I will not stop digging. And whatever I find I will blab to everyone who wants to hear.

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Thank you. I graduated med school 42 years ago. (Pediatrics. Clinical )When Covid 19 got "sprinkled " in NY I bought an Immunology text and mRNA vaccine book. Now I need my old organic chemistry book. Concerned from the get go regarding safety of mRNA product. Your substack in my opinion should be required reading for anyone in the medical profession who feels the need to immunize the world with these products.(Along with Dr McCullough,Dr Marik, Dr Cory, and those fighting against this obscenity)

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Hi Maggie, I graduated med school and Ob/Gyn residency in the the early 90s . I too opened my books , I first was suspicious of forced mandates with morbidity and mortality rates being low , depending on age . Shocked , pregnant women were allowed to be jabbed with no clinical trials . Shocked my peers thought it was fine !! My son was a biochemistry major and called me about ACE2 receptors and the use of iodine ! Bravo to his professor who was all over the science! Every physician should have opened up their immunology book but they didn’t … they went with the marching orders and narrative from Fauci et. al. You’re 100% correct Maggie , we need to fight against this obscenity. 💥🤗

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Looks like they are only your peers in a wider sense.

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I come from tech/physics and just for the extra hell 3 years of my life, got me an immunology book and a biochemistry book. Still I waste too much time watching videos and typing, instead of reading them through, well, it is hard stuff for me, and you get a certain ... mood ... from the standard text books (I chose Janeway and Müller-Esterl;). Some call it the special mass formation of the medically inclined... ;)

If you have a more open-minded book, tell me.

Then, I discovered that HEALING the vaccine is beyond scholary medicine, and tended towards phytotherapy, TCM, ayurveda, and Russian information therapy.

I now believe it is possible except with that what the scholary medicine publicly announces, if done multi-modal and intuitively and "soothing-rocking" the immune system. (One week herbal mixture A, one week some inorganic atniseptic in 1/3 of NOAEL, then herbal mixture C, repeat. Meditate. Sleep. Reduce.)

Last golden egg was some "healing mushrooms" book from library (Guthmann, DE, very biochemistry loaden;).

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“A recent study of particular objects known as "nanotubes," revered for their extraordinary strength and electrical conductivity, demonstrated that such objects tend to clump within the lungs, causing SUFFOCATION.” (!!!!!! - yes - suffocation!)

https://lawcat.berkeley.edu/record/1119251 Is Nanotechnology Prohibited by the Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions

“Take the experience of researchers at DuPont, who are testing microscopic tubes of carbon, known as nanotubes, valued for their extraordinary strength and electrical conductivity.

When the researchers injected nanotubes into the lungs of rats in the summer of 2002, the animals unexpectedly began gasping for breath. Fifteen percent of them quickly died. ''It was the highest death rate we had ever seen,''

said David B. Warheit, the research leader, who began his career studying asbestos and has been testing the pulmonary effects of various chemicals for DuPont since 1984.

Early research has raised troubling issues. DuPont and others, for example, found evidence that the cells that break down foreign particles in rodent lungs have more trouble detecting and handling nanoparticles than larger particles that have long been studied by air pollution experts.

Lungs are not the only concern.

Research shows that nanoparticles deposited in the nose can make their way directly into the brain.

They can also change shape as they move from liquid solutions to the air, making it harder to draw general conclusions about their potential impact on living things. “

https://jnm.snmjournals.org/content/48/7/1039 Carbon Nanotubes: Potential Benefits and Risks of Nanotechnology in Nuclear Medicine

“Despite these potential benefits, the toxicity of CNTs (Carbon Nanotubes) is a major concern that needs to be more clearly understood and addressed. Pristine, water-insoluble CNTs have been found to be highly toxic in vitro to many different types of cells, including human keratinocytes, rat brain neuronal cells, human embryonic kidney cells, and human lung cancer cells. In addition, unmodified CNTs administered intratracheally to mice have been reported to induce the formation of lung granulomas. CNTs have also been shown to promote the aggregation of human platelets in vitro, and analogous carbon particulate matter found in the environment enhanced experimentally induced vascular thrombosis in rats.”

THESE CNTs have suddenly become a wonderful material against "COVID"! - well - THEY ARE THE ones causing "COVID"!

“[in 2015] Günter Oberdörster and co-authors published what is possibly the most comprehensive review of carbon nanotube toxicology studies to date. Focusing on inhalation of nanotubes, they document evidence of transient pulmonary inflammation, and rapid and persistent development of granulomatous lesions and interstitial fibrosis on exposure to single- and multiwalled carbon nanotubes in rodents. They cite data indicating that inhaled long and thin multiwalled carbon nanotubes can move to the lining surrounding the lungs and penetrate it, where they can potentially cause mesothelioma. Furthermore, the authors indicate that carbon nanotubes can act as a cancer promoter — with inhalation increasing the probability of developing lung cancer from exposure to other carcinogens.”


Since approximately 2004, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reviewed over 60 notices for commercialization of these materials under Section 5 of the Toxic Substances Control Act. Releases during the manufacture of these fibrous carbon nanomaterials, and during the incorporation of CNT/CNF into finished products, coupled with results from experimental animal studies showing asbestos-like effects, raised considerable human health concerns (Nowack et al. 2013).

A 15% rise in mortality rate within 1 d postexposure was noted and attributed to physical blockage of conducting airways by large SWCNT agglomerates. (!!!!!!!!!!)

Lam et al. (2004) also reported rapid and persistent granulomas in mice after IT instillation of mice to very high doses of SWCNT (0.1–0.5 mg of SWCNT/mouse).

Li et al. (2007a) compared the pulmonary response of mice exposed to purified MWCNT by IT instillation versus inhalation.

