
Small step by small step we're getting there.

Living in BC this keeps the little light of hope shining in my heart.

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This was a coup for the good guys.

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Very happy for Dr. Hoffe.

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Thanks so much for laying it out so clearly. I've heard Dr Hoffe speak a few times at various events and truly admire this kind man. The part about him using the D-dimer test to show microclotting demonstrated to me that he is a cut above and likes to ask questions. As all physicians should !

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I can only hate any who impose death sentences on innocent people by use of lies. These lying bastards can go to bloody hell for the deaths of children, teens, and adults.

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This is so encouraging for other doctors like Dr. Hoffe. He was just a soft spoken questioner who has had the weight of the medical mafia on his back for 4 long years. Praise God things are moving in a good direction for him. He has earned it 10 times over.

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Keg, we get your enthusiasm towards Dr. Jessica but please keep β€œsassy” and other flirtatious advances to yourself. Thank-you.

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I am sure the whole world is waiting to see how I handle this comment. I see red flags everywhere, so start with defining if you will "flirtatious advances." That will allow me levity in the circumstances. Can you read my mind? Am I being wicked and evil, mean and nasty? I note sassy is synonymous with pert which is synonymous with "open, forward, smart/intelligent. This clearly defines the adorable Dr. J. Flirtatious includes in definition "a brief amorous triffling adventure" BUT that was your added word which tells me you are being judgmental to which I ask again, Can you read my mind. The problem with being judgmental as you are is that such are more often than not WRONG being possessed of zero info and being prejudicially biased by way of their dallying "projections. Thus I listen only to people with a dog in the race and you do not of course have one. You are beating a skinless drum.

My "enthusiasm" is not that at all, I cherish that gal for being who and what she is as I do anyone of her excellence. At present there are eight women in my life who asked me to be their friend. Lost one two years ago, she died of a stroke at age 96 after having raised all four daughters. Days after she birthed the last one her husband died and she raised them all herself. If I told you the youngest one was 19, you would freak and call me a pervert. Yet being a fool is easy and making that of oneself is easier still. I take them out one by one when they want to discuss matters in their existences. As to the 19 year old, you will feel stupid if you had accused me of being a pervert because I always with her take her mother and 30 year old sister out as well.

If I may address you as "Sal" were you her mother I would incline my ears unto her...or her husband of course were she married. Last time I looked she was a big girl who I know can look after herself and the degree of affection I have for her is for being who and what she is. That reality would see me instantly cease and desist if I made her uncomfortable and I think she already knows I have no criminal record, and have been dealing with women over 30 years without any trouble at all.

Some of those are close to me and are very generous with me. A thousand dollar tip on $1400. worth of work bespeaks her favor towards me.

Do not thank me for doing something I will not. Your judgment is flawed as well as your word usage. Were Dr. J discomfited by me she would have the class to email me and indicate such and I would seek her indulgence and cease and desist totally with regrets.

Now with women, they can be jealous. My "enthusiasm" towards her is not dirty in any way shape or form. You have taken a grain of sand and built a pretend desert with it. Another more crudely defined comparison would be my faithful malamute Zeke being condemned for urinating in the Pacific ocean and accused of causing floods on the other side of the world.

Two of the gals in my existence as close friends I have referred to as "brat" and "Schhhhhhnot.' Funny, they are the closest to me and one is my best friend of over 28 years, a woman with inner beauty (that is where beauty begins in a woman) that flows out and over her, onto me, flowing outward and then inside me that leaves me captivated by it all.

Neither of them have complained at my words that define them.

I will close with the idea that any woman wants to be loved/cherished not because of anything else but because of who and what she is. Thus full circle we come back to where I started and the reason I cherish Dr. J. It also just so happens she is easy to look at as well.

I yield though to my usual punishment if that honors you in allowing you to beat my miserable carcass with your broom but with one stipulation. You must wrap the wooden handle with razor wire and grasp the broom by the other end and beat me merciless with the wooden handled end wrapped in razor wire. The last woman who did that to me asked me why I did not scream in agony. I simply told her, "I luuuuuuuuuuuve pain." She was angry and stomped off and I cannot still figure out why.

Yes, I am a terrible man! Zeke is laughing hard. I think I know why.

Any questions or concerns fire away and if you want to make a spectacle of yourself I am ready and willing to accommodate you. It might be prudent to first load your gun before you fire it. And I wonder if you are one of those radfem woke wankers. I do not care if I have incensed you. If I have tell me and I will do it again.

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You are a dynamic and I expect are sassy but I adore sassy women.

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Long past time when the lying CYSTem criminal bastards who imposed their FALSE FACTS on trusting people were exposed. They all deserve execution for complicity in murder.

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What were the two items they were able to get notice on? Encouraging news, nonetheless. Good interview about the case can be listened to, here:


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On Dr. McCullough's (re-posted) page there are 2 lists of items. The 1st is is all of them,

in numerical order. The 2nd has which were accepted and why, also in order.

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Great true science wins out finally!

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Note that in the title you cross-posted from Dr,. McCullough that you described the CPSBC as the "Royal College..."

There is nothing "royal" about that gang, and in fact through BC Bill 36 they are becoming an appointed body subservient to the Minister of Health. A similar structure is in place in the California legislation as well.

In BC, at least the Law Society has the wit to challenge their similar Bill 21.

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yay for Dr Hoffe! that man has been thru the ringer and then some. he deserves some positive action!

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Anti-Covid program Activists' Conference

The Children’s Health Defense MILITARY CHAPTER is hosting its first

in-person event on Saturday, Aug. 31, in Charlottesville, VA.

The conference theme is β€œCommunity of Courage" [Tickets still available.



Presents the movements within the military against the Covid program.

17 speakers listed including Mary Holland, Robert Malone, David Martin, Meryl Nass and others, some past and possibly current military members.

POST-EVENT SUMMARIES likely to be in

Children’s Health Defense newsletters.

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Thanks for the report. Every step helps against the agencies and boards that try to defend the indefensible. Precedents build on other precedents.

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Any suggestions on how to see a copy of the ruling?

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