I find myself increasingly drawn to the issue of mRNA integrity and, specifically, the temperature requirements for the supply chain. This is an aspect which I don't think has been adequately looked at.

Even in the US and Europe the ability to transport, store and deliver products at -70 degrees is patchy at best. In ROW, non-existent. As a side issue, even if stored correctly through to the point of delivery, were there adequate storage facilities at the point of delivery and were adequate instructions available as to how the product should be taken from -70 degrees down to injection temperateure and how long the vials can be kept under normal refrigeration? I suspect there are a LOT of grey areas here!

Setting aside for a moment the issue of efficacy, perhaps the good news is that degraded RNA cannot do the same harm. At the extreme,, the issue here becomes perhaps the batches that have been reported to cause many of the AEs were NOT, in fact, the "bad" batches, but actually the "good" batches which had been correctly temperature-controlled throughout!!

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Maybe also good news for us unjabbed. I am not so worried about the spike proteins - a healthy immune system should be able to take care of them. If the LNPs are also shedded, it could be hoped that their contents will be too degraded to work. Hope so, anyway.

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Peer Reviewed Science is dead.

We need a new kind of science based on what science really is: Can your experiment be independently replicated?

We need to think about the systems that govern over science. If we make them transparent and decentralize them, we can fix everything. Put everything on chain so other scientists can build off each other.

Listen to the wise Balaji Srinivasan talking about this on The Knowledge Project podcast:

Start this at 26:10


Also please read this:


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My understanding is that the number of vials in a lot varied greatly, and that Pfizer stated up front that it was refusing to follow the protocol of having step along the supply chain marked on each vial. I would think that would muddy the waters, so to speak, as to tracking the causes of ineffective vs effective batches. (Hedley Rees has good stuff on the supply chain.) There could even have been incidents of tampering along the way, could there not? My real question is, if we are guinea pigs in a massive DOD/Pharma experiment, how can those same entities track results with so many seemingly uncontrolled and undocumented variables and results?

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The batch to injection to untrackability (neologism alert) backwards lends further credence to the notion that intentional bad lots was not the point--just bad handling and technique. That said, why then were multiple formulations allowed?

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That is an interesting question.

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I thought temp control was only for vaccines?......I don’t think once mRNA is in your system that it matters.

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It stands to reason that degraded product is less dangerous, especially for acute, serious reactions, the kind that will send a signal to VAERS. What's left is the pseudo-u and NLP's, and these may certainly be immunosuppressive, but you aren't going to get spike-related syndromes without much spike.

There are way too many people walking around who not only have been fine, but everyone they know is, as well. This sometimes applies even to people who are aware of the dangers, but are bewildered that it hasn't landed in their circle of familiarity. This can really only be explained by a systemic effect at the local level; i.e., lax protocols for handling and storage, or a deliberate shipment of inactive product.

What would you do, if you had a runaway train of adverse reactions and no longer cared as much about efficacy as keeping the warp core from melting down? A change in protocols would be the quick fix.

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Saved from by-design bioweapon M&M by error and incompetence by product manufacturing and administration OR intentional unwarranted variations of batches by the folks who brought us blank package inserts and nation state level NDAs. I like to include the agency of the Holy Spirit and the Lord of Hosts as frontline deflection -- all praise and glory to God -- and supplication that our martyred fellows be surrounded by His Mercy 🙏

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Sorry to rain on your parade but we don’t know the full effect of degraded rna. There is a possibility it will lead to prion disease in the future. Prion diseases are neurodegenerative diseases, as an example; Parkinson’s or mad cow disease. I hope not but it is an experiment.

I guess keep praying and try keeping the faith.

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Exactly. What about the future effects? The people who have developed CJD after vaccines--that we know if--developed a rapidly progressing version. Is a slower one in the horizon? I want to see lots of research about undoing the vaccines. Now!

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miRNAs though...

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Thanks Jessica! I was wondering if you could summarize it in english for those of us who are perhaps a little lower down the food chain.

And if I might make an outside observation. There are a lot of biological processes being discussed here. I think I picked up on prion disease creation processes being enabled. But I didn't detect similar processes for myocarditis, possible other neurological elements (for instance, those that have been seen shaking uncontrollably). And anything that might address the creation of the clots.

