It’s very difficult for me to imagine that the drug pushers didn’t know the results the shots would have. Every indication is that the harms were intentional. “Conspiracy theorists” have been saying so since before there was ‘proof’ but thanks to scientists such as yourself digging in, we can now see the proof, and we are no longer believing or saying conspiratorial things.

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Oh, there's certainly a widespread conspiracy, but it's no longer a "theory."

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Replace 'Conspiracy Theorist' with 'Conspiracy Analyst' a rebuttal to the accusation.

"We don't theorize, we analyze."

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Yes! From now on, I’m a conspiracy analyst! 😎

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I don’t quite understand the process.

We were told that the quantity of the original covid virus after the infection was so small that it could not be extracted directly from the body to confirm its existence. That’s why a PCR test was needed - that artificially multiplied what was in a sample taken from the suspect. When the multiplication process produced enough copies of a specific virus part, the diagnosis was made: “Infected”.

Nobody ever published a uniform reference to confirm the presence of the virus in the sample (not in a living person from whom the sample was taken). Labs used varying multiplications, with no scientific basis - because such reference basis was never published. This situation continues until now. One lab may use 20 multiplication cycles, while another will go up to 40. Or, in the same lab, one process will use 20 cycles, while another will exceed 35. No reference basis, no need to conform to anything.

That minuscule quantity of the original virus was not enough to detect it in a live person or, more often than not, to make this person sick. In the light of the conventional medicine before 2020, this condition would be called “healthy”.

However, we were told - under the same circumstances - that this undetectable quantity was sufficient to make that person sick and to make this person a walking threat to others. The population was divided into two groups: sick (those who were tested) and “sick, but not knowing that they are sick” (those who didn’t take the test). The new medicine was born, erasing everything all medical professionals were taught and practiced before 2020.

To get out of this crisis, an artificial biological substance was produced which makes the body create the most dangerous portion of this virus inside the organism, even if it was never there. To make it possible, original functions of cells of human body were programmed to be switched off. Cells had to stop doing what they were doing (we call it “life”) and start producing the most deadly part of this virus. As a result, any sample taken from the person injected with this artificial product may be called “sick”, because the body autonomously produces the signature part of the virus - its deadly payload.

The cell that does not do what it is supposed to do is immediately identified by the defense systems of the body and marked “destroy”. It has to be this way - the cell went rogue, does not support the life process of the body, and the body in its infinite wisdom has to get rid of it. The defense mechanisms of the body attack the defective cell and eliminate it from the body. The result is broadly called “autoimmune disorder”.

We were never told which cells of the body will be activated by the artificial injected substance, or for how long, or how this activation process can be turned off. Theoretically, as an example, if all cells of the heart are activated to produce the virus signature, your body will attack and try to destroy all the cells of your own heart. Or lungs. Or liver. Or brain. Pick your choice, because scientists have not said a single word about it.

This autonomous self-replication of defective cells was not enough. It was not enough because the body could rebel against it and stop killing its own cells. Who knows, you might recover.

To prevent this, we are now offered a “vaccine” (self-amplifying mRNA) which injects all of the above plus its own fuel reserves to make sure that the multiplication won’t be stopped by natural means. Now your body will actively multiply trillions of “virus” (“vaccine”) particles no matter what you do. Along the disabling of the natural functions of your cells.

You are no longer a human being. “Scientists” have just turned you into a living Petri dish. They want to inject growth medium along with deadly particles into you, and they want you to become a living lab to culture pathogens for them.

Your body will naturally lose its living energy when your cells stop doing what the Nature or God made them to do. Your lab capacity will be exhausted, sooner or later, because you will have no more healthy cells. If you survive until that moment - because the autoimmune process should first flood your body beyond recognition.

Please correct me if I get anything wrong.

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Just one correction. Scientists WERE talking about it but were highly censored.

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I caught wind of this fairly early relative to the "vaccine" rollout. If it was being censored then, I didn't notice. But then I wasn't relying upon social media. Censorship there appears to have already been in place by or before the PHEIC declaration. I came to notice that my Facebook warning posts, containing material from private blogs, were being shadow-banned by March, 2020. Nextdoor went for explicit censorship. I didn't give LinkedIn an opportunity.

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No way. So the cream of the intelligence just got discouraged? Like, “If you don’t let us speak right away, we won’t play with you”?

Snowden was not a scientist, and he’s found a way. How strange.