Intratracheal instillation produced inflammation and severe destruction of alveolar structures, while inhalation predominately resulted in moderate pathology consisting of alveolar wall thickening and cell proliferation but general alveolar structure was retained. This study demonstrated significant differences in the type and degree of pulmonary responses to MWCNT in mice between bolus-type IT instillation and inhalation, with higher doses deposited in lung by inhalation resulting in only moderate effects compared to severe lesions induced by instillation of lower doses. (!!!!!)

MORE HERE: https://outraged.substack.com/p/thats-what-covid-is


That's why Gates is so happy when he says: "If You Want To See If A Side Effect Shows Up Two Years Later, That Takes Two Years"" - THEY DO!


NO - THEY KNOW IT - the research is there. They know what materials they are using!

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Absolutely, they knew..

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I don't know if CNTs are in the shots, but they found CNTs in the lungs of French kids *years* ago. I think CNTs were used in automobile fuel.

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"Used"? Or "Formed by accidenf?"

The first hint that there was such a thing as a carbon nanotube was the finding every kid in metal shop class made, that if he lit the acetylene torch with the oxygen shut off, an orange flame formed that made sooty black smoke which curled like a bundle of tiny hairs as it rose to the ceiling, and then he got yelled at by the shop teacher because he had just plugged up the torch tip with a lot of soot, and the acetylene had to be shut off and the sooty deposits filed off the flat surface of the brass torch tip with a steel file and then each tiny hole in the tip had to be reamed out with a stiff steel wire of exactly the correct diameter.

Yes, these things happen by accident and then somebody draws a picture and writes some words, and it becomes a theory.

So two sources of confusion here: 1) Every structure in every cell of your body contains nanoparticles and nanostructures. Your body would not function without them. 2) Carbon nanotubes are a specific kind of nanostructure that can be formed accidentally in fire or made in a controlled process that resembles fire and yields tubes with specific properties.

Like Frodo's ring and Mt Doom, only in fire can a

nanotube be unmade.

So the scary problem with inhaling crushed carbon nanotubes is that until my corpse is cremated, any nanotubes I inhale that lodge in my lungs, will stay right where they land. I lack any biological process to convert the nanotubes into carbon dioxide and exhale them.

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But you're absolutely right - it's scary because they are TOXIC and not easily biodegradable.

And injected they are even worse than inhaled

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And yes, you do have one biological process to biodegrade them

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Yeah very accidentally

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8577996/ Carbon nanotubes in COVID-19: A critical review and prospects

The utility of Carbon nanotubes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.

This review encompasses the various biosensor and nanobiosensors employed in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The prime focus of this review is to summarize and critically review the recent advancements in Carbon nanotubes-based biosensors for a spectrum of uses amid the COVID-19 pandemic.






https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/py/c6py00639f/unauth and so on

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I remember a story like this coming out of Dartmouth College some years ago. Senator Leahy heard about it and told DARPA to give the College money if they wanted his vote for something or other, and the end result was a water filter that was said to kill pathogens by disrupting the structure of proteins in them with an electric field around the nanotubes.

Mexico ran some tests on how effective the water filters actually were, and refused to sign off on a plan to use them to sanitize drinking water. The health authorities were unconvinced that the water coming out was any safer than what was pumped in

So the startup tech company renamed itself and said they had plans for an ion-engine spacecraft. Some gullible people took jobs there and never got paid. And then the company moved from Vermont to New Zealand and told the Kiwi gov't they could stop COVID...and PM Jacinda Ardern believed their pitch.

Meanwhile Dartmouth College owns a warehouse full of the water filters that Mexico didn't want.

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the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) face mask filters and respirator filters (https://www.graphene-info.com/israeli-researchers-develop-graphene-based-self-sterilizing-air-filter, https://www.embs.org/pulse/articles/versatile-graphene-underlies-new-covid-zapping-air-filter/, https://medium.com/edge-of-innovation/how-safe-are-graphene-based-face-masks-b88740547e8c, https://www.azonano.com/news.aspx?newsID=38205)

the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) personal protective equipment

nanomaterial-based biosensors, including PCR tests (https://news.mit.edu/2021/carbon-nanotube-covid-detect-1026, https://www.azonano.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5892, https://www.azonano.com/news.aspx?newsID=37676, https://www.nsmedicaldevices.com/news/graphene-sensor-covid-19-test/,https://www.azonano.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5892)

drugs and vaccines

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7993985/ Recent advances in carbon nanomaterials for biomedical applications: A review

They are literally everywhere during this "pandemic" as carbon-based materials are in these injections. Not only CNTs are toxic. All of them are, studies conclude:

GRAPHENE masks - Google Search (images) - all masks contain graphene


Toxicity of GFNs in organs

At present, there are a mass of data demonstrating the toxicity of GFNs in different organs or systems in animals, so that it is hard to list all the data in this review.



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Electron microscopy did show a high level of carbon and oxygen in these shots. It would be cool if Jessica could explore why. I imagine carbon is present in the LNPs, but is that the only reason the carbon content is so high?

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Thats because living things are mostly made out of carbon and oxygen with a little hydrogen filling up some empty space. I wouldn't, for example, try to make an injectable anything out of polonium arsenide. Those atoms aren't normally in the body so there's not likely to be a way for the body to get them back out.

Aspirin, penicillin, garlic bread and cheddar cheese all contain high levels of carbon and oxygen and hydrogen.

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Understood, but these vials contain a lot of synthetic crap.

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Sugar is the major ingredient of Moderna and Pfizer jabs.

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Not H2O? If the jab had more sugar in it than water it would look like syrup, I would expect. How many degrees Brix is this stuff anyway, Doc?

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Awesome Outraged Human “they know , the research is there”.

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Thank you for digging and sharing. I was trying to do so on Medium.com, but my blog which had 11 followers got taken down 2 hours after my last post, which had 8 views... maybe something of interest to you? It is mostly about a tabletop exercise which was devised 2015-2017 and published October 2017...


