As I recollect the Pfizer phase 3 trial had more deaths in the treatment group than the placebo group, at which point the trial stopped and the placebo group got 'the treatment'. Your suggestion on blood plasma fits with that.

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Forget all the stuff you hear or think you know about viruses - allfalse; but I was interested in the above about "human variant of BSE, known as ‘mad cow’s disease’, called Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease" ... DO you know how mad cow disease or BSE happened ??.... well to "cut costs and to test", the UK and EU governments allowed the cow feed, usually vegetarian to contain OLD MEAT PRODUCTS ... including that of cows; they literally turned them into cannibals and you know the rest of it. Neil Fergussen culled millions of perfectly healthy cows that had not been given the feed, to cover up any involvement by the government.

You do not need to believe me, look up the facts on the UK and EU government websites.

PS NO VIRUS has ever - I repeat EVER been Isolated.

NO VIRUS has ever been proved to be transmittable.

PPS 2 mins of your time an start from here ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsqhwXfn2IU

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Bob, You are correct about Neil Fergussen's massacre of the UK cattle herd for no reason - it was horrific. And still the govt listened to him and his useless modelling yet again to lock us all down (funded by Gates!).

As for whether viruses are real or not? Despite three years of reading I still don't know one way or the other for sure. But then I am no scientist.

May I suggest that maybe we're asking the wrong questions and looking in the wrong places for the wrong evidence? Every argument has a counter argument and whilst there is massive skullduggery and fraud on the germ side I've read that we still only understand 1% of how our amazing bodies work.

They spent decades and $ billions trying to prove that cancer was caused by viruses until that idea ran out of road. We need total reform and freedom of the scientific industry and then maybe truth and integrity will be restored.

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Oh I totally agree with everything you state, but my original comment tried to be specific and thus did not question or try to answer a wider range of questions (my view on the answers).

Regards the "do viruses exist and are they transmittable ?" - well it took me over 4 years of discussion, research and blatant arguments with medical staff and scientists ... to come to the conclusion of which many have (especially now), but I was helped by being an engineer in the O&G industry for over30 years and knowing where refined "petroleum products" are sold and added to - and the jigsaw pieces fell together (regards so called vaccines) maybe more easier than most. You may be surprised to know that these refined products are in jabs, many pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, shower and bath gels, sun block... even some foods... and and and.

BUT WHY MY PUSH ON THIS VIRUS ARGUMENT ?; because without people understanding that (in my view) they are all a myth, this farce of inducing fear in the continuously dumbed down masses will just continue ... and I believe the consequences will be horrendous ... something we are already seeing in the death rates, adverse reactions and huge drop in fertility / increase in sterilisation rates.

“The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich -> Our Governments are committing Democide, Genocide, Mass Murder and horrendous crimes against humanity.

I am not medical, but I shall try and get someone else to add a bit, to the above; maybe on a more technical level.

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Hi Bob, Excellent post! I understand we have Mr Rockefeller to largely thank for the petrochemicals in our medicines. I have a question for you if I may?

Certain groups of people were getting sick (eg, elderly & obese) and some died (not withstanding no early access to treatment, false positive testing and inappropriate hospital care like Remdesivir and ventilation which boosted deaths) and it appeared to be transmissible. Plus there is the gain of function Wuhan lab leak of 'something' which they call a virus.

So, if not a "virus" (whatever that technically is) What is/was it?

That's where I get stuck in the argument. I do agree covid has been a massive opportunity for various powers with nefarious agendas and that the so called vaccines have made everything much worse..

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There is NO .... "gain of function Wuhan lab leak of 'something' which they call a virus.".... it is a farcical, brainwashing, smoke and mirrors... part of the nudging technique to put the blame on others, increase the fear and confusion; so tht the dumb masses start screaming - "we hate those commie bstrds in China; maybe also shoting "we love Taiwan, Taiwan,... and thoe CHinese gave us Covid in Wuhan" -maybe they are working together ???? ... and the masses will go along with it, as it fits the "bill". and b. It allows them to switch the "front men and women " and women out per part of their agenda ... THEY ARE NOT STUPID, so they know people (even many of the so called masses) will "awaken" and turn; hence the drop in the booster uptake or whatever ... but the game goes on; just with new individuals - maybe different sex, religion, gender, political persuasion and the people are happy for a while (thinking they have won) .... whilst the same agenda is implemented, by people following the same puppet masters and having the same cause.

2 cheeks of the same arse.


Yes Rockefeller, also Rothschild and many European "establishments".


Regards "Certain groups of people were getting sick (eg, elderly & obese) and some died (not withstanding no early access to treatment, false positive testing and inappropriate hospital care like Remdesivir and ventilation which boosted deaths) and it appeared to be transmissible. and "So, if not a "virus" (whatever that technically is) What is/was it?"


