Thanks to Dr J who is unafraid to defend the Truth. A brave and mentally astute woman any cannot but admire and cherish and even love. Truth is a noble virtue and those who defend it are few.

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I must recognize Dr. P as well but the bad news for him is that he is not anywhere near as easy to look at as Dr. J. hahaha Seriously there is to most men an attraction to not only intelligent and focused women but those who are fighters as well.

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Dr P?

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Dr Paul aka Dr. McCullough as you are Dr J (Jessica) the Rose,.

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Dr P also as in Dr Alexander.

In my profession I have doctors and nurses. I started a system to refer to them by their first initial of their first name. Thus Dr. Susan XXXXXX is Dr S and Dr Celine XXXXXXX is Dr C. It is a typeset of specific to secretly celebrate them all and indicate my respect and affection for them. They all melt me in a moment. Such amazing and adorable women.

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So.. More evidence that you have to be NUCKING FUTS to allow anyone to inject these mRNA products including the flu vaxx and soon everything on the child vax schedule into you or your KiDS!!!

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Love this! My mother used to say this all the time. Along with when she'd be talking about someone who thought their 💩 didn't stink, "muck you fister...you're not so muking fuch!" 🤣 1000% agree on vax's! Let's say for kicks and giggles the childhood and flu vax's weren't riddled with DANGEROUS ingredients, along with ABORTED FETAL TISSUE 👹...why would ANYONE trust companies that have killed LORD ONLY KNOWS HOW MANY via clot shots and Remdesivir??? When people say, "Oh I will not get the c19 vaccine, but I'll still keep getting the flu vaccine!" I say, "So how's the flu vaccine working out?! People still get the flu and they've had FOURTY years to perfect it?! You believe the same companies that won't take a deadly vaccine off the market will make a SAFE vaccine?! Don't you realize big pharma wants patients for LIFE...they don't want to heal you! No money made in healthy people!" It's like all the Christian conservatives that stay on fascistbook, "I just stay on it to keep up with friends and family!" 🐴💩 they do it because they are addicted to it and are afraid they'll miss all the juicy dirty laundry those idiots post every day! 🤦‍♀️

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Thanks. When you start going down the rabbit holes...

My last Substack also discusses what Kevin calls the "quantum paradox" of an m1u modified platform that doesn't work unless you "contaminate" with dsRNA.

Kevin goes into greater depth - you need the right rod-like conformation too, to inhibit abs.

It's no surprise it's proving to be a complete flop as a cancer jab platform. Some cancers have TLR3 receptors to dsRNA, and the inflammatory response to dsRNA promotes angiogenesis and metastases.


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When did we start giving pregnant women anything other than nourishing food, love and care. It has never been the case that pregnancy should be “treated” with any prophylactic of any kind and injectables? OMG. I know there are certain exceptions say in the case of for example bi- polar disorder, where “good doctors” and their patients, who may be taking long term psychiatric medications, have to make appropriate decisions together about risks of harm from stopping their meds versus continuing. I know that many mothers in this position do, themselves decide to risk discontinuing for the duration of the pregnancy for the sake of their foetus at a significant risk to themselves and some continue with their meds though some meds cause neural tube defects some do not. However, since the scandal of thalidomide, surely we have learned that anything “medicine” going into mother goes into her foetus? With consequences. Am I wrong?

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No doubt!!! My first pregnancy in 1987 they would barely allow you to have asprin! Now it's okay to get experimental vax's??? 👹🤯

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I understand that having a baby at a hospital these days is a myriad of medical procedures.

Have you seen this brilliant piece by one of my favorite lengthy and prolific writer/s. I learn so damn much. Hopefully, the link works.


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I’m a pharmacist. You are not wrong. At my Alma Mater, The Acme School of Pharmacy and Skullduggery, we were taught that you don’t test drugs on pregnant women. You don’t assume anything is safe, especially in the first trimester. By mid-2021 there was enough data that the killshots were dangerous to healthy adult males that they should never have been given to mothers. Shame on ACOG, they have lost all credibility.

