Just imagine where it all comes from. No, it’s not about science or about learning how our body operates. If it were, you would care about the “subjects” of your merciless experiments.

Hatred of humanity.

Only this explains the deliberate pushing of the nastiest poison ever designed (meticulously, down to the smallest details and destructive interactions it can inflict) on everybody, the whole humanity, in the farthest corners of the world, from newborns to the elderly - all with a smile and “safe and effective” lullabies.

Now you know whom you are facing. Human beings are not like that.

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Birthed from Evil.

Literal Evil.

And carried out as ever by useful fools in service of it. Believers who poisoned themselves also in most cases.

They prepared the ground for this democide, over generations. Fluoridated our brains. Poisoned us in every way they could. But still, the scale of their success is mind boggling. To have MDs merrily jabbing pregnant women, and children, it highlighted what a parody medicine had become.

But we still have time to do what we know has to be done.


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Or maybe they are just preventing a very horrifying outcome ... because of this:

Conventional Oil Sources peaked in 2008 and the Shale binge has now spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.

Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

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This is all not true. Reports are typed in and will have whatever they want. The facts are:

The military does not care about peak oil. If they really wanted to phase out fossil fuels, we will hear thousands of messages like “Our Army has just made an Abrams prototype which would run on 100 liters of regular gas for 2,000 miles” (at present: 2 gallons per each mile in terrain).

The military, in every country of the world, is the largest consumer of fossil fuels and the largest generator of CO2 and dozens of toxic chemicals emitted into the air. Nobody is worried about it. Nobody cares about it.

F-35 is even better: “…22 gallons of jet fuel per minute, 1,340 gallons an hour. Altogether, the F-35A training flights from the runway in South Burlington Vermont burn between 4.7 and 9.4 million gallons of jet fuel and emit between 100 million and 200 million pounds of CO2 per year. That is the equivalent of the annual emissions of 10,000 to 20,000 passenger cars.” [https://is.gd/yDfSIt]

They can limit production and/or trade, this we may be sure, as it will instantly help to earn $$ millions on stock price manipulation - without any supervision whatsoever. Which is another reason why they will not withdraw fossil fuels from use.

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And the CO2 appears to be a decoy from something that does cause global warming. Ozone destruction by rockets and high altitude jets.

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We - common people - should never refer to metrics which we cannot verify or even measure. It’s like talking about Baba Yaga as a serious candidate for the office.

If you want to go there, try to check it. I did, and I calculated CO2 contents on the basis of public sources. The result: it is not a decoy, it is a blatant lie. See here: https://thepathishere.substack.com/p/net-zero-myth

Plus, to be serious, we have to get rid of presuppositions and unproven concepts: global warming - a) impossible to determine, b) debunked by real climate scientists long ago; ozone destruction - a fairy tale inspired at a certain time and disappeared when the public was lied enough to; rockets and jets impact on the atmosphere - we have no idea about it because nobody reports it. All three items are great for fear mongering and for dragging people away from hard science based on observations and reliable measurements.

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Wisdom in print! Thank you, Dan!

Soooo many people get sucked in so easily by the media which by the way is fully controlled; directed as it were, with an agenda of deception. Wanna believe in something outstanding? Believe that! Then spend your energies trying to find the "core" motive behind the scenes. It's not that difficult to ascertain.


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or maybe humans aren't causing it at all! Maybe it's the sun. Maybe it's the internal heat of the earth's core that comes to the surface to a greater extent at times due to the currents in the molten core. The climate has been changing, getting colder for thousands of years, then getting warmer for thousands of years, long before humans discovered fossil fuels.

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My personal favourite theory is based on the alignment of our spiritual galaxy. Well not exactly. It turns out that the universe is a spiritual universe as far as we can tell (we don’t know beyond what we can see). So our spiritual galaxy apparently on its course goes through the magnetic alignment of the universe flipping the poles.

Note the increased internal heat. Now if gravitational alignment is part of what causes internal heat then that would explain to some degree the wildly moving North Pole. And could possibly be showing the universal gravitational alignment.

Love that one.

But the blasting apart of the ozone layer is most probably a big contributor. The sun is supposed to feel like love on the earth surface.

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Humans (if that is what it is) are definitely causing something through chemtrailing. Calling all scientists to establish what exactly - anybody in there?

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I belive armored fighting vehicles can have hybrid power plants. Why isn't this happening?