And I was merely pointing out some of the odd "spooky coincidences". The people that produced the exercise mentioned an Expert Working Group.

"scenario development entailed a recursive process of continued research and analysis by the project team, review and feedback from EWG members (summer 2015), and two rounds of external review by authorities on risk communication and the MCM enterprise (four individuals in fall 2015, three individuals in summer 2017). Comprising the project EWG were risk and crisis communication scholars; MCM developers, producers, and regulators; practitioners in medicine, public health, and pharmacy science; and experienced public health emergency managers at all levels of government.".

So they talked to "producers" of MCM (Medical Countermeasures) about their SPARS Pandemic scenario. I thought the term "Medical Countermeasures" already sounds odd. A countermeasure to me suggests that someone else came up with some form of agent that needed to be "countered". Just do not think along the lines of biological warfare here.... that is certainly not what anyone is talking about. *wink wink*


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Just remember who knew to take acid blockers from the start Jessica .

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Thank you for doing the heavy lifting. I'm an NP and a fellow sarcastic asshole skeptic. :) I deeply appreciate your slides and explanations of the biochem & micro details, as my training in such is a couple of decades old. I've learned SO much from you...including the sad realization that my chosen profession has sold out to the darkness. Thank you for continuing to open my eyes. You are a blessing to us warriors.

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Dig away. All of it is awesome!

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Thank you so much. I’ve been really interested in learning more about these LPNS. Keep it up!

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Dig away. All of it is awesome!

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Ionic trapping and even concentration is a well known trick to steer agents in terms of ADME & distribution. IIRC, nicotine accumulates in your stomach regardless of whether you smoke it, chew it or absorb it through the skin. It becomes charged at stomach pH.

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I looked at these studies stating that "they are being eliminated quickly" (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5986714/ , https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6383180/ , https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350765009_mRNA-lipid_nanoparticle_COVID-19_vaccines_Structure_and_stability).

So, where is the problem - or one of the problems?

Typically, these studies take NO LONGER to draw conclusions about the actual toxicity of these materials. (E.g., "Conclusions regarding long-term stability at refrigerator temperature cannot be drawn from this study because stability was only observed for 32 days. ", " A study on siRNA-LNPs complexed with lipidoid 306O13 instead of DLin-MC3-DMA, showed that under aqueous conditions the formulation remained stable at 2 °C for 156 days at pH 7 (Ball et al., 2016). Particle size and siRNA encapsulation for this formulation did not change significantly. A complementary study by Suzuki et al. showed that siRNA-LNPs were stable for an experimental period of 1.5 years at 4 °C (Suzuki et al., 2015). Taken together, these data strongly suggest that mRNA instability, not LNP instability, determines the storage conditions and shelf life of the current COVID-19 mRNA-LNP vaccines." ) etc.

We are dealing with a horrifying "experiment" on the entire population.

Why don't those behind this take into account the studies that actually warn of the acute toxicity of carbon-based nanomaterials?

However, look at this 2-year research on CNTs!!! They are just as toxic and carcinogenic as asbestos - and even more so!!!

While everyone is ONLY focusing on these injections - we are being poisoned THROUGH GRAPHENE (CTNs) in MASKS and TESTS!!! (CTNs) - despite evidence that multi-walled carbon nanotubes cause mesothelioma!!!

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8577996/ Carbon nanotubes in COVID-19: A critical review and prospects

"This review encompasses the various biosensor and nanobiosensors employed in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The prime focus of this review is to summarize and critically review the recent advancements in Carbon nanotubes-based biosensors for a spectrum of uses amid the COVID-19 pandemic."

These nanotubes ARE also used in vaccines.

Why don't the manufacturers let us know about it?


https://particleandfibretoxicology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12989-014-0059-z The carcinogenic effect of various multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) after intraperitoneal injection in rats | Particle and Fibre Toxicology | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)

Biological effects of tailor-made multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) without functionalization were investigated in vivo in a two-year carcinogenicity study.

A total of 500 male Wistar rats (50 per group) were treated once by intraperitoneal injection with 109 or 5 × 109 WHO carbon nanotubes of one of four different MWCNTs suspended in artificial lung medium, which was also used as negative control.


Treatments induced tumors in ALL dose groups, but incidences and times to tumor differed between groups. Most tumors were histologically and immunohistochemically classified as malignant mesotheliomas, revealing a predominantly superficial spread on the serosal surface of the abdominal cavity.

Furthermore, most tumors showed invasion of peritoneal organs, especially the diaphragm. All tested MWCNT types caused mesotheliomas.

Malignant mesotheliomas induced by intraperitoneal injection of different MWCNTs and of asbestos were histopathologically and immunohistochemically similar, also compared with mesotheliomas in man, suggesting similar pathogenesis.


We showed a carcinogenic effect for all tested MWCNTs. Besides aspect ratio, curvature seems to be an important parameter influencing the carcinogenicity of MWCNTs.

All MWCNTs tested in this study showed a strong carcinogenic effect. Besides the diameter and length of MWCNTs, curvature seems to have had an influence on carcinogenic potency. (!!!)

A group was terminated when 80% mortality was reached.

Rats in the MWCNT A groups developed a mesothelioma rate of 98% in the high-dose group and of 90% in the low-dose group.

In the MWCNT B groups, we found mesothelioma rates of 90% (high dose) and 92% (low dose).

Incidences of mesotheliomas in the MWCNT C groups were 94% after treatment with the high dose and 84% with the low dose.

Animals of the MWCNT D treatment groups developed malignant mesotheliomas in 70% (high dose) and 40% (low dose).

In the amosite asbestos group, the mesothelioma incidence was 66%, with a mean survival time of 623 days.

All in all, 320 of the 329 MWCNT-related malignant mesotheliomas had invaded the diaphragm, and 174 of these tumors showed invasion of the thoracic cavity.