In other words, it seems as if you've gone down a rabbit hole pretty far, and I'm wondering if there's any benefit to "pulling back up" a bit to look at whether or not any of the processes take advantage of or trigger a body's response, or outside or in-body stimulus (energy) in order to perform other functions.

One other caution I might add is that there's a great deal of dependency on VAERS data. Besides being under-reported, I wonder if it's being falsely or incorrectly reported and a possible polluting of the data. There's an age breakdown for numbers, but are there "sub-buckets" for types of adverse events on a per-age basis? I get the feeling that there are other factors at play - for instance differentiating on hormone levels along with other biological triggers/markers that lead to those higher numbers in the respective age brackets. Why is there a decrease in older ages? If one were to have a malicious motive behind all this, is it conceivable that a made-to-order injectable (not wanting to call it a "vaccine") that would avoid affecting older people who tend to make up some of the older "elites" and try to avoid targeting them? (I could be making this too complex - it could be simply metabolism driven/assisted and affecting those who are not only obese but perhaps very athletic. (I'm reminded of the narrow windows of breathing in the andromeda strain book - an old drunk and a crying baby being the survivors, but most normal people falling into the kill zone)

Another way to also approach it. Assume a desired outcome, what processes could be disrupted in a body to produce gradual death (to avoid an immediate and observable cause/effect linkage). Or perhaps the intent is to target healthy people (military, healthcare workers) and disable or kill them. It seems like levels of activity are killing a lot of people, although there are a number of people dying in their sleep as well. Are there stress or metabolizing triggers? Are hearts just giving out? Or are clots that were previously anchored being dislodged and then wedged into smaller passages and leading to a heart attack or stroke? Are allergic reactions being triggered that cause the body to turn on itself?

(I'm rambling, I know it... I keep falling asleep). But just trying to throw out things that might be a little outside the box or possibly not considered. I'm just wondering about things I'm reading, and asking questions about why, without having the deep knowledge you or some of the other doctors or virologists, immunologists, etc. have. Some of them may say (because of their discipline) "That won't ever work" and someone who wouldn't know any better might say, "I wonder if this ______ is happening".

I do want close with my thanks for your efforts on behalf of all of us. We will never know the sacrifice and dedication that has been allocated to this effort. I pray the history books will recognize your efforts and the efforts of so many more.

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Justin, Methinks you are a bit down the rabbit hole here! Jessica has simplified an amazingly complex subject. There are other scientists writing on this who are close to unintelligible on mRNA but she is making it much easier to follow. Take heart though, it’s only taken me three years and compulsive study to get half way around the biological complexity of this bio weapon! The stats part is easier. VAERS limitations and benefits can be analyzed with less bio background.

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Thanks Leslie. I agree she's done a LOT to make things easier. Perhaps the late hour..? But there was a lot of bioilogical and medical jargon there that I couldn't follow very well (or at all). I wasn't looking at numbers only (per-se). I'm a systems guy, so I like to understand how everything works. But biology... I failed that twice. :-||, but have figured out a lot on my own prior to about 1 year ago. Lately, it's gotten pretty deep, and so a good summary is desired. Thank you!

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" Why is there a decrease in older ages?"

A variety of reasons. The elderly are already suspect to multiple forms of death, even within hospitals. In hospitals they can get sepsis and MRSA, in carehomes they may be neglected by an overworked staff, at home they may stumble, fall and have a serious injury.

In terms of SARS-CoV-2, mortality trended to age exponentially (a mechanism was never explained), with children hardly being affected, and the elderly (80+) being disproportionately affected. If you recall the botched carehomes scandal (in numerous countries), a great many of those already on the edge would have died prior to the shot rollout.

Those who receive the first shot have to live long enough in their old age in broken healthcare services to either experience an adverse event, or get another shot increasing the probability.

There is also likely a perception bias. So an old person dying likely doesn't prompt suspicion or follow up investigation. But if a healthy child or healthy adult suddenly dies, it will typically incur a follow up investigation to determine cause.