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Common sense.

If you live in a cold zone, like anywhere except at the Equator, you need to have power source to heat the place, cook food, dry washed items. One power source is stupid - like electricity only. Two electricity sources are ok, like natural gas + electricity. Three are great - electricity + NG + coal.

Four power sources are normal and reasonable: electricity + NG + coal + wood.

This is how the countryside lives. It is reasonable, flexible, reliable.

Anything below this means the Acquired Stupidity Syndrome.

PS. Maybe because… one penetrating round (from a drone) into the battery compartment of one hybrid vehicle = end of the war. The military won’t allow it. If it happens to you, it’s ok. Logical, right?

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Can you explain why we steam oil out of sand... if there is so much easy oil remaining.

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I have never done that, so I don’t know. Probably for the same reason as in any other business. Make it big, make it international, involve high VIPs, and repeat in as many places as you can. Multiple untraceable streams of unaccounted revenues.

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Or maybe... it's because ... we are running out of all other sources...

Conventional Oil Sources peaked in 2008 and the Shale binge has now spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.

Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

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You work with what you have. The cost profile is very different from conventional or fracked oil, with prolonged depletion. It became economically viable when the marginal cost per barrel was above US$30 and selling price above that, particularly in a (manipulated) low interest environment for capital costs.

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Have a look at this ...


According to the OECD Economics Department and the International Monetary Fund Research Department, a sustained $10 per barrel increase in oil prices from $25 to $35 would result in the OECD as a whole losing 0.4% of GDP in the first and second years of higher prices. http://www.iea.org/textbase/npsum/high_oil04sum.pdf


For most of the last century, cheap oil powered global economic growth. But in the last decade, the price of oil production has quadrupled, and that shift will permanently shackle the growth potential of the world’s economies. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-09-23/how-high-oil-prices-will-permanently-cap-economic-growth

SEE PAGE 59 - THE PERFECTSTORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. Butt he critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf

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Remember Antarctica

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You all have to stop thinking about oil (hydrocarbons) and “fossils” as related; they are not. Hydrocarbons are abiotic and perpetual. We will never run out of oil - it is the second most plentiful liquid on the planet behind water. Rockefeller paid a lot of money to instill the notion of oil as a byproduct of decaying plant/animal life, and saw that the word “fossil” was attached to “fuel” to imply scarcity and promote higher profits. He manipulated the energy environment as he did medicine, doing much to pervert both, damaging humans and human health in the process. We’ve been at the mercy of psychopathic billionaires for a very long time. Look up Fletcher Prouty for more on “fossil” fuel ….

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If you actually believe this ... then you are mentally ill.... and your ability to think is on par with that of a person who believes Covid vaccines are safe and effective

Hmmm... not refilling:



Oil production in Alaska reaches lowest level in more than 40 years


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All those hydrocarbons on Jupiter's moon Titan... Are they due to space dinosaurs and vacuum forests? You reject the 'safe and effective' jibjab mass media / corporate pharma claim (it's a depop cull) but you outright reject the notion that the masses might not be told the truth about hydrocarbons by corporate oil and gas... then quote the same mass media that propagandized the mRNA shitfuckery and accuse someone else of being mentally ill for not buying into 'peak oil'...


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What hydrocarbons on Titan? Might that be another lie?

Along with the biggest lie ever told? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY


I am waiting for the introduction to the elves in the centre of the Earth who churn out the oil... I want to invest!!!

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Once Alaska rejoins Russia, oil will magically recover, too.

Just saying Hello, you Fletcher Prouty-hater!

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Come on - remember that man survived for many many years before the discovery of electricity. We are not done for. But maybe the evil creatures' plans are!!!

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We didn't grow all of our food using finite petro chemicals --- which btw ruin the soil - you cannot grow jack shit in soil fertilized with this stuff - without years of soil repair...

But the best -- is the spent fuel ponds... those are the coup de grace.... cancer for everyone

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Did I mention a cousin is an engineer - head of safety at a plant in Canada... I've spoken to him about this ... if they are not cooled... in his words 'we are f789ed'

If 4000 of then are not cooled... do the math --- half life 24000 years

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Oil is a renewable source. More is made all the time by the earth. Calling it fossil fuels was a marketing ploy.

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Yes it is renewable but it takes millions of years to form....and we burn 100 million barrels per day.