Tumor incidences in all MWCNT dose groups treated with 109 or 5 × 109 nanotubes were 40 to 100%. (!!!!!!!!)

The carcinogenic effect of the tested nanotubes might be due to frustrated phagocytosis followed by chronic inflammation, which has been described for asbestos fibers and for MWCNTs as well.

Activated and apoptotic macrophages and interaction of the foreign material with surrounding epithelial cells then causes an inflammation that becomes chronic because of the continuing irritant and damaging effect of the foreign material. This particle-induced chronic inflammation and the high concentration of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated in the course of the inflammatory process can also lead to oxidative damage and genotoxic effects.

Spontaneous mesotheliomas in rats occur at a low incidence. In aged Wistar rats, incidences are up to 4% in males and 0% in females.

There is thus a very high probability that a variety of multi-walled carbon nanotubes are also potent carcinogens like asbestos for humans.


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I’ve personally stopped trying to read into & memorise each new mode of toxicity. Not because I’m out of my depth scientifically (OK, sometimes I am unable to grasp it all in one or two reads) but because it’s a form of distraction work.

Also I’m nowhere near as smart as folks like Dr Unacceptable here 😎

I realised quite early on that the drip feeding of revelations on various aspects of the crime setter to attract the gaze of some of our clearest thinkers.

I’m used to operating at a level like this, knowing more enough to be unshakeably confident that these alleged vaccines are not only dangerous but (again, my opinion) deliberately so.

Infamous for quite esriy on statijg “They know what I know & vice versa, as we had a contemporaneous & common training. If I can immediately see several potentially toxic motifs, they can too (by which I mean my “opposite numbers” in Biopharma).

The conclusion that this is deliberate, malice aforethought, mens rea, toxic-by-design.

Given that, I need no additional evidence to know we’re under attack. I don’t know how to repel all boarders. Or indeed any pirates who’ve executed a global coup d’etat.

I’m endlessly grateful for the continuing application of those with high end skills in the scientific minutiae. Every new complexity uncovered winches up the ease with which can readily convince others of the guilt of the perpetrators.

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I can't wait to shake your hand one day.

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You just made my day, Jessica! Let me know if you ever come to Texas so we can shake hands. You would love my tuxedo cat Cato too.

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Btw. Mike, do you know WHO KNOWS? Malone R.W.

He created many of these technologies. But he prefers to send people "friday funnies" or "Sunday strips" - aren't his paid subscribers supposed to be enternted that way?

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Maybe he knows. Maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he thinks he knows, but unknown to him, he doesn’t.

Because we cannot delineate these possibilities, they become of no use.

At least, that’s been hm take from the day he arrived, with Steve Kirsch, on Bret Weinstein’s podcast.

I’m only really sure about me. And even I don’t know which way is up, some days 😎

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The feeling is mutual and your honesty is refreshing, raw, and real. Thank you Dr. Yeadon for remaining human through this. It is very apparent that you seek neither fame nor fortune from this ordeal.

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Thank u Dr. Yeadon …I understand. Transparency is crucial in these uncertain times . Working together is important as well as discernment. 🙏☮️. 😉

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How can they look at these children born with Microcephaly and, in fact, blame mosquitoes and not injections for causing this?

Tell me - HOW?

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Mike, after careful research I understood the mechanism of "vaccine" injuries. I'm not just talking about C-19, but these lead me to understand.

Component toxicity, especially aluminum, mercury, carbon-based materials, leads to oxidative stress. Acute oxidative stress causes many adverse reactions. All of these nearly 1,300 Pfizer listed. But there are many more.

Malone has worked on anthrax injections, rivax, zika. He knows well what they cause. He's had plenty of opportunity to experiment on people, children and babies.

These people think they are superior to others. We are subhumans to them, animals.

I don't care, they can kill me, they are really the ones who miss the point. I'm still the winner.

Ok, they will kill us all, rape us, starve us - will they be happy? Satisfied? They will have to pay for it sooner or later, that's the law of karma. Life after life.

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We will soon see him jumping on the Marburg bandwagon, isn't he an expert on the Ebola virus?

The only problem is that it will be due to injected nanotech. They can be exploded. It is JUST technology.

Didn't Robert work on thermostatic vaccines with Soligenix?


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And yet, so many fear to speak against the man. I guess they don't want to be sued for $50 million, or have his intelligence buddies do worse.

Be aware of what is in the works for the next poison.

Relcovax contains DNA which mRnA vaccine developer Robert Malone calls by it's stealth name, CpG, which is designed to turn on genes in the body that cause inflammation. What better bioweapon exists? Please see the following PROOF:


Malone's presentation on Relcovax:


Malone, a career bioweapons expert who received $ billions in funding from the US Department of Defense has been an outspoken (controlled opposition) opponent of the mRNA COVID vaccines currently in use in the US.

Information on Robert Malone's background, by Jeff Rense:


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"Seasons don't fear the reaper

Nor do the wind, the sun, or the rain"

No one should fear Malone. He is just a simple horse breeder.

Have you ever watch the movie "Horse Feathers" from the year 1932?

I learned most of my politics by watching some of the Marx brothers films.

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That video was very concerning to me. I have followed Dr. Malone and thought him to be a very truthful person trying to warn people of the danger of the mRNA vaccines. It does give me reason to question his motives when it is quite clear that he has a financial interest in making vaccines that would be a competitor to the ones currently being used and that he does not seem concerned about some of the things that he warns of in public (eg antibody dependent enhancement). This combined with his admitted extensive work with the Dept of Defense is if not a red flag, is at least a cautionary yellow one. Thank you for posting that video because it is quite clearly Dr. Malone and his presentation was made not years ago, but within the “pandemic”.

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Do you have the date for the link you posted just above for the Jeff Rense audio program? I am nearly through it and have not heard any date mentioned, and I can not locate that info. Thanks.

