Roll out the civil litigation cannons. Dr. Hoffe was defamed. His ability to practice his profession was destroyed. He deserves compensation and punitive damages against the College and against the BC Gov't. Dr. Henry's email record on the Hoffe matter is appalling.

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Totally agree with your statement except with one add on Commie Bonnie needs to stand trail after being arrested for crimes against humanity her emails that were leaked between her and her staff show that they knew the covid jabs were killing and maiming people!🥲

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Also, the world needs to know about this as well as the countless other illegal assaults on people, their lives, professions and earning capabilities. For all I know many were robbed in clear daylight.

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All of the small businesses that were shut down during Covid (mostly in the Blue States!)… all the while blue state governors like “Jelly Belly Pritzker” was making money on the Pandemic!

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There are no words to describe how truly despicable Dr Henry is.

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And she’s still rolling…

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They should beg his forgiveness and be forced to name a wing in his honor.

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... Dr Bridle should have his own wing at Quelph University - maybe called: Integrity - since it seems that word is disappearing from our vocabulary .

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https://x.com/DrNagase/status/1887740551337771407 I won without lawyers. 30-35 % of every dollar fundraised for lawyers goes to the crown.

Court magistrates and judges in canada also have legal immunity from harms from their decisions and 0 accountability to lawful men and women as of Aug 2023 by BC Supreme Court decision. This makes them accountable only to organized crime that does not follow "legal" immunity.


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Correlation is NOT causation. Trump is authorizing half a trillion for mRNA cancer injections. Remember Satan can come as an angel of light—5th column.

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An article about mRNA origin 'way back in '20 or so said it was developed as a last-ditch cancer treatment for those running out of options. Memory right now is blank on the author of that, although R. Malone would be an obvious guess.

They know the news will be thick with outrage as more covid information is revealed, and probably want to preemptively spare the platform from the inevitable bloodbath.

Not trying to endorse this move, as gene therapy is abhorrent to me personally, just sayin... They want to pick up where they left off.

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At least they have a choice now which is the Amercian way.

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has he lost his medical license ? i know his clinic 'burned down'.

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no i made the correction... :)

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What fantastic news, Dr. Hoff paid a big price for his integrity and bravery, but that is just what great people do. Hope I bump into Dr. Hoff one day and can buy him a big steak and glass of wine. Thank you Dr Hoff 💙

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They only dropped the charges because they do not want the truth to come out. They should be sued for their intentional destruction of this truthful and exceptional human being!

Where is ‘their’ accountability for the charges? Why did they do this?

Having to answer to their actions will expose them.

Without any accountability they will certainly be back in any way they can.

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Absolutely! ... In the UK , we have a Charles Coverdale, he puts his taxes into a trust fund and then says to the people who want it " prove that this money isn't funding terrorism and you can have the money. If you can't prove it then the money passes to the beneficiaries of the trust fund" , which is himself. He has not been taken to court either and he gets no media coverage.

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That is so interesting.

So people need to deposit their taxes into a trust. I wonder how Charles Coverdale was able to do that. Mostpeople’s taxes have been deducted before they receive their wages.

If utilising a trust in this way helps prevent our taxes being laundered into wars or whatever they want to launder it into. That would be simply wonderful.

I’ll look into how to form a trust in Australia, thank you!

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Probably best to go to the horse's mouth... I got his first name wrong, it's Chris not Charles. Here he is explaining how he did it. He has been behind bars twice to get this far. In this interview he's primarily talking about Council Tax (uk) https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/tax-resistance-and-a-declaration-of-sovereignty-with-chris-coverdale-0

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Make that 3 steaks and wines!

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I love Dr. Hoffe. A true Canadian hero and just as you describe him. A wonderful man. He was terribly mistreated because he tried to alert authorities in BC of the damage he was witnessing in his (mostly First Nations) patients after vaccination. Imagine his shock to find that the authorities didn't care, and instead did everything in their power to silence him. Looking at you Bonnie Henry.

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It's great news! Sadly however, that will not replace his home, his medical office, and the town of Lytton that was mysteriously burnt down by two freak (cough** DEW **cough) forest fires.

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The "Heat Dome" , I remember this , thanks for mentioning. I've seen video of Lytton and it looks no different to Lahaina or LA

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Feb 6Edited

Does Dr. Hoffe still support his micro-clot thesis that predicts pulmonary hypertension and right-side heart failure in the vaxxed masses? IIRC his napkin estimate was ~62% of them based on the D-dimer tests he gave to his patients.

