Perhaps Trudeau could be encouraged...

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I no longer trust the System at all - here in the UK or anywhere in the 'Free World.' After more than two years of alarm bells ringing at peak outrage on multiple issues and extreme censorship, coupled with toxic propaganda, we must be extremely vigilant.

I've personally experienced self-discharging myself from hospital (around 15 years ago) - and it took all my might to stay mentally cool, assertive and resilient (whilst feeling angry) in order to 'tick the right boxes' and get myself released from the 'imprisonment' of the hospital ward. It was very scary then - likely a mega nightmare now under the current oppressive political climate.

Many years ago I also witnessed someone being 'sectioned' (restrained by hospital staff, medicated and detained) under mental healthcare powers - and it was an extremely distressing, ugly, contentious experience, fraught with ethical quandaries. These situations are wide open to abuse at any time.

So, I'm greatly alarmed at ALL forms of contrived 'end of life care' pathways and procedures. DO NOT TRUST THEM - especially in these evil oppressive political times. Beware Fascist Healthcare! DO NOT CONSENT! We must stand together to hold ALL authorities to account. Don't give them an inch.

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I believe they were using that midaz drug to murder our elderly here in the states too. Made it look like C19 was more deadly than it is. 😡

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"Veteran encouraged to end his own life 'with government assistance'"

I thought this is what the jabs were for... I am confused now :P

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it could become the new abortion drug of choice in many US states ;)

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Except that the previous compounds were not particularly hazardous to the woman's physical wellbeing.

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yes but the spike injection is legal and encouraged ;)

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Horrifying. I was reading through the comments on YT and somebody who has worked in Canada's healthcare wrote that there are plans to extend MAID to other disorders. I recall BPD but can't recall what else was mentioned and cannot find the comment again (it might have been a reply).

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jesus christ

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Had to write an update that is probably related to MAID (or the latest vax rollout) ... a family member is on the list for a nursing home in Canada. The spouse was contacted the other day. They wanted to let them know that "nursing homes' waiting lists are moving much faster now." So is it the vax or MAID caused?!? Disgusting.

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Iatrogenic (doctor caused death) medicine kills a couple hundred thousand people every year in the US, so I suppose Canada and the US are just continuing and expanding current practice.

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I think you are wrong about the deaths and this is unrelated to purposefully ending someone's life. This idea about massive iatrogenic deaths started in 2000 with "To Err Is Human." some links you might consider follow:


Then came the estimate from a BMJ 2016 "study" using very small numbers extrapolated to total US patient population. Once this not very scientific extrapolation was made and referenced over a thousand times then it became accepted. One of these studies came up with 62% of hospital deaths being iatrogenic

(Hall MJ, Levant S, DeFrances CJ. Trends in inpatient hospital deaths: National Hospital Discharge Survey, 2000-2010. NCHS Data Brief. 2013:1–8. Available at https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db118.pdf. Accessed 15 Mar 2019.).

When you have this kind of poor study accepted the next time someone says, "wait, I don't think it's that high" everyone assumes he/she is being dishonest. Some examples in more recent studies were estimates of 3-5% Link:(Hogan H, Zipfel R, Neuburger J, Hutchings A, Darzi A, Black N. Avoidability of hospital deaths and association with hospital-wide mortality ratios: retrospective case record review and regression analysis. BMJ. 2015;351:h3239. doi:https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.h3239 and Rogne T, Nordseth T, Marhaug G, Berg EM, Tromsdal A, Saether O, et al. Rate of avoidable deaths in a Norwegian hospital trust as judged by retrospective chart review. BMJ Qual Saf. 2019;28:49–55. doi:https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjqs-2018-008053). They are still too high but those studies giving multi-hundred thousand deaths have been questioned. It's just like the Covid deaths; every death with a positive PCR isn't a covid death but we still have the data claiming extremely high numbers. It will take rigorous study to determine what the actual iatrogenic death rate is. Obviously we need more compassion for those who call help lines rather than a referral to the MAID service.

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Here's an article discussing the "To Err Is Human" study as well as a few others...still doesn't look at all good: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430763/

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It's still the BS IOM study that used Medicare and extrapolated to the whole population. Even the ER study used showed 18 deaths per 100,000 possibly due to medical error. What is that, 0.018%? Sorry, but even with 715,000 in-hospital deaths a year estimated with newer actual studies showing 3-5% iatrogenic deaths it means 35-40 thousand iatrogenic deaths. I agree zero would be preferred but it still has nothing to do with doctor assisted suicide, euthanasia, or whatever term you want to use.

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I appreciate the rage expressed in the video, as well as the recap of what happened.

I also find the language difficult to interpret precisely. This is surely going to lead to

Nazi type government sponsored extermination of anyone they please. Just as with

the "care" people received in the covid wards, there is no oversight of this process

either. DNRs were forged in Covid wards for example.

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Once again, what was a conspiracy theory has become fact. This was predicted by many when the pathetic cases were massively promoted by the media. I'm a conspiracy theorist so, but watch for even these restrictions to be loosened.

