Rest assured that they were lethal

I have 2 dead sisters dying 11 days apart and a dead son died 8 months later and a friend in USA who died 12 months earlier

All jabbed

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May God be with you Marianne. You are here for a reason. I’m so sorry for the pain you are enduring from your loss.

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I will continue to fight these criminals and keep all people in my prayers

God is in control

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But we are not, so sorry for your loss.

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My heart goes out to you. We will hold the murderers accountable ! Were they all jabbed with the same batch and in the same facility?

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No not sure but I do no one was Astra zeniga the other phyzer

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I don't mean to inflict pain with this statement; but I have not trusted pharmaceutical companies for a long time; so I didn't get any covid shots or let my daughter. After seeing the last four years of events; it will be a long time before I let them put anything in my body.

I think the evidence shows more than enough proof of negligence and greed to convict plenty of people of fraud, collusion, and reckless endangerment.

I think the intent to do harm and murder is clear. It is interesting that someone would intend to harm or kill those that trust them the most. If they were in this merely for profit, it seems they would want to retain trust and not harm those trusting people to keep them as loyal repeat customers. Perhaps that is why the only polution that we hear discussed is carbon dioxide which is what people and animals produce; thus killing them becomes justifiable even morally obligable.

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If you have a conscience then I think it is completely impossible to understand the motives of those who do not.

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Hence this year's WEF-slogan: Rebuilding TRUST ...

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I agree. Things still do not add up.

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Ultimately, the devil comes to kill, steel, and destroy; but figuring out which people he is using can be tricky. Then again, that might not be human's purpose. Turning to God daily to hear His voice seems to be a major part of the process and calling all to repent while there is still time. If anyone is to the point where they are in the rabbit hole reading this comment, I ask you to Trust Jesus and follow Him. Nothing but the hand of God can keep us from these traps laid before us. He is able and faithful to deliver us. Let us not reject the blood of His Son Jesus for any reason.

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So sorry to hear this. May the LORD comfort you as only He can in all this tragedy.

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I'm so sorry. Makes one reevaluate almost everything. I hope you can find peace somehow, even if only for moments each day.

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Very sorry for your loss. See my comment that corrects the misinformation about Pfizer employee lots, which were in fact Lethal.

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Only those in denial can claim at this point that these shots were safe and effective. These crimes against humanity were far too large to be ignored and allowed to pass. My heart breaks for people who have suffered such losses sometimes who have their health destroyed. Accountability must take place.

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Those in denial and those who remain completely brainwashed and incapable of autonomous unbiased thought (the latter of which I am sad to say seems to be a technical majority of the Australian population).

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I’m sorry

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Speaking of sisters... https://voza0db.substack.com/p/morons-just-dont-get-it-773

Clearly a trend there.

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OMG. I am so very very sorry to hear of your loss. I just don't even know what to say. But I do believe all of these demons will one day face justice.

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Ditto! It's a fact; The truth and love is eternal: *Psalm 2 pretty much sums up our collective history and individual life-choices. "Why do the nations conspire, and the peoples plot in vain?"....

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God. I'm so sorry.

I'd like to see the perps of this global democide drawn and quartered after a open jury trial.

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I’m so sorry - will pray for them and you to find a way to keep living for your loved ones.

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No matter the reason for distinct batches, it does seem to confirm that pfizer knew from the get-go that the shots were harmful and that covid was not a threat to the general public. Next question is if they were deliberately designed that way…..?

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of course they were, they were made before covid scam even started.

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It is most likely that the 'vaccines in 100 days' which we are promised for the next 'pandemic' - ie Disease X- have also been in production for some time now.

How else could they conjure them up so quickly in quantity when it hits?

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All signs point to yes.

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Sounds like Willful Misconduct to me. Book em Danny

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💯👍👏👏🤐 Exactamundo!

Think it might be about time Jess that you had a little chat to Hedley Rees (on Substack). He's all over the Supply Chain fiasco and how it ties in with the MoA in batch variability (definitely intent).

He's been making noise in the UK but not gaining as much traction as he should be because of the damn pay walls, he and everybody insist on putting up. (Honestly, peeps should be paying attention to him, and I dont say that lightly or sadly, often these days, because what he has to share affects everything in Pharma-land, and ultimately every single person who has taken ANY type of medicine in that last 30 years.😐🤦‍♀️). Seriously, check him out.