Additionally, VAERS requires someone other than the deceased input the information. For the young and adults, that will likely be prompted by family members. But for the elderly and alone, it is very likely there is no-one will refer the report. Even if we assume they have a specific and (unusually highly attentive) doctor, they may not be notified nor aware of the death until long after the event, and may not form that association. Even if they form it, they may not see the point given the elderly person may not have any family.

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Thank you. You mean, they're no longer going off the Dr. Birx admonition that if they "died with Covid, it's a Covid death"? I do understand there could be other causes attributed to death, but I thought they were still using that "quick/dirty" method of counting.

Again, thank you. Very good points you've made that can affect statistical outcomes.

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They may very well be. Previously I worked in a medical field that dealt with elderly patients (2015, pre-pandemic) and they weren't in the best of shape even then. You'd often discharge a patient from hospital into a carehome, only to see them back in hospital again less than a week later.

One of the biggest issues of keeping elderly in a hospital was the MRSA which is latent in nearly every hospital due to antibiotics use, and sepsis risks, caused by pressure sores in the legs due to the largely immobile patients unfortunately peeing themselves, and overworked staff not having the time to clean the beds in a timely manner.

The longer the patients stayed in a bed, the more their muscles wasted, and the harder it was to get them out of bed, which increased the risk of them getting infected and dying. Remaining stationary for so long in bed also introduces the risk of deep vein thrombosis, and given the shots cause clotting to worsen, would likely exacerbate an already bad situation.

So, once an elderly person enters a carehome/hospital cycle - whether in their 70s or 80s - it is unfortunately a death spiral. They are the infamous 'bed blockers' of which the media refer, which dehumanises them. They're not blocking the beds, they just cannot leave them given how ill they are.

As a result, I could easily see an elderly person dying long before any shot had any meaningful impact; or, the shot deteriorated an already bad situation, such as worsening the DVT they'd normally experience. As a result, unless a clinician suspects foul play - which given the myriad ways they could die anyway, they won't (and hospitals aren't inclined to investigate themselves for cause) - no investigation will be ordered.

The only people likely to catch an issue would be a coroner doing an autopsy (but again, would need to be ordered), or the mortician. As we know, there are morticians declaring unusual fibrous clotting; the question to ask is, how many of those with the novel clotting were marked as being killed by the shot on their death certificate?

The disparity would tell you the under-reporting factor. If I was to guess, I'd say 3/4ths were not reported, but that's purely a speculative number.

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But I didn't detect similar processes for myocarditis,...

This is caused by immune cells attacking mRNA infected cells. Possibly worse after previous jab/infection as the much more violent complement system will be immediately activated. Same for (non-prion related) neurologic damage, or any other come to that. Eg. the amputations/blindness may often be caused by micro-clots caused initially by the immune attacks on the endothelial cells lining the vessel walls.

Normal prions are very necessary for our cells (esp. neurons), problem is due to the diddling (G4s) the spike may misfold - this can lead to proper (misfolded) prion disease, else has been shown to help clot up blood.

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Does the immune system respond to misfolded prions? Will it mop them up, to hopefully limit neurodegenerative diseases?

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It is possible that dendritic cells can help:


High-energy *near* infrared light may tag deformed proteins for removal. The exclusion zones formed *may* also help.

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How ‘High-energy’ are we talking?

Is there a product, device or maybe associated clinic you can point to for reference?

Also, is Autophagy of use for removing prions & associated formations?

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Thank you

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Thanks Jessica! I compulsively follow all this medical business, but with enough literacy to have pretty good idea regarding the criminal racketeering in HHS that brought into existence toxic hospital protocols and shots that have exterminated 1M Americans. And it wasn’t really the virus. Poor SARS-2, blamed for the crimes of others. Now I hear that even the the mass casualties among nursing home residents in 2019-20 were a consequence of policy ... no antibiotics allowed for bacterial pneumonia following flu. Just because they were thought to have “COVID.” Looping back to Eco Health and coronavirus engineering.

I know the incompetent protocols in the US are mandated nationwide and specified by HHS under the PREP act. How it works outside the US I have been wondering. Do hospitals in Canada (and elsewhere) use remdesivir?

Juicy concepts like like amyloid fiber clots and wastewater evidence of immune suppression are extremely valuable to know, even if it’s not my field. Citizens MUST be engaged and equipped with an accurate view, at least in outline, of what has happened. And bug our legislators about it without mercy.