I'm sure you can recall, Jessica, the case of that poor Saskatchewan farmer (Latimer) who was at the end of his rope after receiving zero gov't support so gassed his severely handicapped child. Derided as a monster and imprisoned, when he was merely 'brave' and 'progressive'.

It's especially incongruous to loosen up this termination program so much now, when we've just spent 2 1/2 years in an insane, over-the-top effort to save "just one life" when most of those lives were ones that this program would seemingly be intended for.

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Insane, when our "administrators" do not know right from wrong, the textbook definition of insanity.

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The paradox is that the anti-capital punishment cult that objects strongly to poor murderers perhaps experiencing some discomfort while getting some of their own medicine are eerily quiet when it comes to a good ol fashioned MAID.... I tell ye the Canadian Government (criminal cartel) are evil to the core. And, I suppose when we have a natoinized medical system (like the UK's NHS) that is always under pressure, rona or not, and is always begging for money and people, then it makes sense (in their eyes) not to have 'certain' people becoming a burden. I believe this is called democide!!!

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For 6 years I was a CNA (certified nursing assistant) in a SNF (Skilled nursing facility) long term care. A man in his late 80s early 90s became a resident in my group. When he first got there he was quite upset. I worked the night shift. So I walked him outside the facility for about 1/2 mile. He talked about his past and it was amazing. Because of the work I had done prior to the hospital I knew what he said to be true in general details. Really sharp guy. He graduated from UC Berkeley in engineering. He also served in the Air corps in Europe bombing Germany.

He was ripped. Really was. God had given him an amazing body. His gums were pink. I mentioned his gums. Because during my time working I became convinced that the facility did little to maintain quality of life. So in 3 to 4 months his gums turned red and bled easily. His overall health deteriorated. It was tragic. I wished I could take him home so my wife and I could take care of him. That was out of the question as we had children at home and no place for him to have his own room.

I am convinced that had he been engaged in meaningful work that his mind would have remained sharp and his health vibrant. But that was not to be.

I had many amazing residents I cared for. But he sticks in my mind most because of his initial vitality, mental acuity and sense of life. To watch that be ignored and watch that man fade away, made my heart sad. Nothing I could say or do, as I had already found out the hard way that you just follow the rules or you lose your job.

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Watching the camouflage video, an interesting thought popped into my head: How long will it be until U. S. Congressmen adopt it? They rail on and on ad nauseum about the alleged travails of January 6th, what better way to drive home the alleged importance of that before voters head to the polls this November?

Better yet, I wonder if Las Vegas has already set odds. Which date would you bet on?

That very same camo may become a de rigueur fashion for Congressmen later on, but we're all going to have to wait and see about that.

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Jessica after reading this 3 times I believe what is said is true. Section C does says if that person says no then they won't do it but in h they say that you can still move forward if they make involuntary sounds or gestures. This makes no sense. What is the definition of an involuntary sound or gesture? This would be a perfect job for someone like "Dexter." I need to look this up in the US. I just read an article about Canada and the amount of assisted suicides. I believe it was something like 10,000 in 2021. Apparently in California were this is something they do it's only in the 100's. So they want to kill babies inside and outside the womb, they want to kill Vets that are having a hard time, and they want to kill anyone else the Dr's say will die a horrible painful death and the people believe it. Then you look at the drug overdoses from Fentanyl thanks to China and the cartels, the increase in suicides during lockdowns and the jabs themselves (thanks to the government volunteering us to be test subjects.) You can't tell me this is an a depopulation agenda. They are trying to take care of anybody they can in any way they can. This is a evil. Assisted suicide is not right. People that want to kill themselves need help and not help in killing themselves.. What in the hell is wrong with these people!? These people need God is what they need.

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I dont have any objection to suicide - my body, my choice.

However when there are big systems and complex rules involved, it is easy for missions to creep and integrity to erode, so that people get murdered.

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Well, just be very careful to not become INCONVENIENT. I have a feeling unborn children that became INCONVENIENT (65 million inconveniences in the U.S since R v W, I assume 6.5 million Canadian INCONVENIENCES) might have something to say about this - if only they could speak for themselves. That brings up another point - be very careful not to become unable to speak for yourself, because it looks like any gestures or sounds you may make may be MISINTERPRETED by people who know better than you what is best for you.

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Thanks Jessica. A few years ago, a bill was passed making euthanasia legal in New Zealand ("End of Life Choice"). I made a submission against the bill. In order to do so, I researched euthanasia in Belgium, the Netherlands and Canada (the most "advanced" countries).

In all these countries, progress is only in one direction (criteria and eligibility become wider and wider, the procedure becomes easier, courts do not hold anyone to account). Euthanasia is extended to children, or to the mentally ill, or to pretty much to anyone who wants. The number of people being euthanised is always higher than claimed by advocates before legislation is passed.

This is all very sad to watch, and I do not know how the "one way ratchet" can be reversed.

The combination of readily available euthanasia and a state healthcare system (Canada is the most extreme country in the Western world in this respect) is particularly evil. The state is incentivised to euthanise (to save resources and money).

Please be aware that there are differences between the Canadian provinces. Quebec seems to be the worst, though I suspect BC is not far behind. Blazing Cat Fur has a good archive of articles on euthanasia if you use their search function.

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