We’re at the window where this should be visible and undeniable. Does he stand by his early analysis?

He’s a canon saint in all of this, up there with Yeadon, Bhakdi, the best of men.

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Dr. Hoffe was the first one I heard to point out the possibility of using D-dimer tests to check for recent blood clotting after the jabs. I have been puzzled as to why this way of observing the jab results in the body has not been widely used by people who want to see what is going on. He is one of the heroes who took a stand early enough that he could have saved many people if they had been paying attention. Hopefully he can recoup a serious legal settlement for his sufferings.

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Here's the original 8-min clip, from July 2021:


This is how most of us first learned of Dr. Hoffe. Now the big question is whether these clots are a mass-phenomenon, that they are permanent, and that the mortal risk is as just he described it.

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Yes, likewise. I hadn't heard of d dimer tests before he spoke about it.

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Yeadon? Not after he trashed ivermectin over infertility claims.

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He earned a free pass.

I’m taking 12g daily for the next week, clean-up.

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Me too... something funky is in the air.

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I agree. I don't know why he's gone off at a tangent on this and some other things also. When I read articles by Dr Makis, Pierre Kory) Paul Marik all of who I consider to be good and honourable people, I find this strange. His over protective moderator on telegram even banned me for making a very innocuous response to another comment. He (his moderator) eve8has a 'banned by mistake ' channel where one can go grovelling to be reinstated. I don't do grovelling.

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please offer link on that. I had never heard that.

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Dr. Yeadon may have been overly concerned but under the circumstances, that should not surprise; especially in view of the covertly expressed masonic agenda of causing global infertility.

Just as I did, you might enjoy this well-balanced comment by T´ree: https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/p/no-publicity-is-bad-publicity/comment/81681821

On the whole, pill-popping as such ought to be discouraged, and that is what I see at the root of Dr. Yeadon´s disquiet; there is absolutely no reason to shun him - he raised an issue, and open discussion followed.

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I always enjoyed listening to Dr. Yeadon, but I saw him recently being interviewed by James Delingpole and I think they got to him.

I think there is something suspicious about his views on ivermectin and the all of a sudden fact that he does not believe in viruses anymore.

He was a very powerful figure in the cvid freedom fighting movement so it would not surprise me that they went after him and possibly threatened him.

Just my thoughts.

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I’ve been following his case loosely since he’s just across the border from me. So happy he’s done w the courts. And very sorry to learn they have ruined him. Hopefully he can pick up the pieces of his life now and go on. Just another mauling victim of the monster state.

I’m happy but not surprised to learn you devoted yourself to his defense. He so lucky to have you advocate for him. You’re a true warrior spirit. Thank you for standing up for him.

And that shrimp on the treadmill is one of the crazy researches funded by USAID. So many ways to spend other peoples money…

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What? That’s a treadmill? Lol.

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I missed that too

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treadmill for a shrimp whole experimental set up in a tank to make shrimp "swim"/"run" on a treadmill to see how cardiac performance was impacted by various conditions... I kid you not. When discovered it was lampooned as a poster child of wasted monies... akin to finding out the attention span of guppies (small fish).

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This is not really the courts, unless you are thinking of an Australian marsupial hearing. This is initially the CPSBC's internal complaint and disciplinary tribunal. As I always request names in these reports, the CPSBC Registrar is Heidi Oetter.

The nonsense advances to the courts if the victim resists- see Dr. Mark Trozzi in Ontario.

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holy crapp.

You are hitting on all cylinders Diane! whew.

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Yep, shrimp on a treadmill. I read that too.

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$12 million from USAID.

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Next... Dr Makis... another Canadian who has been so terribly treated. So many many cancer patients have learnt how to have other options beyond the often resistant treatments because of him.

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Also, Dr Trozzi, Dr Bridle, et al.

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Absolutely 100% agree.

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He was an early hero in the madness of Covid. There will be stories to tell for the rest of time for these bravehearts.

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Yes, I remember Dr. Hoff. He was the first I ever heard talk about the D-dimer test for microclots. He seems like a very caring and principled man of science. What a travesty that he had to undergo this ordeal.