My personal interest, above all and as a citizen, is witnessing closure of the breach of separation of powers that has collapsed Constitutional governance. This is where there must be NO amnesty. It is treason by any measure. Our SOD comes to mind.

Referring to your graphic, Stalin had a special “list.” That is what we need now. In the days of Henry Vlll heads were displayed on London Bridge. I propose bad players on display in Colonial Era stocks on the Washington Mall. I’m getting soft.

I just read a Ed Dowd’s book. He quotes people who said, in paraphrase, quit worrying and learn to love the shots. These were, sadly, famous last words.

But, the overwhelming weight of work that documents the damage and mechanisms thereof for the shots and drugs that kill are the tools that will make lawyers victorious in court. From what I can tell judges in the US are not necessarily corrupt, but influenced by propaganda. They must be educated in court proceedings...like Doughty in Louisiana 5th circuit. So I learned from the interview of Jeff Childers with Jan Jekielek on Epoch TV. I’m rooting for everyone involved and following the best I can. Thanks for all you do.

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I sit here in a state where our governor and his health banshee are pushing the "vaccines" just like always. The health banshee claims to have epidemiological capabilities. The gruesome twosome insists the "vaccines" are far greater than sliced bread ever was. Our state VAERS is kept hidden from sight. As I look out on the morning rain, I am indeed uninspired. When we hear more and more blatant misrepresentation of solid statistical science, what does this wholesale denial really mean? Some of the best epidemiological minds in the solar system are tearing their hair out when they listen to the many discombobulated and pathetic mal-analyses peristalted out into the general population. Taking the same numbers, just exactly how do rogue pseudo-evaluators of same come up with blanket denials when our gang of number crunchers are showing the deadly and dastardly truth obtained from solid and truthful analytical technique? Not only do my home state vaccine popinjays keep pushing lies and denials, they have the gall to insist we are but mere impostors. The great legal mind of Dr Francis Boyle tells us we must take our complaints to state courts because federal courts are all bent into peculiar shapes i.e. lies and exaggerations. Is it too late? Too many of our guys have been denigrated and called conspiracy theorists. How my state's health punks can keep getting away with these distortions is way beyond me. Watching this nation rot from within is a most painful realization. The slime doesn't even give us credit for fourth grade math anymore.

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How do these lying politicians and pundits lie so blatantly?

Choose your hypotheses:

1 They’re all psychopaths or sociopaths

2 Greedy: The bribes are eye watering Huge amounts.

3 Fear: they’ve gathered scandalous info on them and are blackmailed.

4 They’re idiots who are innumerate and/or illiterate.

5 They’re useful idiots promised a place in the Armageddon Noah’s Arc that Harrari mentioned. Joke is on them - they won’t be saved.

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all of the above...

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We needed this!!!! This is a fantastic, clearly explained summary of what is normally very challenging for the average person to understand! THANK YOU!!!! I've asked this question in an email, maybe I'll get an answer here. What would you say is the most accurate percentage of "medical professionals" that report to VAERS? In the book "Turtles All the Way Down" the authors report that:

37% of VAERS comes from Pharma. (Pharma is legally obligated to pass on all the reports of adverse effects they receive to VAERS).

33% Come from "Medical professionals"

so the rest 30% must come from individuals experiencing adverse events or their friends and family.

What say you Jessica on this topic. AGAIN THANK YOU!!!!

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my buddy published a study on this and found that about 67% of reports are filed by medical professionals

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Then again, some nurses have posted that they have been told by administrators that they will be terminated if they report to VAERS.

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What's the best way for me to get the citation of this study? Or? Thanks!

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Jessica, so glad I found you. Thank you for the real science although the people behind this genocide have an agenda as well as the power to push it perhaps to its final fruition. We cannot stop speaking truth to power. I am sure you are aware of some books that I have read that give great insight to the motives of these monsters but just in case you have not read two in particular Murder by injection and The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire: Its origins, evolution, and anti-human outlook, The first by E.C. Mullis and covers the Rockefeller monopoly of the entire medical system in the USA and the second is by Robert Ingraham and it explains the history of the Malthusian-Eugenics plan as well as the colonial exploitation model of empirical banking and free market lies that have the world on its knees. Thank you for being part of the honest truth tellers. Dante said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality and I would state that this will include most of the medical and political establishment worldwide. Thank you again, Jack.