Meanwhile ... we are desperately steaming oil out of sand....

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Really? Strange, then how "oil-tar" can be synthetically produced in the lab from wood (plant matter) using a tremendous amount of pressure and heat for a very short time. Same goes for diamonds or zircons. Why have you not heard this before? I'll tell you why: Because then they'd have to shed their prideful "long-ages" narrative and face the REAL reason behind pressurized oil deposits, coal seams, and other major geological "oddities" which are found nearly everywhere, even beneath the oceans across the globe. Noah's Flood (actually God's Flood) answers just about every anomaly found to be a head scratcher.

Wanna change world-views a pinch? Need to find some comfort regarding the future? Try beginning with unveiling false science, and progress from there to "flood-geology" and be liberated from all of the propaganda spewed forth like a volcanic eruption into the atmosphere of society. You'll be amazed if not floored!


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That is not true, oil is Abiotic. Your skin makes oil, the earth's skin makes oil too.

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This is so insane... that it's hilarious.

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Hydrogen, the most abundant combustible element in the universe. Clean burning too. Why is this not being applied ti ICE's? Follow the $$$....

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Because Carbon Taxes require carbon. It is a big scam. This was planned after WW2, and implemented in the West. They wrote that Carbon taxes were going to be used ro pay for the one-world government. This was laid out in the book "Limits of Growth", published in 1968 I think.

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Oh I see... the earth's resources are infinite... and oil and coal are like trees... they regrow...

Or is there a factory in the centre of the earth with elves who produce more of both?

Is there a copper factory too?

Duh.... Nietzsche was dead on re barnyard animals

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Believe what you will. Go in peace.

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Since you believe whatever cnnbbc tells you ... then how about my favourite https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181119-why-flammable-ice-could-be-the-future-of-energy

Or hey what about that much repeated story about the murder of the guy who created and engine that could run on water!!! Exxon had him killed - right.

It's kinda like how 6B got played and injected Safe and Effective... this is just another flavour...

And you've been suckered /

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SIX billion? Woah. I didn't know it had reached that many!


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Indeed; moreover, there is some doubt about the veracity of the global headcount. The numbers may be played just like anything/one else.

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But they are human. Evil humans do exist. This is a long game for them. They live in secret which is how they survive. We could kill all the perpetrators we know existing today, and they would simply be replaced with others.

Avoiding the vax was not enough it seems. My kids got those brain swabs early on and it nauseates me to think about it. And what about the other vaccines? This has been going on for over 100 years. At least.

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1) We don’t know who “they” really are. We know by face and name those who have been executing these scientifically unfounded plans. Are these “they”? Doesn’t look like that.

2) Even if they are, are have been anointed to perpetuate harm with 100% immunity - are they human? They wear human bodies, but their behavior, as captured on camera, are not human, are not acceptable legally, are not acceptable socially. You need to make an effort and decide where a “human” being ends despite its human-like body. Is a person who manages a worldwide war for 5 years human? What about beings which manage unending wars and orders other people to kill human beings just like that - are they human being? What about beings which contribute to designing and using the most toxic substance ever designed which quickly goes to terminating the whole humanity - are they human?

I’d say that “humans” are only those beings which express characteristics which have been embedded in our life since time immemorial: emotional mutual support, living in a community with access available to anyone who wants to say “hello”, not causing any harm, not killing, not lying, not deceiving, not stealing, basically the whole Ten Commandments plus new rules which result from modern challenges.

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Apr 21Edited

That makes no sense. Humans can be bad actors. They are people— human beings, behaving badly. This is not a novel concept. Don’t turn this into an inane supernatural thing.

And you’re right- the “they” behind it all are in secret- if they weren’t it would be game over. Secrecy is the foundation of their power.

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I didn’t say “supernatural”. I mean subhuman.

My theory is that we are born here “human”, with all capacities to evolve spiritually (socially, ethically, morally) to become better as conscious beings.

Then, one day, we do a thing which scratches the surface of this pure human being. Maybe a lie, maybe a small theft, something small and undetectable. Maybe some harm to a helpless animal or to a weaker child. Maybe a kill sanctioned by another damaged human being.

With each such act, the purity of the human being becomes more and more compromised. Until, one day, you come to the conclusion that there is no turning back. This is where the humanity of the being ends.