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Scientists, believe it or not, are usually a very compliant and lockstep lot, often indoctrinated in the education that relies on consensus and engenders a trust in institutions.

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Some curious psychologists proved experimentally that we all are very compliant and lockstep. The question is why this is not verified - and prevented - in the actions and omissions of medical scientists who are the most important class of scientists.

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We don't even really need studies to prove this, do we? We see it all the time in every day life. I sat outside for way too long in front of a grocery store to work up to going in without a mask. I reasoned if I could find just one person even walking in or out of the store that would be the only green light I needed.

But there were no takers. I saw a similar thing voting in November of 2020. I was the only one in the state of Georgia not wearing a mask when I voted. I need to rewrite that sentence. Within the state of Georgia where there were no mask mandates, at this one particular voting station, I was the only one not wearing a mask when inside the voting area.

That thing that kept me sitting in the car is part of the compliance thing. I finally said "eff it" and the security guard wearing a mask in the foyer waved me though into the store...not a second look, no "hey where is your mask?" I was ready to turn around and leave and hit a convenience store.

What was I afraid of? Getting tackled? Being turned away? Police tazing me?

The thing is, concerning science, they are looking for a consistent verified outcome to a given hypothesis and will then base strategies and methods based on that. So there is value in consensus. But it's not in the people that agree...but rather the integrity of the data showing consistent outcome. But we had indicators that the vaccine already wasn't going to work by the way they tried to hide it, prevent the data from being shared, there was way too much advertising around it.

We have a wiring as humans towards group consensus or herd mentality that does serve us well, but also at times hinders us all. When quick decisions need to be made, sometimes group action is needed. Everyone walk out of the fire exit. Everyone leave the building in an orderly fashion, evacuate, etc. To sit and deliberate and question would be a horrible thing to do in times like this. But to panic is also bad.

A disease with .2% death rate does not necessitate a quick, unilateral global response to accommodate a few. And therein lies the problem. Also the legacy of doing that, requires continuous rationalizations as to why it was done.This is why the narrative has to continually change and update to rationalize the rising jenga tower of logical fallacies and inconsistencies. Long Covid is the emergent direction and answer to all things.

There are a number of reason why scientists or anyone for that matter will admit wrong.

1. They don't like to be wrong.

2. They don't want to admit its been a waste of time the s they had us do over the past four years. sunk costs logical fallacy.

3. Their heart is in the right place. At least on the surface. They villified us that rejected the vaccine narrative. And it was getting pretty bad.

Here's a question I have. For the most part, we the unvaccinated, are not mentioned often...or villified in the same way we were. Why is that? From all around me...has there been any reports of information in the MSM to reflect this sea change in attitude? Did they give up on us? Do they think we are all dead?

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They simply stop being as fearful. It was never a rational response, and when you stop feeding the narrative, their attention wanders to the next thing to worry about.

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“…they are looking for a consistent verified outcome…” is what I subjectively see as the most important wrong premise of medicine. If it was possible - a no-exception cause and effect in every case possible, medicine would crumble down. Why need a doctor when you check a 100% true reference?

So, I think, what they do is just the opposite. They deliberately (possibly subconsciously) AVOID finding true answers. When they find an answer that cannot be challenged, a lot of their colleagues will lose cash and jobs.

In order to NOT find an answer, they create multiple traps along the way, like variants, fake “normal (standard)” vitals or physiological variables that tend to be modified now and then (blood pressure, ICD coding, covid on death certificates, etc.). You can’t have anything valuable when you change the conditions determining your “science”.

In politics, this attitude is called sabotage. In science it is called research. Weird.

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Well they were going to other platforms like Substack, Rumble, Oddessy....and writing papers (many I printed out.) In my experience, the problem was trying to get anyone to read/view alternative viewpoints from these docs and scientists. Wikipedia actually changed their bios, any platforms other than YouTube, Wikipedia, Facebook, Instagram, etc were deemed "crazy right wing anti vax misinformation spreaders" so people refused to look at ANYTHING other than "the official narrative." Remember The Great Barrington Declaration? There were thousands worldwide speaking out! Please realize this COVID campaign was decades in the making.