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"Murder by Injection" by Mullins is excellent, but in even more depth is: "Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime" by Peter Gotzsche, MD (2017).

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Dr Gotzsche is a great man of courage. The rot in the pharma medical enterprise goes way back.

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There're their two objectives at play here, depopulation and profit...

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To say i like this piece would be an understatement. And, tail ended with mixamatosis, I now have a crush on Jessica.

I wonder how it would feel, if i could wrap up my own digging research on this crime, to move on, leave it behind. It, surely would be a fresh stage.

That would be nice. Wonder if things would smell fresher, taste fresher. For now, the respite only comes in my literal dreams.

Then, i wake. And sub-stack my way to further gravitas my understanding that is impossible to share with anyone i personally know. What a fascination experience.

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Thank you for all your efforts. Well done.

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Dr.Rose i noticed you worked out from CDC V-SAFE data that under-reporting to VAERS was 26x for non fatal adverse events due to COVID injections. Do you have an estimate for under-reporting vs deaths reported to VAERS ? Thanks

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somewhere between 6 and 10 for death, i think

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Thanks, good grief ! That's like 150K US deaths ! Using the 26x for other events i see 445K heart attacks, 1.4 mil myocarditis cases, 900k life threatening injuries, 1.5 mil permanently disabled and 133K miscarriages.

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An Israeli older man said he had to wait 4 hours in a square to get his shot and the shots were sitting in a cooler behind the desk. A very hot day so he asked the nurse about why they were not being kept cool,.....she just told him to sit down and be quiet. I always thought the first 2 shots were not very effective.

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sounds about right

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From your fingertips to God's ears.

#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 💰🆘️🚫🇨🇦

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Thank you Dr. Jessica. I am just a lowly graphic designer so a ton of your knowledge is way over my head but I truly enjoy reading and listening to you. I have utmost respect for the smart grounded honest science and medical humans who have bravely spoken up.

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Your first slide earns a chuckle from me. Good one! The rest, I’m still digesting. I’m an accountant. If I had it to do all over, I might try this stuff. It seems to be a place where a very big battle is raging for the survival of humanity, i.e., vaccines were bad but now we are up against mRNA…

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Mark, you are exactly right about a battle for humanity. If you go to the WEF website and listen to Noah Hariri, Claus Schaubs science advisor, he states it openly and plainly that you will cease to be human, and will be transhuman, Democracy will be dead, you will be tracked electronically with a chip planted in your body, and it will be mandatory, if you refuse your digital account will be shut down so you cannot buy food or anything else. He states that you will own nothing and be happy. Does this sound like Brave New World? It should as the Huxley's are famous eugenics worshipers, so yes this is about world control of the humans they deem fit to survive. Not conspiracy theory, conspiracy fact. All the factors needed to accomplish this have been in place now with the current technology, banking et al and event 201 was an exercise for what happened during covid, and it was sponsored by Bill Gates just weeks before the actual virus was released from the lab. Look it up and listen to what they are projecting. The actual scenario is the same as the real thing, what a coincidence.

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And now Gates has funded a new "pandemic simulation" that kills children. He is a true psychopath.

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If you look at the WHO proposed amendments to international regulations then you loose bodily autonomy and all freedom of choice👍

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Gaits is planning a new virus...(pathogen really) for the children. Trying to get the date for its launch. We are being hit from all sides now. Food additives killing our immunity so every pathogen around will affect us.....they are always around, what changes is our ability to keep our systems stable, when they are not stable the pathogens awaken to fix things, then our immunity is to stop it but if weak it can’t. The glysophate in our soils and pesticides and fungicides in our food are literally killing us. Like the PFCs used to spray cardboard coffee cups and food boxes, they were banned in 2008 but are being used again. Eat organic. Watch the list of fruit that is worse for pesticides. I soak STRAWBERRIES in 1tblsp salt and 2tablsp of baking soda, 20 minutes, other fruit is washed in baking soda 10 minutes. To get the hormone killing fungicide off the citrus they are scrubbed with baking soda.....all of them you can feel it on the lemons.

