Thank you Dr Rose!! Edward Dowd called it Democide =Death by govt. he was able to figure out that, 61,000 millennials were killed. That’s more than the Vietnam war.

Dr Malone knows him well.

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i know. chatted with him the other day. :)

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At this point, there is NO doubt that the vaccines can cause death. The question, for some, is how often does that happen. However, for children, it shouldn't matter! If there is ANY possibility that it can cause a CHILD to DIE it MUST be avoided!

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Mar 11, 2022Edited
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And it’s my understanding that adults around children get a milder case of Covid in most cases. Might be due to lower viral load when transmitted from kids??

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Thank you for your research Dr. Rose!

Ed Dowd's latest findings are painting a horrible picture of the excess deaths.


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Thank you for your work on this horror. Quick note re typo. Then what the bloody hell would affect this relationship is not a severe adverse event report like this?? If, not "is'.

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thank you!

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Great research, Jessica. Keep up the good work!

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Thank you for continuing your work

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There is also the under reporting factor? How many injured or dead never even made it to vaers? I cried when I read your findings. Who is this evil? As my taxi driver in Portugal said to me the other day “welcome to the jungle, my love”. Who knowingly would manufacture, distribute, administer something they know causes serious injury and death. I know there are many of us who feel angry and need to find a way to focus all that energy. I thank you for all you are doing to present the data. I send as much information as I can to my MP and to social platforms. Sadly family and friends drank the koolaid and will not entertain any of my “conspiracy theories”. What will it take? Next door neighbour, sudden onset ovarian cancer, 71 years old. Just read today ovarian cancers are skyrocketing in the UK. Three other friends with sudden onset cancers.

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These guys are doing their best to find, list and count as many young athletes damaged or dying. They are now coming under fire, death threats. Social media is removing the sources of their finds and accusing them of making it up. The numbers on the banner update as they find more cases, so as of today is 759 cardiac arrests/serious issues and 486 deaths, after COVID shot. https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/.

Oracle Films: Matt Letissier (England footballer retired) on footballers' heart problems/deaths: https://odysee.com/mattletissier:2b5dd8cdede936ee266366eef5af7be50cb008ab

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Thank you Jessica for being the Thorn that you are! The Thorn in the side of Big Pharma and their lackeys.. love knowing what the FACTs are.. and that I can rely on your findings.. Keep Crushing It...!!

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hahaha thorny bitch that i am :)

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only to those truly deserving! :)

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How heartbreaking. No matter how many of these deaths I see it never seems to lesson how pissed off it makes me. This was ALL avoidable. I still hear some Dr's saying that elderly people with comorbidities should have received this jab if they wanted. In what universe should any person receive this? We had early treatment available from the beginning. This shot shouldn't have been rolled out because of the ability for this to be treated with medication that was already FDA approved. No one that was young and healthy should have received it. It makes me mad that some of the people that are on our side are still saying it was okay for the elderly or obese. I can't get behind that. I am not a Dr but those people could have been given early treatment also. Imagine the damage this shot does to a persons body, is it all of a sudden okay to harm the elderly and people with underlying health issues? Jessica as always thank you.

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so sad...

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I'm not certain it's accurate to say all of these cases were not on other medications, and had no other medical problems.

I haven't looked at all of them, but if you review the adverse event description, you will see:

VAERS-ID 1039724-1: "The patient's medical history and concomitant medications were not reported."

VAERS-ID 1051048-1 "The patient medical history and concomitant medications were not reported."

VAERS-ID 1575742-1 "The patient medical history and concomitant medications were not reported."

VAERS-ID 1702088-1 "The patient medical history and concomitant medications were not reported."

VAERS-ID 1807111-1 "No Medical History information was reported."

This is all that I checked, but I think these are foreign reports being automatically transferred into VAERS incorrectly. Some of the fields aren't being filled out properly and even though adverse event text says there was no report of other medications (or medical history), the field "Medications at time of vaccinations" shows up as "No other medications for this event".

Same with medical history being unknown.

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i wrote that they were not 'reported' as such. that's the best i can do. good eye. :)

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PLEASE SHOUT THIS OUT LOUD!!! https://open-canada.github.io/vitals/analysis


Statistics Canada, Canadian Vital Statistics - Death database . Provisional weekly death counts, by selected grouped causes of death. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1310081001 (Dashboard: https://open-canada.github.io/vitals)

Analysis : Since May (i.e. since the beginning of mass vaccination of general public), when the rate of vaccination started to rapidly increase (from 3% in May to 75% in October), the rate of unreported ‘Information Unavailable’ and Ill-defined / unspecified causes of mortality ‘R99’ has also started to rapidly increase.

Additionally, it is observed that since the introduction of the ‘COVID death’ category in 2020, the reporting of all other causes deaths started to decline, even for those causes that historically have a trend to go up (including cancer, heart diseases, accidents and others), meaning that since 2020 many of these deaths have been counted under the “COVID category”. This agrees with the analysis from UK data (see below) that shows that only 13.6% of COVID-reported deaths are COVID only deaths, and that 78% of COVID only deaths happened among 65+ population, with is the average age of COVID only deaths being 82 years, which is statistically equal to the average life expectancy in UK.

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4/ Thanks to you and to all those filled, and filling with love, through truth

“Enough of dealing with Tentacles Shola, it’s time to cut off The Head…”

-quote from the movie The King’s Man

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3/ Dmitry was kind enough to inform those gathered at January's Ottawa Freedom Protest, that it would be noteworthy for curious Canadians to look at the data collected from public health agencies in a new format, specifically those data by “four distinct periods observed:

1. early pandemic / pre-vaccination (varying policies across provinces),

2. late pandemic / pre-vaccination (consistent policies across provinces),

3. early vaccination [vaccination rate 0 - 3%], and

4. mass vaccination [vaccination rate: 3- 75%]. “

Striking to me (data/forensic-accounting/Contract girl of ~35 years) are shown and described in Figure 1. on Page 1.:

“Varying dynamics of COVID deaths across the provinces in early pandemic and the rapid increase of ill-defined and unspecified causes [R99] and the number of unreported causes [information unavailable] in the mass vaccination period are observed.” /4

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2/ Official Canada Vital (Deaths) Statistics, analyzed using Data Science on GitHub and maintained by https://github.com/open-canada (Comment submission to The Lancet Journal; authors: Dmitry Gorodnichy, Rafal Kulik, Stan Matwin) /3

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