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The law suit lost me emotionally.

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The life continues after all, no ?? . We need these funnies and strips to live. We can't just keep mourning our souls.

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Whose life continues? I don't need strips and funnies to live. I want my family and friends be health and alive - and they ARE NOT after this poison

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Go all the way back Outraged Human … you will be more of an outraged human .

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'Blaming' R.W.Malone, an early inventor of the underlying technology, for failings and problems arising from the use mRNA vaccines today is as inaccurate and unjustified as blaming Einstein for his derivation of E=mc2, in 1905, for the creation of the atomic bomb 40 years later!

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Malone is a patriot to his country... he is on a mission to help control the public, in my opinion.

I think I heard him commenting once that he started studying "political science" as an undergrad. If so, that would explain a lot of why he talks the words he talks when he talks and where he talks.

That man is a pro, I still don't know the exact name of his profession, but he is at the level of Marcus Tullius Cicero in regards of his level of dedication and faithfulness to his profession. Again, a mere opinion of mine.

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Make sure you have the right Robert Malone. My recollection is there is another RM whose work is in the political science/humanities/history area and it is not the same RM as the one who is leading the charge against the vaccines.

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So, you should look at his own resume, then you will know more exactly

These people are not supposed to tell the truth, they are supposed to steer the narrative in a certain way.

But you are free to think what you want.

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God help us , it WAS deliberate.

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Of course it’s deliberate. As is said, you can’t be this wrong for this long without meaning it.

And the greatest challenge is “public incredulity” indeed.

In part this is the reason I’m still alive and free to continue my frustrated life.

The other reason is that my ability to communicate to a large audience is roughly zero. The perpetrators likely don’t care if a small number of us guess absolutely everything correctly (why b is inherently very unlikely) because we cannot send it down a path of continual amplification.

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You're likely aware that the whole covid thing, including the "vaccines", was/is being directed by the US Department of Defense. That at least partially explains why the FDA, CDC, and Pharma did not halt the jabs early on when VAERS made it clear that they were seriously injuring and killing people. The 3 letter agecies and Pharma are all taking orders from US DoD.

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They are even mocking us sometimes, while the average onlooker is oblivious, people like Bill G grin diabolically, as if to say: to you fringe out there who sees through this: I know you know, and I know you also know you can't do jack about it. And now, let me call you conspiracy theorists, for a round of applause by those cheering to their own demise without understanding it.

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This is the problem for technicians. They have trouble communicating with people who lack the jargon/skills to be able to interpret technical communication. If technicians put the cookies on the lower level, they will be attacked for being imprecise in their communication wrt other technicians.

(By "technicians" I mean technical people like scientists and pathologists, not doctors who only read article abstracts.)

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Read this quote "Only puny secrets need protection. Big secrets are protected by public incredulity. You can actually dissipate a situation by giving it maximal coverage. As to alarming people, that's done by rumours, not by coverage."

Marshall McLuhan

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Which explains why the Bidens aren't part of the top tier. They are merely crafty exploiters of graft and corruption. I don't think any of that family has the intelligence or the strategic wherewithal to run the big plot.

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Well, if I put a poisonous mushroom in your soup and your liver has to be replaced, there is a clear reason for this - the known toxicity of the mushroom.

Or if I try to kill you by putting arsenic or strychnine in your food, then after proper analysis the prosecutor will know what murder instrument was used,

Here we have 2 BASIC things: nanotechnology and EMF, because this nanotechnology is a semiconductor.

You could read this:


However, we pretend to be dumb and that nothing like this is happening.

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I agree there is absolutely no doubt that everything hatbern long planned, entirely intentional and has a long way to go.

Bucket list time is right now.

Tell her / him / them that you love them.

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Yes, it seems as though the Satanic psychopaths of Davos are not pleased that so many of us refused the jabs, and so now they are trying to provoke a nuclear war to vastly reduce the population. And they are also working on a famine and a new and improved plague.

Remember the words of Samuel Adams, "Nil desperandum. Never despair. That is the motto for you and me. All are not dead and where there is a spark of patriotic fire, we will rekindle it."

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Nil desperandum. Never forget that we have right on our side.

All Empires fall.

The RPTB may escape justice in this world.

But not the next.

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After learning how toxic spike proteins are from Judy Mikovits, Stephanie Seneff, Sucharit Bhakdi, and Mike Yeadon, it doesn't really matter if the LNPs are also toxic. It's like when Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were about to escape a posse by jumping over a waterfall and Sundance hesitates because, "I can't swim." Butch laughs and says, "Why the fall alone will probably kill you!" So don't worry about LNPs when the spikes alone can ruin you.

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Dr. Yeadon....I recently sent an e-mail to Dr. Meryl Nass asking if she had your contact info.

She maintained she did not. I had wanted to send to you some information, or alert you, Jessica, Karen Kingston, and others on the hunt for what this fraud is all about.

Please check out the work of Alison McDowell. She has her own YouTube channel. She has been researching since before the pandemic having begun to track the fin/tech elite in the education sector as part of a grassroots effort against Gates and others efforts to digitize education through “mass customized learning” which is about putting kids on computers and essentially having a built in system for tracking kids from cradle to grave and assessing abilities, thereby also creating a pipeline for the coming gig economy.

As mothers who became very vested in quality of education issues we began researching where and how certain reform efforts were making their way into our classrooms, effectively without proven track records (as we soon learned). We initially thought it was about creating future customers and soon learned how naive we were as to the underlying plans.

From there we learned about the coming social impact markets whereby the fin/tech elite intended to creat pay for success programs (my understanding from Alison is that Kirsch was involved in this) whereby through public/private partnerships the corporate sector would take over many traditionally government functions. The idea is to monetize and incentivize “programs” that are based on date relative to delivery of services. The one providing the “program” or plan/algorithms would make money if the data demonstrated success.

