For the moment I couldn't get past the first few minutes of the film. It's maddening, and in reality it's purposely misinformed/disinformed consent.

Some decades ago Aussie Dr. Archie Kalokerinos saved many children's lives in the Outback by administering IV or oral vitamin C post-vaccinations, but when he reported his significant success to his superiors he was met not with celebration, but with "extreme hostility," forcing him to begin researching vaccines in depth. He summed up years later:

"My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business is that the unofficial policy of the World Health Organisation and the unofficial policy of ‘Save the Children Fund’ and almost all those organisations is one of murder and genocide."

That was decades before the Faucis of this world had the temerity to use gene therapy injections to hijack human protein expression.

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Saw this movie last week and shared it everywhere and with everyone I could think of . Fantastic Movie !

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it is a two hour sit, but worth every minute of it..

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Enthralling and horrifying at the same time: don't see the poisoned dwarf, or 'Dr' Bonnie Henry or 'Dr' Deena (The Queen) Henshaw sitting down with a glass of fine BC chardonay and popcorn to watch this somehow. In otherwords, the humans who really need to watch this, or anything that challenges their world view, never will. However, one could indulge themselves by imagining we have a true legal system and that this documentary is shown on repeat, over and over, in their cells as they await their day in court, ye know, like they do in those re-education camps.

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This is an exceptional and compelling film which I highly recommend. Harrowing, raw and real - it's urgent viewing. If everyone watched this we could finally erase the Spell, unite against the Dystopian False Narrative and end this global nightmare swiftly.

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Most excellent film, aye. I found myself reliving (with PTSD) the past 2-1/2 years and was reminded, brought up sharply, that far from a dream, this remains a true living nightmare and an incessant and ongoing battle of psychological warfare abetting the genocide. It is tiimes like this that make the sight of the finish line quite palatable for this neo-elderly human being.

Thank you for passing it (the film) on.

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Unfortunately there are a couple of inaccuracies that could threaten the integrity of the rest.

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if you can point them out they could consider editing or adding some text notes to the presentation

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i have reached out

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