May 8Liked by Jessica Rose

Seems everyone around me pretends it never happened. No one, I mean no one, wants to talk about it. Nothing will be done. The clock is ticking…

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stay hopeful

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I get that. I’m unvaxxed and caught a ton of crap from family and so-called friends about it. Now my parents’ friend are dropping like flies. I don’t want to start an “I told you so” fight AND my mom is still getting jabs indicating she doesn’t believe there’s a connection. So we continue this silent, awkward dance, while I quietly give a lot in donations to groups like Children’s Health Defense.

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An ex-insider from CHD (J.J. Couey, PhD) reports that CHD is monopolized by controlled op folks (my term). Their role is to render a slow-walk/ineffective organization. May not be the best place to donate your hard earned dollars. Do your own research/or what you will w/ this info.

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Do you have a link for what JJ Couey has said? I’ve spoken with people at CHD and they’ve struck me as pretty legit in their targeted lawsuits and their beliefs. I’ve also seen infighting before that leads to public accusations. For instance, America’s Frontline Doctors founder had a spat with her legal guy (who had run for Governor of Nevada in 2022.) The spat made everyone look bad, but I still like their mission. What organizations do you think are more clean or pure in their mission?

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Dr. Simone Gold rocks! One of the first to stand against the jabs. Imprisoned, lost everything. I still remember the speech she gave in Washington in 2020. Why is she forgotten?

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Maybe check out Sasha Latypova's recent Substack that includes comments on JJCouey?

Followed CHD for years, seems pretty pro-active to me. 🙏

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If you'd like to know what "JJ" has to say regarding CHD (plenty) based on his personal experience and don't want to settle for my short synopsis, go ahead and check out his nearly daily podcast on Twitch ("Gigaohmbiological"). He has recently spoken rather succinctly on the subject. And then let me know how it fits or not w/your own info.

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Btw Jason, the gist of my comment and yours are not mutually exclusive. Unless by "people at CHD" you meant "all the people at CHD". That's w/o accounting for deception, which as we all know, complicates real life.

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( . . . .we're all still waiting for a response of Nnikk ) :-)

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You got it now.

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Same here. Never in my life have I seen so much eyeball swivelling and head turning as in the last few months as the S FAN interface begins. Quite understandable if you’re jabbed I suppose. I’d rather know the truth so I could deal with any consequences.

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Same here

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The clock is ticking while all the vaxx super-factories are being constructed: the Moderna one in the UK comes online in early 2025, and AZ are also EXPANDING their facilities in England - Liverpool and Cambridge. Just let that sink in. The foundations of these places must be the bones of the murdered......

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All those people responsible for this catastrophe should be hauled before a Nuremberg-style trial and on conviction executed without remorse. No mercy. Seriously.

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Maybe not executed but they should for the rest of their lives take care of those who they injured.

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No. Executed. They killed tens of millions globally with the covid jab and are still pushing the products (and more - RSV vaccines the latest). Big pharma will kill more people than communism and socialism did combined in the twentieth century unless the precedent is set that people will not stand for it.

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The Covid jab program is merely one example of harm by capitalism. There are thousands of others. However i would rather not bring political ideology into this.

Let's just agree the Covid and countermeasures were harmful and need to proceed in prosecuting those responsible and healing from the damage.

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The jabs aren't from capitalism. Nazi scientists weren't capitalists and the German doctors who went along with them weren't capitalists. The capture of our media outlets didn't happen by capitalists. These are globalists, another word for communist. The forced people to buy inferior products. The did not compete in a truly free market with free-market competition of ideas and products. They are not being protected from retribution by capitalists but by a dictatorial, corrupt cabal of big government who constantly attack any and all competition with lawfare and violence.

Capitalism, when allowed to flourish and kept in check by a moral judicial system, raises more people out of poverty than any other system. Is it perfect? No, but it is way more effective and empowering the average person than any other sort of "ism".

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May 10·edited May 10

LOL we will have to disagree about how to bring people out of poverty. China and Veneuzula are just two examples of what works.

The spike shots werent created by Nazis - we are talking about America and Europe in 2020. Of course it was scientists in research labs that made the shots. The question is why were lockdowns and spike jabs promoted when there were cheap early treatments available and herd immunity would have worked anyway. I say profit, you say globalists. The globalists arent communists - they do not believe in a dictatorship of the proletariat - they believe in capitalism.

There is no truly free market without government regulation (enforced by your "moral judicial system") to stop capitalists from creating monopolies.

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Wow, China and Venezuela. Good lord.