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I have so much guilt for promoting the shot to my pregnant daughter-in-law. She was well along before taking it but still, everyday I am sick with fear over my granddaughter. I hate myself for believing the fear pumped out daily. Turns out pregnant women weren’t even trialled. I’m injured from the first shot. Life has become joyless.

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Vivien, you only have here and now, just today, don’t let anyone rob you of the joy and appreciation of what you have; your grand daughter. Certainly not guilt or shame. Researchers are working and finding mechanisms to rid the body of the Spike protein, permanently. So all is not lost. And you are in a privileged position to be a grandmother. There is so much good you can be to that child. Use your wisdom. Keep up to date with the research. But best of all, love your granddaughter. Don’t deprive her of what she needs most of all. 😊

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Thank you Marie for those insightful and kind words.

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What will little Peter Hotez say now?

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Safe& Effective👍

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Beat me to the punch!

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Wow! That poor mother and child. 💔

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There are a lot of them. They are just not reported on.

Sadly, some don't even want to know what they did, I suppose it is too painful to consider.

They need to set that aside and come clean to help many ( as well as themselves ) moving forward. It is called altruism. It used to be a thing.

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Happily, I stopped PCRs and DNA/RNA sequencing jobs in 2002, otherwise, reading the articles here about ds RNA, I would get mad. Unhappily, IO had studied too long, ending up over-qualified. as a toxicologist, heart blood immunologist, molecular geneticist, and microbiologist, having vaccinated mice with mRNA and DNA to make monoclonal antibodies, form 1988 to 1995 from thes mice. I nver woul dhave had the crazy idea to let live vaccinated mice with DNA or mNA as vaccine for longer, because weird thing could have happened with their immune system or chromosomes, we thought 30 years ago. As vaccine DNA from these jabs can now spread via bacteria and molds from vaccinated to unvaccinated, the question arises, who is not genetically manipulated these days. In 1990 Prof. Walter Doerfler from Colone University showed GMO vector DNA in the intestibe of mice fed with GMO stuff, but nobody cared. But that intact vector DNA could be ever jabbed in such amounts, into the blood in liposome-graphene-toxine vaccines full of mRNA and vector DNA, and mRNA building up toxic ds RNA, and even RNA-DNA hybrids, would never have arrived in my worst nightmares. Happily, most other huimans ar not over-qualified, so the have no nightmares, as I have. Happily, thes nightmares kick me into the ass every day, to work hard on a de-jabbing machine in our clinical studies since 3 years now. And this machine willnot come into the hands of any medical doctor, as the are underqualified to have the chance to understand what it does. Any treatment getting rid of EBV virus asls get rid of jabbed celles in the body, but EBV still is the main problem for any allergy, autoimmunity, many forms of B cell leukemia, and other tumor diseases. De-Jabbing will be as difficult as getting rid of EBV in times of massive stress by EMFs and psychological as well as microbiological warfare against nearly all humans. Cortisol stress and EBV are the enemies of any immunity, but these RNA/DNA jabs are now much worse. For me, this is a real nightmare, and any good molecular biologists having done this all, must have done this on purpose, 100 % not by accident. Not any molecular geneticist can make such a deadly tool by accident or stupidity. It also cannot be an unhappy chain of targeted stupidity or naive purpose.

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Thank God for Jessica and Kevin and other inquiring minds, who are bringing this incredibly important information to light. I don't think I understand everything mentioned in the article, but one thing is pretty clear. The mRNA shots have many issues that are not being dealt with, and they're trying to pull the wool over our collective eyes. The mechanisms of harm are being revealed despite the denials and gaslighting. I wonder if they realize the ship is sinking and sharks lurk below.

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Jessica Rose your work and personality are entertaining and amazing! I respect you so much as you are on the Right Side of history. You are one of my favourite Heroes. I am smarter, better educated and have more discernment. Thank you.

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thank you!

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I think mmr was one of the boosters that took me out of the workforce in 2003.

Thanks Jessica & everyone else involved in getting to the bottom of this.

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The ACOG still recommends the genetic jab to pregnant women….. sinful

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ACOG, ABOG, and the rest of the boards should all be prosecuted. They should have been above being bought by Pharma owned agencies to kill and maim.