The difficulty arises, in large part, that technology and the wealth associated with its proliferation in all sectors of society has amassed in a small and limited class of citizens.

In essence, the idea is that our traditional capitalistic system is in its death throes. So a paradigm shift needs to occur to avert what normally happens (at least looking at the rise and fall of nations historically). Normally, with the amassing of wealth in the few--the shrinking of the middle class and the growing impoverished citizens, a revolution occurs or the fall of a nation through war and chaos.

So, by my estimation, the plan as concocted by those pulling the strings (the same ones who have worked quietly and effectively to capture our regulatory agencies), is to avert such a scenario.

How to do that? The rise of the diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda serves two purposes. One is to gather data on all people’s, different races, gender, nationalities, interests, etc. Remember....for these guys who will soon be bidding in a new market paradigm want to have data to inform their coming bets on how to best manage the masses.

The second purpose is yo cloak their endeavors....right under our noses....in language that has many thinking that they are the “hood guys” who care about humanity and the individual. That is, the DEI agenda is a bit of a Trojan Horse.

So....as our governments go bankrupt due to spending and an economy teetering near collapse (I’m convinced that at any time they want....they can cause a controlled demolition of our existing markets), they are also growing and weaponizing the voices that insist everyone deserves everything (an overstatement, I know....but you get the idea).

Yet, they have not explained to the people how they intend to ensure that “you will own nothing and be happy.”

They envision public-private partnerships whereby the predatory philanthropists types will bet on and compete with each other to provide the best programs and services to satisfy the needs of the public on whole.

With the 4the Industrial Revolution fewer and fewer people will be able to earn incomes in traditional jobs. Instead, we will be trained (and become lifelong learners earning accreditation and credentials as we go and as needed by the tech sector). Those familiar with the fin/tech sector lingo in education will recognize these buzz words.

But in order for this new system of monetizing behavior modification to work, you have to have a few things in place....1) ability to surveil those whose behavior you are trying to change 2) ability to collect the data 3) citizen reliance and dependence on the programs being offered, required or mandated 4) and a means to impose compliance.

This is why since the get go....they have been herding us towards a digital ID. They need that to create what is essence a blockchain ledger for citizens.

The reliance part....well, as I said.....they need only at this point to create or cause another event or upheaval that creates more instability, poverty, and chaos.

And just like with the pandemic, the masses will clamor for relief and the government to provide for them in ways that they cannot provide for themselves under the circumstances. This is when the digital currency will go on line and the shift to essentially a technocracy will occur and the coup will be complete. Money and the means to survive will become both the carrot and the stick. Our overlords will usher in the new markets that have us and our affairs as the commodities driving them:social impact markets.

And our existence will also be tokenized....think of it as a pay to play. As an example, potentially each of us assigned a carbon allowance that in order to exceed we have to pay for the extra. But our ability to pay and be self determined becomes limited with the 4th Industrial Revolution and automation.

Also, the reality is that a public-private partnership ceases to really be a “partnership” given that one partner has the means, resources, money and machines whereas the politician simply becomes a broker for prostituting our interests....but how much say do they or us really have. This is why fascism is described as the incorporation of the state....when the corporate sector takes over governance and its interests drives the treatment and fate of the public.

Don’t be fooled by the fancy language of inclusion....look at them and recognize that the rules they intend to make will apply to you and your limited and controlled income, but they will have amassed enough well to pay for and sustain unapologetically their ways. Rules for thee, but not for me.

And how and why? What are their goals or motivations?

Alison has researched extensively and she has read white papers, studied individuals, their connections and associations, etc.

As of late, she has been exploring and following the thread back to WWII and those who set us on our current trajectory.

Specifically she has been reading about and sharing those who felt that a global planetary government would require the rise of scientific humanism almost as a means of replacing religion. They envisioned the coming of a consciousness or organism that would essentially arise out of a tapping into human consciousness.....a world brain.

In effect, the gist of her discoveries is that they are looking to examine and hack human consciousness both biologically and understanding how the chemical impulses equate to what we associate with spirit or soul.

The hard part....it is hard to truly know how far along those are that are literally invested in this version of the future coming to pass. I have a suspicion that what we are seeing in terms of technology advances is only the tip of the iceberg. When one considers that in 2014 they already had the human brain/computer interface....well, it is a decade later.

I have heard it from the horse’s mouth (one of the players I have tracked in my state) that they have the technology to “engineer man’s own evolution.” And he said this in 2018. And he anticipated a tsunami of innovation that would follow social chaos and trauma. So yeah, there’s that.

I first happened across this person in my education research....but I have watched him develop and implement a plan through a non-profit research entity for the past 10 years relative to genomic research, business in China, etc. And most recently, setting up his own private equity firm to capitalize on and own companies that embrace the digital future.

All this does make me wonder exactly when the controlled demolition of our economy will occur. But I feel pretty confident watching the pieces on the chessboard move into their respective places that there is an underlying plan with some in the know relative to how it ultimately will all go down.

Check out Alison’s work on her YouTube channel....Alison McDowell. She also has a blog called “wrench in the gears” which goes back to her early days in education and covers lots of ground to the present.

In my estimation, the digital ID and digital currency are the two things they need to make the new system work. Without that, much harder for them to control the populations. Although, they have already made a great deal of headway in terms of making our governance system dependent on their supposed “charity” which is really predatory philanthropy designed to mold society to their purposes.

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Bravo! It’s a helluva plan. It might even work.

By the way, whatever is done, the Pareto distribution tends to make (very) uneven the spoils.

Like I say, maybe there is such a plan.

Ironically, I’m the very last person to persuade. I’m not tech savvy. I’m more mechanical. A useful skill in a world in which many struggle to make a sandwich using manual skills.