You've been fed a line of BS about capitalism and you don't really understand the different definitions of things and the characteristics that define them. You obviously also do not understand things like metaphors and similes, specifically how scientists and doctors in Nazi Germany did the exact same thing we just witnessed with covid. This is really the problem, that people today are so uneducated they can be easily manipulated by propaganda and redefining the meanings of words like "vaccine" and "woman".

For someone who would "rather not bring political ideology into this" you did exactly that which perfectly illustrates my first paragraph about lack of an education. You can't even detect when you are contradicting yourself so I wouldn't expect you to be able to escape the world of propaganda you've decided to live in.

It's always easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled or are a fool.

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The medical industrial complex-

the feds, big pharma, health insurers, medical schools funded by big pharma= sickness and/or death

Medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in America.

The exact nature/breakdown of those “mistakes” is obscured of course.

Not all doctors are incompetent or bad doctors but they have to deal with a “system” that cares about $, not patients. It was disappointing to say the least to see so many ppl in health care just fall in line with COVID. Many “health” care organizations are still pushing the vaccines, masking and social distancing as if some how they just don’t read the news, know what they’re doing or they’re all in on the propaganda.

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But to be fair Ruth, there is a good side to big pharma. Whether the good side talks to the bad side I have no idea but big pharma has saved many lives and will continue to save many lives including my own. That is obviously the good side of big pharma. This last four years we have seen the bad side of big pharma and I am sure there are many thousands of people involved in big pharma who are genuinely disgusted with what has gone on and are in the business to improve people's lives, not destroy them.

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They are incapable of the necessary empathy.

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'Can't trust em! Just have a look at what has developed by cutting the Germans slack. Now they control a large portion of med/drug industry, after being commanded to disperse. (I. G. Farben) They just splintered and reformed, growing roots and setting in for a long-ranged plan to continue the holocaust but this time in a BIG way. The incredible plan is not their own, however complicit they seem to be. They are simply "tools" to an end which has been formulated to cause extreme "chaos" which it has done as of today, and is slated to manifest itself as soon to be even worse. This campaign against humanity is nothing short of Satanic intervention. The sooner we all understand and believe this, the sooner we will recognize the futility of using "man's" agencies to govern themselves. The TALK they talk about justice and righteousness, is all smoke and mirrors to acquire the public's trust, and when violated, the public's ire and confusion. It's a plan that is obviously of a higher order than what might have been instituted by man's mind. It's actually brilliant. Satanic, but brilliant!

Remember, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and not how it might look!


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May 9Liked by Jessica Rose

I am German. When I heard that BioNTech, a German company, developed the mRNA vaccine with Pfizer and they made a deal with the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to force this experimental vaccine onto the Jewish population, I got sick to my stomach. This is Nuremberg all over again.

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They might have actually fell for the fear campaign and thought they were privileging the Israeli citizens by having full access to the Pfizer product first. Or they made a lot of money in hidden kickbacks, as Ursula von der Leyen must have for negotiating that purchase in Europe.

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by Jessica Rose

True, but the fact is that this reminded me about the crime of the Nazis committed upon the Jewish people. Ursula von der Leyen should go to lifelong jail.

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That lady certainly makes my list of the top five most evil people on the planet.

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I must admit that I did find it odd that the Israeli people would accept the experimental treatment from the Germans even if the leaders were prepared to do so. I suspect that there was quite a bit of glee in some circles over that bit of clever marketing.

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I'm not sure I am on board with execution. To my way of thinking, the bar for execution is almost immeasurably high. There are certainly many people in the past who in my book who have well and truly passed that bar (and then some), but those people were pure evil, intentionally evil, had no remorse whatsoever, zero hope of any rehabilitation and destroyed the lives of multiple individuals. I am still not convinced that all involved in the tyranny over the last four years were evil. I just think a lot of them were incredibly naive, intellectually wanting, open to manipulation and certainly should never have been given any position of authority including representing us in Parliaments across the world. I could not execute these people. Prison, however, prevents them from doing any further harm.

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No one in your family must have died from the shots, then. And you think prison is a deterrent? Btw, show me some vaccine makers who killed people who ever went to prison even though their company was found guilty (see Pfizer from early 2000s) and fined heavily. Fines and prison are not a deterrent to becoming millionaires/billionaires via reckless manslaughter.

Do you know that insurance companies pay tens of thousands of dollars in bonuses to doctors for jabbing children before the age of 2? And if a majority of everyone they treat in their clinic is not jabbed then their entire bonus can be removed? This has been going on for decades even though jab data is very, very clear about the lack of benefit and increased risk of harm.

