The one thing I am pretty good at life is knowing what I don't know. I am instinctually curious, so I seek out new information when I "don't know". Substack seems to support that!

It's kind of depressing how many in the Pharma/Medical complex don't have ANY ability to acknowledge: 1) How rushed these mRNA treatments were, and 2) How much we/they still don't know about what they did, are doing, and will continue to do in the future. I did not take them, but obviously I have many that did.

Good news - I have three family members that have read my pinned article, and now "get it". I did NOT send the article to them, as people have to find the truth out their own way...or not.

Thanks Jessica

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I am glad you got some people to listen! Most people I know don't give a rats azz, they just do what they are told. I try to only use mainline sources for the somnolent, ignorant wokesters. E.g., I sent my brother details citing only Stanford Medical School, Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Medicine, Yale Medical School, Cleveland Clinic, NEJM, Lanct, BMJ, etc etc etc etc.

His response? "Quit emailing me."

Last I heard, his wife was on her second round of Covid.

One can ignore reality. But one cannot ignore the realities of what happens when you ignore reality

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Blaise, do you get markcrispinmiller's substack? Also You could get Ed Dowd's "Cause

Unknown " Sudden Deaths coffee table book. Each fact and death has a QR code next to it to reference the original source material. All the young faces. It is a wake up call for anyone that is not as cold as a stone. Put it out when your brother and sister in law come over or better yet, give it to them as a gift.

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Thanks, yes get Miller, know about Dowd. Facts don't matter to them, sadly. They are very wealthy, and with wealth comes arrogance. Teyve's Fiddler on teh Roof sand "for when you're rich they think you really know..." Same here.

Not much more I can do. Just be polite; maybe one day they will ask, but probably not. Sad. Must be akin to what Christ felt as He talked about future verities with people who just wouldn't listen....

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Well, maybe your brother will put you in his will. All my siblings are financially gifted moreso than myself, and they all got jabbed, too. I'm considering pitching the idea that they should consider me and my non-tainted status, and include me in their wills before it's too late. Might as well benefit from this crazy fiasco.

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Natasha, keep us posted on how that goes will y'a?!🤣

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Fiddler on the Roof has so manny great life lessons. Amazing theater production when I saw it originally in TO, and every half decade after that.

Well they are about to have their money taken from them in some way, shape or form and that can be humbling. It sounds like they are not Prepers so they may be taken by surprise.

Developing new like minded relationships is satisfying. So funny what you say about the facts not mattering. I am fortunate not to have someone that far gone in my circles. I have definitely been editing those circles in the last 3 years so I don't go mad. Such a relief meeting good people with a good head on their shoulder. Nice chatting with you. All the best.

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Thanks, Jessica. Still a little at the edge of my layman's understanding, but getting clearer. Thanks for that!

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Thanks for posting this topic. There is ZERO oversight on manufacturing. All EU human vaccines tested were found contaminated. -- Dirty Vaccines: New Study (2017) Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants - (Link to the PDF study is embedded in the article) https://info.cmsri.org/the-driven-researcher-blog/dirty-vaccines-new-study-reveals-prevalence-of-contaminants

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Thanks. Good summary up to August 2021. Much more research has been done since of course.

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Thank you.

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Oh there is oversight. It's just the standards are much more lax for vaccines than pharmaceutics imho. I think it's because vaccines are usually 1-2 doses so that there is an assumption that toxicity and contamination is considered less of a risk since it is not given on a regular basis or chronically.

I think that assumption should be reassessed.

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Effective oversight is when defective manufactured products are pulled before they reach the consumer to kill or injure. What kind of oversight do you think is happening when every single human EU vaccine tested in the 2017 study is contaminated with metals, toxins and particulates capable of killing the patient and/or damaging DNA?

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Thank you very much.

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Pharmaceutical oversight regarding toxicity is just as bad. Fluoroquinolone abx have been maiming and killing for greater than 2 decades and are still pushed on people for infections easily treated with safer, bacteriostatic meds. There are many other examples as well. Covid corruption is not a one off. They paved a corrupt and deadly path for decades.

