MISC and Kawasaki disease are diagnoses for essentially the same hyper-inflammatory (indiscriminate cell destruction by immune cells such as eosinophils, the suicide bombers of the immune system) disorder which especially affects the vasculature. Kawasaki disease is more often diagnosed in infants and children while MISC is typically diagnosed in older children, adolescents and young adults.
Stagi et al. 2015 "Severe vitamin D deficiency in patients with Kawasaki disease: a potential role in the risk to develop heart vascular abnormalities?" https://Clinical Rheumatology volume 35, pages 1865–1872 (2015) link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10067-015-2970-6 (Paywalled) https://sci-hub.se/10.1007/s10067-015-2970-6 found that KD patients had even lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels than of ordinary children. While a little of this may be attributed to 25-hydroxyvitamin D being consumed during the illness, this is a brief period and the primary cause of the low 25-hydroxyvitamin D would be it being low to begin with, which means that very low 25-hydroxyvitamin D greatly raises the risk of Kawasaki disease - and so, MISC.
"The patients were 21 girls and 58 boys, average age 5.8 years. Their average 25(OH)D levels were 9.2ng/ml (23 nmol/L), while age-matched controls averaged 23.3 ng/mL (58 nmol/L). The average 25(OH)D level of the children who developed coronary artery abnormalities was just 4.9ng/ml (12.3 nmol/L)."
If the medical profession and immunologists were as interested in nutrition as they should be, news of this research would have spread like wildfire and within a year or two pretty much every doctor, nurse and immunologist would be aware of it, and so of the need for proper vitamin D3 supplementation to attain (it is hydroxylated primarily in the liver) much higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels.
There are hundreds of disease conditions where the same is true, not least sepsis and COVID-19. Even today, most medical professionals - and many in the health freedom movement - do not yet appreciate that proper vitamin D3 supplementation is necessary for almost everyone, since this is the only safe, practical way of attaining the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D our immune systems need to function properly, all year round. There's very little vitamin D3 in food and, while UV-B exposure of ideally white skin can produce plenty of it, this is not available all year round far from the equator - and it always damages DNA and so raise the risk of skin cancer.
No matter what food we eat or lifestyle choices we make (except for high levels of ultraviolet B exposure of ideally white skin), the only way we can attain sufficient 25-hydroxyvitamin D is by supplementing proper amounts of vitamin D3 (or, in principle 25-hydroxyvitamin D) according to body weight and obesity status. The one exception is infants who are substantially breast fed by 25-hydroxyvitamin D replete mothers. Such breast milk contains both vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (Tsugawa et al. 2021 https:// www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/2/573), the latter being more important since it is absorbed directly into the infant's circulation, while only (very approximately) 1/4 of ingested vitamin D3 is hydroxylated in the liver to circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
Neither vitamin D3 cholecalciferol nor 25-hydroxyvitamin D calcifediol, made from vitamin D3, primarily in the liver) are hormones.
Please see the research cited and discussed at: https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/. This begins with recommendations from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa on the average daily supplemental intake quantities of vitamin D3 which will attain least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, over several months, without the need for blood tests or medical monitoring:
70 to 90 IU / kg body weight for those not suffering from obesity (BMI < 30).
100 to 130 IU / kg body weight for obesity I & II (BMI 30 to 39).
140 to 180 IU / kg body weight for obesity III (BMI > 39).
This is because obesity reduces the rate of hydroxylation in the liver and because the resultant 25-hydroxyvitamin D (and probably vitamin D3 itself) is sequestered in the excess adipose tissue: https://5nn.info/temp/250hd-obesity/.
For 70 kg (154 lb) body weight without obesity, this is about 0.125 milligrams (125 micrograms 5000 IU) a day. This takes several months to attain the desired > 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This is 8 or more times what most governments recommend. "5000 IU" a day sounds like a lot, but it is a gram every 22 years - and pharma-grade vitamin D costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.
These recommendations are included in a recent article with another professor of medicine Scott T. Weiss and professor of pediatrics Bruce W. Hollis: https:// www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/16/22/3969. All three have been researching vitamin D for decades.