I have a much darker take. I think together with deliberately collapsed conventional finance, and establishment of programmable CBDC, I believe the self appointed elites plan to murder 90-95% of the humans on earth, those in The West first (because “useless eaters” consume huge amounts of resources).

What they do with their bits of data isn’t particularly interesting to me.

All I can do is warn people. After three years, I can’t claim that’s gone too well.

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The best laid plans of mice and men.

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Thanks for saying this, Dr. Yeadon, as I was just about to say the same thing, and you have saved me the trouble. Have you ever met Dr. Vernon Coleman on your green and pleasant island?

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I haven’t, but I did once have a long chat with him. Lovely man.

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I am glad you made contact with Dr. Coleman as you are my 2 favorite Englishmen of the 21st Century. Have you ever talked to Andy Wakefield? That might bear fruit. Did you see that Samantha Egger of Hampstead turned 84 on Sunday? Hope she is not jabbed...

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Very insightful. Thank you.

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What are the salient things that need to be done that aren't being done wrt Team Reality?

I'll start.

1. Raise public awareness that panic-mongering was deliberate and that it sabotaged the critical thinking faculties of many health care professionals and scientists; this leads to the corollary that the panic-mongering was done by predators, because this is what a pride of lions does when lions attack a herd. So the panic-mongerers are predators who deliberately spread panic and confusion.

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Main barrier is his the dickens to accomplish 1?

Censorship prevents me for example reaching much beyond Telegram.

Only alternative sites will interview me.

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It may have to be done grassroots in order to get people like Steve Kirsch on board with it. Could people with lots of energy like Meryl Nass be very helpful? I don't know any big names (e.g. McCullough, Malone)--I see Nass having high energy for the fight and she seems persuasive.

Are you on a Team Reality mailing list that could be used to drum up support for this?

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I also like the metaphor "Agents of Chaos."

A second point is that team reality has to come to terms with the reality that there were never any viruses, a concept invented as a cover story to sweeten the grim reality of pollution, malnutrition and abuse.

I think you will disagree with my second point, which is okay. We only need to put in prison the perpetrators and their collaborators, we don't have to be of the same mind about everything.

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I know people who continue to test themselves all the time. For just a sniffle. Or when they are around a few people they then test the next day. They are nuts. Fully jabbed and had past bouts of serious cancers.

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Yes, literally driven insane. There’s often no helping them. Olive branches are thrown down and abuse is likely.


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Pregnant women.. never forget.

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Physicist Leo Szilard wrote his own Ten Commandments. My favourite translates as "be aware of the laws of men so that you may know what you are doing".

I will make a new version: Be aware of the laws of Nature so that you may know what you are doing.

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"Jesus" - I know this was said in some reactive way, but as a long time "Cafeteria Catholic", these days I find myself really trying to understand the actual real person - Jesus Christ.

I know what you and Mike Yeadon are doing have some similar elements to the REAL person of Jesus Christ, and thank-you.

PS - The technical language on this post is too much for me, but I appreciate the detail.

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I feel many lack the humility that should come from having a glimpse of the immense complexity of biological systems. We have been privileged to live over this period when scientific investigation has revealed ever more connections between this bit and that bit. Every medication is a spanner in the works and stops more parts moving than the one intended. Those others are always called side-effects; I don't agree with this side-lining.

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There is a reason why humans have used plants for healing throughout history. We have always had "plant angels" with us to heal us and strengthen us. They contain multiple magical compounds that act on the body to keep it in a state of healthy balance.

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Be careful with this assertion. One could kill with a plant even more quickly than they could kill even with the clot shot. Not everything natural is here to strengthen and save us. This is why we need long-term safety trials and accurate AE data!

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And a lot of that is actually in the literature if you look for it.

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I want to know more about the work Lieber was doing.....I just have this feeling that his arrest was a cover, a red herring so we would not look closely at his discoveries and studies. And he was “in custody” on the eve of the push to create and distribute these new vaccines. And I can’t but help somehow his work is connected. My inkling is based more on a pattern of behavior and timelines, as well as intersections of certain players and developments.

Any thoughts, Dr. Yeadon? Dr. Rose?


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The lipid nanoparticle also contains Polyethylene Glycol. PEG is known to form hydrogels when it's mixed with proteins. So well known, it's a patented product Hemepatch. A bio matrix for blood clotting. This could be what's causing the rubbery #CalimariClots found by the embalmers in the corpses of the vaxxed. https://twitter.com/janiesaysyay/status/1653855874648248323?s=20

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I'll keep this short.

Thank you for writing in ways that even biology flunkees like myself can almost understand! I appreciate that effort, and I hope that will translate into people who ARE knowledgeable being able to favorably contribute to this amazing effort to pull back the sheets on this concoction.

Thank you, Jessica!

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Robyn Cosford , I agree and add Dr. Yeadon ‘s comment = truth . For degradation purposes, Autophagy and Berberine and antioxidants ect ... these mechanisms aid in ridding our bodies of this spike via carbohydrate and fat metabolism. FLCCC and Walter Chesnutt stack are right on ! Thanks Jessica for the insight into the devil’s brew .

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And Spartacus /ICENI 💜

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Your breakdown of the chemistry seems spot on, but it's a myth that chemistry is difficult actually. In any case, consider yourself an honorary chemist!

(this coming from a former chemist)

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I don't believe in honorary anything. :)

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Good for you! :)

Do let me know when you complete your training (I'm serious)

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The only thing hard about chemistry is remembering to dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s.

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It seems they don't even know exactly how ionizable lipids interact with cell membranes:

"3.1.4. Proposed mechanism by which LNPs mediate endosomal disruption

Generally, cells are expected to take up LNPs via endocytosis [21]. As endosomes mature, pH decreases to values below the apparent pKa value of the ionizable lipids, a high proportion of which are consequently protonated. It has been suggested that the electrostatic interactions between the cationic ionizable lipids in the LNPs and the anionic lipids in the endosomal membrane lead to a disruption of the endosomal membrane [22]."