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STUDY: The dangerous impurities of vaccines - Janine Roberts - https://medicalveritas.com/Janine.pdf

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Thank you

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Long History of Vaccine Contamination - Raymond Obomsawin - https://tinyurl.com/4zfraamx

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The HIGHWIRE covered the DIRTY VACCINES issue in Sept., 2021 - https://rumble.com/vm0l1t-covid-19-vaccine-contamination-coverup-highwire-09.2.21.html

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CHINESE VACCINE PATENT USES GRAPHENE OXIDE TO "IRRADICATE" SARS-CoV-2 - https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/0n-wHn6Z8Dc/m/Hl0bsoxNCwAJ

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This is a Cover Up to add this GO antenna poison to the injection now!

How damn sneaky. They may as well add bleach to it. Part of the big cover up as they continue to kill and poison us. But not in the free state of Fl.

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Thank you

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SV40? SV40! I thought SV40 was just an unwanted contaminant of the polio vax. Now it's used to promote reactions? Say what!? Makes me wonder if Salk and Sabin were knowingly running an SV40 experiment on the masses.

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I know too little about this to comment other than to say, I need to read more.

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Thanks for the reply. I just did a search on Dr. Herb Ratner and SV40 and found this:


Dr. Ratner was in an Illinois health dept. at the time of the Cutter shot rollout. He realized that injected kids who then got polio were being diagnosed as meningitis (or something). He tried to inform Congress, to no avail.

Doc R saved vials from the original shot. The link above is based on sequencing Herb's vials. Yes, the polio shot causes cancer. It's a ticking time bomb in me and most folks.

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Thank you for telling us.

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What if you got the vaccine in the sugar cube? Ingestion Vs injection? I clearly remember going into a church basement and eating the sugar cube. Probably 1963-4?

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Polio Vax?

There was a dangerous oral polio vax more recently then that that actually caused Polio soon after taking it.

I think if no damage has showed up from that far back you are in good shape. The stomach acids could have neutralized /inactivated the contents ( if there were any ) likely. Maybe somebody was smart and it was a placebo.

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Funny you'd bring it up. I was thinking the same thing. I remember eating a sugar cube with pink stuff on it at school - same time frame. Answer: I don't know. I hope it washed its way out!

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Me too. I just remember reading that the injectable was contaminated with SV40, which I have read was Simian Virus 40. The 40th monkey they grew the virus on the monkey kidneys and that monkey had cancer. People came down with SV40 cancer in the 70’s. I had read this on a Facebook group that is no longer there due to CV “fact checkers”. So...No way to verify.

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Pfizer was once a great company, but their merger with Pharmacia in the early 2000s seems to have changed their priorities.

How could one of their products be so poorly manufactured?

Do they no longer care about quality control? Do they lack the technical expertise to produce a quality controlled product? Are they so focused on profit that they ignore anything (including quality control) that interferes with profit? Is their "working relationship" with government causing them to ignore human health to meet a production deadline?

Putting liability protection aside, do current Pfizer employees and executives realize what they have done to the Pfizer name? Pfizer is now synonymous for fraud and poorly produced products. Why would anyone ever use one of their products in the future?

COVID showed us that government regulatory agencies and public health officials are incapable of doing their statutory functions. COVID also showed us that some companies (like Pfizer) are never to be trusted.

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My understanding is that Operation Warp Speed was carried out under the policy direction of the National Security Council and operations direction of the Department of Defense. The DOD used many of its longstanding suppliers to manufacture and distribute the "vaccines". The NIH was relegated to an "advisory" (actually, propaganda) role and by contract Big Pharma was only responsible for the implementation of prototypes and demonstrations. The DOD's contracts with its suppliers were written under Other Transaction Authority, which means that vaccines as such were not ordered; instead, "countermeasures" were ordered. Oversight and regulation were not required. The FDA and CDC were only pretending to regulate. In my opinion, it's the biggest scandal ever perpetrated on the human race.

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I would elevate scandal to fraud when the FDA and NIH went along with the DOD’s “countermeasure”.

The DOD can do whatever it wants within its organization structure. Once it moved an experimental and dangerous “countermeasure” outside its organization structure, and the FDA and NIH willing went along, the DOD violated its statutory authority.

In this sense, Pfizer (along with the FDA and NIH) are co-conspirators with the DOD, all acting against the best interests and well-being of the American people.

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Don't forget Monsanto was part of that 2000 dance of M&A - divest pension obligations and toxic liabilities for the Rockefeller - Gates Biotech Mafia!