The more aware you are of the inappropriateness of your actions, the lower you submerge into the subhumanity. Until you don’t care any more. This is where you become a perfect candidate to become a CEO of a company whose sole purpose is to cause damage and destruction, all under the pretense of helping the humanity.

It is happening in all industries. We refer to these subhuman legal entities as “corporations” - pseudo-animate dead structures. If you are an alive human being, you won’t belong there.

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Right, still humans though.

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This is one of the deepest illusions they have programmed into you.

Although you are right - still humans = humans which are not moving = dead humans.

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Look to Rome. Start there in the Vatican

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Your questioning words ring aloud!

I've been active with the promotion of a concept here. But it requires a bit of space, and patience, and trust as well. The Truth is more difficult to believe than fiction in this case. Things don't "just happen" aside from minor accidents. There is a distinct "force" which intends to direct as with what occurs during a military campaign. Both sides are engaged in offense for its advancement, and defense, for its protection. Each side (temporally speaking) utilizes deception to its advantage to hamper the enemy's concentrated forces. Rules of engagement are seldom obeyed by one side or the other, and retribution follows on swiftly.

In the "spiritual war" behind the scenes, Satanic forces utilize human agents to work side by side with evil spirit agents for multiple advantages. But God's holy forces have no such tools to employ. They obey the Creator's Commandments not to deceive, and that pertains to war as well. God is all powerful, but directs this battle to run its course, showing the universe how destructive sin really is.

God has His "church" who "keep the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus." It is a church made up of INDIVIDUALS. Satan has his many individuals and churches as well, but there is one particular proud, boastful, and very sinful organization which has styled herself as the "Mother" church to which all the "protestant" churches shall (prophetically and actually) eventually bow down to. This is now history! We are living in that time. The "time of the end."

The Roman system of religion has created and employed the Jesuit Order to "answer" the Protestant movement begun in the 16th century. See what happened to those who disobeyed her tenets! It's been called "The Dark Ages" for good reason!

To wind this up, I'll add that without doubt or embarrassment, it can be duly stated that a tremendous amount of chaos and evil have been devised, fomented and perpetrated on unsuspecting souls across the world "theatre."

To obtain clarity, read "Fox's Book of Martyrs" and "The Great Controversy" by EGW for starters. Read slowly and prayerfully.


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People who took the PCR fake test were giving Blue Tooth signals. You can check it your self.

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Please make sense.

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People are emitting blue tooth signals. You can check it with your phone. I did a whole podcast explaining how to check. Vaxxed, PCRed, and injected people with everything pharmaceutical now have it. Sad. You can EMF it out though.

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If you have met a narcissist you understand the demonic elites.

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Never forget - they need us. We do not need them.

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But they only need 500m of us...

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No they are not ... except when it comes to industrial farming and animal experimentation.

I see the Covid story as one of great compassion for the species though -- they have no choice https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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To act against another human being, with the intention to harm or kill, you need to get up, do some physical things, and do the thing. A lot of effort. It would be much easier to simply cut off electricity in winter for half a year. Zero effort needed, 100% efficacy.

So, if they make plans, spend years on designing and developing, and put extra effort on the implementation - it means they like doing it. They like and enjoy harming. They are happy to see humans being injured and dying. Now, that makes “them” (including nurses and doctors who participate in this) a completely different category.

Completely unlike you and other human beings.

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This is the only way you can exterminate 8B with minimal suffering...

Otherwise you end up with mass murder, rape, and cannibalism

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Apr 21Edited

One of the "Elitist Dregs of society" described this assault as the "humane" way to achieve their goal - reduce the population to a controllable size with them, of course, as the overlords.

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You cannot reduce the population without the result being collapse ... we either grow or we collapse - those are the only two options.

Remote tribes might survive a total collapse -- for a few months ... but cancer would get them

There are 4000 Spent Fuel Ponds Around the Globe…

If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.

One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.

It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.


Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo.


The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.

Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident


However, many of the radioactive elements in spent fuel have long half-lives. For example, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years, and plutonium-240 has a half-life of 6,800 years. Because it contains these long half-lived radioactive elements, spent fuel must be isolated and controlled for thousands of years.

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Years ago I read that psychopath murderers have a poor sense of smell. Pregnant women have a heightened sense of smell. Smell is so very important to social interactions. Bill Gates can’t even smell his own shit.