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It’s just complaining. Can you do anything about it? No. You can complain and weaken your immunology as a result, or take a constructive approach. Use what is available and find new ways. Wikipedia… are bios really that important? I don’t care where they did what, I am looking for the actual work, preferably current. Unless you play a prosecutor game, which is very much in vogue, especially among Big Mouths and Writers with Zero Publications. These are happily combining anything that is strongly pro something or against something else or controversial in general, kind of why not make a mess if you can. Or you can look for what is comprehensible for you at this stage of your developing knowledge and venture off from there. Wikipedia is the only comprehensive encyclopedia available, whether you like it or not. As with all encyclopedias, its contents is restricted by we don’t know what conditions. So what? The choice is yours. I prefer breadcrumbs to nothing. By the way, their approach and contents have changed a lot. It is no more in the style as you described.

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When you analyze the meaning of idiopathic medicine, you can see it is designed to treat you like an object that has no independent opinion. I think that is what people get taught at med school, and you might get more caring at a vet.

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From what I’ve read, Western medicine came from pretty random attempts at checking “what is it” that human body. It’s best expressed in the belief that if you throw a tied woman into water and she goes down, she must be human, and if she survives, she must be a witch. Exactly the same logic as with PCR tests, not a bit different.

Oriental medicine, on the other hand, has successfully embraced the complexity of the human body interrelated with the whole of existence. Energy medicine has developed from this approach. Our “modern” medicine continues to be a bunch of random searches based on clinical studies which are all random guesses, including the principle of trials.

The best we have achieved is, as Goetzsche said: “Prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpDzB8uYHgY&ab_channel=CEBMOxford)

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Several sessions of acupuncture helped me discover a connection between hormones and Chi, and I have now found a way to use bio-identical hormones as energy medicine. Testosterone is yang, and estrogen is yin, and Testosterone is converted by aromatase to estrogen, which is used to make more testosterone, and the yin/yang cycle is complete. I have discovered how to use HGH and transdermal testosterone to boost chi levels, like acupuncture on steroids, and there is no side effects. It is too far out for anyone to believe me yet, but I am doing it anyway, to treat long term Lyme infection. It is prescribed by an integrative specialist doctor, not an idiot-pathetic one. It is way ahead of ordinary medicine. It looks like if your chi levels are good, you cant get sick.

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Interesting. I bet Chinese TCM masters have known the answers to these problems for what 2,000 years, maybe. Why rediscover what is already done. Probably, you’d need to contact them directly.

It is really amazing how ancient communities managed to address all issues by framing them into normal, natural terminology and referring to everyday experience of every person. They didn’t need a million-dollar machine to check some isolated aspect of health. Instead, they looked at your tongue and tested pulse. The mental distance between these two approaches is unbelievable.

As for chi levels, good for health or not… TCM and other Oriental systems have built comprehensive understanding of this issue. If we translate “chi levels” into “harmony”, we get a simple recipe: “Live in harmony, and you will be healthy”. Only that there are two (or more) problems with that. First, we need to learn what harmony is and how to align with it in 100% of our life. That’s rare, I guess. Second, there is the interplay between what “we” want and can, and what “everything” (universe, God, destiny, however we call it) has written down for us. More philosophical, yet a valid question.

Plus different patterns of living in different stages of life, measured by age, development of the particular individual, interplay with other members of the community (“shedding” harmony or disharmony). A lot of intriguing questions.

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Not really. I had the best acupuncturist around, and he couldnt help me cos my Chi level was too low. But he did say that the chi block was in my knee, and once I got some hormones to take, my knee has recovered. Oriental medicine is old, but Growth Hormone and rub-on Testosterone have only been available for 30 years; just long enough to find them safe enough, and I think I im the first person to discover this way of using them to get complete immune replacement. Now I am trying to find out how much life extension I could get. Chi is a physical property, not just an abstract idea.

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They lied. Them vs the masses. The masses are viewed as sub-human.

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Who is they?

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We definitely have become guinea pigs. It is called eugenics.

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Frankly, I am not surprised. They destroy your healthcare system, tell you to stay at home and away from your folks, remove your job, ban you from going for a walk in the open, try to bribe you for a jab and you don’t take it, then repeat the same time and again, and all you do is talk about it, write pseudo-scientific articles, make comments, interview them for podcasts, applaud them for their summits and events, replicate clips with them and share them millions times (free advertising). Why would they have any respect for you? What do you expect? “I love your oppression, I get more likes and more friends online because I share what you say. I need more.”

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The healthcare system is over-rated so dont believe the hype. We have been turned into a commodity, but dont buy into it.

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Sounds realistic. In a way, supporting. We are what we are.