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This injection is manufactured in China by a Chinese company. Just like the dog food we don't use for these reasons.

Pfizer Farms it out of course! Just like it was not their " technology" either it's BioInTech's. ( that they stated in many internal emails was not ready for release ) Pfizer just coordinates the show and puts it's stamp on it and collects the money.

I had no problem, as I do with all medicines, finding what country and what company made the Covid experimental permanent gene editing injections. Pls let me know if you can't find. I thought everybody knows to look for this on labels or computer for all ingested or injected ( worse ) products. Same for our pets and farm animals.

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I thought Pfizer manufactured their “vaccine” in Michigan, but I would not be surprised if some of the manufacturing was given to subcontractors. Pfizer’s biggest contribution was its cold-chain supply lines, but some have questioned that as well given the high incidence of adverse events with some batches.

Where can I find “country of origin” information.

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Naomi Wolf did a brilliant & disturbing substack on where these injections are manufactured.

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Thank you very much for this info.


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Follow the money. Contracts, one way.


New contract moving forward


I am not going to hunt anymore down because I don't care. I assume they are all made in shitty places with uncaring, underpaid and uneducated help. Like the J& J in downtown Baltimore even made by homeless people and drug addicts largely.

" Factory " closed down several times. The worse the better, for their intended death goal.

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I can tell you Pfizer was corrupt as of 2001. They bought their way into a contract with a state agency I did some work for, a lousy product that suddenly became “formulary” excluding more effective & less expensive drugs of the same class. I was stunned when this happened, and let’s just say I was not surprised when this particular drug was part of their several BILLION dollar fine.

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What state?

What drug? Bextra, Lyrica, and Geodon come to mind.

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That rolling review is from Nov 2020 and refers to the monovalent. I think I've read it 20 times, and each time I get more out of it. Note that the bivalent manufacturing is even more complicated.

It's important to note, that the reviewers identified and noted many deficiencies, and only the EMA placed Specific Obligations on the vaccine (cant find anything at the FDA and HC), but that they were overruled no more than a month later in Dec 2020. How and who is a mystery. Secondly, not much has improved based on Kevin's analysis since that time. This is even more surprising to me. Pharma is really proud of their manufacturing prowess and making good high quality pharmaceutics. Thats why they attack generics and the biosimilars.

I have always suspected and think we are gathering enough evidence that the slopping manufacturing and the lack of progress on quality control is to cover for something...and no I am not on the nanobot or graphene wagon yet. That plastic mRNA is bad enough.

I am also concerned with the contamination of LPS/endotoxin and dsRNA.

Also I have been trying to figure out the poly (A) tail business for 2 years and why they used ddPCR for this.

Each element is a rabbit hole. And we even haven't started on the LNPs.

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I know...

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I was just saying earlier that even if the vials weren't contaminated, it's STILL risky and remains the choice of the individual to choose to get injected or not.

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Individual can not wisely choose if the individual does not know what he/she is choosing. If you, the expert, just found out what is in the barrel, 13 B recipients were injected unknown substance and many unwillingly. STILL risky should imply NO CHOOSING.

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Yes it no more constitutes a *choice* than, for instance, obeying a road sign. An act is not a choice merely because in principle one could have done otherwise. No choice can be judged independently of its circumstances.

When I ‘choose’ to comply with traffic signs it’s on the assumption that it’s in my interest. No one could freely choose something potentially lethal to their welfare unless suicidal. To designate submission to the injection a ‘choice’ is a travesty: being prey to deception is the polar opposite of choice.

This abuse of meaning and truth - “it’s your right to choose”- undermines resistance. Right and wrong are not reducible to ‘choice’. Even if suicidal it’s wrong to take the jab because suicide is wrong. *Logically* however it’s perfectly correct.

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I am not sure these can ever be made without some contamination, or without issues of post translation modifications, glycosylation, and errors in translation.

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It is not Pfizer making it. It is not BioNTech making it. It is some no name company in China f ing around. I will look for the link now. This is how everything works. Risk is farmed out and covered.

1 minute search. Am I missing something that others could not do this?


And moving forward...

We know what experts there are in Brazil and what a state of chaos they are in right now with the fake election.


