This is going to be short. I just wanted to get some words out that came into my head today. I love people-watching. I always have. And as anyone can plainly see (even the non-people watchers among us) from watching human behaviour, people cheat a lot, regardless of age. Maybe even more so these days. Where would Jerry Springer have gotten without it? I believe there is a simple and obvious reason for this. I also believe it is easily resolvable as a problem. And yes, I believe it is a serious problem.
I believe it is a serious problem because cheating reflects a lack of self acknowledgement, confidence and value. Every time someone engages in a cheating event - specifically, physical cheating - they are seeking a fast solution to a problem of feeling ‘less than’. For those moments, that person feels validated, perhaps “sexy”, and perhaps in a counterfeit way: alpha. But nothing could be farther from the truth.
Everyone wants to feel loved. Everyone wants to feel like they are pleasing someone else. Everyone wants to feel like they are important and in control. But not everyone understands that engaging in cheating is simply mis-directed self Alpha seeking. In a very oppositional and self-damaging way, one can seek out the feeling of Alpha, without actually being Alpha. In fact, it undermines self-Alpha. Cheating - as one might surmise from the name - is partaking in a counterfeit encounter and a selling short of self - and all involved - who are inevitably, in fact, also getting sold short. It is quite the opposite of the quest for self-Alpha to engage in acts that dis-serve all involved.
Seeking the Alpha in you requires patience, reflection and an active pursuit of self: self-acknowledgment, self-confidence, self-realization. The value in pursuing self is obvious. It is integrated into the meaning of life and love itself.
I believe that the quality of our relationships with each other are incredibly important - everything, in fact - and I also believe this quality is simultaneously waning, and under attack. Glorification of such notions as ‘being a stud’ and ‘being an independent woman’ are to the detriment of true bonding and Alpha-Alpha engagement from both sides, and these notions are not new. The isolation imposed on us during the convid era, and all that has been released like hounds on us during this time, amplifies such notions and the idea that one must sacrifice the self for such notions, or equally wrong ideologies. The Alpha self is the part of all of us that is always growing, creating - that part/those parts that allows us to self-amplify and amplify others. I have always felt that it is impossible to truly give without being whole. I think another way of saying this is that one can’t amplify another if not engaged with Alpha-self.
Imagine a world where all people came to each other as their Alpha-selves. Confident. Honest. Powerful. Self-imbued.
It seems to me that we might need to reassess our own values, and our relationships to all others as human beings at this point in time. Some people have it figured out. It seems to me that this convid era might have given us a silver-lining opportunity to recognize how distant we have gotten from ourselves and from each other and that there’s no time like the present to remedy this.
When we come to each other as the Alpha of ourselves - in Truth, in Purity, in Innocence, in Power - absolutely nothing wrong can follow. These are my thoughts from today.
My mind immediately went to those who cheat in scientific research and put out tainted and downright fraudulent papers. In many ways these researchers who throw out a data point here or two there to aid in the fulfillment of their hypothesis, are also Betas (really Zetas, in my book) vying impetuously for Alpha but at everyone else’s expense. Not as deep as your line of thought but I just listened to the Dr. Pierre Kory/Tucker Carlson interview and what the cheaters did with HCQ and Ivermectin, they are now trying with Vitamin D3! I vow to fight this with every cell of my unspiked body and hope others do so as well. The Italian Vitamin D study came out just in time to strengthen our defenses for this all important immunity essential vitamin.
Cheating is a form of lying. If you chest. You are also a compulsive LIAR