You are incredibly naive and the kind of person these companies count on to keep getting away with murder.

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I would take it a step further. They all sign a code of ethics. No one follows that anymore, it is just a formality.

It is your duty to rat out those committing genocide, not participate. I don't give a damn for status or feeding your family, you signed the code, theirs is a higher duty. If we don't demand integrity, we will never have any.

The idea that monopolies have become sacrosanct has permeated our western culture, oh being an old white guy is racist, unless you are Gates, Soros or Schlob.

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Unfortunately, as reported by an Australian barrister interviewed by Dr. John Campbell, the highest courts in the land refuse to hear statements of facts on the mRNA vaccines, injuries, deaths, and negligent and illegal approvals. This means the courts are protecting and no longer independent from politicians, gov't and its ministries and bureaucrats. I suppose it goes to prove the inherent corruption when politicians appoint their friends and associates to court benches, ministries and bureaucracies. As an arrogant and drunk liberal politician once told me about the "perks of power" when elected to govern, "When you make the law, interpret the law and adjudicate the law, you are above the Law." Covid succinctly pointed out how well Big Pharma understands this too. So where to from here?

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...the highest courts in the land refuse to hear statements of facts...

Yes, because they know if they did, there could be only one outcome. There are many courts in the world, it only takes one to listen.

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That is what Reiner Fuellmich thought, and he is in court now. But also in jail.

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True, but that was a case of supposed financial irregularities, I don't think they heard evidence concerning the mRNA abominations.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi's 'antisemitism' case was kicked out pretty quickly by a German court.

The Helsinki case is a bit interesting, they heard some direct evidence of jab/lockdown harms.

The Costa Rica case??

The Florida Grand Jury??

They're certainly slow-walking these, but pressure is mounting every day.

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The Florida Grand Jury??

Question marks galore - get your fill at Kids, Covid, and Covid Vaccines.


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Yes there is a legal doctrine of "judicial notice" as it is called in Canada, whereby the court accepts the word of government officials on statements of fact under their area of responsibility. So if the Chief Medical Officer of Health says the jabs are safe and effective, that becomes legally true and not subject to challenge.

However there are some courts willing to question the doctrine when plaintiffs are respectful and sincere and thorough in their testimony and documentation.

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Two family court judges, Justice Pazaratz and Justice Bennett were excoriated by the appeals court and Toronto Star because they ruled against the pro vaccine parent who wanted their kids vaccinated. Both Justices wisely claimed they had no evidence in front of them to prove the shots were safe. The appeals court slammed them for not going along with the chief medical officer of health.

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JULIAN GILLESPIE. A rad human being.

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Read about the kill box laws the US has in place (not sure about Australia): https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/orientation-for-new-readers

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Perhaps some of the courts are afraid because if they dare listen to the facts they will realise that they themselves also have ticking time bombs in their own bodies as well (for those who took one or more of the shots). It would I imagine be quite a difficult thing to hear. The rest who refuse to listen are either delusional or corrupt and/or psychopathic.

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It's frustrating that judges seem to bring no general knowledge expected of intelligent/educated individuals to the courtroom

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According to Katherine Watts, congress made it so that the courts were neutered when it came to overseeing cases against big pharma during an epidemic if the HHS declared one. Congress even neutered itself under the PREP and CARES ACTS. They also neutered the constitution which I don’t think is legal.

Maybe that’s why nothing has come from Johnson and his many Covid harms hearings? He’s getting the word out to those interested, but nothing can be done about it.

The only way to hold big pharma accountable is to rescind the acts and pharm immunity. Don’t hold your breath.

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Purportedly, if Big Pharma is shown to have lied about or falsified their data submission for approval, their immunity from being sued and prosecution is waved.

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They haven't adhered to the conditions of the 1986 Act - yearly safety testing and reports

They wanted the definition changed and children injected so they could be shielded going forward with this technology.

It's legally , IMO a house of cards built on sand

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It's also why they sought to seal their test data records for 70 years. Companies truly interested in public health do not behave in the way the drug companies do (or how the judges and politicians do). Just think logically about it for one second: If big pharma was really out to help people it would engage in public debate, always err on the side of caution and respect people right to "their body, their choice". They do none of these things.

If you ran for office and were told you lost but denied the ability to see the ballots and the counts, and even sued for asking, would you think you really lost or were you think someone had something to hide? Only an ideologue (whose side won) would believe the former.

What's on is an all-out movement by the very rich and powerful to use disinformation, the courts and the threat of violence and imprisonment to take over total control over everything and everyone.