A fully functional immune system protects against cancer, autism, many chronic conditions such as auto-immune inflammatory diseases, preeclampsia, pre-term birth, sepsis and the later development of autism, ADHD, intellectual disability and schizophrenia in children and against neurodegeneration AKA dementia..
I think avarice number one. I don't think they hate us, they just don't care about us; at least the big pharma billionaires don't. My concern is the mid-level operators gathering all the data. Surely they could see what was happening and went along with it. Did any of these mid-level pharma operators take this "vaccine?" This has a really bad feel and might end up being like some major historic events in the past.
Money drives it all. They don't care if you develop more health issues, just keep's them making money. And Butchering you.
When I broke my wrist this summer I went to the ER, and X-rays showed a 'clean' break, ER doc showed them to me. The Ortho was ready for unnecessary surgery without reviewing the X-rays. I said NO, go look at the X-rays. Complete turnaround, splint for 6 weeks, bone was knitted back together, 3 rounds of PT. Seniors don't regain function as easily as a 25-year-old. Still do home PT for my fingers.
I've lived with a small Rotator tear for decades, and a small Mitrial valve leak too. Most docs missed the valve leak. And it is no big deal, EKG yearly, Diazide for water retention. High BP is only present when traffic is aggravated it or White Coat. Don't forget PHARMA GETS GOV TO SET THE NUMBERS FACTOR ON BP, BS, OBESITY NUMBERS.
Yes, but in the end, do you have any hunch about the end goal, except Mars? I for one, would not like to live in Marsian caves as projected...Thanks for the good lesson!
The super rich - who print money and spend/invest it into hard assets - want to kill off the bulk of humanity, little different than that nazi, klaus schwab, who refers to the bulk of humanity as "useless eaters."
Zucky, Ellison & Oprah have their purloined Hawaii properties -- and so many other infinitely greedy examples
This is the same PRR analysis that was uncovered a couple of years ago. The MIS-C signal is artificially inflated because it's a new diagnoses they came up with to describe something very similar as Kawasaki disease but in the context of COVID-19 infections (and later jabs). So it's a new diagnosis and therefore they don't have mentions of it in the historical data to which they are comparing. Same with the PRR for COVID-19. There was no COVID prior to 2020.
So in those cases they are comparing number of AEs reported after COVID shots to number reported after other shots but only during the COVID era. Hope that makes sense...
so if i understand your explanation, something that needs a new diagnosis to group all the symptoms is discounted because there is not a historical data? Is that similar to the polio shell game? So call it something new and the old thing disappears and you cured it or the new thing can be ignored because we are getting better at diagnosis.
My nurse friends granddaughter got this while in the hospital for "Covid". Thankfully she survived. She mentioned that she couldn't wait until the V was available for her (she was 5 at the time). I mentioned natural immunity and how she probably doesn't need it... no idea what happened with that. I do wonder if the child was shed on and developed this? My niece (firefighter dad and nurse mom) was constantly getting sick in 2021... my instincts were screaming shedding.
This is absolutely disgusting! I can’t believe anyone is still recommending these to children or anyone for that matter. I work with young children and can tell when they’ve had their “vaccines “ because my body reacts to the shedding. So frustrating and sad. The parents are doing what they think is best because their doctors recommend it.
I’m crying! I seriously cant believe that they keep pushing these shots and hiding any data that proves they are dangerous. I prayed for God to take this in HIS hands and bring HIS kingdom! I feel like this is the only way this stops! After 4 years nothing is changing and anyone who thinks Trump is going to get rid of the MRNA is fooling themselves. He won’t even address it. I seriously hope I’m wrong but they are killing us all right before our eyes and we are like ants to them! I may have to shut down substack and just try to live out the time left in a state of ignorance and bliss! It’s killing me to know what’s happening in the world all around us and being completely helpless to stop it!
Why not get on an even keel? Remember, it will be just the Remnant - you cannot save the whole world for it is not the way it was written. The power of prayer remains, so: Nil desperandum!
The giants of public health and medicine have been shown to be totally corrupted by political concerns, actively promoting products KNOWN to harm or kill children. Facts.
