Just dropping a quick note here. A lot of wonderful people have been fighting in the background for Dr. Charles Hoffe. If you don’t know who he is, he was one of the first Canadian physicians to get persecuted for being an honest physician in Canada. His ability to practice Emergency Room medicine was seized by the various provincial health authorities that control government-run hospitals and clinics. Although he maintained the ability to continue general practice, he was harassed constantly. You can read about this treacherous story here.

From the moment I was asked to provide evidence to support his claims I said yes and did so. I spent all 2023 Christmas and New Year’s writing up a document evidencing the truth of his claims using data. I was proud to do it in my attempt to help a fellow Canadian.
Just today, it was confirmed “from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia that they have decided to drop all charges against Dr. Hoffe”.
I am not surprised by this at all for two reasons:
They had no compelling evidence against him
We had compelling evidence to support that what he claimed was true and correct
This is fantastic news, but I am not satisfied. They destroyed this lovely man’s life for years. That takes a toll on a kind human being’s well-being: they stole his practice, his livelihood and his time. The former: he cannot get back. There is no compensation that could possibly justify his losses, but perhaps a bit of justice could still be served up nice and hot. Why did they suddenly drop the charges? Was it simply because they knew we were not going back down with our tall pile of evidence that would result in these charges eventually being dismissed? Or is there another reason?
I find it extremely interesting that this happened right when the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) established by executive order by Donald Trump in the U.S. starting revealing credibly disturbing findings pertaining to the misuse of American tax dollars. Within a few days, billions of dollars have been saved by “stopping the hiring of people into unnecessary positions”.
DOGE is saving the Federal Government approx. $1 billion/day, mostly from stopping the hiring of people into unnecessary positions, deletion of DEI and stopping improper payments to foreign organizations, all consistent with the President’s Executive Orders. A good start, though this number needs to increase to > $3 billion/day.
One of the big wastes of tax-payer dollars has been found to be associated with an organization called USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development). They’ve also gone a bit ‘dark’, recently.
This organization posing as an international aid organization, is nothing of the kind. As Michael Shellenberger put it:
USAID's defenders say it's about charity and development in poor nations. It's not. It's a $40 billion driver of regime change abroad. And now the evidence suggests that it, along with the CIA, were behind the 2019 impeachment of Trump — an illegal regime change effort at home.
From funding charities where Marina Abramovic is on the board of directors of Serpentine Americas Foundation FKA (see pretty map), to funding research relating to novel bat SARS-like coronaviruses, the donor list reads like a who’s who of WTF. The WEF’s in there too.
And what about the COVID era, you ask? The Global Virome Project, PREDICT and PREEMPT are all the same thing, by the way. They’re all about swabbing bat bums for the sake of “saving humanity’’ from global pandemics. The actual PREEMPT website is down, but you can read about what they’re all about here. And don’t forget to read the DEFUSE proposal.
It might be important to point out at this point that U.S. government spending is in the trillions with regard to COVID-19 “responses”, and for Canada’s part, these “responses” absolutely included “reducing the spread of misinformation”. Of course, “spreading misinformation” was also an issue being “dealt with” in the United States.
I don’t know how much is associated with USAID.
A lot of the money being tentatively saved now by DOGE’s discoveries are related to the DEI (Diversity, equity and inclusion) movement that was intended, in my opinion, to destroy what it means to be human, and common sense in industry. It was also intricately linked to the misinformation nonsense. Remember, there a was point in our history now engraved in figurative internet stone, when we were being told that men could get pregnant. Remember “pregnant people”? For a while there, it was “misinformation” to make claims that there were only 2 genders. The transagenda was being forced down our throats whilst simultaneously making it clear to us that “there were more than 2 genders”. Interestingly, a lot of websites making these ridiculous claims are silently doing a scrub-down.
Just a reminder, children cannot consent to puberty blockers.
There was also an executive order singed on January 20, 2025 to end it, in fact. But it’s just incredible how much of the USAID wasteful spending is connected to the DEI movement. I mean, come on! 2 million dollars to strengthen trans-led organizations to deliver “gender-affirming” healthcare? What does that even mean?
It’s becoming very clear that an agenda is running deep and this DOGE discovery process by effectively “following the money” is like turning over rocks buried in caves with massive piles of decades-old shit festering under them. It stinks.
Fifty points to whomever can guess why I posted this photo.
Back to Charles. The people who were trying to bury him have backed down all of a sudden and - this is speculation at this point - but I wonder if these things are connected. I don’t believe in coincidences and the timing is … interesting. Could there be a DEI-USAID linky doodle in there somehow? Could the dismissal of the charges be a way to preemptively “make the case go away” before it gets too much traction/attention and perhaps paints a big red flag on people who might have also been receiving funding from USAID and who might have serious COIs? After all, USAID are an international organization, right? Their goal to “extend assistance to countries recovering from disaster, trying to escape poverty, and engaging in democratic reforms”, right? Seems to be a nice way of saying … other things, including DEIing the shit out of citizens of countries that want no part it.
There is a search tool to find organizations and their principal officers called Data Republican Government NGO Tracking. The data includes Employer Identification Numbers (EINs), organization names, and officer details. Have a look.
Roll out the civil litigation cannons. Dr. Hoffe was defamed. His ability to practice his profession was destroyed. He deserves compensation and punitive damages against the College and against the BC Gov't. Dr. Henry's email record on the Hoffe matter is appalling.
What fantastic news, Dr. Hoff paid a big price for his integrity and bravery, but that is just what great people do. Hope I bump into Dr. Hoff one day and can buy him a big steak and glass of wine. Thank you Dr Hoff 💙