Er, horses do sleep lying down, they need an hour of this per day. They can lock their legs and sleep standing which they do all the time, especially in the wild with predator risk. π
Er, horses do sleep lying down, they need an hour of this per day. They can lock their legs and sleep standing which they do all the time, especially in the wild with predator risk. π
But we sleep in a comfortable horizontal position more than 1/3 of our life - despite predators watching us from all sides 24/7 and actively trying to get hold of our money, property or well-earned benefits. Most of these predators employ our neighbors, friends or even folks from our own family to keep tabs on us. Isnβt it strange?
Er, horses do sleep lying down, they need an hour of this per day. They can lock their legs and sleep standing which they do all the time, especially in the wild with predator risk. π
But we sleep in a comfortable horizontal position more than 1/3 of our life - despite predators watching us from all sides 24/7 and actively trying to get hold of our money, property or well-earned benefits. Most of these predators employ our neighbors, friends or even folks from our own family to keep tabs on us. Isnβt it strange?