Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Entertaining. If it weren't about human lives. Here in Italy the deadline was extended by law. Expired lot? No! Just one stamp and it lasts another six months and then six more months. Too bad that for more than a year the data of adverse reactions have not been published (and it seems that it is common to many European countries). But, on the other hand, what is the use? Vaccinations are for killing and they are trying them in various combinations. More graphene less graphene, more peg less peg, more rmna less rmna, fresher more expired etc. When dr. Mengele will have the right data another vaccine will arrive

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It gets more evil by the hour... Keep on exposing

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Hi thanks for a fascinating piece (as usual!).


1. In this:

"The follow-up slide answers both questions very readily. Expired batches of the COVID-19 injectable products are being administered and reported to VAERS at high rates (1,155,742/676,627,865 = 1/585 → using an URF of 31). This means that according to an URF of 31, 1 in 585 people have been injected with expired product. Interesting."

...your ref to URF is actually confusing, as it is not required / used in the calc (as it applies to both expired and overall).

2. One possible dynamic at play here (which I don't think you touch on) is that it's possible that someone who discovered that they had injected an expired product into someone might be disincentivized from reporting subsequent AEs. ie the psychological protection which has prevented them from seeing what's going on around them kicks in, but doubly so, to prevent themselves from acknowledging that they may have caused harm. Alternatively, it's more conscious than that, in that they are nervous that people will pin a serious AE on their injection of expired product so they just dismiss it and don't report it.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose


Have a listen to Prof Dolores Cahill interviewed by Dr Philip McMillan. Susceptibility to illness detection at a very early stage, 10 years before full blown whatever. The diagnostic techniques she developed. And her life long awareness of the corruption and how she's challenged it and continues to do so - public availability of her research, for free. Luckily she's not someone to take no for an answer 🙏 another brilliant scientist cancelled by Biden and FB, who haven't a moral bone between them.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I've raised this before but I think that one of the issues which is being entirely overlooked is that of temperature sensitivity with the mRNA "vaccines". Even in the US and Europe, the ability to transport an store these products at such low temperatures is limited at best. And in most of the rest of the world is non-existent. And equally important is the unfreezing of the vials and their storage pre-injection. Most people I know who took the vaccines were injected from a vial either sitting on a table or, at best, taken from a regular refrigerator. Neither cut it.

mRNA is highly unstabloe as a single strand and the temperature requirement is critical. I have lomg been of the opinion that the "Bad Lots" may, in fact, be the "Good Lots" - those that actually survived the supply chain in properly temperature-controlled conditions.

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In the Philippines, due to slow rollouts and reluctant uptakes, all covid-19 vaccines had their expiry dates extended several times. These products were all extended from their original 6 months expiries, step by step up to 18 months shelf life. If the products become less effective when expired, this could be great news for Filipinos. The mRNA may be less active.. how about the presence of adjuvants and other contaminants?

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GOOD MORNING JESSICA!!!!! (At least where I am.) WELCOM BACK to your Fam! WE MISSED YOU!!!!!! 😁😁😁❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗🕊️🕊️🕊️❤️❤️❤️😁😁😁

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I briefly worked in a pharmacy in March 2022. I quickly noticed that all mRNA injectables were being kept in a refrigerator and had expired in Oct 2021. I asked the pharmacist about the fact that they were using expired product (no other drug could be sold if it was) and kept at 4*F instead of frozen. She said the CDC says it's ok. Also, they did not use the practice of aspiration with injection. The CDC specifically told them NOT to! Each time they took a new vial out, they'd then keep it out at room temp the rest of the day for any further use that day, and I think would dispose of that vial at day's end. Very poor practices for this particular "therapy"!

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

“Unacceptable Jessica”,😊

Your mind works in wonderful and inspiring ways. Please keep writing. The changes we all seek have begun to manifest. Thank you.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thanks, Jessica. Now I plan to wait until the jabs are 75 years past their expiration date before I take them. That's how long Pfizer wanted to seal its data.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Makes you go hmmmmm before all this ruckus we just trusted the medical community. Who’d even thought to ask a nurse or doctor the pull dates on injections?!

What really gets on my nerves is all the people I know who got injected want nothing to do with me because I research and listen to all these censored scientists. The brainwashing and the absolute lack of caring that from people I know who may have been exposed permanently to a toxic injection drives me nuts . Not that they can do anything but even after hearing my now expanded medical vocabulary my GF still went and got a booster afterwards.....

Definition of insanity doing the same thing over again and expecting different results!!!!!

I noticed a big decline in her mental ability to chose thoughts and words this last year shaky voice repeating more than ever . All I think about when she speaks is those tiny blood clots messing up her brain..... She’s 72 but and since you like buts.....she was sharp prior ......

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It could be a good thing to be injected by an expired mRNA...compared to a working mRNA product...

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

👏👏👏 it's all hiding in plain sight. Keep going! Will you share a link to the Brazil case please eventually? Thanks so much for all your efforts. 🙏

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Baby Got Back parody was enough to wake me faster than coffee. If the world is running true to form then no one will even bother to check on all those injected with expired product. (out of sight out of mind). I'm sure anyone who does check will be promptly labeled as a purveyor of misinformation. More red weather maps telling us people are dropping like flies in the heat; more gardening causes sudden heart attacks; more everything is causing problems except for the covid vaccine.

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Interesting. Are you aware of the Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Reactions recorded by the WHO on Vigiaccess.org After all report duplications have been removed by algorythm, as of today 29 July 2023, there are an astounding 5,120,164.

I wonder how that compares with your VAERS?

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I was looking into zeta potentials and came across this.

It helps explain its thermal instability.


New insights into the structure of Comirnaty Covid-19 vaccine:

A theory on soft nanoparticles with mRNA-lipid supercoils stabilized by hydrogen bonds (2022)


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