"It's a big club and you ain't in it."

-G. Carlin

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In England, a judge stated that they would always presume government experts to be the best in the field, and superior to expert witnesses questioning government policy.

And they can always fall back on 'not in the public interest' arguments to excuse their negligence and crimes.

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"Where to?"

I don't think a "robin's knees" will bend backward, but that's immaterial. We as a people, need to go on bended knees to the Lord of Hosts, in prayer, and admit our waywardness and guiltiness of sinning against the Most High God. We have put "reason" in place of our trust in His heavenly power. We've kicked God out of our entire nation's workings. Can we now beg for HIs forgiveness? Yes, on a personal level, I think we can. Even on a national level, if enough people would sincerely repent of this breach, and not simply for the experience of the chaos created, God would show the entire nation mercy in extending its probation. But eventually, the prophecy will become fulfilled. America will be complicit with the Papacy in restricting liberty of conscience, and fulfilling her doom. This prophecy WILL come to fruition.

This I guarantee.


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I don’t know how they sleep at night, they must have some serious mental health issues to ignore all the people they’re killing and maiming 😡

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They've been paid well for their crimes. They have no trouble sleeping.

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🙌 Plus, they ARE mentally ill.

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They count dollars not sheep.

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Clever comment.

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Why thank you, Kathleen.

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You put everything so succinctly and plainly. Regulatory agencies and governments the world over have demonstrated not only negligence but very evil intent. In the time I've followed you, you have demonstrated not only integrity but the courage to act. Thank you so much. Love yaz.

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My brother is one of those injured by the Astrazeneca jab x3. He has lost his left foot and now his right leg below the knee because of clotting. Of course, they tell him it's due to lifestyle choices (he smokes and drinks beer).

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Yeah, 'cause all the people I've known in my life, that smoke and drink beer, have had their legs and feet amputated. 🤨🤔🤔🤔 Wait! No! None of them have had any natural appendage(s) removed.

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My grandfather was a heavy drinker and smoked unfiltered cigarettes. Died of lung cancer fully intact.

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Unfiltered may have been better than filtered; the tobacco also counts. As a side note, about 13% of lung cancer sufferers are non-smokers. Straight from the horse´s mouth: https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/lung/nonsmokers/index.htm

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Players was his favourite tobacco. He had one of those rolling machines to make his own. He had the cancer in his throat as well.

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As a good friend of mine would put it, What is the point of dying healthy?

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I'd consider having any injection a lifestyle choice as well. And a comorbidity.

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Apparently a few beer after a long day is bad but if he had chosen wine as his preferred drink, they would have touted the benefits of a glass a day.

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Omg so true!

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I’m sorry to hear that. We’ll never know the extent of damages and maybe not even the true death toll but imma bet it’s way higher than any govt is saying.

The lockdowns took their toll too. There was a sharp increase in adolescent suicide and drug deaths not to mention the harm to very young kids not learning socialization and those who needed the structure of attending school. In my state they required all kids over twelve to be vaccinated to go back to school.

Such insanity.

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ALL those involved in the production of this fake jab and those who validated/pushed for this fake jab need to be tried for violation of the Nuremburg Code and executed. It will not bring back to life those who were murdered nor those with serious side effects BUT it will send a clear signal that death by fake jab has serious consequences. Add to the list all fake health officials, university deans, armed forces generals, and anyone who over reached their power and illegally issued mandates. Search "React19"

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CDC should be replaced with a citizen's advisory committee. This should be done after congress allows citizens to sue bigpharma for vaxxers injuries.

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That is the crime of the century. The pharmaceutical industry has no impetus to be honest or even cautious regarding immunizations. They’ve been given a get out of jail free card for life when it comes to vaccines. Any damages, almost impossible to prove, that arise from childrens required vaccines are paid by the government. Not the private enterprises that have made billions of dollars selling them. It’s way past time that gravy train got derailed. Not just for the toxic COVID vaccines but for them all. They might have to revisit the true adverse reactions to a number of them. How these morons are still talking about adding the COVID jabs to the childrens regular immunization schedule is mind boggling. Are these ppl even human? The medical community needs to grow a spine here and stop cowering. This is pure and simple gross negligence at best.

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Yes! As you state: "The medical community needs to grow a spine here and stop cowering. This is pure and simple gross negligence at best."

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All this is more appalling than war.

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100% civilian fatalities and maiming! Where are all the encampments?

