Eh, what we see depends where we stand & being an old timer fighting the dark side for decades it looks more like the toxic empire will end first & we will rebuild with humility. :~)
What we think we're seeing may or may not be reality. Perceptions are often individualized. Not reality. We live knowing reality or wander the stupor zone. No neutral ground in truth. No fear for the GOoD. Always Onward - - - ->
Real head scratcher to guess what recent dramatic change might have effected human births...
The human age finale comes
Eh, what we see depends where we stand & being an old timer fighting the dark side for decades it looks more like the toxic empire will end first & we will rebuild with humility. :~)
What we think we're seeing may or may not be reality. Perceptions are often individualized. Not reality. We live knowing reality or wander the stupor zone. No neutral ground in truth. No fear for the GOoD. Always Onward - - - ->