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My father is a retired physician in his 70's with an autoimmune condition and he's yet to get sick with covid after his 5 shots and travels and lives life. He did have a worsening of his Crohn's which required surgery 4 months after his first series but he sees that as disease progression not a side effect. He's also still insisting that the shots are good because they reduce severity of disease even though I am aware that the vaccinated now makeup more covid deaths. However, he insists it saved everyone from Delta and isn't concerned with omicron since it's so mild. I don't believe any of this but I'm wondering how to counter him on the severity of disease part with Delta and wake him up about these jabs.

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My advice is: Just let him be. Your dad is (WAS) oblivious to "the possible harms", and (WAS) obviously happy with his personal medical decisions. (x5)

Jabbed or unjabbed, the man seems quite content with it all. He's currently "living his best life" as the saying goes!

While we, here and there and everywhere on these Jabs No Bueno Substacks? Fuss, argue and incessantly fret.

It's true that "ignorance is bliss". 😁

With all that said: Perhaps you should try to save the "at risk" kids in your extended family, if there are any.

They, unfortunately, have no choice in the matter and their parents are either completely ignorant of the facts, or were 100% convinced by The Science of Lord Fauci et al via government ads and widespread mainstream media (and social media) propaganda pieces.

Dr. Malhotra and experts just like him, all over the planet, aided and abetted this unfortunate bullshit.

He's currently attempting to redeem himself, ("that's nice") however that was only AFTER he and his father, another esteemed (retired) British physician, budged the jab lines...

His about face and mea culpa came about AFTER having publicly promoted and encouraged the jab program in his country, those "very safe and effective" injections which (he now acknowledges) killed his dad.

Karma's a bitch folks.

Take care of yourself, your own kids, their kids, and your mental health. (Stress is also a killer.)

Your father can obviously take care of himself until such time that he cannot.

At which point you can step up to the plate Rachel. ❤

#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 💰🆘️🚫🇨🇦

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I hear you and agree, it's probably best to let him be for my sanity too. He loves to send me studies that myocarditis is a very rare occurrence after the jabs, as if it's acceptable. I definitely have worked on my best friend and sister so they didn't jab their kids with success I'm happy to report! Although it was extremely exhausting convincing them.

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You've successfully "done your part" Rachel.

Time to chill and get through "the holidays". 😉

Unless you really want to ruffle his rooster feathers. Then send him this:


Best of the season to everyone.

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Thank you! Happy Holidays to you as well :)

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Rachel, have him look at Robert Malones articles as well as Paul Alexander, Dr. Mccullah, Americas front line Doctors group, Steve Kirsch website. There is so much evidence from sources around the world proving the vaccine is causing death and damage beyond belief. Remember that lots of damage will take place long after the injections. They know now that they cause cancer to become more aggressive after remission, and fifty or so more that Dr. Malone has published. Remember he is the inventor of this technology himself and was injured by the jab. He started to look closer after he became ill from it, and his speaking out caused him to be ejected from his research lab as well as social media as an information terrorist, this to a world-renowned scientist. Perhaps he will realize that just because he had no problems with the jab does not mean it is not causing the damage reported. It is the old saw about smoking where a person says my grandfather smoked all his life and lived to be ninety-eight and this is the exception, not the rule as we know. Good luck with this.

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I would also suggest having him take a hard look at the graphs presented by Team Enigma from the VAERS data (https://howbad.info/). It looks suspiciously like they were looking for the LD50 to me ("Lethal Dose 50": the point at which 50% of the experimental populations dies).

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Thank you! I've followed and sent him so much from those heroes. He is willfully blind at this point to me. I do like your smoking analogy though, that's helpful.

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Dec 16, 2022
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Totally agree but he loves to only see one side of that argument. My mother is vaccine injured. They are divorced but I told him and he is blaming it on her auto-immune disease progression as well. She has psoriatic arthritis and had joint pain and fatigue previously. I told him her now horrible neurological symptoms have nothing to do with the arthritis and everything to do with the timing of all her jabs.

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