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I lost my sense of smell and to an extent my sense of taste because of getting covid... I could taste 'sweet/salty/sour' but it had zero enjoyment in tasting those...they all tasted so gross...and I lost it for almost six straight months...I've never had a virus aka bioweapon do this much harm to me before. I thought for certain I'd never truly taste again. Aroma is what gives us 'flavor'. I knew my sense of smell was definitely shot when I used a Port-a-Potty on a golf course and literally smelled nothing which freaked me out...I could have let that nasty thing waft in my nose for hours and not registered a thing.

But, I prayed to my creator to restore my sense of smell better than ever before and it eventually was, and I swear I can smell a flea fart now (LOL)! But, boy oh boy did it give me such appreciation for our senses! Each time If I now smell something that at first registers as 'repugnant' to me, I stop myself and say, "Whoo whooooo but, I can smell!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyy"

The hardest thing I felt saddened over was not being able to smell my homemade bread I'd bake...it just seriously freaked me out.

Did I become unfeeling when I lost my sense of smell? No, but I felt so very traumatized and alone when it happened to me... I am so grateful to have it back full steam... It sure did teach me something about all of our senses and how important they are. I couldn't have smelled smoke or a fire happening for instance...I also use my sense of smell to know if there is mold or meat has gone bad. Our senses are a gift. We should all appreciate them immensely. They are beautiful and so precious and intricate and magical.

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Beautiful! Praise He who beneficently created and endowed us with these wonderful things! Sight, with all its intricate mechanics enhances our lives to no end. Hearing as well, is another sense which would wreak havoc to be without. What about the sense of touch? Have we considered that would become of our little world without it? Or one which is rarely considered until it malfunctions; that being "balance." I've been there, and don't wish that on anyone.

Our Creator has endowed mankind with numerous sensory miracles for his enjoyment in life. How much more of a miracle might be attributed to the fact that these all come together to enhance the being. And this is aside from the hundreds of internal "systems" which symbiotically work together to allow us to have our being! Magnificent indeed!

Those who attribute these things, whether in part or in whole, to mere "chance" over long periods of time, are confused by false science, and need to be gently guided aright.

Many of the true scientific experts are now coming forward with their individual (and collective) testimonies as to the impossibility of a "natural explanation" for these things.

It's about time! (no pun intended)


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I used to know a man who had a serious motorcycle accident and who was mostly repaired by a team of surgeons, but whose sense of smell was reduced to being able to detect meat, natural gas, and farts. He also said it was sometimes hard, since the accident, to tell when people were angry.

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When we can smell each other over the internet shit gets real. It’ll change everything!

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"Smelevision" comes to mind!


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Wasn't there a classic SF story about this? Or sth on Star Trek...

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But there would be more of it...

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Game changer right there.

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Maybe the COVID test probes were early prototypes of the Smellavision user interface.

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There is no doubt Bill Ghate$ can't smell s**t...!

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The last sentence cracked me up :)

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We have our senses for a reason.

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Like you, I also temporarily lost my sense of smell in early 2021….it threw me for a loop but I was sure it would return, and it did about 8 days later. Very bizarre feeling as I really had no other symptoms, if indeed I had encountered Sars Cov2. I never got tested once, and I also felt that the swabs they were using had to be unsafe. Nobody was going near me with one of those. I felt so fortunate that I worked for myself, and any place that banned me from entering lost all my respect and support…I keep thinking it really was the time for the black sheep to shine! Smell is everything to me as well. Keep informing us of what the elites and psychos may be up to next….we must remain vigilant, and never comply.

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People lose their sense of smell when they are poisoned. Maybe you were poisoned. In the water maybe?

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This one touched close, Jessica.

Thanks for making the content accessible for a layperson.

I lost senses of smell and taste 15 months ago. After being shed on by dozens of jabbed colleagues in confined spaces for several days I fell terribly ill, and as I was recovering those senses suddenly switched off. One night they worked and the next morning they didn't. Hadn't 'caught' C19 up to that time. It was summer. I had been getting plenty of sun. The likelihood of a 'flu' at that point was improbable. The bioreactors I was surrounded by shed something that made me the sickest I had ever been. My exposure windows elsewhere were virtually non-existent.

"Having said that, for me personally, smell has always been a huge thing"

Yes, both were huge.

Personally I doubt that was their sole aim. I think the bioweapon is more of a blunderbus scattershot than a sniper bullet.