Side note- BTW, if you have any sway with the "Rebel Alliance" and/or self-appointed "Jedi" crew, tell them to stop sticking everything behind a bloody paywall! They say they want to save people, get more people standing up- then give them the damn info they need to know. The crew wants to make a crust because they lost income in the Great Grift of 2020?🤔🤔🤨 Then get a real job or put the paywall on information that has NOTHING to do with CONvid! The paywall is literally SLOWING you all down! You cannot see the links to the connecting dots until AFTER they have already made their next play, which frankly, plays right into the powers that be hands.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Seriously, this is part of the censorship complex, that 5th Gen warfare, that has weaponised social media and the human act of SHARING. Just stop. 🙄End rant.😉🤗

#sharingiscaring #paywallsareclassism #getarealjob #backtonature #weloveteamjess #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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I whole heartedly agree. Many cannot afford to pay for all the different subscriptions, but we need information to help fight back and help each other.

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can you connect me?

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Jess, I'm sure he's heard of you😉, shoot him a message on Substack, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to chat. I'm just a voice in the wind, that challenges his belief system every now and then😉🤣😂. But I do genuinely think he's got part of the puzzle, especially in presenting the evidence, so we will need that crucial info later.🤔📣📣🤞

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News around separate batches for employees came out a few years ago also. Yeadon had a lot to say about batch variability early on too. Around the time "how bad is my batch" came out, Yeadon was saying that it looked like they were doing a designed experiment by lot. One thing Yeadon can speak quite credibly about is the manufacturing process.

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Absolutely, but he is standing in the wind. Hedley is not as well known in public, but is in industry, and corroborates the back end manipulation in GMP. Which gives hard evidence not only opinion.

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I hadn't heard of Hedley and I am glad you are boosting him. I afraid I didn't make my point well. More voices, different ones build on top of each other. I wish I could remember where I heard about the employee batches. It was contemporaneous with Yeadon talking about the lots looking like experimental design, but it's been a few years and I doubt I could find it. If there were two separate efforts on this, they could build more together. Yeadon is the only one I remember talking about intentional variability in the lots, so I thought I'd put that out there as he seem willing to talk and might have more contacts.

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we are always behind the curve, those that perpetrated this war on humanity have planned so far in advance and have all the distractions in place for when we play catch up. We don't need more investigations, enquiries, SURELY there is enough evidence to know what has happened and get governments in court, then they can squeal about who instructed them if they dare.

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When the courts are playing by the rules as they were intentioned for, sure. But we have judges, not declaring conflict of interests, making rulings that cut a case off before it gets started.🤔😐🤦‍♀️

The courts are not the answer. Not saying don't try, for those on that path, and I wish them well, for all our sakes, but it only works if the social contracts are in place, and they got broken ages ago, they just "forgot" to tell us.😉

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Absolutely agree. I can't afford to subscribe to all these separate writers.

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Same here. For the first time ever, I noticed a "Buy me lunch!" link at the bottom of someone's substack article recently. It routes me to stripe and I can make a one time donation. I'd love it if the writers would have this option because I can do random smaller donations vs a subscription. Or, even if I do a larger donation, I like the option of one time vs on subscription - just my preference. I'd love to see "Buy me lunch!" on your substacks, Jessica. 😉❤️

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Hedley, unfortunately, apparently refuses to acknowledge malicious intent, and thinks it's all just sloppy manufacturing. He, too, is in denial.

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Sasha Latypova (she has a Substack and you can find videos of her pretty easily) has pretty convincing evidence that this has been a DOD program and that safety and regulation has never been a part of it. Incompetence and ignorance are comforting but invalid excuses. Reality here is mean and ugly. This is a war and you are a target.

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every piece of the puzzle counts, no matter the personal opinions of the info gatherers

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He wants to keep it simple. Opening that door, means he has to reassess everything he knows through a new lens.

I don't need him to be in that same zone, to understand the importance of his information, and for me to be able to look into the future for the resulting end game.😉

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Yet again, they are separating people they want to survive by how much money they have. Exactly like the "elites." Seems like they're part of the problem, doesn't it?