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The deals are for “domestic” or local use of the vaccine. There is no mention of the vaccine being provided to Pfizer for distribution in the US. Pfizer, being very profit-oriented, does like these deals because such deals hurt their profits.

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Not sure what you mean but China does not use mRNA injections. They are very smart when it comes to cellular biology unlike Americans, generally speaking.

That is from where we get the majority of US and Canada's Cell Bio etc., scientists.

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> enzyme which is simply a biological catalyst

Reply: Firstly this reply is not a put down. I love your work. However the word SIMPLY is an over statement. What nature has done is doing may seem simple but it is anything but. enough said.

Be well and keep on keeping on. Love your work and those you report on.

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Point well taken! You're right.

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Regarding the luxury of living in a society where you can, by default, give "the benefit of the doubt", I wish I could say that's still the case. Yes OK within certain known circles, but not so much in general any more. There's an old saying, "If you can't trust your banker, who can you trust?" Well, I DON'T trust the bankers. Or a whole host of other professions. Truth be told, I'm hard pressed to know who to trust these days. So thank you, Jessica, for being trustworthy!

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thank you for all of this. It is very enlightening!

Yes, I have to re read a few lines but thank you for gathering this and explaining some of the deep stuff

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I'm an MD with reasonable literacy in microbiology and biochemistry. I'm nodding familiar with plasmids, antimicrobial resistance and the concepts of replication and transcription. With all due respect I beseech you to try to translate this paper for the non-bench science community. Furthermore, Sasha has been broaching the difficult subject of the "origins" of the alleged pandemic and has suggested that virology is fake science because there are no proper experimental controls to support it's foundational assumptions. Care to weigh in? Thank you for all the brave, brilliant work you have done to shed light on a complex and shadowy subject .

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I will do my best but Kevin's the best bet at describing precisely what he found. No sure of Sasha's thoughts on virology. I am going to Substack about the mRNA production process next so this might actually be a good merger between Kevin's results, the bench and the clinic.

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Thank you most kindly!

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I was subscriber to Steve Kirsch's substack when he began attacking the no virus movement on the basis of advice from his team which included Jessica and a certain very vulgar "Kevin". Kirsch of course knows little about the science behind all this and is not interested in learning. I doubt he would have any clue as to what Jessica is talking about here. He needs his experts to tell him what to think on all things scientific. In any case, to cut a long story short, Christine Massey published a long email exchange between Kirsch/his experts and herself. I was shocked at how "Kevin" insulted Christine. There is no way I could repeat it here. Now, I may be getting mixed up between McCairn & McKerrin but the guy proffering the insults was a Kevin and was on Kirsch's advisory team. So I am assuming that Jessica does not consider virology to be fake science.

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BREAKING - 1 hr. video - Pascal Najadi & Astrid Stueckelberger - The house of cards is about to collapse https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

Pascal Najadi, the Swiss Investment banker who filed a criminal complaint against Pfizer, against the Swiss President and Minister of Health, has submitted a new case in the USA that has been accepted by the Supreme Court in NY against Pfizer Inc. The case is based on Pfizer’s violation of US law for selling products for profit into the Swiss market in a way that violates the Swiss National Constitution. In his dedication to justice, Pascal Najadi who was injured by the Pfizer shot, has filed the lawsuit against Pfizer in the United States in a private case. Pfizer now faces litigation on multiple fronts in multiple countries. So far no MSM outlet has reported on this bombshell. Help us get the word out! https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

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Please keep in mind all these big distractions including the aliens info that will be coming down the pike, with or without DODs Bluestream? Holograph Technology is just that, a distraction to keep our attention away from how they are really capturing us. That being, taking away our money, control and freedom. Enslaving us. For real. And yes, then our souls. Best to plan for the money steal now so it cannot go further. Use cash only. Store silver and gold coins. Create villages for barter. Do Not Comply with their digital control currency. Catherine Austin Fitts, the Soleri Report on rumble.com or odysee.com or bitchute.com


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THANK YOU! I will check your suggestions, definitely. Reminder: "Regardless, we will keep hoping and putting the pressure on because présure does help. It works for them."

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Good news but NY is so corrupt the case is pretty much decided now. Watch Comey for a buck or two insert his daughter as prosecuter again like with Jeffery Epstein's partner in crime Maxwell. Funny how everything in the Play intertwines and comes back around. Almost like it was all planned by someone(s).