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He should sue for harassment 😔

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"...They destroyed this lovely man’s life for years. That takes a toll on a kind human being’s well-being: they stole his practice, his livelihood and his time. .."

IMO they dropped the case because "mission accomplished"

They'll call it a victory (because it is) and go home. No need to even say Oops, sorry. The point was taken. The shots were fired as a warning to others.

They destroyed him both financially and took a bite out of his soul. THAT is how the ghouls roll.

Just another incidence of law in the pursuit of lawlessness. All upside for the ghouls and very little downside

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Maybe we should , as a collective group, say a prayer that Hoffe will be redeemed and repayed the debt that is owed to him.

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God’s got this!

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I have to respond to the photo- it must be a reference to the program circa 2014 in which taxpayer money was spent to research the aerobic efficiency of shrimp, testing them by running them on a treadmill. The video is both absurd and adorable!

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50 points!

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WOW! You are right to highlight the insanity of that kind of thing . . .

But being an Aussie, I though it might have referred to the saying we have of: "Don't come the raw prawn" when someone is conning you, lying to you or otherwise trying to mislead you.

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Yes, I remember hearing about that “study” years ago. It’s symbolic of how taxpayer money is wasted on such things.

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way to go!

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When will there be accountability from those who destroyed the lives of many?

The Canadian Liberal government didn't care about the thousands who died from drug overdoses because the government was busy virtue-signalling lies about 'safe supply and making their drugs available. Alberta's premier, Danielle Smith said we needed a fentanyl czar and now the Liberals say the same. They are corrupt.

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And it spills over into all government run organizations! Administration of public schools, Healthcare, Military, all of it, the college of physicians, college of psychology, it is all corrupt. All directors of all these organizations are shown how to make change for diversity and inclusion and if they they don't play along, a new boss will be hired, likely one with little qualifications or little moral character. Somewhere in here there is a link to what is happening in the USA.

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and, the good ole USA is the same. . .

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Not for long.

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I’m so happy about this I could to handstands! Dr Hoff came and spoke at our fringe community twice, and a finer man never was. He inspired us all to be courageous in the face of the insanity and criminality we were all living under, and still are! Maybe this is a sign that the fog is lifting?

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As to USAID's website, it has been archived over 30,000 times by the Wayback Machine - you can see the site as of 5th January 2025 here: https://web.archive.org/web/20250105152512/https://www.usaid.gov/

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This is DISGUSTING !!!!!!!!!! As someone commented below, WHEN will these BASTARDS, MURDERERS be prosecuted ?????????? I am so sick and tired of reading information on “Substack,” from various “whistleblowers” and seeing NOTHING in the “main stream” fucking media about ALL of this !!!!!!!!!! I am STILL recovering from these motherfucking “shots” from over 3+ plus years ago. Unfortunately, like MILLIONs, I believed the MASSIVE propaganda from my own fucking government and mainstream media (U.S.). Along with those of us, in the beginning, that were FORCED to take this got damned poison in our bodies, based on nothing but fucking LIES !!!!!!!!!! Also, BIll Gates, is on a fucking press tour, as I just saw him on “The Tonight Show” on “NBC,” on 2/4/2025. When Fallon announced his entrance, he walks out, and people are clapping, MIND fucking BOGGLING. I was talking on the phone to a friend, and I stated that here is a man who is responsible for so much injury, disability, and death, and he and the media paint him as some type of humanitarian. What happened with his court case in, I think it was the Netherlands ?????????? (I forget the exact country where it was ruled he would be taken to court, a couple of months ago, civil only, supposedly) ..Now, the fucking corrupt, EVIL media is talking about this got damned “Bird Flu” and the price of eggs everyday, which is being done on purpose, because “they” are fucking with the “virus,” while simultaneously coming up with a so called “vaccine” for this “Bird Flu,” at the same time!!!!!!!!!! Is anyone going to stop these criminal motherfuckers ?????????? HANG THEM, PUBLICLY !!!!!!!!!! ..I apologize for my “language,” but I don’t like the “double reality” which I presently see, daily, from an EVIL, CORRUPT media !!!!!!!!!! I mean, is this really going to continue, the “fake reality ?????!!!!!”

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I hear you.

I'm still burning and mad as hell too.

I may not live to see retribution but will never go quietly into that good night.


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Thank you ….Same here !!!!!!!!!! (never go quietly)

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