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I don’t believe the big names in the integrative health industry, who do concierge service to the elites got the jabs , nor did their patients.

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I dont know about their intentions, i just know its playing into censorship tactics, and allowing more peeps to get hurt.

Frankly, I don't give a damn about "sides" or even individuals motivations anymore. This is a long game, there are massive stakes at play and the local level is the only field left that we can actually make moves on to win.

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised $localcrewbeginswithyou

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Wholeheartedly agree. I cannot afford to pay for the subscriptions but have been doing what I can since the outset of this scam. I share information to places where it can be easily spread. It makes it hard if I cannot get access to that information easily. I appreciate the time involved in putting the data together but we've all suffered financially and are doing our best regardless

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Ain't it a shame when those who are 'fighting' against the evil GREEDY are using GREED to feed their fight? ... somehow not seeing that using 'their' system against them isn't effective or even right ... then again - they might think they NEED ... we desperately need a new way of seeing and being that doesn't come from the Predator class - and hopefully will help one another to freedom.

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In the end it just seems to be a giant experiment in nano-technology and mass sterilization. And it looks like they haven't finished experimenting with us all yet.

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some people are STILL getting jabbed!!

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A friend of mine can see straight through the climate scam, but is adamantly blind to pandemic scam. She proudly proclaims she has had “one of each” like it’s dessert, feels great and will have whatever jabs follow. She’s overweight and of course has huge issues with blood pressure and heart. Am gobsmacked how this integrates in her mind.

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Well it IS an IQ test

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STH, one would need to ask the question is there intentionality to kill off the globalist-conforming-useful-idiots who took the jab relentlessly?

And if so, then what does this mean? It potentially leaves behind a stronger and resilient bunch of revolutionaries that are willing to say 'No' to the wicked. And if so, who, what, why would they want to do this? Is this some kind of insane hunger-game thing that is being played out in front of us?

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It is a compliance test. Compliance, or the psychological trait of ‘agreeableness’ is not linked to intelligence.

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Great to see this addressed in public, there were more than enough batches in Australia for everyone, so the arguement they went to all the expense to not take away from the public supply falls flat (the employee's taxes already had paid for their shot).

I believe the Pfizer batches were exempt from testing requirements too .. it may be in your article, I may have missed it... but I remember reading about it...


Lot number: FD0927*


The lot number says to "see remarks"...

The remarks are:

"Not tested. OCABR Reviewed. Limited batch quantity allocated for use in Pfizer Australia employee vaccination program"

Curious isn't it?

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"OCABR Reviewed" means that Endotoxin and Integrity measurement certificate was supplied from an overseas registered testing laboratory for such Lots.

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So no local review required, super sus...

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They simply use "Emergency" to rush it through and TGA labs were aware that other ingredients mask the true Endotoxin content.

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Not curious at all. EVIDENCE, clear evidence of malfeasance. Intent, look for the ACTUAL intent of any action.

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A common argument against the "special Pfizer batches for Australia" is that the particular batch numbers in the list were also associated with deaths (per howbadismybatch.com) - but these appear to be outside Australia. It would be important therefore to know whether batches were also specific to countries even though they shared the same batch numbers. This might also apply to Sweden who seem to have had a surprising low mortality following their rollout.

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Being a Swede myself I seem to remember there was som ambiguity about the statistics. The deaths were not counted in connection relative the injections, because "we don´t count that way", it was maintained. May this be the reason behind a surprising low mortality?

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Thanks to my deep data mining ex-friend OpenVAET, we have preserved records sent from Australia to the US VAERS database of Pfizer employee jab victims. Here are a few for now.


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end of 2021 into 2022 there was a hack supposedly of both Pfizer and Moderna data which retreived both Batch Numbers AND distribution. Others who obtained this data them matched this batch-Distribution data with VAERS reports based upon origin to co-relate the two. YES correlation does not prove causation BUT. With uncanny regularity certain batch numbers co-related with adverse report numbers.