Jessica, it’s astounding that given the available data C19 vaccines haven’t been pulled from the market. Is there a way for knowledgeable people like you to get together and openly challenge the FDA, CDC, NIH and institutions like the Mayo Clinic about the incongruity of their positions in light of all the data freely available showing what can only be described as incriminating evidence of a cover- up or a complete breakdown of academic and intellectual honesty? Either way, the harm that has resulted is becoming more obvious as legal actions are being taken by victims and their families. Trust in these same institutions are eroding and getting worse each day. Like petulant children we want to shake them and demand they look at the damage they’ve done and take proper responsibility for their action or rather their inaction.
And "they" also know, and we also know VAERS is vastly underreported which makes this travesty beyond words worse.
I have a previous friend in the pediatric medical field - yes previous because they ditched me because I didn't drink the shot kool-aid - who was all up in arms about MISC in kids because of all the covid viral hype surrounding kids getting MISC and also dying of MISC as a result. Really tempted to send this to them.
You should send it! Mass psychosis syndrome needs to be broken by enough people that keep going against the narrative to try to enlighten the ones that have been psychologically manipulated by propaganda!!
Many times Kawasaki disease is misdiagnosed as Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. I’ve read several articles because Wikipedia mentions the scaling hands and feet. I remembered a winter after covid a lot of people being diagnosed with HFMD.
Read below to see how doctors go out of their way to FAIL to associate the Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy injections and RARE diseases in children:
If MISC is induced by the spike protein then the vaccine will be just as effective at causing it as Covid infection itself. Is this so difficult a concept to grasp?
MISC and Kawasaki disease are diagnoses for essentially the same hyper-inflammatory (indiscriminate cell destruction by immune cells such as eosinophils, the suicide bombers of the immune system) disorder which especially affects the vasculature. Kawasaki disease is more often diagnosed in infants and children while MISC is typically diagnosed in older children, adolescents and young adults.
Stagi et al. 2015 "Severe vitamin D deficiency in patients with Kawasaki disease: a potential role in the risk to develop heart vascular abnormalities?" https://Clinical Rheumatology volume 35, pages 1865–1872 (2015) link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10067-015-2970-6 (Paywalled) https://sci-hub.se/10.1007/s10067-015-2970-6 found that KD patients had even lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels than of ordinary children. While a little of this may be attributed to 25-hydroxyvitamin D being consumed during the illness, this is a brief period and the primary cause of the low 25-hydroxyvitamin D would be it being low to begin with, which means that very low 25-hydroxyvitamin D greatly raises the risk of Kawasaki disease - and so, MISC.
"The patients were 21 girls and 58 boys, average age 5.8 years. Their average 25(OH)D levels were 9.2ng/ml (23 nmol/L), while age-matched controls averaged 23.3 ng/mL (58 nmol/L). The average 25(OH)D level of the children who developed coronary artery abnormalities was just 4.9ng/ml (12.3 nmol/L)."
See discussion and further research at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#4.5.
If the medical profession and immunologists were as interested in nutrition as they should be, news of this research would have spread like wildfire and within a year or two pretty much every doctor, nurse and immunologist would be aware of it, and so of the need for proper vitamin D3 supplementation to attain (it is hydroxylated primarily in the liver) much higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels.
There are hundreds of disease conditions where the same is true, not least sepsis and COVID-19. Even today, most medical professionals - and many in the health freedom movement - do not yet appreciate that proper vitamin D3 supplementation is necessary for almost everyone, since this is the only safe, practical way of attaining the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D our immune systems need to function properly, all year round. There's very little vitamin D3 in food and, while UV-B exposure of ideally white skin can produce plenty of it, this is not available all year round far from the equator - and it always damages DNA and so raise the risk of skin cancer.
No matter what food we eat or lifestyle choices we make (except for high levels of ultraviolet B exposure of ideally white skin), the only way we can attain sufficient 25-hydroxyvitamin D is by supplementing proper amounts of vitamin D3 (or, in principle 25-hydroxyvitamin D) according to body weight and obesity status. The one exception is infants who are substantially breast fed by 25-hydroxyvitamin D replete mothers. Such breast milk contains both vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (Tsugawa et al. 2021 https:// www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/2/573), the latter being more important since it is absorbed directly into the infant's circulation, while only (very approximately) 1/4 of ingested vitamin D3 is hydroxylated in the liver to circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
Neither vitamin D3 cholecalciferol nor 25-hydroxyvitamin D calcifediol, made from vitamin D3, primarily in the liver) are hormones.