I think the bioweapon, any of its parts, damages wherever it can. Through any and all of its mechanisms. LNPs alone are cytotoxic. Let alone the 'known' payload code for the cytotoxic spike protein. And the MiRNAs. Plus all the garbled trash that is created by each ribosome, from fragmented code. Possibly prions, too. We see this in the endless lists of SAEs, the voluminous records in VAERS. Then there is the ethlene oxide, IIRC, on the swabs, and the material of the swabs themselves. And the absurdity of jabbing the thing at your brain for a sample for the 'gold standard' test that wasn't a test..

A 'normal' jab is a cluster bomb against the human immune system.

MRNA jabs are like a cluster nuclear weapon. Like a rain of MIRVs.

How on earth did any rational actor ever think their 'answer' to the 'threat' was a good idea?

It has certainly sickened its targets. Chronic disease is through the roof. Excess mortality, despite attempts at hiding it, remain elevated. Deagle 'predictions' may well come true.

And every day many of us carry the scars, the disabilities of it. For whatever time we have left.

That said, isolation was part of their agenda from the earliest days.

Such targeting would be totally consistent with what we know they have done.

And yes, for something that isn't visible at all, it is terribly isolating.


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The ant CRISPR research reminds me of pre-empathetic infants who pull insects' legs off out of curiosity and shows me that deluded scientists can still treat living beings as "things". Your conjecture that we may be awaiting a Cas-9 catastrophe is ghastly, but I wouldn't put it past them, given that its getting pretty obvious now that Mistakes Were Not Made.

As a canary-person with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, I have depended on my sense of smell to keep me safe. Losing that during my bout with the Covid-thingy was shocking, and I used essential oil sniffing daily to try to rehabilitate. Thank goodness my sense of smell returned and I have hung on to my status as part of the "control group"!

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Hi 🙂

Oil sniffing? I have a friend who never got his smell sense back, if you don’t mind me asking, how is the oil sniffing done?

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My hasn’t returned fully either. Almost 3 years

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Mine not at all -- 18 months on. And I had vit D at 110 when I got covid and wasn't even very sick... just major sinus drainage for 3 days - went through 5 boxes of kleenex.

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This is the link I found. https://www.vedaoils.com/blogs/essentialoils/essential-oils-to-regain-sense-of-smell

I just sniffed them periodically through the day. I also have a couple of nebulisers in which I put a few drops and let the waft through my living room. Good luck to your friend regaining his sense of smell! Most frustrating!

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A suggestion - sniffing fresh coffee beans or grounds resets the sense of smell. So each essential oil will smell clearer but so many of them contain limonene which is an allergen! Practice tastes separately salt, sweet, bitter, tart etc as each has a different area on the tongue and in the brain as I understand it 🙏

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What do you think about the possible relevance of nutritional zinc status? Good levels of zinc are needed for effective immune function, and zinc is used up by the immune response. Also a symptom of zinc deficiency, is anosmia.

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Yes - that was the first thing I thought of. A few months ago I thought I'd do the Zalenko protocol - he said 100mg. After a few days I thought I could smell hints of a few things but I ran out of copper and you have to have those balanced. I've tried it again and nothing. I would try some of the peptides but the idiot powers that be do not give us easy access to them.

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I think at some point we will be assaulted with something that turns off our ability to digest or tolerate meat, just like those who are bit by a certain Tic. My sis-in-law had that happen.

As for the attack on smell, God knows what the Franken-scientists are up to. Remember when most people believed just because they could, didn't mean they should? What happened to those people? Did they wipe out their "sense of right and wrong" gene?

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yeah ticks can already do that to us

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So, if the goal of their agenda is depopulation, and we are attracted to mate with each other by pheromones, then it makes sick sense to try and cripple our ability to detect potential partners. However, I think sexual attraction has an initial electrical element with the eyeballs completing the circuit - love at first sight, so to speak. Smell and taste is the next phase, and touch. Nevertheless, I remember way back the thought that spike itself had an electrical component and commented on that topic here, but can't recall the details. We are, after all, ambulatory batteries ;)

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There's a homeopathic remedy that taken at 200C removes swearing. 🙏

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Having had a severe reaction to a vaccine at the age of 10 1/2, I learned at an early age that the paradigm of Allopathy, as it was being employed, was dangerous to health and well-being. The pursuit of science and its application to living beings, uncoupled from empathy, care and concern for consequences is a monstrous hubris.