If anyone wants to confuse and confound an evidence trail, variability is a great way to do this. Scatter the mixed batches across many delivery destinations and how can the true effects of something with a common product name with varied potency, varied constituents AND that is then injected into a normal varied population of mixed ages, genders and health conditions, EVER be determined. Oh and then scramble a disfunctional reporting system that was 'supposed' to feed back the effects but clearly fails in 99% of cases so producing no report at all.

Most who got jabbed, did not get any info, no batch number, used by date, no name of the one administering the jab, the centre/clinic details, no written record of any value, if any record at all.

IF anyone still thinks this was simply a mistake then think again. It was with carefully calculated and crafted INTENT. Mentes Reae.

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Thanks Jessica as ever for your balance and brilliance. Other factors IMHO certainly include the rollout of 5G, LED streetlights and street cameras, and people's proximity, exposure, mitigation, etc., with respect to these weapon systems. See the work of Mark Steele, saveusnow.substack.com, and Anders O Brunstad, e.g., https://rumble.com/v4j65hx-anders-brunstad-excess-deaths-due-to-5g-vaxx-activation.html

Depopulation is the aim, on a scale beyond the worst holocaust imaginings. Indeed, factoring in the climate 'net zero' nonsense, homo sapiens would become completely extinct, along with most of other natural living things too. Not so wise. Anyway thanks, and I remain increasingly optimistic that the house of cards will collapse relatively soon (a year or two at most) and so we manifest the peace and rebuild. It's a soul thing. A fearless love thing. Gratitude and peace.

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Whats wrong with LED streetlights, besides being too damn bright?

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Krishna, here is a bit of information, but there’s more out there… https://open.substack.com/pub/romanshapoval/p/when-we-dont-see-the-light?r=l7pna&utm_medium=ios

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Thanks. That article refers to two different possible dangers: the light emitted and wifi signals that come with some LED lighting packages.

I agree there is lots of established research on the health problems associated with unnatural light (even so-called full spectrum lights) and the goodness of moderate sunlight and keeping a normal daylight schedule.

The study on wifi dangers by Martin L. Pall is at


However there is a reasonable and scathing review of that wifi study in one of its comments


so at best i would say the topic needs more focused and rigorous research.

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Great question thanks (gives me opportunity to post links again) see Mark Steele's work at https://saveusnow.substack.com/ and the Anders O Brunstad video with Maria Zeee - https://rumble.com/v4j65hx-anders-brunstad-excess-deaths-due-to-5g-vaxx-activation.html

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Please cite some scientific studies. The videos and scaremongering blogs can come afterwards when there is actually some evidence to work with.

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Thanks. Mark Steele's videos on saveusnow.substack.com give the evidence. He refers to the use of the word 'scaremongering' too. Ultimately these matters are for each of us to consider and decide. My own view is that Mark Steele is correct. Feel free to contact Mark directly via his substack - and/or challenge him directly. Anders O Brunstad is contactable also, and both of them are members of Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics (MD4CE) founded by UK Dr Stephen Frost and moderated by Charles Kovess - Rumble.com/user/cbkovess. Thanks again.

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Thanks for your polite and respectful response! I will check that info

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This is a constant question of mine. Why was I injured after one but some of my friends are booking their appointments for their 7th? Something to do with my genetic make up? Batch variation? But, as I’ve said before, never in a two year period of my life have I known 9 people with a cancer diagnosis and 5 are now dead. The 5 who are dead had more than one shot. This is all so frustrating that the manufactures who became super wealthy with these shots have not helped one iota with information, help of any sort meanwhile the uncaptured scientists are working hard to figure this mess out and not making any money.

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I wish we had data on every person who had the jabs that included: blood type, medications, past medical history, etc. my theory is that these may set up a “perfect storm”.

Everyone should have a pharmacogenetic report, in my opinion.

Keep your vitamin D above 60, 80 even better.

Timed-released meds throw me into cyclic vomiting (or I get hives). I am a slow metabolizer which lets timed released meds build up in my system.

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We used to hang people for stealing horses.

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Timothy: I’m proud that my grandpa shot a cattle thief who was contracted to take a herd to market but failed to return for a couple years. Shot him off his horse while he was caught fording the Columbia River. Joe Ives drowned or bled out from his most deserved punishment. Grandpa spent some time in jail but the prosecution was unpopular and he was out in a year or so. We need some cowboys and ranchers to saddle up because there are rabid wild hogs stealing lives and treasure.