Please see the research cited and discussed at: https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/. This begins with recommendations from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa on the average daily supplemental intake quantities of vitamin D3 which will attain least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, over several months, without the need for blood tests or medical monitoring:
70 to 90 IU / kg body weight for those not suffering from obesity (BMI < 30).
100 to 130 IU / kg body weight for obesity I & II (BMI 30 to 39).
140 to 180 IU / kg body weight for obesity III (BMI > 39).
This is because obesity reduces the rate of hydroxylation in the liver and because the resultant 25-hydroxyvitamin D (and probably vitamin D3 itself) is sequestered in the excess adipose tissue: https://5nn.info/temp/250hd-obesity/.
For 70 kg (154 lb) body weight without obesity, this is about 0.125 milligrams (125 micrograms 5000 IU) a day. This takes several months to attain the desired > 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This is 8 or more times what most governments recommend. "5000 IU" a day sounds like a lot, but it is a gram every 22 years - and pharma-grade vitamin D costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.
These recommendations are included in a recent article with another professor of medicine Scott T. Weiss and professor of pediatrics Bruce W. Hollis: https:// www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/16/22/3969. All three have been researching vitamin D for decades.
A fully functional immune system protects against cancer, autism, many chronic conditions such as auto-immune inflammatory diseases, preeclampsia, pre-term birth, sepsis and the later development of autism, ADHD, intellectual disability and schizophrenia in children and against neurodegeneration AKA dementia..
What was it, avarice , depopulation or hate for the human race ? It was NOT ignorance.
I think avarice number one. I don't think they hate us, they just don't care about us; at least the big pharma billionaires don't. My concern is the mid-level operators gathering all the data. Surely they could see what was happening and went along with it. Did any of these mid-level pharma operators take this "vaccine?" This has a really bad feel and might end up being like some major historic events in the past.
good, so far unanswered question. WHY?
Money drives it all. They don't care if you develop more health issues, just keep's them making money. And Butchering you.
When I broke my wrist this summer I went to the ER, and X-rays showed a 'clean' break, ER doc showed them to me. The Ortho was ready for unnecessary surgery without reviewing the X-rays. I said NO, go look at the X-rays. Complete turnaround, splint for 6 weeks, bone was knitted back together, 3 rounds of PT. Seniors don't regain function as easily as a 25-year-old. Still do home PT for my fingers.
I've lived with a small Rotator tear for decades, and a small Mitrial valve leak too. Most docs missed the valve leak. And it is no big deal, EKG yearly, Diazide for water retention. High BP is only present when traffic is aggravated it or White Coat. Don't forget PHARMA GETS GOV TO SET THE NUMBERS FACTOR ON BP, BS, OBESITY NUMBERS.
Yes, but in the end, do you have any hunch about the end goal, except Mars? I for one, would not like to live in Marsian caves as projected...Thanks for the good lesson!
The super rich - who print money and spend/invest it into hard assets - want to kill off the bulk of humanity, little different than that nazi, klaus schwab, who refers to the bulk of humanity as "useless eaters."
Zucky, Ellison & Oprah have their purloined Hawaii properties -- and so many other infinitely greedy examples
This is the same PRR analysis that was uncovered a couple of years ago. The MIS-C signal is artificially inflated because it's a new diagnoses they came up with to describe something very similar as Kawasaki disease but in the context of COVID-19 infections (and later jabs). So it's a new diagnosis and therefore they don't have mentions of it in the historical data to which they are comparing. Same with the PRR for COVID-19. There was no COVID prior to 2020.