Also, it seems that 10% of ionizable lipids might be positively charged in blood:

"When using ionizable lipids/LNPs with an apparent pKa of ∼6.4, about 10% of the ionizable lipids are positively charged in blood (pH 7.4) according to the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation. The surface charge may not only affect the protein corona composition on nanoparticles but also influence the conformation of the adsorbed proteins, including apoE. Taken together, these inquiries show the interplay between nanomedicines, including LNPs and biomolecules such as apoE in biological fluids, is affected by surface composition, surface charge, and particle size [37]. Such interplay determines the in vivo fate of many nanomedicines."

Enough to cause significant toxic effects I would imagine - especially as they were not supposed to be circulating in blood!


Finally, it seems the LNPs used by Moderna and Pfizer were originally optimized for entry to the liver:

"The team made about 100 ionizable lipids and introduced ester linkages into the carbon chains of the lipids to help make them more biodegradable, he recalls. Tweaking the ratio of the four lipids in the nanoparticles altered the LNPs’ distribution in the body. “The devil is absolutely in the details as far as LNPs are concerned,” Ciaramella says. “But once you optimize it for one organ, you can change out the mRNA with minimal optimization.”

"Those ionizable lipids, which are remarkably similar in structure, were discovered while the firms were optimizing LNPs for systemic administration and delivery to the liver—not the intramuscular injection of a vaccine."


But I'm sure they tweaked them just right.

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I don't think they do. To be honest. I think this is a 'faith-based' pipe dream that has gone terribly wrong. I also think a lot of good people were preyed on. In the R&D commmunities, I mean.

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Given the obvious malice behind these "vaccines", including the paucity of clinical studies, the generally horrific data FROM those studies, Pfizer's attempt to HIDE the data for 75 years, and the ever-climbing toll of death and injury from the jabs, I don't believe there is any reason to think that product safety was ever a pressing concern for the pharmaceutical companies involved.

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Yes, like the Titanic, unsinkable! or the Challenger, first teacher in space! gullibility naïveté and hubris are a bad combination. Kind of like blood proteins and PEG https://twitter.com/janiesaysyay/status/1382464076039606272?s=20

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Another try here. ...The Covid-19 and the vaccine hoaxes can be precisely lighted on by the strategic-mathematical method:


Fortunately this major repository is based in Switzerland and its editors do not try to censor the content if they "do not like the results"

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Thank you for that link..I live in Switzerland and was not aware of it.

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I mean 'the Colvid-19 mortality hoax' as the virus can be real ...but of a small real net impact on the number of deaths (in a year). The article was moved fully to Zenodo in October; in the U.S. it was censored or they wanted some parts to be deleted if to let it be published.

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Dear Jessica, totally fascinating. Every detail can show up a danger.

"Granted, it is hard to convince me of things that weren’t designed by nature". Something we share 100%.

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I will look in my emails for the webinar name/company but "I'm listening to a Tech webinar on quality control for mRNA vaccines. Very positive and upbeat business attitude.

The last one I listened to on how to make LNPs was basically about a gadget with two inputs. Controlling the flow of the outer material input and the mRNA or other material to be contained in the other input was how size of the LNPs is changed. Modifying the flow rate is all that is needed to change the size of the LNPs that form.

"Super easy, so nonpartisan, can be used for whatever is intended to be contained, not just mRNA." Very upbeat positive business attitude pitching the gadget. The webinar process accepted no public chat comments." A Telegram conversation of mine.

Here is the Webinar, it is viewable I think. https://www.bigmarker.com/labx-media-group/Level-Up-Your-LNP-Making-Skills-With-Nunchuck?show_live_page=true&add_to_calendar=true&bmid=d9eb04d187db

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low pH also an issue with increased spike attraction; it seems we are back with the old naturopathic concept of keeping the body alkalinised as far as possible...

apparently 5G as a side effect acidifies the system

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Maybe tied to the electrification of the human experience. Wireless chargers (FOR PEOPLE) in electric vehicles, acidified and maintained by 5G systems keep the villain’s plans chugging forward.

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Lipid 5, probably the 5th spot on a thin-layer chromatography plate.

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Thanks :)

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I know that cationic surfactants are a lot more toxic than anionic surfactants. That's why we never used them in bioremediation studies to remove chlorinated solvents from soils.

When I read that Pharma was using cationic particles with PEG in their shots, I was shocked.

I will never knowingly allow or offer up my body to these type of injections.

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I am retired but after so many years of education I could not stop reading. “This might be on the exam!” What are catatonic lipids and who is Esther? You answered my questions thoroughly. My next thought is: what would Stefanie Seneff say? I listened to a number of her presentations on molecular level poisoning and conclude (1) this research and understanding is important and (2) don’t inject this stuff into humans (or eat it). Same for shots, in general. It is a bitter irony that so much effort (with good reason) goes into detailed study of the damage mechanisms of stuff that does not belong in one’s blood stream to begin with. It can be interesting. We are in a stage of battling mandated medical

Interventions where knowing how the government murders citizens by throwing proverbial “wrenches in the gears” and attempting to repair it with a sledge hammer is a good metaphor for hospital protocols that exterminated 1M Americans. And it WAS NOT the virus, no matter what Fauci says.

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Se my comment in response to Dr. Yeadon about going to Alison McDowell’s YouTube channel and also her blog “wrench in the gears.”

While not so much about the scientific aspect of the wrench in the gears---she has been chasing the origins of the thinking that has lead us to this place in history.

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thank you Dr Jess and also all of the commenters , as a long time listener to Gary Null it took about two or three days after the crapola hit the fan blades in March 2020 to see this was headed toward a massive jabfest from pHARMa , whose funding of the media to the tune of 70% is how we got here today. the ads need to be banned like cigarettes were and the companies need to be broken up.

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