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Gates and Fauchi and Birx and Bourla will never be prosecuted while Merrick Garland is Attorney general. We need some cowboys with white hats back in the saddle again.

Sgt. Preston would sick Yukon King on them, but now the Mounties are woke and work for Trudeau. James Bond is dead and now MI-6 works for the WEF.

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All of the above sets the stage for DIY,

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And it didn’t take 20 years to get a judgment on that either. The court system today is corrupt and overwhelmed. That’s why justice never sees the light of day. We need to bring back those horse stealing courts and judges!

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We need to bring back swift Justice. People break laws all the time because they are not afraid of the consequences!

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There will never be justice until there is massive public outrage, and I'm not seeing that. In fact, those who took the jab and smugly called me a conspiracy theorist are digging in their heels and refusing to acknowledge that they were hoodwinked. I no longer speak to my extended family, who banished me from family get-togethers because I would not comply. All took the initial jab plus 2 boosters. One had a stroke, one 'suddenly' developed aggressive bowel cancer, one developed Parkinsons, and one developed dementia. Another has dizzy spells if she stands up too quick, which never happened before. They still don't speak to me and have not even questioned that their devastating state of health is due to the vaxx.

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God willing, that tipping point will come. However it appears to be running in parallel to the hope that the missing MA flight 370 will be found--very likely the pilot performing a near perfect crime, murdering all the passengers on board, ditching in the ocean as some twisted bizarre psycho suicide plot. As far as I can see, the covaxx plot is a near perfect crime against humanity.

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What happens to 'informed consent' when you don't know what, if anything, is in it?

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If all goes right it results in arrest warrants and charges.

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> I still have trouble imagining that they would be capable of varying at will or by demand in a way that would ever be predictably variably harmful.

Simply check https://www.consumershield.com/articles/the-pharmaceutical-industry-balancing-profits-penalties-and-public-safety

$80 billion paid in penalties across over 500 instances of recorded violations since 2010. Every one of the top largest companies involved. Repeatedly. Organized (obviously) and repeat criminal offences to the detriment of the public.

$6.1 billion per year. $160 million per violation. How serious should the violation be to be compensated with 160 million incentive points? Or, what profits are we talking about if $160m is only a small fine which has not led to the bankruptcy of the offender?

And this is only for what has been discovered, dragged to court and settled or awarded. The iceberg story comes to mind, doesn’t it?

Or the recent meme’s message: “First, do not harm. But if you can profit from it, harm, harm, harm!”

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The new Hippocratic oath is "First, do no harm to your career."

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Yes exactly. Thank you for pointing out what has been obvious to some since before covid. Rockefeller medicine has but two arrows in its quiver: poisoning you or cutting something off. Western medicine is designed to control, not to heal. It's about power, not love.

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I wouldn’t be so extreme. Life-saving emergency procedures are great, (in general) indispensable. The work of everyone medical before any long-term hospital stay stages is a miracle for which we all need to be grateful.

(Euro-American) medicine is not intended to heal. Its bona fide purpose is the limit the disease. And it is successful at it to some extent. Better this than nothing, especially if you are a lifelong city dweller who has no concept of natural life, intuitive eating or self-resolving temporary health conditions.

It seems that the only problem is with chronic disorders, those which are by definition goldmines for the whole medical system. “Infectious diseases” is just another name for chronic demands for medical care. All forms of harmful imagery is also another name to describe practices which support chronic conditions.

If you view the medical landscape in this way, there is no problem. You only need to take care of your own body so as to keep it in balance and not allow it to slide into a prolonged deregulation.

By the way, old (old like… 20, 50, 80, 100?) age is not a chronic condition, as the treasury department of the medical community would like us to believe. It’s merely the body operating at different settings - which requires the body user to adjust and change earlier routines. To minimize exposure to damaging stimuli and maximize effectiveness of effort in time. It is a great time to make friends with the body which, at last, becomes the master and decides how it needs to be respected.