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Yes, and it seems quite addictive. We don't seem likely to let go of it any time soon.

I recall David Letterman saying about looking in Andy Kaufman's eyes, "... you get the feeling someone else is driving."

Maybe "someone else" is driving us, and is not exactly our friend.

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Apr 27
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I don't own a cell phone, nor do I frequent any social media sites. I may be contacted through Substack.

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In my home loss of smell can be a blessing at times (lolz). Sorry for the Dad joke but everything is so bleak. At least I won't be able to smell myself when I shit my pants from prion zombie disease.

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One of my clients lost her sense of smell when she got COVID (or whatever that was). Far more disturbing to her than her inability to smell and taste food, was the fact that she couldn't smell her husband or children. Humans really underrate how importance our sense of smell is.

Happy ending: her sense of smell came back after a couple of months.

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yeah it was really jarring for me... i was so scared it wouldn't come back.

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I just had a really bad case again this year in early February 2024. I still do not have my full sense of smell (and taste) back. This is crazy! I’m also still in constant exposure to vaxx shedding due to my work. I’ve been taking a high dose of Ivermectin since mid-January (yes, I still got “Covid” despite Vit I). I have CIRS so I don’t clear biotoxins and my innate immune system is haywire.

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Have you checked your zinc status?

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Robyn, I eat mostly red meat as I consume animal based nutrition for nearly 6 years. I also supplement with zinc (w/copper) and occasionally bison, elk or venison liver (raw).

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I would be very interested to see a microbiome analysis that measured your butyrate level, as butyrate is a potent neuroprotector and post-COVID anosmia seems to be due to nerve damage.

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Apr 21Edited

For some this could be a bonus 😆

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3 years ago I had a mild cold, never swabbed or jabbed, take Quercetin (Zinc ionophore), C, D3, B12 and multivitamins etc daily. Eggs, Onion and Garlic tasted awful for over a year and like you Jessica, I find many perfumes in toiletries disgusting to this day. At the same time my wife got a anosmia for 6 weeks, was OK for a month then also developed parosmia. Cheap eggs still taste weird to us both.

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Cheap eggs taste weird to me and it doesn't have anything to do with having been sick. I am a super taster apparently. I once participated in a taste experiment and was amazed at the fact that most person's participating did not even react to certain substances.

I can't tolerate stevia either. It tastes awful. I wonder at people that drink and eat so much of it as a sugar substitute.

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Ah eggs , those I cannot eat like I used to unless they are my hens with non commercial feed. Hens stopped laying everywhere around the world when the feed got "changed" Im in poultry groups and we all had stories about it. STEVIA is another big issue, one I cannot eat anything with it in , its so horrible to me but I also know it can cause infertility in both male and female animals, so is this is one of the reasons the birth rate is falling? Stevia has been introduced into many foods especially in the USA.

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Apr 27
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Will look you up. I am just a British Sign Langusge Interpreter that speed reads voraciously but would be delighted to connect.

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Very interesting post Dr. Jessica Rose 🌹 at the end of it do you think it was intentional hard to prove unless we see exactly what they did in their paperwork behind it of course but hell yeah makes sense one more thing to go to the doctors for a doctor I can’t smell will come up with a medication for this soon one thing I noticed after the roll out of the injectable poisons the immense amount of commercials to help with the problem for people with heart elements from Pfizer on the radio I hear it all the time of course I heard advertised before but many more after the roll out , the antisocial part Im not really sure how that plays but it does makes sense what you said , they’ve been doing a pretty good job of separating people from each other for a while this might just be the icing on the cake and the gene for sensing blood relatives totally makes sense I don’t have a problem with that because I have so few relatives in breeding will never be a problem for me , lol

I did define myself as a societal heretic so yeah but not to the point where I’m against anybody it’s just that I constantly challenge things .

