We the people CANNOT be a prisoner to the WHO

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May 12Liked by Jessica Rose

The aligned Council is of Ian Brighthope’s many initiatives. Ian is fearless - a lion.

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May 12Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for posting this. I would have loved more questions asked of David Bell. I was most interested in what he had to say. I’m so happy this important topic is being discussed. I look at pharma as an invasive species, they’re inserting themselves ever so insidiously into our health care systems laying a solid foundation for their ever increasing power. Pharma and Gates funding the WHO is all I need to know about this proposal being totally disastrous for our health and autonomy. I was telling my girlfriend this morning about this proposal that cedes power to the WHO. She had no idea this was going on. She can’t believe it hasn’t been discussed in MSM. Yep, you’d think it would be.

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The people have not wanted or requested a non-governmental organizations making critical decisions on emergencies and important health issues. The answer should be no.

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I listened to this interview, Thank you Jessica. Most interesting. But what riles me the most is the elephant in the room, that people, not Governments, have the right to reject medical interventions. This constant drone, on & on, about HIV/AIDS not proven to exist, PCR being a valuable tool, Spanish flu proven to be the result of mass vaccination, necessary childhood vaccines etc. acknowledged by these learned men as acquired valuable tools of knowledge, shows me that nothing will change and the WHO will continue to murder people by hook or crook. There are no safe vaccines, never has been, they all produce harm which the medical establishment will never admit to and people believe their doctors. These new mRNA's will now become the norm. Will mothers be told this when they give their children their childhood vax's? No they won't. Mass die-offs are coming greater than we've seen this last 3 years, all from these vaccines. This has to stop.

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I happen to agree with you.

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Affirm ALL you Stated. Thank you CM Maccioli.

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May 12Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for this link, Dr. Rose! You continue to be the force to be reckoned with and keeping us updated with the most important news!

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May 12Liked by Jessica Rose

AL, wright!

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It’s Time

To Save The Planet

From This Bill Gates Motherfucker

And His Ilk.

You Own This.


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I think Y2K was his first hoax pandemic.

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May 12·edited May 12

Katie Ashby-Koppens is a beacon of truth in this world swirling in lies. She's also helping on a case in Australia about the GMO aspect of the injections, DNA modifying

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We the people demand that the WHO be prosecuted for crimes against humanity & GOD !

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The WHO is in Bill's pocket and this is his plan to take over the planet like Ming the Merciless.

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May 17·edited May 17

The Covid-19 military operation enabled the Five Eyes to inject billions of people with nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.) These are crimes of warrantless search and seizure of our biometrics contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada. They've attached us ALL to the Cloud (a military quantum super computer.)


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Another council of heroes. *yawn*

The whole system is predicated on controlling how we think, and to ensure that how we approach problem solving is in a way that the plutocracy is comfortable with - such as these formal, politically-sanctioned assemblies of experts. The entire Western conception and method of politics is designed to keep people walking down these tightly-controlled corridors that lead to nowhere, or worse.

Here's an idea: if we're genuinely opposed to the W.H.O. and its supporting governments, and to the very idea that a bunch of dignitaries and experts could congregate under the guise of deciding what's best for us all while having the real intention of completely subjugating us, then perhaps we could also be opposed to thinking about the world and solving problems in their terms - including all these insipid meetings and conferences and conventions?

Has anyone else seen that meme: "Raise your hand if you're tired of this shit"? Yeah, my hand went up years ago.

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So appreciate this share, Jessica. There is hope!

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So appreciate this share, Jessica. There is hope!

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The problem as explained by one of the intervenes is political. And it's true 100%.

If any given society is not able to make a good political choice, it's future will be in geopardy. Unfortunately, we see many people are still not interested in politics despite the fact that the rule of law is under control of political elites.

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and that the problem - imbeciles would vote imbeciles - and when their # > 50% ...

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