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I wouldn't be so naive. Infant deaths in the US plummeted to 0 during covid1984 because American mothers were finally too frightened to give birth in hospital. They were frightened for the wrong reasons, but we learned an important lesson.

American doctors still perform circumcision for crying out loud! They vaccinate infants against hepatitis! Why?! It's barbaric.

We are living through the largest democide in history. The good doctors stood up for the people and were nailed to the cross. Any that are left are truly psychotic or in deep denial. You think we should be grateful? I think that's extremely complacent behavior. Couldn't disagree more

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Useful vs. grateful are different things.

Life-saving procedures (like first aid) should be taught to kids in their first school years.

Responsible doc vs. career-pusher are in every field, we just don't isolate them fast enolugh because consequences (like firing you to make room for friends) are not as dramatic as with health.

So it's not all BW.

Apart from this, I don’t think we should make an altar of goodness of hospitals or healthcare facilities. And we shouldn’t worship doctors or PhDs or nurses or professionals in any area, despite their commitment. Everyone has a place in this life, and on the absolute level there is no difference in “significance” between a street sweeper and a bank manager or a truly unique doctor with genuine humane attitude.

In other words, respect does not recognize titles, diplomas, publications or years of service.

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I see major differences amongst the professions you mention. The street sweeper does not kill with reckless abandon, nor does the street sweeper mutilate children, or inject them with poison... Street sweepers do not call police to force others into homelessness for being late on a mortgage. Street sweepers are not known for usury, or collecting bonuses while their businesses were being bailed out by taxpayers...

Street sweepers I do feel much gratitude towards! Doctors and bankers I will see in hell.

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If you subscribe to any form of religion in which there is One Creator, your statement above contradicts this belief. It is very important to understand this. This Life with all its small creations comes from the Creator in these classic (root) religions. In other words, the Creator decided to create all sweepers, doctors and bankers, good and bad. Their existence and actions are His decision. If we deny or reject some of these social functions, we contradict the Creator’s will. Literally, we ourselves deny the Creator.

If you do not associate yourself with religious views, it would be nice to review your life and the life of your family, parents and grandparents. Check whether any of these people owe anything (gratitude, respect, warm feelings) to the social functions which you declare to hate. In other words, check whether any smallest part of your own life is any intricate way related to their existence. If you find such connections…

Mind you, I am referring to social functions - not to particular persons.

And the third part is about you creating within yourself division and breakage. If anybody’s fleeting presence can turn your goodness into hatred, it means that your soul is very weak. This situation is even worse when you initiate this hatred within you against people whom you have never met in real life. It’s like you watching a cartoon and concluding that you will hate all Road Runners just because they move too fast. This would then mean that your soul is very weak AND easily moldable by others. Which means that your are an easy target to become a puppet for games other people play. Maybe it’s worth reconsidering.

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Pfizer Employees suffered just the same from Jab Batches released in Australia and those same vials were later used for mass jabbing in numerous countries. Lot numbers discussed in my June 2023 article. My deep diving friend Albert and others have discussed this at length. There is absoloutely no evidence any pfizer employees were given Placebo.


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Will look into, but say more here. What is the essence of the Jikkyleaks error?

P.S. statements like "there is absolutely no evidence that" lead me to mistrust you in advance.

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All of the Lots mentioned by JikkyLeaks were used in multiple countries and caused Adverse Event reports to be sent to local regulatory authorities which the US Government mandated to be forwarded to VAERS. I have been reading the Pfizer documentation released under US Court order for years. Have you? Not a single instance of Placebo being given instead of the real jab outside of trials has been documented and the reason is that Saline is completely clear and the toxic soup is opalescent and visible to both the Jabber and Jabbee.

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from the beginning it was clear that there were different batches with different levels of poison, otherwise everyone would have got ill and or died at the same time - they couldn't have us cottoning on before they had jabbed billions now could they. The depth of evil that has happened is unfathomable.

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I saw that hearing when Senator Rennick in Australia was questioning the two people from Pfizer I don’t remember seeing this part though but I didn’t see the whole hearing they just had a small clip of it wow very damning I wonder certain Government administration of the world got a special COVID-19 injectable among certain elites of the world as well but not the one they gave to the mass population makes you wonder doesn’t it 🤔🤔

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