So in those cases they are comparing number of AEs reported after COVID shots to number reported after other shots but only during the COVID era. Hope that makes sense...
it does. but a lot of peeps don't know about it.
check out the Bayesian SS article I wrote too.
so if i understand your explanation, something that needs a new diagnosis to group all the symptoms is discounted because there is not a historical data? Is that similar to the polio shell game? So call it something new and the old thing disappears and you cured it or the new thing can be ignored because we are getting better at diagnosis.
this is disgusting and unforgivable
.. in Australia our TGA also said kids and infants were at risk of MIS-C from SARS-CoV-2
when we looked under their hood, their data was utterly flawed and not at all scientific .. just lies
now there is this .. the vaxxines producing MIS-C
.. as i said ..
disgusting and unforgivable
My nurse friends granddaughter got this while in the hospital for "Covid". Thankfully she survived. She mentioned that she couldn't wait until the V was available for her (she was 5 at the time). I mentioned natural immunity and how she probably doesn't need it... no idea what happened with that. I do wonder if the child was shed on and developed this? My niece (firefighter dad and nurse mom) was constantly getting sick in 2021... my instincts were screaming shedding.
This is absolutely disgusting! I can’t believe anyone is still recommending these to children or anyone for that matter. I work with young children and can tell when they’ve had their “vaccines “ because my body reacts to the shedding. So frustrating and sad. The parents are doing what they think is best because their doctors recommend it.
Interplay between Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children, Interleukin 6, Microbiome, and Gut Barrier Integrity
Could the Spike Protein Derived from mRNA Vaccines Negatively Impact Beneficial Bacteria in the Gut?
I’m crying! I seriously cant believe that they keep pushing these shots and hiding any data that proves they are dangerous. I prayed for God to take this in HIS hands and bring HIS kingdom! I feel like this is the only way this stops! After 4 years nothing is changing and anyone who thinks Trump is going to get rid of the MRNA is fooling themselves. He won’t even address it. I seriously hope I’m wrong but they are killing us all right before our eyes and we are like ants to them! I may have to shut down substack and just try to live out the time left in a state of ignorance and bliss! It’s killing me to know what’s happening in the world all around us and being completely helpless to stop it!
Why not get on an even keel? Remember, it will be just the Remnant - you cannot save the whole world for it is not the way it was written. The power of prayer remains, so: Nil desperandum!
Praying everyday !
And no one will pay a price.
You can make a great case for great efficacy for spreading the disease certainly not stopping it
The giants of public health and medicine have been shown to be totally corrupted by political concerns, actively promoting products KNOWN to harm or kill children. Facts.
Jessica, it’s astounding that given the available data C19 vaccines haven’t been pulled from the market. Is there a way for knowledgeable people like you to get together and openly challenge the FDA, CDC, NIH and institutions like the Mayo Clinic about the incongruity of their positions in light of all the data freely available showing what can only be described as incriminating evidence of a cover- up or a complete breakdown of academic and intellectual honesty? Either way, the harm that has resulted is becoming more obvious as legal actions are being taken by victims and their families. Trust in these same institutions are eroding and getting worse each day. Like petulant children we want to shake them and demand they look at the damage they’ve done and take proper responsibility for their action or rather their inaction.
It’s not a shake it’s a noose..
And "they" also know, and we also know VAERS is vastly underreported which makes this travesty beyond words worse.
I have a previous friend in the pediatric medical field - yes previous because they ditched me because I didn't drink the shot kool-aid - who was all up in arms about MISC in kids because of all the covid viral hype surrounding kids getting MISC and also dying of MISC as a result. Really tempted to send this to them.
You should send it! Mass psychosis syndrome needs to be broken by enough people that keep going against the narrative to try to enlighten the ones that have been psychologically manipulated by propaganda!!
Many times Kawasaki disease is misdiagnosed as Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. I’ve read several articles because Wikipedia mentions the scaling hands and feet. I remembered a winter after covid a lot of people being diagnosed with HFMD.
Read below to see how doctors go out of their way to FAIL to associate the Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy injections and RARE diseases in children:
If MISC is induced by the spike protein then the vaccine will be just as effective at causing it as Covid infection itself. Is this so difficult a concept to grasp?
Just EFF in pisses you off, don't it ?!
Hang 'em high.....well, unless they have been pardoned by biden.
In which case, bring STATE charges !