".   in the discussion period  following a professional level presentation by Britt A Glaunsinger PhD of U C Berkeley. I do not have a record of how I got to that presentation, A couple of cut down versions of that presentation without the discussion period following are now on youtube and at U C Berekley.  hairpin was a rookie mistake, James

This is very valuable; thank you, James.


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Thank you for your reply and the links.

One of the early articles I read (about a Korean arrangement for a system of organised Covid testing) noted that the CDC initially provided the wrong primers.

The control of the WHO by China and the BGMF indicates the long-planned ability to use a pandemic as part of 5th Gen warfare. See Event 201 and its predecessors, well-detailed in "The Real Anthony Fauci", to support this. I see the Chinese production and distribution of fentanyl as part of a consistent CBW programme, as you say.

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Thank you.

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Batton down the hatches! The leaking, shedding, toxic mRNA bioweapon injections are not going away. Trillions of our dollars are and will continue to be burned on JUNK SCIENCE! Unfortunately, the Covidian's still refuse to listen or read anything about the shots that are contrary to "safe and highly effective." As 70% of the population continues to suffer from strokes, heartaches, cancer, ect., as a result of IgG4 collapse will go on and on and on and few will question vaxxxxines and if they do, well, their doctors will remind them that the shots are safe and highly effective! WHAT A FRICKING DISGRACE!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm happy that it's published but I'm disappointed that you can't get papers like this published in top-tier journals. Many of the editors of this journal are friendly to your perspective. In my eyes, this does not indict you, it indicts the academic publishing system. We know you do good work and it's frustrating that the academy is not actually interested in science.

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They're not friendly to "my perspective": they're objectively criticizing that worth criticizing. With respect. :)

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I keep wondering: do those of us who got Long Covid after infection in 2019 or 2020 but refused the shots also have IgG4 spike protein related infection susceptibility? Is that why we are chronically under the weather with a lingering cough 5 years later?

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it could be. we simply aren't able to assess long term outcomes from SARS or the shots yet (although we're getting a better idea as more papers come out), but we can definitively say the common threat is this spike protein. having said that, without the LNPs in the context of the shots, we wouldn't have the spike source from the shots.

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I had "Long Covid" and used the Anthony William/Medical Medium books to heal. You might check them out. They are amazing in my humble opinion.

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The 9 minute audio on X has a repeated paragraph near the end.

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Revelation 18:23 in technicolor! Thank you, Jessica,!

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Government/Pharma/DOD/WHO is a criminal cartel.

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Just want to thankyou again Jessica for all you do....your contribution is so , so informative and I love your serious but bubbly approach to all your work ...thanks heaps


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This was a successful psi opp, but not enough people died.They will try again soon with a real killer

i hope you can provide solutions and get them out to people who still want to live in the evil

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congratulations! Ihope your paper makes it into court.i am fatally waiting for the big one,after 4 years of suffering every day!

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i will think on you healing...

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Correction needed? is this correct? " "no statistically significant increase in coronavirus infections was observed".

at the bottom of paragraph 6 in this review by James Lyons-Weiler here entitled: Clear Dose-Response Signal of Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Found in VAERS Data.

the quotes below are from the Cowling article here https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/54/12/1778/455098?login=false

"The majority of the noninfluenza respiratory virus detections were rhinoviruses and coxsackie/echoviruses, and the increased risk among TIV (trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV)) recipients was also statistically significant for these viruses (Table 3).

from table 3

see Any noninfluenza virus footnote b - b In TIV recipients there were 4 detections with both rhinovirus and coxsackie/echovirus, and 1 detection with both coxsackie/echovirus and coronavirus NL63.

see  Other respiratory virus footnote c - c Including positive detections of coronavirus, human metapneumovirus, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The ResPlex II multiplex array tested for 19 virus targets including influenza types A and B (including 2009-H1N1), RSV types A and B, parainfluenza types 1–4, metapneumovirus, rhinovirus, coxsackievirus/echovirus, adenovirus types B and E, bocavirus, and coronavirus types NL63, HKU1, 229E, and OC43.

opinions differ - https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m810/rr-0

other evidence contradicts - Influenza Vaccine: Military Study Shows 36% Higher Odds Of Coronavirus, 2017-2018

By Benjamin Krause March 11, 2020 https://www.disabledveterans.org/flu-vaccine-increases-coronavirus-risk/

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will check

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