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Agree lone star ⭐️

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Thanks again for a very in-depth Analysis what’s in this sewer of an injectable, to the point of inducing cancer my in-laws recently buried their niece 32 years old was diagnosed with AAC a very rare form of cancer when she was diagnosed she was already in stage 4 it metastasized already the cancer was in her heart as well.

I posted this a while back when she was first diagnosed just under a year ago this cancer ravaged her body so quickly.,

this report Dr. Jessica Rose the mentioning of inducing cancer , no I’m not saying this injectable caused the cancer but what I am saying did it make it more assessable throughout the body has anyone heard of cancer of the heart before in the heart I should say , any feedback would be appreciated thank you

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My friends dad died of "cancer of the heart". Amyloid growth in the heart is my take away from everything I've read. Heart cancer has never been a thing, as far as I know, before 2021. Very sad times.

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Hi Kat Bro , so yes I didn’t think so either of all the cancers in and around my family and friends or reported on TV cancer affecting the heart was never mentioned when discussing where it metastasized to , I asked around in my area no one ever heard of it in the heart .

I think I’m gonna go on

Dr.Peter McCullough Sub stack and see if he or any his colleagues have ever seen it because yeah it’s totally new to me never heard of metastasizing to the heart and like you said since before 2021 ?

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A friend of the family: 19yo f, muscle cancer. 19!

May our Creator have mercy on their souls.


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Agenesis corpus callosum? Grand Mal seizures?

Malum in se, folks. Malum in se.

As Justice Sotomayor recently said, some acts are so evil, they are characterized as "malum in se." (paraphrased).

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Thank you Jess for the comment— not deserved, but I’m glad they were helpful. I’m so appreciative of your work and the others you mentioned as well. Much love my friend.

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love to you :)

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On a side note I got facted checked again on FB about a post of Dr John Campbell about the latest BMJ article from the Netherlands about possible cause of excessive deaths and in their response to me stated that the Covid-19 vaccine lowered the excessive deaths with absolutely no study to back up that claim these clowns say what ever the want with no Scientific backing at all , unbelievable if you just look at the charts that Dr. Jessica Rose put up and others you will see the uptick in excessive deaths when the COVID-19 injectables were rolled out ,

it’s like a Orwellian statement say the big lie long enough it becomes the truth freaking unbelievable !!!!!

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Wow. Important find.

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Truth cannot be suppressed forever. Example/? Trudope has harvested his own demise. Sixty percent of people polled want him gone not just as a fake leader of the LPC but also as the slime minister. his ample assed days and pie faced lying ways are taking him down and his legacy will be but a wet fart in a windstorm soiling him in his perfidity and criminality. One can always tell a political poltroon by the stench of its hypocrisy. Hellbound you be turdie, damned by your actions with the help of your Assministrative vile factions. Like your corrupt liars ASSisting your fraud, I do not condemn you, the pages of the Holy Bible do for "idolators and thieves, and liars shall not inherit heaven. Your god, the father of lies has taught you well.

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It is only to be hoped that the results of his legacy will be short-lived. If he is purged by the Liberal Party we may have increased troubles. From reports, I surmise that Mark Carney, WEF minion and globalist golden boy , is waiting in the wings.

Smarter than JT, deeper into the globalist insiders, we are in more trouble if JT is replaced.

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I wonder if Mark the moron Carney can pass the LIEberal leader test necessary to prove his worthiness. He must be able to continue the legacy of turdie boy by being able to gently suck farts out of dead seagulls while using his buck teeth of strain out all maggots and spit them into the top pocket of his shirt for a snack later. If he can do that, the next test is to visit the Aga Khan, and clean his toilet using only his swollen tongue to remove any streaking. The final task is to demonstrate his ability to rinse his mouth out with stale goat urine while not vomiting while letting Freeland sit on his lap.

If he does those tasks successfully he will be competent to lead the LPC. (Lieberal Pukes & Cucks.)

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Yes it is but not at all comparable to the discovery of Dr. J as an awe inspiring mental giant capable of grasping concepts most of us cannot fathom. I wonder at what age as a girl she manifested her mental abilities. For sure she is the eighth wonder of the world.

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