1. As stated above in my previous comment; it is literally a cross between what the call depopulation (over crowding of the planet is a total myth).... and getting rid of what they call the "useless eaters". Now you mention two catorgaries, the "elderly & obese" ... well the pension savings that we all made were not ringfenced as assumed AND THE WEST is broke, bankrupt, more than broke ... and thus going on from that, the West in particular cannot afford to pay for obese people - usually not working and claimng social security (free goverment / tax payer money) ... for these people. If you look at the Canadian Euthasia program, and try and link the topics together; you will or may understand (no offence)... now jumping back to the last point - these people are sick psychopaths and I believe they want a Master race ... but one they can control (sounds crazy hey).

What killed them ? in you stating "So, if not a "virus" (whatever that technically is) What is/was it?" ... WE ALL DIE, so it could have been a-z of illnesses, old age, car crash, wahetever ... but we know the PCR test is 97 percent inaccurate and spews out FALSE POSITIVE RESULTS (I could test an orange or a can of coke and they would both need masks and lockdown).. BUT .. anyone in hospital with a broken leg to a gun shot wound ... HAD TO HAVE THE PCR TEST - get it yet ?. Another pschological win for them is that we all saw it too late, because they stated "Died WITH covid (Due to the test) ... NOT died FROM covid"... the devil being in the detail.

Average age of death FROM COVID in the UK was 82.4; the average age of death over the last 5 years in the UK was just over 80 ; ERR WHAT ??>...


It was a mass psychosis ... behavioural science at it's best (psychology) ... and it worked on many ... but in my view, not QUITE as many as the globalist parasitical scum hoped...


This is a long term plan, they are after the next generations...

PS Going back to "So, if not a "virus" (whatever that technically is) What is/was it?"

My Mum in Jan of this year was in hospital, decent enough treatment and no complaints and she had numerous drugs for water retention, kidney, heart and and other problems (after booster jab); none worked until they tried some funny named drug that worked like a treat, where she uddenly sat up, eating and drinking, conversing and laughing again. 2 days later... my Dad visited early and the IV drip had been turned down to almost zero ... maybe 1 percent... well my Dad thinks the doctors, media and politicians, are Gods and here to help; so no fuss made... THEN SHE WAS PUT ON END OF LIFE CARE - she was murdered.

Do not believe me ?, watch this about our UK Health Minister ... but before you do; look up a "Good Death" in Greek ... notice how everything is Greek = Alpha, Beta, Delta strains etc ???

PS THEY TELL US EVERYTHING - you just need to step back, open your eyes and see and hear. BUT the masses cannot and will not accept the truth (not you, I mean others).


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Hi Bob, Sorry to read about your mum - that is a big deal.

You obviously spend lots of time on this, like me for the last three years. You certainly cover many of the 'conspiracies' (most of which I think are most probably truths) and probable agendas of all the players. We are largely in agreement.

My one holdout remains about the 'virus'. And that's okay. We can even hold both views at the same time until it all becomes clearer.

What I will say is Fauci thought he was paying for 'something' in China and there were apparently 15 labs in Ukraine, even one in Somalia. Bio weapons are a huge global industry, so they must be up to something... Best wishes.

PS I am very aware of Midazolam, Remdesivir and venting = Mass Murder!!

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Nobel Laureate Dr Luc Montagnier reported that these mRNA shots are not vaccines, they are poisons, in his last speech before the Luxembourg Parliament in January of 2022 (just three weeks before he died). He had 21 patients who died from a fast-progressing CJD, all who died within five months following their second COVID injection (one took Moderna, the rest had Pfizer).

Here in the US, many areas refused to allow people to put aside their own blood prior to an operation (known as an autologous blood donation), which had been allowed prior to COVID. They also refused to separate the COVID vaccinated donated blood from the unvaccinated donated as well, even though it was basically using blood tainted with an experimental injection that had a 20 year history of killing all the vaccinated animals in all the animal trials of “Antibody Dependent Enhancement“ (immune erosion)! The 20 year history of all the mRNA vaccinated animals dying was reported by Dr Lee Merritt, a former Naval Surgeon, so I believe this is true.

I found this out when I was getting ready to have double hip replacements last summer. I chose to NOT take a blood transfusion (and possibly die), rather than take accept possibly tainted blood. Interestingly, only one doctor questioned why I would make this choice, all nurses said they understood my decision.

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I am a retired MD familiar with blood transfusions. I raised the issue of vaxx-tainted blood with an acquaintance PhD executive at the county Blood Bank. He believed that the mRNA in the jabs was completely unstable and would be gone in a very short period of time, among other excuses. I pressed on in a series of emails, but once he cc’d his boss the emails abruptly ended. Never heard from him again.

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They are trying to depopulate most of us. Why else would the “government and health officials” in almost every country force a dangerous, experimental injection upon most of their population without really doing proper studies? Clearly, we are no longer useful to them. Maybe most of us can be replaced with artificial intelligence and we are perceived as “useless eaters”? Maria Zeee of Zeeemedia.com interviewed Dr Rima Laibow who said one of her patients had said years ago that it was “almost time for the culling of useless eaters”. She said 90% of the global population will die and this is the globalist agenda! Welcome to the New World ! It really does come down to us against them, doesn’t it?