The only place worse then NY is the Cali district where the Evils famously go to for their favorable rulings.

Regardless, we will keep hoping and putting the pressure on because présure does help. It works for them.

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I too got excited about his until I seen Pascal with Dr Reiner Fuellmich. I think it's just another one of Dr Reiner Fuellmich gatekeeper events. He had a tribunal case to the world as the jury that was a huge let down. I was shocked at the build up to it and then no teeth in the end. Plus, Pascal Najadi revealed he was a retired investment banker. Between these two alone, it now sounds contrived to me. I've given up on Dr Reiner Fuellmich until he can produce something tangible in our favor. Right now it's been a great big nothingburger. I hope I'm wrong about this, but my gut is saying it's more false hope.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Pascal Najadi - Criminal Complaint Against the Swiss President


That being said, Freedomisnotfree stated a distraction that I don't agree with. I would look into Serge Monast whistleblowing on vaccines and false alien sh*t show from ~1994.


Serge Monast also exposed it in the Toronoto Protocols.


Serge Monast was a whistleblower on jabs as well that they're connected with the fake alien invasion. He basically stated there would be a multi-phase liquid crystal vaccine cut in 2 phases which reassembles at the 2nd vaccine to do you in. The cv19 jabs could be this 1-2 punch he describes.

Read the description section of this video:


This was the best I could find in English. There's a longer French version of his vaccine interview out there.


@10:46-11:47 he explains that the cabal needs dark skies to pull off holographic Gods show that Serge Monast disclosed. He also talks about chemtrails in this video. I believe the chemtrails have multiple purposes.


This seems to play into project blue beam's wheelhouse.

The UN Discusses Darkening The Skies to Combat Climate Change


I would not discount this deception in the near future to get us to accept CBDCs/social credit score system and a NWO to place us into digital prisons or into graves.

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Operation Indigo Skyfall

Thanks for your insight. To make clearer ; the Evils constantly bring out distractions to help Run Cover on what worse Operations are really going on.

Totally a Professionally Run Pych Ops for many many years. Kudos to the older generations that saw this going on years ago. Shame for us not listening and learning and doing something sooner.

https://duckduckgo.com/?q=operation+indigo+skyfall&t=ipad&ia=web https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/light-on-conspiracies/id1247812750


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As Pfoozer replied when queried about this:

"Oh well... close enough for goverment work! Beside, I got my taxpayer billions for my bank account, so what do I care? But thanks for complaining. We're Pfoozer. We don't care... we don't HAVE to. "

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Exactly. What's another Criminal fine they say....we have already payed about 400 billion in criminal fines. Sorry I don't have the link but it is easy to find. Don't use gaggle, they are covering as much as they can. The fines are just kickback to the Gov. in reality. Follow that money trail to see whose pockets it really goes into, that would be interesting.

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'The Honey Badger don't give a shit'....

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"They are trying their very best with their limited resources after injecting this stuff into billions of people."

Perhaps this is a mistype or I misread. Who is they?

The ones that have NOT halted all injections?


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T.H.E.Y. = The Hierarchy Enslaving You.

(credit to TLAV)

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I think you mean the Kevin research grp? But I'm hoping they did not do the injecting...

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If bacteria are producing spike protein (there are prion regions in the spike protein) are we setting ourselves up for a prion disaster?

Mad cow disease on steroids.

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The Wuhan strain, and all mRNA vaccines containing the Wuhan strain, have prion-like properties. As I understand it, the Omicron variants do not have such properties.

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What happens if gut bacteria take up these plasmids? Do they start producing spike, forever? What happens when those bacteria carry those plasmids into the wild? Does it spread up and down the food chain? What are the effects of bacteria producing spike protein, toxic metabolites, poisoning our food chain?

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We all know that the arrogant pricks, who hold us in such contempt ,have thought this through. NOT

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Any idea why this murderous stance is unstoppable?


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The Injustice Dept is hijacked in US and the AGs of the states are corrupted also and sitting on their dumb non medical asses. Except for Florida where it is banned completely in Lee County and for all males 19-49 ( or 39 ) throughout the whole state! Reading between the Lines people with half a brain know this means banned for everybody. At least the people of Florida get this. Unless they have just moved there from NY or NJ.

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