I don’t know if I had Covid or not most likely I did since it’s all around us for the past 3 1/2 years or so but I did lose my sense of smell I noticed it when I was trying to clear my stuffy nose I use the thing called Olbas oil it’s like a peppermint kind of smell that clears sinuses a little bit so you can blow your nose it’s a very distinct smell and you notice it right away when you take the cap off the bottle one day I did that I’m like where is the smell but all honesty when I get sick in the past my nose was stuffed up a lot I typically did lose sense of smell but it was never severe and it came right back but I didn’t want to lose the taste of food didn’t taste as great but I still taste it ,

sorry for my long text but it was a very interesting post just one more thing added into the mix of how they’re playing with our psyche our relationship and our genome makeup ……

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Thank you for this thought provoking article! I would place a very large bet that the under reporting factor on loss of smell & taste is off the charts. In fact some of us joked that a class action suit against mandatory injections should be filed for those who have permanent loss of these senses. I have 3 wonderful friends who still can’t taste, 3 years after getting Covid. They eat to survive but can no longer savor food. One of them is just 17. She will go through life with this damage! None are vaccinated btw.

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Same here... and yes, I think of the poor very young who will never enjoy 2 major senses.

Now that I've also got tinnitis I'm wondering how long until I'm only left with the sense of touch....

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Sadie, such an important point... Also people have vision problem because of micro clotting or for whatever reason. So hearing, taste/smell and vision are being affected and then they will come in with neurolink or something similar to help humans to hear, see, smell and taste. Question is will humans see, taste/smell and hear the reality around them or whatever those in control want the humans to sense?

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I have a friend in the same boat - she was a fanatical cook and now she eats the 3 or 4 things she can stomach to stay alive whilst everything else tastes of rotten meat. She's a broken shelll of herself and it breaks my heart

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Same here.

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Autism linked to vaccination, anosmia resulting from infection/vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 virus/vaccines. Social debilitation resulting from olfactory nerve damage in ants and humans - and probably a whole host of other species in between. Why is it that so many dogs are now fearful/aggressive towards other dogs and humans and canine socialisation classes are booming? Absolutely nothing to see here. Move on swiftly Jessica.


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That's interesting, because some people with an autism diagnosis have increased sensitivity to and awareness of smells. Mine does as part of his sensory processing issues--sometimes too much, sometimes too little, but smells that I am not even aware of can give him other physical dymptoms, like nausea or dizziness.

I recall once being in a Dr's office waiting room and being approached by a definitely quirky child of maybe 10 who wanted to smell my newborn baby. He said "I can smell his pheromones."

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I personally think the olfactory damage is secondary. Does raise some scary ramifications, however.

I’m more concerned about the myocarditis, turbo-cancers and OAS than I am about a [what looks like temporary] loss of smell among the infected/ injected.

But I would refrain from using the term “crap shoot” to describe the COVID-19 responses / measures implemented by our “betters”, which implies that those in charge were somehow “winging it”.

The more I hear about the [Fauci-funded] labs, the more I think that their business model was / is that of the Arsonist by night, Firefighter by day.

So “crap shoot” would be applicable only for those individuals who really had no idea what was happening, nor did they dare question those who did. Which disqualifies them a priori from holding a position of authority. “Useful idiots”, “tools”, or “paid emissaries” might be better descriptive terms for such individuals. Uncanny how many of the most enthusiastically draconian tyrants also {just happened to be} members of the “Future Global Leaders” club at the WEF (or whatever they call themselves).

One could make a T shirt stating, “Conspiracy Theorists 10, Experts 0”, which would constitute a reasonably accurate summary of the COVID-19 period. But I digress.

Time to wake up. We need far more than a “Tea Party”.

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The Rome Club funded in Rome I believe in 1971 presented its depopulativ goals and intentions to divide the world in 10 divisions, geographically. Each to have one director and the whole planet in turn one superdirector (there is a map). There should have been many more goals, that I am not aware of, particularised along the way, until the WEF was formed as the executive branch of the Club. The latter still meeting among many other brotherhoods, more of a kabal as it has become. Both China and Russia, India are happily along as that explains the equalized policies and similar evolutions all over the world. So this originally private club has managed to sensitize the deep states and governments of the whole world, totally happy with its totalitarian implications and more or less ignoring the democratic high goals otherwise so much praised. There is something non human and alien over the whole bit, in my opinion.

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I doubt that the inventors of the COVID shot are as intelligent as you are, and the loss of taste and smell for the COVID shot victims is an accidental byproduct of systemic poisoning.

I lost my sense of taste and smell during and after a difficult pregnancy, and it was only many years later that I gradually regained them. I would like an explanation for that!

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After my first pregnancy, I could never again eat fish. Weird.

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