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Yes, it does, Deborah. If one looks at the facts it is plain as day. But we are not helpless. We must organize resistance, from the ground up. We don’t need or want any of their political stooges or celebrity “leaders.” It’s difficult, but facing reality is far superior to accepting an illusion.

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I believe Dr Rima (and her now deceased husband, Major General Stubblebine III)(https://www.roku.com/whats-on/movies/major-general-albert-stubblebine-iii-no-plane-hit-the-pentagon?id=67fba04deecb0ef0bab1b866937c6d43) ...& Deagel.com (https://deagel.com/country) USED to show a HUGE drop in populations worldwide, but that page seems to have disappeared. Some of you with more time to explore might look it up about 4 years ago...they may be backing down a tad until more people die or they figure out how to stop "misinformation" such as this! ;=P

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Yes, symptom laundering. Bus posters and TV ads touting strokes and heart problems in kids and young people are "normal".

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I thought of this "symptom laundering" when I read today, “Whilst endometriosis most often affects the reproductive organs it is frequently found in the bowel and bladder and has been found in muscle, joints, the lungs, and the brain.”

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"Why was the ban on blood products lifted in…?" So they could poison more people with tainted blood that's why. Most people cannot wrap their minds around the fact that the entire system is weaponized against them, they just can't. So they keep on investing themselves in their manifest enemy. The last 3 years should have made it plain, however it seems it didn't, so many more will be harmed by people they are supposed to, programmed to trust.

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These injections and the COVID virus both cause a substantial lowering IQ! This is why people cannot see it. Most people have an average IQ. A couple of mRNA shots and/or infections as they are now trying to function at moron level! Our world is now being run by literal morons now, as many people in critical and key positions around the world have been injected. We should ALL be frightened as some of these people also have access to nuclear weapons!

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Thank you Jessica for the friendly reminder at the end of today’s substack💕💕

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As I read through this, I was reminded of my own deep disappointment in the medical community. I used to believe that they had my best interests at heart. I no longer trust anything they say and have adopted a “trust but verify” stance. I even told my own GP that, if he prescribes a drug, I will do my own research before taking it. Interestingly, he didn’t argue but, instead, told me that it will take decades for his profession to regain the trust it once had.

I’ve also eliminated the statins and half of the diabetes drugs I was on after embarking on my research and changing my diet.

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The post session buzz of a really great wave. Ahhh. (made me laugh with the “speed bumps” reference. 😊) I’ve known two people that died of CJK disease in my 59 years. That seems statistically very unlikely given how rare it’s supposed to be. It’s a horrible disease, I really hope the prion theory doesn’t evolve into a worst case scenario. That would be horrific. Might they use it as an excuse for a continent wide cull of the beef industry? I wouldn’t put it past them. Their agendas often seem self supporting and interoperable.

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19 yrs ago we lost a good friend to CJD; from diagnosis to death 3 months. He was a veteran & pathologist at our local hospital.

About 5-6 yrs ago lost another friend (insurance business) also a veteran.

Both stellar men.

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I know of 3 deaths from CDJ. The first one was the mother of one of my friends when we were all young married couples with preschool children. The other was the wife of a substitute teacher that subbed for our special education teachers, and the third is a woman in the neighborhood at our lake house. She passed during Covid in just 3 months, but I don’t remember exactly when so I’m not positive she was vaxxed, but I imagine she was.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Paranoia is the new sane.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

'...we can assume that they were just going for IVIg for treatment of COVID, and let the rest go as coincidence...'

"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action"

- Ian Fleming

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I suspect they lifted the blood ban to boost depopulation. Now they can spread spike and prion toxic blood to the unjabbed if they ever need a transfusion. Jessica, why don't you start a new surfing category: FLAMENCO SURFING ? You could probably be world champ in this category.

And please post some videos here of your flamenco surfing.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

Those are good questions. Keep publicly asking questions -- all of us.

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I think that our “freedom” might be an illusion of hope. The evil around us seems to be all pervasive.

Stay vigilant and enlightened.


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I think of it like this. The freedoms we currently still enjoy are simply a matter of momentum at this point. There is very little in the way of "freedom maintenance" going on. Certainly not by our elected officials, who represent the donor class not the electorate. Freedom not maintained falls prey to increasing entropy and thus becomes vulnerable to takeover, just as an unweeded garden falls prey to invasive plants.

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Yes, the tragedy of the commons as well.

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The cover up story is THE FIRST one I thought of.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

That board seems to be a good thinking space for you 😄👌🏻💪🏼

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You might appreciate hearing what Neil Oliver had to say about being sovereign, on the occasion of the coronation in England.


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That Scot is a gem.

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