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They knew and they know ….and the still want to give the jab to pregnant women. The biggest tell right there . Thanks Jessica 👏🏻🤗

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the new TV ads pushing RSV jabs for pregnant woman are literally revolting. I have had to beg my 85 yr old mother to turn the TV off or change the channel. NO medical professional with an ounce of conscious can believe that this is okay to do. its beyond sickening.

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Very sickening ☠️

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No matter what new research and evidence that comes out now - I’m pretty much numb to at this point. It is my belief that NOTHING should EVER be injected into a human that remotely resembles a so called vaccine. Unless I am in a life or death situation and need an injection- I’m done.

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No one can say I didn't try to warn them! https://timothywiney.substack.com/p/extinction-level-event

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I'm not a scientist, but I am a skeptic. I am morphing into a nihilist given all that has happened.

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boy do I have my days of nihilist discouragement, so seriously and sadly agree

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Meanwhile, our PM and Health Canada continue to push "safe and effective", and utilizing media to scare people into getting their combination flu-mRNA covid fall jab. Just Yesterday, the news stated hospitals are filling up with flu patients, and followed that up with a plea to go and get the jab.

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My friends daughter got Alpha-GAL syndrome after her second shot. This article seems to indicate it's entirely possible it was triggered by the mechanism you describe here.

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It doesn’t matter what is unearthed by the ethical scientists, the oversights will keep diminishing the findings which is diabolical.

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It appears that you have to minimize any risk of these vaccines in order to get anything published. It is unfortunate that this leads researchers to speak mistruths. This certainly misleads the public and the scientific community. This is another example of big Pharma’s grip on controlling the sharing of scientific information.

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..."Although there are no adverse outcomes reported from mistranslation of mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in humans, these data highlight potential off-target effects for future mRNA-based"...

It looks to me like they (Mulroney et al.) might've been distracted by the statement that "there are no adverse outcomes reported", and definitely too careless with their language reporting it.

They should, and probably do know that VAERS reports are often slipshod, manipulated and moving targets. It may have been a glitch in due diligence to not investigate whether the problems they anticipated could already be here.

"Where is the evidence to support the claim that there are no adverse event outcomes in this context?"

I don't think they referred to any, just forgot to cover that 'absence' in their language.

You, with broad and deep scientific knowledge

and sharper perceptions, locked onto the

omission - and did a damn fine job of it!

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Never forget all researchers need to jump through hoops to get published. We all know by now that abstracts for instance are used to get past the censors and the peer reviewers. The proof is always in the pudding. Only way to get the word out most of the time.

This sentence does not necessarily reflect on the researchers, it is entirely possible it is there because the journal required it

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they likely KNEW that the journal required

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"If we contextualize this finding to the in vivo human setting, the numbers of aberrant proteins that might be being produced is staggering."

Is there any evidence at all the mRNA found in the so called vaccines can be transcribed into anything useful at all? Didn't Pfizer submit fake western blots to the regulatory bodies as supposed proof of spike protein? Why would they have to do this unless their products couldn't produce the real deal?

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Thanks For sharing Jessica outstanding research and analysis

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I will never take any pharma product again. My eldest son is going travelling next year and asked me about Japanese Encephalitis, Tetanus, Typhoid etc. I have said I would take nothing. Any thoughts welcome.

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unless your son intends on working in an unsanitary refugee camp with zero first aid supplies, his chances of contracting Tetanus is literally ZERO. I can tell you that for sure. probably the same for Typhoid and Diphtheria. tell him to look up the transmission vectors for each disease specifically and see if he is 'at risk' for any of those circumstances.

my sister's first husband was permanently disabled by agreeing to a whole series of vaccines to work abroad. guess where he went to work: London. wow, that's a hotbed of diseases associated with unsanitary living conditions! (NOT!) its insane the shit that the PTB can talk one into. 5 minutes of research is all it takes to see this shit is a sales job and NOT a health issue at all!

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Sorry about your brother in law. I am in London as it goes! My son is a strapping 6 foot 5 inches and pretty healthy. Will pass on your suggestion. Thanks

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the incident I spoke of happened almost 30 years ago. god only knows what manner of crap vaccines they are 'recommending' for travel these day.

but yeah, the sane approach would always be a risk assessment for each individual disease.

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Scary stuff Jess! Thanks for educating us about just another problem with these Covid 19 vaccines, I have noticed increased MS diagnosis in my circle, Keep up the fight, WE are thankful to have you on our side!!

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My sister was almost diagnosed with this years ago... turned out to be a B vitamin deficiency. They're (the good docs) recommending B1 (thiamine) for C19 recovery.

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