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The same whackos who construct the college encampments and buy into almost every left leaning ideology are 100% sold on the vaccine! They did a great job convincing older teens and young adults that the jabs were safe, effective and necessary via social media. I tried to talk my then teenage daughter to refrain from getting the vax but she was convinced she should. While we were there two ppl left in ambulances.

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What it will take is war crimes tribunals.

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May 8·edited May 9

Of which there are no signs this is anywhere close to happening.

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Ain't gonna happen, because this is all premeditated.

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" What does it take to recall/withdraw a vaccine/injectable product? "

An informed and courageous population that will take the decision to engage in civil disobedience in the form of a general, total, worlwide PACIFIC STRIKE for as long as required time as the powers that be give way and are replaced by honest people, recognised as such by their fellow citizens, take over and clean house, leaving no stone unturned in the dark corners of public and political life, until we can finally hope to live in a society that is also a community in the true sense of the word.

That's all it takes, but it must be done.

The only other option is voluntary slavery to cowardice.


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Exactly! Non compliance is the only way out of this, there are way more of us than there are of them 💪🏼

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They can’t hang us all.

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They can’t hang us all but as has become abundantly clear to those of us who smelt a rat from the beginning of this Scam, when people are in fear a percentage of them will turn on their fellow travellers. Consensus marches slowly.

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Too little too late. What I glean from intensive research... YOU TAKE THESE SHOTS... YOU GOOD AS DEAD.

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The Gardasil withdrawal was an interesting case. They found “glass particles as a result of breakage during the manufacturing process” in one lot of the product. “They” does not necessarily mean the manufacturer. The glass-contaminated vaccine lot had been distributed, and the withdrawal notice came FOUR months later. The CDC site does not provide the actual manufacturing date of this lot - which means that broken glass was an extra adjuvant for quite some time. It would be interesting to see how many vials were actually withdrawn from the lot, and how many were not accounted for.

Now you can extrapolate the above case to cover all production in the pharmaceutical industry. Simply set the countdown for four months from now on.

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May 8Liked by Jessica Rose

Yes Indeed Dr. Rose. There was a LOT of knowledge and data about the harmful effects. Thanks to a Court ruling in the 5th circuit in the US in late 2021 Pfizer was ordered to cough up all of its data over ONE YEAR on its COVID vaccine which started in January of 2022 and ended just after December 2022I believe. In the first tranche of about 13,000 pages there was the infamous 60 DAY REPORT. As required by authorities. The FDA stated that they had never seen the report. So much for ticking the regulatory boxes at FDA HQ. Any ways here is the link to the report.

Take note of Appendix A in very small font. It is an alphabetical listing of the medical conditions diagnosed as being caused or investigated by the Pfizer shots. There are HUNDREDS of medical ailments. If you look under the S’s you’ll find the extremely rare “ Stiff Man Syndrome “ the very same condition that ended Celine Dion’s career. Note that the listing is the TYPE or NAME of medical ailment, it is NOT the number of Adverse Events. The number of AE’s was at least in the 10’s of thousands. Probably over a hundred of thousand at least. Here’s the link….


Also here’s a very thorough summation of that report categorizing the medical ailments.


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A lot of money and guarantees under the table. Coverup should be criminal. Tough holding accountable those complicit in the coverup. No wonder Pfizer asked to bury the records for 55 years

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Here in Australia they tried to ram Astra into my arm no less than four times. I still remember the near half an hour argument I had with my regular doctor about it. I outright refused. It felt like a murder interrogation (and yes, I have seen the real world ones on the TV documentaries - I got treated just the same). This went on a further three times over the ensuing 18 months. The final time they tried to force me to take it, my doctor asked me what can be done - anything - to make you take it? My answer: Nothing. Ever.

I also warned my mother take it as soon as it was available three years ago but she ignored my advice and took it anyway.

I was subsequently banned from all of society and only allowed to use the supermarket. I will never forget publicly being directed out of the foyer of a Bunnings hardware store in front of a whole lot of other people when I was asked to present proof of vaccination (I did not know they needed it - the sign was tiny and easily missed).

As for haircuts, I was obviously banned from those as well though on the bright side I have learned to cut my own hair and have been doing that ever since being banned from hairdressers.

So far as I am concerned, we need to build a REALLY BIG prison because I can think of around 500 Australian politicians and bureaucrats just off the top of my head who need to spend the rest of their lives there.

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It’s just awful. I’m going blind, and the ophthalmic practice I had been attending here in Australia for over 30 years refused to see me in late 2021 unless I were double-jabbed. I was consequently left without eye care as I remained steadfast. Now, the same practice has let the uninjected back in. Perhaps the specialists there are now worried about themselves.

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